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大華技術學院 資管系 101(1)選擇題 高中英文科試卷 單元:97B1L1
老師: 楊俊文 班級: 英語學習輔導 姓名:
一、綜合測驗 (共 11.6 分,每小格 0.2 分)
Celebrities often use their star power to bring attention to social causes. Such was the case on July 7, 2007
when musicians from around the world played in Live Earth, a 24-hour series of concerts on all seven
continents. The goal was to ___1___ people’s awareness of global warming. The event was organized by Al
Gore, who lost the presidential race to George Bush in 2000, but found celebrity status ___2___ a champion
of the fight against global warming. Singers like Madonna, U2, and The Police donated their time to perform
for stadium crowds and television viewers all over the planet.
No one knows for sure how successful Live Earth was because, unlike normal benefit concerts, the goal
of these concerts was to arouse awareness, not money. Supporters say that about 2 billion people in over 100
countries watched the concerts on television. ___3___ that, the video has been downloaded 55 million times
on the Internet. Critics, however, believe that the event was not so successful. They argue that the estimation
of 2 billion television viewers is ___4___ greater than the actual number. They also point to the lack of money
Despite questions about viewership and money, there is no doubt that Live Earth got people talking
about global warming. ___5___ celebrities have people’s attention, they will continue to give their time and
tell the world about causes they feel are important. Whether or not the world does anything remains to be seen.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) rise
(B) arise
(C) arouse
(D) raise
( 2 ) ( ) (A) like
(B) as
(C) until
(D) for
( 3 ) ( ) (A) In spite of
(B) Regardless of
(C) On top of
(D) Without
( 4 ) ( ) (A) far
(B) very
(C) more
(D) as
( 5 ) ( ) (A) As long as
(B) As soon as
(C) Even though
(D) by the time
Among Taiwan’s eye-catching features ___1___ the Central and Coastal Mountain Ranges which run the
length of the island. Mountainous as the country is, however, many coastal areas are located at sea level, or
just above it. In fact, ___2___ low-lying are most of Taiwan’s population centers on the West Coast that these
places are at risk of severe flooding if sea levels ___3___ rise by even one meter. The most seriously affected
areas would be Taipei, Taichung, and areas in Yunlin and Pingtung Counties.
Slow as the pace of global warming is, it’s not as if people would be drowning like in some Hollywood
disaster movie. More likely, rising seas would gradually reduce the amount of ___4___ land, possibly causing
food shortages and hardship. Governments and citizens everywhere must take appropriate action and seize the
opportunity to focus on prevention now, ___5___ looking for a cure later.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) do
(B) did
(C) are
( 2 ) ( ) (A) so
(B) as
(C) such
( 3 ) ( ) (A) had to
(B) were to
(C) was to
( 4 ) ( ) (A) private
(B) waste
(C) fertile
( 5 ) ( ) (A) in spite of
(B) rather than
(C) as well as
(D) is
(D) too
(D) had been to
(D) barren
(D) due to
In early December, the world’s attention turned to Bali, Indonesia, as leaders and scientists from around the
world met on the island to discuss the earth’s environment at the 2007 United Nations Climate Change
More than 10,000 people gathered in Bali for two weeks of speeches and discussions about the world’s
climate. Reports have shown that it is now possible to ___1___ global warming. However, these reports have
also stated that action must be taken soon to deal with this problem.
At first, things didn’t go too well at the conference. The United States, for example, didn’t agree with the
idea that cuts in greenhouse gas emissions should be ___2___. In the past, the U.S. refused to sign the Kyoto
Protocol for the same reason. It was anxious that this agreement would be bad for its companies. ___3___, at
the final meeting of the conference, an agreement was reached to start talks on a new agreement to replace the
Kyoto Protocol when it ends in 2012 Experts say that a new agreement on global warming must be ready by
2009, in order to have it in place in time by 2012
The Bali Conference also included a speech by former U.S. vice-president Al Gore. Gore appeared at the
meeting a day after winning the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in fighting climate change. An Inconvenient
Truth, a film about global warming ___4___ Gore, won an Academy Award earlier in 2007 and brought the
world’s attention to this problem. Another important announcement at the conference was the news ___5___
Kevin Rudd, the new leader of Australia, would sign the Kyoto Protocol after he took office.
Even though there were some disagreements and several late nights of speeches and debates, the 2007
United Nations Climate Change Conference can be called a success and considered another valuable step in
the fight to stop global warming.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) slow down
(B) warm up
(C) make up
(D) take off
( 2 ) ( ) (A) acquired
(B) accessed
(C) responded
(D) required
( 3 ) ( ) (A) In addition
(B) However
(C) Therefore
(D) In contrast
( 4 ) ( ) (A) starred
(B) to star
(C) starring
(D) which starring
( 5 ) ( ) (A) which
(B) that
(C) what
(D) X
Former U.S. Vice President, Al Gore, has made it his mission to spread the word about an important issue
of our day—global warming. His documentary ___1___ An Inconvenient Truth makes the case that global
warming is definitely happening and humans are to blame. But just as everyone seems to be finally taking
notice, a television station in the UK recently broadcast an opposing documentary, ___2___ has many
wondering what to believe.
Directed by Martin Durkin, this documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle disproves all of the
evidence that Gore’s documentary presents. For example, Gore claims that global warming is a ___3___
problem directly related to the release of carbon dioxide (CO2) by such things as automobiles and factories.
Durkin’s video, however, claims that global warming is just a normal cycle in weather which the world has
experienced many times before. Besides, it reminds viewers that volcanoes and the ocean separately give off
much more CO2 than all humans combined.
Durkin’s documentary also claims that the scare of global warming was made up. It argues that scientists
convinced governments ___4___ the importance of global warming to get money for unrelated research
projects. All they have to do is briefly explain how their research relates to global warming and they easily get
funding. Moreover, global warming was made up as an excuse to keep poor countries, like ___5___ in Africa,
from developing and using their natural resources. Both documentaries present a believable argument. It is
hard to decide which to believe. All people can do is try their best to protect the environment.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) entitling
(B) entitles
(C) entitled
(D) is entitled
( 2 ) ( ) (A) which
(B) that
(C) what
(D) it
( 3 ) ( ) (A) making-man
(B) made-man
(C) man-making
(D) man-made
( 4 ) ( ) (A) of
(B) into
(C) with
(D) for
( 5 ) ( ) (A) that
(B) those
(C) them
(D) the others
Global warming, an increase in global temperature, leads to many problems on the earth. ___1___ unusual
weather conditions and high temperature, it also causes a serious problem that would affect our lives—the
glacier reduction.
Glacier reduction ___2___ the melting of the ice in both the North and South Poles. As the salty sea water
rises onto the earth, it pollutes lakes and rivers and reduces drinkable water for people and animals. At the
same time, since there is not enough clean water for farming and planting, it would also result in food
shortages. Likewise, the melting glaciers would cause the rise of the sea level and make a large part of land,
___3___ Holland, sink under the sea.
Without a doubt, the problem of glacier reduction has attracted many people’s attention. What people
have to do first is ___4___ the problem of global warming. For example, we can use less electrical products.
We can also walk instead of driving cars. In addition, trees are important because they produce clean and fresh
air. Therefore, we should plant more trees and use recycled papers. All of these help prevent air pollution,
___5___ causes serious global warming. To sum up, we should do our best to give the earth a chance to
survive in the future since we have only one Earth.
) (A) Besides
) (A) due to
) (A) included
) (A) solving
) (A) that
(B) Despite
(B) compares to
(B) such as
(B) solved
(B) what
(C) With
(C) refers to
(C) but for
(C) to solve
(C) it
(D) Unlike
(D) as to
(D) rather than
(D) having solved
(D) which
Global warming refers to the increasing temperature of the Earth. Scientists think it is mainly caused by
gases ___1___ when fuels such as coal and oil are burned.
___2___ the world burning more fuel than ever, global warming could mean big trouble for humans. It
already has caused glaciers to melt, which makes sea levels rise. The result could be flooding all over the
Global warming may also increase ___3___ of water and food. For example, warmer temperatures will mean
less snowfall, which could cause problems for people and crops that depend on melting snow for water. Some
crops will not grow in hot weather as well, meaning that millions of people could go hungry or even die.
In addition, many scientists blame global warming ___4___ unusual weather, such as giant storms, which
have killed many people in recent years. In addition to weather changes, global warming may increase the
number of cases of skin cancer and diseases such as malaria. ___5___ global warming, scientists advise less
energy use and less pollution. The 1997 Kyoto Protocol is a treaty that tries to get member countries to do
something about global warming. However, global warming is a worldwide problem, and only with
everyone’s effort will it be solved in the near future
( 1 ) ( ) (A) producing
(B) produce
(C) produced
(D) which produce
( 2 ) ( ) (A) With
(B) As
(C) Like
(D) While
( 3 ) ( ) (A) production
(B) shortages
(C) expansion
(D) emissions
( 4 ) ( ) (A) on
(B) of
(C) with
(D) for
( 5 ) ( ) (A) Stopping
(B) Stopped
(C) Having stopped
(D) To stop
Farewell, the animation ___1___ by Chu-Ling Hsu, is about the very last polar bear on Earth on a melting
iceberg. It reminds us of the seriousness of global warming and helps focus public attention ___2___ the
importance of environmental protection. In fact, polar bears are about to disappear in the world. They not only
have been affected by pollutions ___3___ facing the threat of global warming. With melting Arctic ice
increasing, polar bears are losing suitable places ___4___ and thus decreasing in number. To stop it, we
human beings must ___5___ immediate action before it is too late.
) (A) is created
) (A) on
) (A) are also
) (A) for life
) (A) act
(B) which created
(B) at
(B) but are also
(B) to live
(B) get
(C) creating
(C) to
(C) and
(C) to live in
(C) take
(D) which is created
(D) for
(D) and also
(D) of living
(D) grasp
Just as polar bears, human beings are also under the threat of global warming. Unlike other natural disasters
such as earthquakes and typhoons, global warming affects our life ___1___ a much slower pace. However,
___2___ it is, global warming still causes destruction to our planet. In 2003, thirty thousand people died in the
heat wave. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans,
___3___ tens of thousands of Americans homeless. ___4___ powerful and massive is the influence of global
warming that it even leads to serious climate change. According to experts, small islands and some low-lying
areas could be underwater if the situation gets any worse, and people would
___5___ have nowhere to live in the near future.
) (A) for
) (A) so gradual
) (A) leave
) (A) Much
) (A) look forward to
(B) at
(B) as gradual
(B) to leave
(B) So
(B) be likely to
(C) on
(C) gradual as
(C) left
(C) The
(C) get used to
(D) of
(D) gradual so
(D) leaving
(D) As
(D) used to
The Sami people ___1___ in the far north of Finland, Sweden, and Norway for centuries. They live off the
land by hunting, coastal fishing, and working as reindeer (馴鹿) shepherds. So rapidly are temperatures rising
due to pollution in the atmosphere, however, that the Sami shepherds are at risk of seeing their traditional way
of life disappear.
___2___ past decades, northern winters are now warmer and shorter. Much snow has now been replaced by
rain, which re-freezes on the ground and covers all the plants with thick ice. The result is a ___3___ of food
for the reindeer population. Shepherds are forced to feed the animals hay, which is expensive. With ___4___
profits, shepherds are facing financial difficulty.
Severe as the problem is, Sami shepherds complain the government does little to slow the pace of global
warming. And now continuing their traditional industry has become ___5___ difficult.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) live
(B) lived
(C) have lived
(D) had lived
( 2 ) ( ) (A) As much as
(B) On the verge of
(C) With a view to
(D) In comparison with
( 3 ) ( ) (A) disadvantage
(B) shortage
(C) promotion
(D) fuel
( 4 ) ( ) (A) reduced
(B) affected
(C) polluted
(D) ruined
( 5 ) ( ) (A) likely
(B) improvingly
(C) increasingly
(D) suddenly
Global warming, caused by the huge ___1___ of carbon dioxide from the burning of fuels, is now the most
deadly threat to the Earth. When there is too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, it covers the Earth like a
blanket, ___2___ the sun’s heat and preventing it ___3___ escaping into space. This results in a rapid rise in
Earth’s average temperature, ___4___ leads to the melting of Arctic ice, home to a variety of creatures, and
the death of these animals─since they have fewer places ___5___. Sadly, if the situation gets worse, many
islands and low coastal areas could soon disappear, too. ___6___, people who live in several big cities such as
Taipei and London are ___7___ to have nowhere to live then. Therefore, ___8___, if immediate action isn’t
taken to deal with the problem, sooner or later, we will have to say goodbye to the Earth.
( 1 ) ( )(A) numbers
(B) deal
(C) amounts
(D) sum
( 2 ) ( )(A) absorbing
(B) featuring
(C) drowning
(D) expanding
( 3 ) ( )(A) not to
(B) from
(C) off
(D) against
( 4 ) ( )(A) what
(B) which
(C) all
(D) it
( 5 ) ( )(A) to live
(B) to live in
(C) living
(D) living in
( 6 ) ( )(A) Following
(B) Worse
(C) Next
(D) Away
( 7 ) ( )(A) possible
(B) probably
(C) maybe
(D) likely
( 8 ) ( )(A) deadly though it is
(B) although it is rapid
(C) severe as it may be
(D) slow as it is
Most scientists agree that the earth is getting hotter. They believe that this warming is caused by the huge
increase of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere ___1___ human activities. Scientists estimate that today
the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere may be around twenty five percent higher ___2___ in 1800. This gas
absorbs and reflects heat. The sun sends heat to the earth daily and much of this will go back into the
atmosphere and into space. However, more CO2 in the air makes this heat unable to escape from the earth.
Since 1800, the growth of industry has caused an abnormal acceleration of carbon dioxide production.
Excessive amounts of CO2 have been produced as a result of human industrial activities making use of fossil
fuels such as oil, coal and gas, which produce carbon gases while being burned. Industry and human activities
are continuously producing CO2 In addition, electrical appliances such as refrigerators and air conditioners are
often powered by electricity from ___3___ power stations.
At the same time, many of the world’s forests are being cut down for farmland, the building of
settlements, and wood. Trees absorb CO2 and so even more CO2___4___ in the atmosphere if there are fewer
trees. This is another major cause of the warming of the planet. Therefore, in recent centuries the natural
balance between the production and absorption of carbon dioxide has been destroyed by humans, ____5___
global warming.
Humans have thus not only added huge quantities of CO2 to the atmosphere through their industry, but
they have also been making the problem even worse by destroying the forests which were once able to absorb
much of this gas.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) in addition to
(B) in spite of
(C) on top of
(D) as a result of
( 2 ) ( ) (A) than
(B) as
(C) then
(D) to
( 3 ) ( ) (A) carbon-fueling
(B) fueling-carbon
(C) carbon-fueled
(D) fueled-carbon
( 4 ) ( ) (A) retains
(B) remains
(C) maintains
(D) reminds
( 5 ) ( ) (A) resulted in
(B) results in
(C) resulting in
(D) and resulting in
二、文意選填 (共 8 分,每題 1 分)
(A) extreme
(F) it
(B) in contrast
(G) as
(C) despite
(H) cycle
(D) by
(I) damage
(E) going through
(J) possible
Global warming, also known ___1___ climate change, is caused by increasing amounts of carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere, creating something called the “greenhouse effect”, which warms the surface of the planet.
Carbon dioxide comes from the fossil fuels that we use to run our cars, and burn in power stations to make
electricity. Most scientists and politicians agree that we are ___2___ global warming. However, there are
some scientists and politicians who believe that the changes are just part of the natural life ___3___ of the
Global warming is making our climate more ___4___─there are more droughts and floods around the
world, and the ice at the Arctic polar ice cap is melting.
Global warming will have economic effects. According to the Stern Review, extreme weather could reduce
global gross domestic product ___5___ up to 1%, and an increase of five degrees Celsius could reduce global
output by 10%. Droughts will affect farmers’ crops, making ___6___ harder for people in the developing
world to grow their own food. Floods will cause ___7___ to buildings and land, and to growing crops.
Increasing temperatures will also change the diseases that affect plants and animals.
___8___, global warming could increase the types of crops grown in colder areas─for example, there are
now vineyards in the north of England.
___9___ this, we still need to work hard to reduce the impact of climate change, by reducing the amount of
energy we use as much as ___10___.
(1) _______ (2)_______ (3)_______ (4)_______ (5)_______
(6) _______ (7)_______ (8)_______ (9)_______ (10)_______
(A) at risk of
(B) warm up
(C) at a time
The snow will melt when the weather ___1___.
The boxes were so heavy that Jack could only move one of them ___2___.
Those old buildings are___3___falling down if an earthquake hits.
(1)_______ (2)_______ (3)_______
(A) efficient
(F) errands
(B) rather than
(G) simplest
(C) warming
(H) such as
(D) actually
(I) prevent
(E) additionally
(J) buying
Most scientists agree that humans are causing the earth to warm at a faster rate than is natural. They warn
that this warming could get worse. ___1___, scientists estimate that severe droughts and heavy floods could
become worse. The effects of human activities, ___2___ industrial and personal use of fossil fuels, could
result in dangerous situations for millions of people. Individuals can help ___3___ global warming in daily
Everyone can help protect the planet and slow global warming. Individuals can make their homes more
energy ___4___, by choosing appliances and light bulbs that do not use very much energy. Turn the heat
down at night during the winter. If it isn’t hot, keep the air conditioner closed. ___5___, people can use cars
less, use public transport and bicycles instead when going to work or running some ___6___.
Recycling can also help, as it means less need for new items. Try to use items more than once, and avoid
___7___ items with lots of packaging. This reduces the amount of garbage you throw out. You can encourage
your town to use renewable sources of energy like wind and solar, ___8___ burning fossil fuels like oil and
coal. One of the ___9___ ways to help reduce global warming is to plant a tree. Trees help clean the air and
reduce the carbon dioxide ___10___ the earth.
We all share the planet, and our actions affect the Earth and those who live on it. If each person did his or
her part, global warming could be slowed.
(1)_______ (2)_______ (3)_______ (4)_______ (5)_______
(6)_______ (7)_______ (8)_______ (9)_______ (10)_______
(A) end up
(E) at risk of
(I) although
(B) out of
(F) despite
(J) die out
(C) turn out
(G) extinct
(K) whose
(D) at
(H) for
(L) it
In the past 500 years, roughly 717 animal species have become ___1___. Scientists believe that global
warming and human activities have helped to increase the rate of extinction in the past 100 years or so.
According to the conservation group IUCN, many species are currently ___2___ extinction. Of particular
concern is the speed ___3___ which populations of bear species are shrinking. Six ___4___ the eight bear
species are in danger of disappearing for good. Global warming is melting the ice at the North Pole, making
___5___ harder for polar bears to survive. Polar bears may ___6___ altogether within twenty years. Right
here in Taiwan, the Formosan Black Bear is also in danger of vanishing forever. In China, humans have been
destroying the natural home of the giant panda ___7___ centuries, pushing pandas right to the brink of
extinction. Fortunately, in recent years, great efforts have been made to save the giant panda, ___8___
population has fallen to just 1600.
So will these wonderful creatures ___9___ going the way of the dodo(古代巨鳥)? Or will we manage to
save the giant panda and other bear species around the globe? ___10___ all the conservation work that has
been done in the past few decades, some scientists fear that it is "too little, too late." Only time will tell.
(1) _______ (2)_______ (3)_______ (4)_______ (5)_______
(6) _______ (7)_______ (8)_______ (9)_______ (10)_______
(A) prevent
(F) concern
(B) waste
(G) however
(C) danger
(H) suffering
(D) but
(I) making
(E) risk
(J) also
Can you imagine Taiwan becoming a dry land with only hot weather and no plants or food? It’s hard to
believe, but with all the problems we have, our land could be the next place ___1___ from desertification (沙
Studies say that because of global warming and over-farming, desertification not only happens in places
near the deserts ___2___ in other areas in the world. Scientists believe that one third of the world’s land and
one billion people are at ___3___ because of increasing desertification. The areas which are most in ___4___
are those near hot places, like Southern Australia and the southwest of America. ___5___, if the world keeps
on getting hotter, all countries will be affected, even our own homeland─Taiwan.
Even though desertification is now a matter of great ___6___, scientists say we can prevent the problem
from getting worse in a number of ways. For one thing, we should use water wisely and not ___7___ it. For
another, we should plant more trees and plants to help protect the land from wind and heat. ___8___, farmers
should learn better ways of farming so that the land is not overused.
These are some of the things we can do to help ___9___ desertification happening in our country. So, why
not start by ___10___ good use of water now?
(1)_______ (2)_______ (3)_______ (4)_______ (5)_______
(6)_______ (7)_______ (8)_______ (9)_______ (10)_______
(A) running
(F) take action
(B) facing
(G) portion
(C) above
(H) in this
(D) absorb
(I) estimated
(E) swallow
(J) completely
Due to global warming, rising sea level will affect the coastlines of many large countries in this century. For
several tiny countries in the South Pacific, the rising sea threatens to ___1___ them whole. As large countries
around the world clash over how to combat global warming, these small islands are ___2___ out of time.
The Marshall Islands is just one of the countries ___3___ the possibility of relocating its entire population
within the next 30 years. A half of a meter rise in the water level is all it would take to drown a ___4___ of
one of the islands. The country, Tuvalu, is a island in Pacific Ocean. The island’s highest point is just five
meters ___5___ the sea level. In another 50 years, it’s ___6___ that 60 percent of the country will be
underwater. Researchers claim that before these countries disappear ___7___, they will lack usable land due
to flooding.
Who will ___8___ the populations of these islands, after they have disappeared? If an entire country
disappears underwater, does that country still have a government? What rights do its citizens have? The global
community must ___9___ to reverse climate change. The world leaders must accept the fact that we’re
___10___ together.
(1)_______ (2)_______ (3)_______ (4)_______ (5)_______
(6)_______ (7)_______ (8)_______ (9)_______ (10)_______
(A) ecologically
(E) others
(I) to
(B) Once
(F) alarmed
(J) with
(C) award-winning
(G) instead
(K) in particular
(D) by
(H) than
(L) Even
Al Gore served as Vice-President of the U.S.under President Clinton for two terms. However, he is also a
film producer who created the ___1___ documentary “An Inconvenient Truth.” This movie clearly defined the
growing problem of global warming and how it is directly caused by humans.
The reason he named it An Inconvenient Truth is that for many years global warming has been an issue that
has been hotly contested. There are those who don’t wish to believe it’s true, and ___2___ who believe that it
is but don’t wish to change their lifestyles. Governments ___3___ have swept the problem under the rug
because of the great cost and trouble of changing energy, fuel, water and many other resources to be more
___4___ efficient.
The film was produced ___5___ showing clips of Gore’s speeches on climate change with stories from his
own experience that helped shape his opinions, such as his sister’s early death from lung cancer. He has
always studied the environment and because he was ___6___ at the dramatic changes over the past decade he
decided that he should educate the public about global warming. This film is one way he can make people
understand that we must change our ways to save the earth.
___7___ this film came out it became clear that we cannot ignore the problem because the climate is
changing more rapidly ___8___ previously thought. This film became an important start to the current “green”
and “LOHAS” movements. It has also opened the eyes of governments worldwide ___9___ the necessity for
core changes in policy towards non-renewable resources. Now it’s no longer “inconvenient” for people to look
the other way, ___10___ we see that the time to fix the problem is now.
(1) _______ (2)_______ (3)_______ (4)_______ (5)_______
(6) _______ (7)_______ (8)_______ (9)_______ (10)_______
(A) planted
(F) lead to
(B) as
(G) of
(C) is likely to
(H) is rich in
(D) unsettled
(J) explained
(E) as well
(I) claim
2008, a map drawn by scientists at England’s Durham University showed that some parts of the Arctic could
___1___ considerable disagreements. The map ___2___ the areas in the Arctic where countries agreed on
borders and where countries claimed their borders to be. Other areas that might bring conflict in the future
were included in the map ___3___.
Russia started the race to control the Arctic in 2007, when it ___4___ a Russian flag on the sea floor at the
North Pole. Canada, Norway, Denmark, and America also laid ___5___ to their land rights these years. The
main disagreement ___6___ be over who controls the Lomonosov Ridge (羅蒙諾索夫洋脊), which runs
under the sea and joins Canada, Russia, and Greenland. It includes the North Pole region and ___7___ natural
It will be easier to reach the region’s oil and natural gas ___8___ global warming causes more and more ice
to melt. There will be a great possibility ___9___ conflict unless the countries can reach an agreement on the
currently ___10___ border issue.
(1)_______ (2)_______ (3)_______ (4)_______ (5)_______
(6)_______ (7)_______ (8)_______ (9)_______ (10)_______
三、篇章結構 (共 5 分,每題 1 分)
1、 Many consumers like the idea of buying earth-friendly or “green” products because they think buying
such products helps the environment. ___1___
A variety of products ranging from bath and beauty products to cars claim that they are friendly to the
environment and therefore earth-friendly choices for consumers. ___2___ To buy truly earth-friendly products,
consumers must give some serious thought to whether buying a product branded as “green” in fact helps the
___3___ The combined effect of people using earth’s resources is still far too vast and remains dangerous
to the environment. ___4___
Therefore, the real solution for consumers is to sincerely reduce their personal use of goods and resources.
___5___ The better way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions is to own only one earth friendly car, use it to
carpool with your co-workers or friends, ride your bicycle, and walk over shorter distances and take public
transportation whenever possible.
(A) This type of buying choice also seems very fashionable to consumers as they see famous people
supporting environmental concerns in popular magazines, television programs and at music concerts.
(B) The only buying choices that help the environment are the ones that decrease the use of earth’s resources.
(C) It is not enough to own earth-friendly cars.
(D) Buying earth-friendly products may cost more initially, but it can quickly become a way of life.
(E) The harsh truth is, it is not possible to prevent global warming simply by buying clothing, cars, homes that
are branded earth-friendly.
(F) This is not always true.
(1)______ (2)______ (3)_______ (4)_______ (5)_______
Rich countries have an unfair advantage over poor countries ___1___. The richest countries are best
able to use their wealth and technology to protect themselves from the effects of warming, while the poorest,
which have done the least to cause the problem, are the most vulnerable.
Over the last few centuries, ___2___, while rapidly expanding their empires. Undeveloped countries,
growing at a much slower pace, have simply not been responsible for global warming to the same degree.
However, due to their wealth, ___3___, including rising sea levels, increasingly severe storms, food shortages,
droughts, and flooding. Wealthy countries have the infrastructure (建設) in place to reduce the impact and the
money to rebuild, while ___4___.
As the effects of global warming start to have consequences, the well-being of poor countries will impact
the world’s wealth. Though their governments may keep quiet, people suffering from famine will make
themselves heard. If we are to live in a peaceful world, ___5___.
(A) wealthy countries have been burning fossil fuels and polluting the atmosphere
(B) we cannot ignore the voices of those in pain
(C) when it comes to fighting global warming
(D) larger countries now have the means to protect themselves from the effects of warming
(E) poor countries lack the most basic resources
(1)_______ (2)_______ (3)_______ (4)_______ (5)_______
3、 The 2004 sci-fi movie The Day After Tomorrow shows a terrible future caused by global warming. The
movie is shocking firstly because the weather changes in just a few days. ___1___ Yet, global warming
probably won’t actually have these results.
___2___ Global warming melts the ice and puts a lot of cold water into the north Atlantic Ocean. This stops
the warm water coming from the south. ___3___ The cold air rising from the sea then forms giant storm
clouds and creates an ice-age in America within days.
However, most scientists don’t believe global warming will produce these effects. ___4___ In addition, the
weather in the USA depends a lot on the air coming from Canada. ___5___
Most people nowadays agree that global warming is a serious problem, yet in watching movies like The
Day After Tomorrow we should still know the difference between a good story and good science.
(A) They say that even really fast weather changes caused by breaking glaciers would take at least 10-20 years.
(B) Secondly, it shows that global warming makes the USA colder not hotter.
(C) Therefore, the sea cannot keep its average temperature and gets colder in a really short time.
(D) Thus, it is not certain that a cooler Atlantic Ocean would create an ice-age.
(E) The “science” of the movie explains the story as the result of a sudden breaking up of Arctic glaciers.
(1)______ (2)______ (3)_______ (4)_______ (5)_______
4、 Many people have heard of global warming, but few have heard of global dimming. ___1___ Scientists
have only measured global dimming since the 1950s, but they are beginning to see the major effects global
dimming is having on the planet. ___2___ The use of aerosols, spray paint or vapor trails from planes are just
some of the causes of global dimming.
Though scientists are still learning more about global dimming, the effects are already being felt. Global
dimming has affected the earth and its cycles on many levels. ___3___ Global dimming has reduced the
amount of evaporated water, which has led to droughts in various countries around the world, including the
prevention of the monsoon in Africa in the 1980s and 1990s. ___4___
Regardless of the harm we have done in the past, it is now our duty as humans to take responsibility for our
actions. ___5___ These thoughtful actions will make sure the earth is preserved for generations to come.
(A) Simply put, global dimming has decreased the earth’s ability to protect itself from radiation.
(B) People should cut down on the use of aerosols and do their best to conserve natural resources.
(C) Global dimming has also made the world colder in some spots, such as the Eastern United States, which
actually has concealed some of the effects of global warming.
(D) One thing is for sure, human activities have been the main cause of global dimming.
(E) One major effect is on the hydrological cycle, which is the cycle of water evaporating, becoming a cloud,
and then raining.
(F) Global dimming has been hiding the true power of global warming.
(1)______ (2)______ (3)_______ (4)_______ (5)_______
5、 Netherlands is a country facing the threat of rising sea levels and flooding, so the Dutch people must
think about how to protect their land. ___1___ It would be built off the coast, in the stormy North Sea, with
the goal of creating more living space as well as protecting the interior of the country from flooding. ___2___
Those who support the idea say that besides helping the Netherlands, it could also enable the construction
workers to show their unique skills, potentially leading to other international projects. ___3___ Many Dutch
people are understandably afraid of floods, either from the sea or from increasingly heavy rains that cause
rivers to rise. ___4___
On the other hand, those who dislike the idea of the Tulip Island project say that costs would be too high to
bear. ___5___ They suggest making the existing dykes stronger instead. The Dutch government is still
considering the idea, taking into account both sides of the argument.
(A) However, not everyone agrees that this is the best way to handle the issue.
(B) Some also believe that it would do harm to the environment and that the plants, animals, and other nature
of the coastal waters would be destroyed.
(C) One solution being discussed is called Tulip Island, a man-made island in the shape of a tulip flower.
(D) To them, a new island would help to prevent these problems.
(E) Some supporters also note that global warming experts predict sea levels will rise at least 85cm in the
coming years.
(1)______ (2)______ (3)_______ (4)_______ (5)_______
四、閱讀測驗 (共 11 分,每小格 0.2 分)
Although it is a small island, Taiwan is responsible for one percent of the world’s total carbon emissions
(排放量). In joining the worldwide effort to reduce global warming, Taiwan has adopted several strategies to
reduce national emissions by 30 percent by 2020. One of these, the Low-Carbon Cities (低碳城市) Program,
entailsdeveloping 50 model urban and rural communities across the island.
The participating communities will use new sources of energy, such as wind and solar power, while
promoting conservation (節約) and recycling. Buildings will be made of recycled materials and include
features that conserve water and energy. Lighting for streets and public buildings will be more efficient.
Appliances such as refrigerators and air-conditioners will meet energy-efficiency standards. Rainwater will be
collected. Citizens will travel more by bicycles, electric scooters, and public transportation and less by private
cars. Families will be encouraged to eat foods that are grown locally. Education about low-carbon living will
be available to everyone.
The Low-Carbon program will have many benefits. Taiwan citizens will enjoy cleaner air and water, eat
healthier foods, and exercise more. Energy conservation will become a way of life. The country as a whole
will become more energy independent while contributing less to the problem of global warming.
( 1 ) ( ) Which is the main idea of this passage?
(A) Taiwan bears the blame for increasing carbon emissions.
(B) Taiwan develops new sources of energy.
(C) Taiwan responds to global warming with the Low-Carbon Cities Program.
(D) Taiwan meets energy-efficiency standards.
( 2 ) ( ) Which is NOT the strategies Taiwan has adopted?
(A) Developing new sources of energy.
(B) Collecting rainfall and promoting recycling.
(C) Encouraging citizens to travel more by cars.
(D) Promoting locally-grown foods.
( 3 ) ( ) From the second paragraph, we can infer if Taiwanese people, purchase appliances meeting energyefficiency standards, they may ________.
(A) join the world effort to conserve water
(B) be able to reduce their electricity bills
(C) receive education on low-carbon living
(D) become more energy dependent
( 4 ) ( ) Which is NOT the advantages of the Low-Carbon Cities Program?
(A) Taiwan will reduce its national carbon emissions.
(B) Taiwan citizens will enjoy healthier lives.
(C) Taiwan government will bear less blame from the international communities.
(D) Taiwan citizens will adopt an energy-consuming way of life.
( 5 ) ( ) In the first paragraph, the word “entails: is closest to ________ in meaning.
(A) involves
(B) participates
(C) applies
(D) compares
Few years ago, something strange started happening to bee farms. When bee-keepers opened up the bee
hives after the winter, many found that the bees were gone. The hives were empty and the bees were nowhere
in sight, believed to be dead.
The same problem was found worldwide, from America to Europe and Asia. Typically, about 25 percent of
the bees would disappear during the winter months.
Bees play an important role in farming by helping farmers’ crops to produce seeds. For some plants, bees
are absolutely essential. The famous scientist Einstein is said to have predicted that the human race would die
out within four years if the honeybees disappeared.
In fact, this is probably not true as some food crops, such as rice, do not depend on bees. However, a world
without bees would certainly be very different from the one we know today.
To further understand the situation, scientists and governments have looked for an explanation. Possible
reasons include: chemicals used in farming, disease, radiation from mobile phones and even stress from too
much work!
Scientists continue to search while number of bees continues to decrease at an alarming rate. So far the
answer has not been found.
( 1 ) ( )What happened a few years ago to bee farms across the world?
(A) 75 percent of the bees disappeared after the cold winter months.
(B) The hives were all gone and nowhere to be found.
(C) The number of bees increased rapidly.
(D) Bee farmers found few bees left in the hives.
( 2 ) ( )Why are bees important to human beings?
(A) Bees help plants produce seeds.
(B) Humans rely on honey to survive.
(C) Bees help crops grow fast.
(D) Bees protect the soil.
( 3 ) ( )Why did researchers think Einstein’s prediction might not be true according to the passage?
(A) Because humans die for many reasons.
(B) Because bees now are different from those in Einstein’s times.
(C) Because some food crops don’t rely on bees to produce seeds.
(D) Because scientists have found ways to replace the role of bees.
( 4 ) ( )Which of the following is NOT the possible reason that bees disappeared?
(A) Unknown diseases.
(B) Moving.
(C) Pressure from hard work.
(D) Harmful chemicals.
( 5 ) ( )What can be inferred from the passage?
(A) The world will become lifeless within a few years.
(B) Researchers already found answers to the bee disappearance.
(C) The number of bees keeps declining even now.
(D) Scientists will change genes of crops to make them grow without bees.
Global warming is causing many environmental problems worldwide. Because of its location and
geography, Taiwan is especially vulnerable (脆弱) to the effects of our planet growing warmer.
Taiwanese scientists have documented (紀錄) several alarming trends related to global warming. The
average temperature of the island has increased 0.8 degrees Celsius over the last century. The island’s sea
level has been rising at the rate of 0.32 centimeters per year, faster than many other countries, which raises the
risk of flooding. Additionally, heavy rainfall has increased recently and is predicted to triple over the next 20
years. Global warming is also increasing the danger of typhoons, such as Morakot, which struck the island in
2009 and caused much destruction. Scientists are predicting a storm of similar intensity will likely strike the
island within the next year or two.
One visible example of how global warming has affected the island is the flooding of the Temple of Matsu
in Taichung County. The temple was built 300 years ago on what was considered safe ground in southern
Taiwan. The sea level has risen so quickly in recent years that the temple has flooded several times. It is now
being rebuilt on a higher site.
( 1 ) ( ) Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
(A) What Taiwan Contributes to the Global Warming
(B) Taiwan Is at Risk of Typhoons and Storms
(C) Taiwan Heats up
(D) Taiwan Asks for Help
( 2 ) ( ) Taiwan is more easily affected by the global warming because ________.
(A) Taiwan has a large population
(B) Taiwanese scientists have done nothing to solve it
(C) Taiwanese government has insufficient budget
(D) Taiwan’s location and geography are special
( 3 ) ( ) Which is NOT a warning sign of the global warming in Taiwan?
(A) The sea level has been rising at a faster rate than many other countries.
(B) Taiwan’s average temperature has increased 0.8℃ over the past century.
(C) Taiwan has been faced with intense storms over the last decade.
(D) Taiwan is likely to have rainfall tripled in the next twenty years.
( 4 ) ( ) How does the author demonstrate the problem of global warming in Taiwan?
(A) He provides the example of the flooding of the Temple of Matsu.
(B) He supports Taiwanese scientists’ research.
(C) He makes a logical inference according to several alarming trends.
(D) He draws a contrast between typhoons and storms.
( 5 ) ( ) In the last paragraph, the word “visible” is closest to ________ in meaning.
(A) considerable
(B) noticeable
(C) vulnerable
(D) predictable
The idea of global warming was first introduced in the 1800s and has raised questions ever since. In 1997,
the United Nations worked out a plan in Kyoto, Japan that tried to find answers to these questions. Eight years
later the Kyoto Protocol was put into effect.
The Kyoto Protocol calls for the lowering of greenhouse gases, the main cause of global warming. Under
the plan, each country is given a limit on the greenhouse gases it may produce. If a country predicts that it will
go over its limit, this country may buy the right to produce more greenhouse gases from a country that is
under its limit.
Unfortunately, the Kyoto Protocol has not had a big effect on global warming. For one thing, the United
States and Australia, two big greenhouse gas producers, are choosing not to follow it. Moreover, developing
countries, like Mainland China and India, are not included at all. Additionally, it has no power to make sure
countries follow the rules. Finally, some say that the greenhouse gas cuts called for in the Kyoto Protocol are
too small. So even if every country does follow it, it will still not do enough to end global warming.
The Kyoto Protocol, while not perfect, needs every country’s help to be successful. So perhaps until
governments around the world agree to take action, the problem of global warming will continue to cause
( 1 ) ( )When was the Kyoto Protocol put into practice?
(A) 1997
(B) 1800
(C) 2005
(D) Unknown
( 2 ) ( )What is the purpose of the Kyoto Protocol?
(A) To lower greenhouse gases.
(B) To promote Japan’s international reputation.
(C) To make profits for both developed and developing countries.
(D) To predict the amount of carbon dioxide each country produces.
( 3 ) ( )Which of the following country does NOT follow the Kyoto Protocol?
(A) Japan.
(B) America.
(C) Austria.
(D) Indonesia.
( 4 ) ( )Which of the following is NOT the reason why the Kyoto Protocol fails?
(A) The main greenhouse gas producers do not follow the rules.
(B) Some developing countries are not under the regulation of the Kyoto Protocol.
(C) The greenhouse gas cuts required in the Kyoto Protocol are too small.
(D) The United Nations did not care.
( 5 ) ( ) What is the tone of the author?
(A) Worried.
(B) Ironic.
(C) Pleased.
(D) Sentimental.
Because Taiwan is a small island, land is very expensive. Building large parks in most Taiwanese cities is
not possible. Thus, city planners have developed “mini-parks” in cities to give people places to exercise.
These small parks have various shapes and are located in many different places, including small spaces beside
busy roads. Taiwanese mini-parks, such as Shin Fong and Jong Shing, both located in Shin Fong, include
features such as picnic tables, playgrounds, gardens, walking trails, and small temples.
As more people worldwide are living in cities, they have less chance to appreciate nature. Urban parks
often provide the only space where people can go. These “green environments” help people’s mental and
physical health and lower crime rates. There is even research that shows parks can help decrease the effects of
global warming.
As cities continue to grow, keeping open spaces is difficult but important. Taiwan’s many mini-parks are
making a contribution to the Taiwanese quality of life.
( 1 ) ( )Which of the following is NOT the reason why “mini-parks” appear in Taiwan?
(A) Taiwan is a small island.
(B) The land is expensive.
(C) Cities continue to grow.
(D) Citizens make such a request.
( 2 ) ( ) Which is NOT included in the Taiwanese mini-parks?
(A) Picnic tables.
(B) Walking trails.
(C) Pools.
(D) Small temples.
( 3 ) ( )These “green environments” in the article provide the following benefits EXCEPT for ________.
(A) Beautification of the city.
(B) Improvement of mental and physical health.
(C) Reduction of crime rates.
(D) Decrease of the effects of global warming.
( 4 ) ( ) What does the word features mean in the first paragraph?
(A) roles.
(B) characteristics.
(C) shortages.
(D) awards.
( 5 ) ( ) What is the best title for this passage?
(A) Advantages and Disadvantages of Mini-parks
(B) The Most Successful Example of Mini-parks
(C) The Development and Contributions of Mini-parks
(D) The First Mini-park in Taiwan
Rainforests not only provide a home to many plants and animals also beautify our planet. The Amazon
rainforest, where there is no winter, is the world’s largest rainforest. It stretches across nine countries in South
America and receives about nine feet of rain every year.
Because of the favorable climate, 30 percent of the world’s animals and plants live in rainforests. For
example, 20 percent of known birds around the world live in the Amazon rainforest. Moreover, plenty of
creatures such as poison arrow frogs couldn’t be found other than in the Amazon rainforest.
However, these special species attract human to visit there, and thus leads to its destruction. Since 1960s,
human beings have been cutting down the trees there. According to research, between 1991 and 2000, the area
of destroyed forest is twice the size of Portugal. Several experts even claim that 85 percent of Amazon
rainforest will be gone in one century. Therefore, all of the rainforest’s plants and animals are in danger.
Such destruction of the rainforest also hurts humans. The Amazon’s countless trees absorb carbon dioxide,
turning it into oxygen. This process is called the “carbon sink,” which produces 15 percent of the world’s
breathable air. Thus, the Amazon rainforest is often called the “world’s lung.” Cutting down trees harms this
process so that carbon dioxide levels increase and leads to global warming, which causes extreme weather
conditions like floods and heat waves.
The Amazon’s life is tied to our planet’s life. If we don’t protect the rainforest before it’s too late, not only
will many plants and animals become extinct but perhaps humans ourselves.
( 1 ) ( )According to this article, the Amazon rainforest _____________.
(A) covers several South American countries
(B) has a large rainfall amount
(C) is never cold
(D) All of the above.
( 2 ) ( )Which of the following CAN’T be found in rainforests around the world?
(A) Factories.
(B) Birds.
(C) Plants.
(D) Poison arrow frogs.
( 3 ) ( )The Amazon rainforest is called the “world’s lung” because _____________.
(A) it creates carbon dioxide
(B) it creates lots of oxygen
(C) it’s in the center of the earth
(D) it is always hot
( 4 ) ( )The word “extreme” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _____________.
(A) unhappy
(B) unclear
(C) uncommon
(D) unknown
( 5 ) ( )The best title for this article is _____________.
(A) Rainforests in the World
(B) Rainforests in Summer
(C) Rainforests in the Past
(D) Rainforests in Danger
When weather temperatures rise above average for days or weeks, it is called a heat wave. This might be
enjoyable if it happens in the winter, but summer heat waves can be deadly. Heat waves are normal, but
scientists agree that in recent years they are getting hotter and happening more often because of global
warming. And as global warming continues, heat waves will become even more of a problem.
The most serious heat wave in recent history happened in Europe in 200(3) During July and August,
temperatures rose above 40℃ in areas where twenties were more common. Stores sold out of air-conditioners
as people tried to fight the heat. And about 30,000 people died, mostly older people. France alone reported
14,802 deaths.
Problems will get even worse if temperatures continue to rise. In addition to the deaths, food production
will become difficult because the weather may be too hot to grow many crops. It will also cause ice in the far
north and south to melt. Sea levels will then rise, causing some land to be under water.
To avoid these problems, people must first understand the realness of them. People must look at the facts
and be willing to do something to prevent the problems from getting worse. And heat waves are problems
that everyone must help fight.
( 1 ) ( )Why are heat waves getting hotter and happening more recently?
(A) Because of global warming.
(B) Because of dense world population.
(C) Because of the increase in the number of tall buildings.
(D) Because of ozone destruction.
( 2 ) ( )Which of the following is NOT true about the most serious heat wave that happened in Europe in
(A) The temperatures rose to 40℃ during July and August.
(B) About 30,000 people died, mostly younger people.
(C) Air-conditioners were sold out.
(D) France alone reported 14,802 deaths.
( 3 ) ( )Which of the following is NOT the problem resulting from the rising temperature?
(A) Deaths.
(B) Less food production.
(C) Rise of sea level.
(D) Acid rain.
( 4 ) ( )The phrase prevent in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to ________.
(A) tell
(B) discourage
(C) select
(D) stop
( 5 ) ( )What is the purpose of this passage?
(A) Appreciating Europe’s efforts to save the earth.
(B) Mourning the deaths of French people.
(C) Calling for action.
(D) Reporting election poll results.
Scientists predict that global warming will cause major climate change, which will
seriously affect the environment and be harmful to all living things on Earth, including
humans, animals, plants, and trees.
This climate change will have powerful impact on our environment in at least three
ways. Firstly, higher temperatures are making deserts drier and larger. Millions of Africans
living near the deserts could die from droughts and famines. What’s more, heat waves
and extremely hot summers will become more common, killing millions of people.
Secondly, the warming of the Arctic and the Antarctic (南極) will further melt sea ice and
the icebergs in these places. This melting is likely to cause the sea level to rise. Countries
like the Netherlands are facing huge costs because they must build walls near the sea in
order to stop the flooding of their low-lying lands. Even more serious natural disasters
could hit countries like Bangladesh, where millions of people are likely to be homeless if
their coastal homes disappear under water. Thirdly, higher temperatures will cause tropical
(熱帶氣候的) areas to increase. This means that tropical mosquitoes will have more areas
to grow and be able to spread the deadly diseases (疾病) they carry more easily.
If this climate change occurs, then humans, animals, and plants will all suffer. For
example, it has been predicted that Arctic ice sheets will completely disappear in the future
during summer. Animals depending on this ice for their survival such as polar bears may
become extinct. Many other plants and trees will not be able to survive in these warmer
environments, but they will have nowhere else to go because human settlements are
blocking the way out. Therefore, if immediate action is not taken to stop global warming,
then the future will look bright only for mosquitoes. Most people have probably never
realized what this will bring about—the quick spread of deadly diseases and, thus, millions
of deaths every day.
( 1 ) ( ) According
to the article, deserts are becoming ________because of global
(A) larger
(B) smaller
(C) cooler
(D) higher
) Which of the following animals may NOT be harmed by the effects of global
(A) Polar bears.
(B) Penguins.
(C) Mosquitoes. (D) Humans.
) What might happen if our planet is growing warmer?
(A) The number of weather-related deaths might drop.
(B) Unusual hot weather will occur more often.
(C) Polar bears may have to move to the Antarctic.
(D) Countries like the Netherlands will turn into desert.
) Which of the following statements is true?
(A) Some wealthy countries are building walls near the sea to help save polar
(B) Sea ice and icebergs are melting and flooding mostly poor countries.
(C) Higher temperatures have led to some deadly diseases.
(D) Many plants and animals will survive in human settlements.
) What can we infer from the article?
(A) Low-lying lands may get drier as they receive less rain than ever before.
(B) Bangladesh is a poor country located in a desert.
(C) Only animals and plants have suffered from the climate change caused by
global warming.
(D) Tropical areas will increase and more people living in these areas may die
of deadly diseases, if global warming continues.
Global warming is one of the biggest dangers to our world today. As the planet gets warmer and storms,
floods, and forest fires are in the news every day, the effects of global warming are felt closer to home.
According to scientists, the worsening greenhouse effect is the main cause of global warming.
The greenhouse effect raises the temperature of the Earth with the help of greenhouse gases. Natural gases
in the air hold the heat from both the sun and the Earth. The heat is then reflected back onto the Earth, heating
the planet. Without the greenhouse effect, the world would be very cold, about -18℃. However, increases in
these gases over the years have made the greenhouse effect much stronger than the Earth needs, so the planet
gets much warmer than it should be. Scientific studies show that most of the increased gases are produced by
the smoke from cars and factories.
Therefore, in order to stop temperatures from rising further, these gases need to be reduced. Producing less
waste and recycling used paper and bottles can reduce some of the extra gas that is produced from burning
trash. Using “green” energy such as sun or wind power instead of oil and gas will also cut down on the gases.
These are ways in which we can help reduce global warming and keep the greenhouse effect as it should be.
( 1 ) ( ) According to the article, global warming can cause negative situations except ________.
(A) great floods
(B) less rain
(C) unusual weather
(D) forest fires
( 2 ) ( ) According to scientists, the main cause of the worsening global warming is ________.
(A) the smoke from cars and factories
(B) natural gases in the air
(C) the radiation (輻射) from the sun
(D) the heat produced by the Earth
( 3 ) ( ) Which of the following leads to the rise of temperature?
(A) The use of sun power.
(B) The decrease of oil consumption (消耗).
(C) The limitation on the amount of garbage.
(D) The burning of used bottles.
( 4 ) ( ) According to the article, in what way does the greenhouse effect affect the Earth?
(A) Positive.
(B) Negative.
(C) Both positive and negative.
(D) Neither positive nor negative.
( 5 ) ( ) The purpose of this article is to ________.
(A) inform
(B) complain
(C) argue
(D) compare
Rainforests not only provide a home to many plants and animals also beautify our planet. The Amazon
rainforest, where there is no winter, is the world’s largest rainforest. It stretches across nine countries in South
America and receives about nine feet of rain every year.
Because of the favorable climate, 30 percent of the world’s animals and plants live in rainforests. For
example, 20 percent of known birds around the world live in the Amazon rainforest. Moreover, plenty of
creatures such as poison arrow frogs couldn’t be found other than in the Amazon rainforest.
However, these special species attract human to visit there, and thus leads to its destruction. Since 1960s,
human beings have been cutting down the trees there. According to research, between 1991 and 2000, the area
of destroyed forest is twice the size of Portugal. Several experts even claim that 85 percent of Amazon
rainforest will be gone in one century. Therefore, all of the rainforest’s plants and animals are in danger.
Such destruction of the rainforest also hurts humans. The Amazon’s countless trees absorb carbon dioxide,
turning it into oxygen. This process is called the “carbon sink,” which produces 15 percent of the world’s
breathable air. Thus, the Amazon rainforest is often called the “world’s lung.” Cutting down trees harms this
process so that carbon dioxide levels increase and leads to global warming, which causes extreme weather
conditions like floods and heat waves.
The Amazon’s life is tied to our planet’s life. If we don’t protect the rainforest before it’s too late, not only
will many plants and animals become extinct but perhaps humans ourselves.
( 1 ) ( )According to this article, the Amazon rainforest _____________.
(A) covers several South American countries
(B) has a large rainfall amount
(C) is never cold
(D) All of the above.
)Which of the following CAN’T be found in rainforests around the world?
(A) Factories.
(B) Birds.
(C) Plants.
(D) Poison arrow frogs.
)The Amazon rainforest is called the “world’s lung” because _____________.
(A) it creates carbon dioxide
(B) it creates lots of oxygen
(C) it’s in the center of the earth
(D) it is always hot
)The word “extreme” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _____________.
(A) unhappy
(B) unclear
(C) uncommon
(D) unknown
)The best title for this article is _____________.
(A) Rainforests in the World
(B) Rainforests in Summer
(C) Rainforests in the Past
(D) Rainforests in Danger
The G8, or Group of Eight, is an organization that includes the governments of Canada, France, Germany,
Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. These countries are some of the richest and
most powerful countries in the world. Meetings, known as G8 Annual Summits, are held every year.
The 33rd Annual G8 Summit was held in Germany in June 2007. The meeting also included leaders from
Brazil, India, Mexico, People’s Republic of China, and South Africa, members of the so-called G8+5 Group.
One of the subjects discussed at the 33rd Annual G8 Summit was global warming. The European Union,
Canada, and Japan agreed to at least halve global CO2 emissions by 2050. The G8 Group stated that it is
committed to future global action on climate change and called on all countries involved to attend the UN
Climate Change Conference in Indonesia in December 2007, to work on a post Kyoto agreement. The Group
also agreed to use money raised by selling emission rights to help climate protection projects in developing
countries. Some leaders wanted the G8 Summit to say exactly how low each country should make its
emissions, but George Bush, President of the USA back then, apparently blocked this.
Many people hoped that the G8 meeting would solve global warming problems, but some were
disappointed with its achievements. Nevertheless, meetings like this are only part of the fight against climate
change, and it is up to all of us to play our part.
( 1 ) ( )Which of the following is NOT true about G8?
(A) It includes governments of the richest and powerful countries in the world.
(B) G8 meeting is held every year.
(C) Some people were disappointed that G8 meeting didn’t solve the global warming problems.
(D) China is one of the members of G8.
( 2 ) ( ) Which of the following is NOT true about the 33rd Annual G8 Summit?
(A) It was held in Japan in June 2007.
(B) The summit discussed the global warming problems.
(C) The European Union, Canada, and Japan approved of reducing CO2 emissions by half by 2050.
(D) The summit required all of the group members to attend UN Climate Change Conference in
Indonesia to work on a post Kyoto agreement.
( 3 ) ( )Who disagreed to specify each country’s minimum amount of carbon emissions?
(A) Prime Minister of Japan.
(B) President of the USA.
(C) Queen of Britain.
(D) President of the UN.
( 4 ) ( )What does the word committed mean in the second paragraph?
(A) discharged
(B) polluted
(C) devoted
(D) composed
( 5 ) ( )Where is this passage likely to be found?
(A) A travel guide.
(B) A campaign flier.
(C) An environmental protection essay.
(D) A business journal.