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Name ____________________________
Date ____________________ Class _____________
Exam Review for Chapters 11 and 13
______1. Genetic disorders are caused by
a. pedigrees.
b. DNA mutations or changes in chromosomes.
c. dominant alleles only.
d. recessive alleles only.
______2. Cloning results in two organisms that are
a. both adult mammals.
c. genetically similar.
b. produced from cuttings.
d. genetically identical.
______3. Which of these is an example of the benefits of genetic engineering?
a. cross-breeding to create disease-resistant crops
b. creating human insulin to treat people with diabetes
c. analyzing karyotypes and pedigree charts
d. growing a new plant from a cutting
______4. Which of these traits is controlled by a gene with multiple alleles?
a. straight hairline
c. widow’s peak
b. smile dimples
d. blood type
______5. Which combination of sex chromosomes results in a male human
a. XX
c. XY
b. YY
d. either XX or YY
______6. How does a geneticist use pedigrees?
a. to create genetic crosses
b. to replicate identical strings of DNA
c. to prove that sex-linked traits are caused by co-dominant alleles
d. to trace the inheritance of traits in humans
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Name ____________________________
Date ____________________ Class _____________
______7. A carrier is a person who has
a. one recessive and one dominant allele for a trait.
b. two recessive alleles for a trait.
c. two dominant alleles for a trait.
d. more than two alleles for a trait.
______ 8. The Clydesdale is a large breed of horse that was used for specific farming
purposes, such as plowing and pulling wagons. The biggest and most muscular male
horses were crossed with the biggest and most muscular females to produce the strongest offspring possible. This is an example of which process?
A. cloning
B. natural selection
C. mutation D. selective breeding
______ 9. Why are sex-linked traits more commonly expressed in males than in females?
All alleles on the X chromosome are dominant
All alleles on the Y chromosome are recessive
A recessive allele on the X chromosome will always produce the
trait in a male.
Any allele on the Y chromosome will be co-dominant
with the matching allele on the X chromosome.
______10. What was the purpose of the Human Genome Project?
a. to identify the DNA sequence of every gene in the human genome
b. to clone every gene on a single chromosome in human DNA
c. to cure genetic diseases
d. to inbreed the best genes on every chromosome in human DNA
______11. What is a genome?
a. all the cells produced during meiosis
b. all the plasmids produced from inserting DNA into a cell
c. all the DNA in one cell of an organism
d. all the karyotypes in a cell
______12. Sex-linked genes are genes on
a. the X chromosome only.
b. the Y chromosome only.
c. the X and Y chromosomes.
d. all 23 pairs of chromosomes.
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Name ____________________________
Date ____________________ Class _____________
________ 13. Use the diagrams to answer the question.
A pedigree of a family with red-green color blindness, a sex-linked recessive genetic disorder, is diagrammed above. If normal vision is dominant (B), while colorblindness is recessive (b), what is the genotype of individual 3 in the diagram?
B. X bY
C. X bX b
_______ 14. Down syndrome most often occurs when
a person inherits a recessive allele
chromosomes fail to separate properly during meiosis
sickle-shaped cells become stuck in blood vessels
blood fails to clot properly
_______ 15. What is a picture of all the chromosomes in a person’s cells called?
pedigree chart
DNA fingerprint
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Name ____________________________
Date ____________________ Class _____________
_______ 16. Scientists are using genetic engineering to develop a wheat crop that is resistant to a particular kind of moth. How would they determine if the plants are mothresistant?
A. Determine the length of the moth reproductive cycle in normal wheat.
B. Determine whether moths in genetically engineered wheat can be controlled
with chemical sprays.
C. Monitor the number of moth species infesting normal wheat.
D. Monitor moth populations in fields planted with genetically engineered wheat
and normal wheat.
17. Use the diagrams to answer the question.
c c
Calico Cat
Calico cat fur is a homozygous recessive sex-linked trait. The allele for the distinct patches
of three different colors found in calico cats is recessive and carried on the X chromosome
(X ). What are the phenotypes of the offspring in the Punnett square shown above?
one calico female
one carrier female
one carrier male
one normal male
two calico females
one calico male
one normal male
three carrier females
one normal male
four carrier females
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Name ____________________________
Date ____________________ Class _____________
______ 18. The first organism in a food chain is always a
a. consumer.
c. carnivore.
b. herbivore.
d. producer.
______ 19. Vultures, which feed on the bodies of dead organisms, are
a. first-level consumers.
c. producers.
b. scavengers.
d. herbivores.
______ 20. Consumers that eat both plants and animals are called
a. omnivores.
c. carnivores.
b. herbivores.
d. scavengers.
______ 21. If a kestrel eats a mouse that eats grass, the kestrel is a
a. producer.
c. first-level consumer.
b. second-level consumer.
d. decomposer.
______ 22. The many overlapping food chains in an ecosystem make up a(n)
a. food web.
c. energy pyramid.
b. niche.
d. feeding level.
______ 23. Which of the following consumers is a herbivore?
a. bear
c. wolf
b. deer
d. snake
______24. Use the graph to answer the
Biologists conducted a study on the population sizes of a species of snail and a species
of algae found in a lake ecosystem.
Based on the data in the graph, what is the
most likely relationship between the two
snail-producer; algae-consumer
snail-consumer; algae-producer
snail-decomposer; algae-consumer
snail-producer; algae-decomposer
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Name ____________________________
Date ____________________ Class _____________
______ 25. The members of these ecosystems interact with one another as well as with the
nonliving environment.
Which of the following is not a consumer in one of these ecosystems?
A. fish
B. human
C. trees
D. rabbit
Use the Indian River Lagoon information box to answer questions 9 and 10.
______ 26. Which of the
following has the largest
population in the Indian
River Lagoon ecosystem?
A. crab
B. egret
C. flounder
D. sea grass
_______ 27. In the Indian
River Lagoon ecosystem,
many organisms compete
with one another for food
sources. Which organism
in the food web competes
with the egret for food?
clam worm
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Name ____________________________
Date ____________________ Class _____________
Chapter Tests
© Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved.