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1. Describe the "nuclear transfer" method of cloning frogs. (What kinds of cells were used, and
what was done with them?)
2. What was unique about the "nuclear transfer" method of cloning used for Dolly the sheep?
3. What is recombinant DNA?
4. What kind of enzyme is needed to make recombinant DNA?
5. What is the main difference between artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization?
6. Name 1 specific method of pre-natal genetic screening.
7. Name one disease that is cause by a specific change (mutation) in the DNA of one gene.
8. What is 1 of the 3 strategies for gene therapy?
9. What is the main difference between a monohybrid cross & a dihybrid cross?
10. What is the main difference between homozygous and heterozygous genotypes?
11. What is the main difference between codominance and incomplete dominance?
12. What is the main difference between a genotype and a phenotype?
13. What is the main difference between a gene and an allele?
14. Thomas Morgan discovered sex-linked traits in studies with what organism?
1. The nucleus from an unfertilized egg cell was removed; the nucleus from a cell from a frog
embryo (in the blastula stage) was put into the enucleated egg cell and then the egg cell was
stimulated to divide.
2. The nucleus that was transferred into the egg cell was from an adult cell (not an embryonic
cell). Also unique was the fact that the adult sheep was no longer living.
3. recombinant DNA has the DNA of more than one species in it (DNA from another organism
has been spliced into the existing DNA)
4. a restriction enzyme (cuts DNA at specific sites)
5. in artificial insemination, the fertilization of the egg cell(s) happens in the reproductive tract
of the female; in IVF, the fertilization of the egg(s) happens outside of the female's body
6. Amniocentesis or CVS (chorionic villi sampling)
7. cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, Huntington's disease, sickle cell anemia [there are others...check
with Ms. Khan if unsure]
8. any 1 of: -gene insertion (inserting the normal gene)
-gene modification (modifying the defective gene chemically)
-gene surgery (removing the defective gene and replacing it with the normal one)
9. monohybrid cross involves 1 gene/trait; dihybrid cross involves 2 genes/traits
10. in a homozygous genotype, both alleles of a pair are the same;
in a heterozygous genotype, the alleles of a pair are different
11. incomplete dominance: when 2 alleles are equally dominant, they interact to produce a
new phenotype
codominance: a type of incomplete dominance in which both alleles are expressed at the
same time.
12. genotype is the alleles an organism contains: phenotype is the observable traits of an
13. gene is a piece of DNA that codes for a protein (which relates to a trait);
alleles are alternate forms of a gene
14. the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster)