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Unit 5- Rome, Total class time for this unit- 8/9 Days
 Understand the impact of geography on the city of Rome and the Roman Empire.
 Characterize the government and religion of the Roman Republic.
 Describe the significance of the Punic Wars and the development of the Roman Empire.
 Assess the military, social, political, and cultural factors that led to the downfall of the
Roman Republic.
 Explain the economic, social, and political impact of Pax Romana and Rome’s
significance to Western Civilization.
 Describe the origin, beliefs and spread of Christianity.
 Cite the reasons for the decline and fall of the Western Roman Empire.
Skills objective: Students will conduct research in the computer lab to create a presentation
to the class. Students will also use note-taking, summarizing, and reading skills to understand
complex chains of cause and effect.
History vocab:
Keys to a good speech/presentation:
How to make a good speech/argument:
1. Eye contact: make eye contact with your audience, not just one person, but all of them.
2. Voice/delivery: volume, rate, few verbal pauses
3. Organization: Intro, Body, Conclusion (1) tell them what you’re going to tell them, 2) tell them, 3) tell
them again)
4. Support/evidence
5. Commitment/enthusiasm
Italian Peninsula Map & Roman Republic Chart
(maps on pg 153 and 159)
Adriatic Sea
Tiber River
Alps Mountains
Mediterranean Sea
Use your book to answer the following questions and complete the chart (155-157)
1. Rome was founded on seven hills. Why might this be a useful place to build a city?
2. How might Rome’s proximity (means closeness) to Greek colonies in Italy and Sicily have affected
3. Who was King Tarquin the Proud?
4. In 509, Rome declared a republic. What is a republic?
Definition (what/who are they?, what do they do?):
Draw a picture:
The two groups of Roman citizens are:
The Plebeians elected tribunes. What was the
purpose of the tribunes?
What was the forum?
What was the senate?
What were the Twelve Tables?
Who were consuls?
What was a dictator in ancient Rome? (Hint: it’s
different from a dictator today)
Which term
describes the
Which description does not fit? Cross it out.
Comprised of 300 patricians The main legislative body of
the Roman Republic;
controlled foreign policy.
Two were elected to serve
Legislative body of Roman
one year terms.
Republic. “Lower House”
similar to House of
The political and economic The twelve tables were hung
center of Rome
publicly here.
Romans established this
Form of government in
government after driving
which only a few, wealthy,
the Tarquinii kings from
land-owning citizens hold
In Rome, a leader who had The chief executive of the
total power during a time of Roman government, similar
crisis. Chosen by the
to the US President; in Rome,
consuls and senate.
there were two.
Created to
guarantee/protect the
rights of plebeians
Created to
guarantee/protect the
rights of plebeians
Rome’s first written
code of laws.
Government in which
people elect
representatives who
Was expected to give
up power after six
Compare the government of Rome with modern US government:
United States
Put in your own words.
Roman mythology
Use the internet or resources in class (front table, pg 164 textbook) to complete the chart
below and answer the questions:
Roman Name
Role in mythology (what is
he/she in charge of)
Greek name
How is Roman mythology similar to Greek mythology?
What is the relationship of Roman mythology to the state (government)?
Mythology Reading 1: Aeneid
1. Who wrote the myth of Aeneas and what is the poem called?
2. What is an epic?
3. Why do you think the Romans would claim to be related to Aeneas?
4. What was Romulus’ and Remus’ association to Aeneas?
Mythology Reading 2: Romulus and Remus
1. What does the myth of Romulus and Remus tell us about Roman culture and
mythology? (What do the Romans value?)
2. What was the real reason Rome was founded where it was?
3. Why did the settlements on each of the seven hills band together?
Slavery in Rome
Read about slavery in Rome (pg 164)
Write a one page 1st Person account of being a slave in Rome. (You pretend to be a Roman
slave and write about your experiences.)
Create a cartoon strip with at least 10 scenes depicting the capture, slavery, work, and life of a
Roman slave.
You may use the blank page on the other side.
What it must include:
 What is a slave
 Where did the Romans get slaves (map on page 163)
 Some common jobs for slaves
 What is a gladiator (also described on page 165)
The Punic Wars
(p. 156-159)
What is a legion?
What was the cause of the Punic Wars?
On the back of this page, create a timeline with the following. Your timeline
must include an explanation and image for each event.
 Rome conquers the Italian Peninsula
 1st Punic War
 2nd Punic War (Hannibal crosses Alps)
 Battle of Cannae
 Battle of Zama
 3rd Punic Wars
 Rome’s dominance in the Western Mediterranean
 Rome’s dominance in the Eastern Mediterranean
Roman Empire following the Punic Wars (146 BC) Map
Mediterranean Sea
Aegean Sea
Black Sea
Asia Minor/Anatolia
Great Britain (England)
Danube River
Rhine River
Sahara Desert
Alps Mountains
Tiber River
Outline in color and label the extent of the Roman Empire after the Punic Wars (146 BC)
Tiberius Gracchus Movie and the rise of Julius Caesar
1. Why did Tiberius think Rome didn’t deserve to be called “capital of the ancient world?”
2. What “good thing” did the war with Carthage do?
3. What threatened the foundation of the republic?
4. What does Tiberius’ mother warn him about?
5. What are Octavius and other patricians doing to poor farmers?
6. Where was the lady with the cart (and thousands of other poor farmers) going?
7. Who replaced the poor to work on the farms?
8. What does Tiberius decide to do to stand up and fight for the people (plebeians)?
9. What is his plan to help the poor?
10. How did Octavius stop the vote on land reform?
11. What did Tiberius do to shut down the city?
12. How did he “use the mob?”
Draw conclusions:
What motivated patricians to seize farms?
Three main causes for the fall of the Roman Republic: (p 160-161)
1. Economic turmoil:
a. What are slaves?
b. Gap between rich and poor: what is it like in Rome?
i. What was happening to small farmers?
ii. Urbanization: when people move from the countryside to the cities.
1. How did urbanization affect Rome?
c. Inflation (skip until the end- Mr. Pope will discuss)
d. What is a civil war?
2. Military upheaval
a. How did generals gain power?
i. What did they do for soldiers?
3. Julius Caesar
a. What was the (First) Triumvirate and who was in it?
b. Why did Caesar become very popular?
c. What did he do after crossing the Rubicon River?
d. What happened between Pompey and Caesar?
e. Who supported Caesar and why?
Who did not support him and what did they do to him?
4. What conditions or events made the rise of Tiberius and the rise of Caesar likely?
From Republic to Empire (p 161-162)
• Julius Caesar conquers and becomes governor of _______. Teams
up with ____________ and ____________ in the
____ BC
• Caesar ordered to return to Rome. He does, but takes his
_____________ across the Rubicon River. JC invades Rome.
______ BC
• The Roman Civil War. ___________ fights Pompey throughout
the Roman Empire and eventually wins. He returns to Rome and
becomes _______________.
44 BC
• Caesar appointed ____________________________. He has the
support of the masses (plebians) by creating ________________
for the poor, _______________ soldiers' pay, and creating jobs
through ______________________.
_______________ BC
• The ______________ feared Caesar's growing power. Julius
Caesar _________________ by the Senate on the Ides of March.
________ BC
• After Ceasar's death, his supporters, led by _________________,
_________________, and ___________________ ruled Rome as
the ___________________________.
_________ BC
• The Second Triumvirate fell apart. Octavian forced Lepidus into
exile and defeated the combined forces of
_________________________ and ___________________ at the
Battle of Actium to become the sole ruler of Rome.
27 BC-14 AD
27 BC- 180 AD
180 AD- 476 AD
476 AD
Until 1453 AD
• Octavian changes his name to _________________________,
which means "_____________________." He takes the title
__________________, which evolved into the word
• Augustus' rule begins a nearly 200 year period of peace and
prosperity known as ____________________________________
or ___________________________.
• The Roman empire begins a slow decline characterized by
economic, political, and military troubles. Rome is sacked
repeatedly by invading "barbarian" tribes from Germany and
• Western Roman Empire falls .
• Eastern Roman Empire continues to thrive in the Eastern
Mediterranean before eventually falling to invading Ottoman
Turks in 1453 AD.
The Pax Romana (pg 162-165)
Economic Impacts
How did Roman roads
Pax Romana?
Social Impacts
Pax Romana
Political Impacts
Roman Empire at its height map
Mediterranean Sea
Black Sea
Asia Minor/Anatolia
Danube River
Rhine River
Alps Mountains
Outline in color and label the extent of the Roman Empire at its height (217 AD)
Aegean Sea
Great Britait n (England)
Sahara Desert
Tiber River
Christianity (168-172)
Christianity vocab
Define the word:
Draw a picture:
The life of Jesus of Nazareth:
Make a chronology showing the important events leading up to and during Jesus’ life. Where you
have them, include dates. Use the space at the top of the next page. Minimally you must include:
Romans make Judea a province of the Roman Empire
Jesus born in Bethlehem
Jesus’ public ministry (what stuff does he do as a religious figure? Hint: “It’s a miracle”)
Jesus’ crucifixion
Jesus’ resurrection
Important Christian beliefs (pg 168; last full para; bottom pg 170):
6. Trinity:
Father (God)
Holy Ghost
Christianity Spreads (pg 168-172)
Jewish rebellion and Diaspora (pg 170)
Make a timeline in the space at the top of the next page showing the following events of the
Jewish Rebellion and Diaspora:
1. Romans conquer Judea/Israel
2. 1st Jewish rebellion
a. Romans storm Jerusalem
b. Masada
c. Include effects on Jews
3. Second Jewish rebellion and Diaspora
Compare Christianity and Judaism
Christianity grew out of Judaism. The first five books of the Bible are from the Jew’s Torah. This makes the
Old Testament. The New Testament are the newer beliefs that come after Jesus.
Holy Book (s)
Beliefs (how do
they view God, who
is the “founder,”
what do they
How it spread
outside of
Palestine/Holy Land
Persecution for
Decline and fall of the Roman Empire
From the movie, provide examples of the following reasons for the decline of the Roman
(Mercenary:__________________________________________________________________ )
Moral decay:
Political problems/poor leadership:
Part 2: The Last Days of the Empire (pg 173-176)
In 284 AD, the emperor ____________________ divided the empire into the
________________ Roman Empire and _________________ Roman Empire. The capital of
the _________________ Roman Empire remained at Rome.
After reconquering the western empire, the Emperor _______________________ moved the
capital city to _________________________. This was a smart move because the city is much
easier to defend than Rome.
Invasions by Germanic tribes continued throughout the 300’s and 400’s AD. The greatest
single threat to the empire came between 444-453 AD when a group from Central Asia called
the __________ and commanded by __________ advanced on Constantinople and Rome.
The ________________ Roman Empire continued to decline and eventually fell during the
reign of Romulus Augustus in _________AD.
The Eastern half of the empire, with its capital city __________________________, lasted for
another 1000 years as the ________________ Empire.
Roman Contributions to Western Civilization
Most of the following achievements of Roman civilization you should be able to fill in on your own. If you
need to, use pages 178-183 to add to the chart.
Religion (list two):
Science (in class):
Architecture & Engineering:
Language (list 2):
Public health:
What is Western civilization and why does it have its roots in Rome?
Vocab matching
____1. Capital city of the Eastern Roman Empire
____2. Roman Emperor who divided the empire into Eastern and Western
____3. Invaded Roman Empire especially along northern border
____4. A person who is hired to fight, but not always loyal
____5. The apostle who founded the Christian church
____6. The apostle who spread the word of Christ through his travels and
____7. Oppression for beliefs
____8. Forced exile and dispersal of the Jews
____9. Huge temple with a dome in Rome
____10.The original written Roman code laws; hung in the forum
____11.Romans built these tubes to carry water to the cities
____12.The political, economic, and civic center of Rome
____13.Upper legislative body of Roman Republic
____14.Romans elected two of these as the executive branch
____15.Indirect or representative democracy
____16.Rich Roman citizens
Tiber River
Julius Caesar
Augustus Caesar
Pax Romana
Punic Wars
Twelve Tables
Germanic tribes
____17.Poor Roman citizens
____18.North African city; foe of Rome
____19.3 series of wars fought between Rome and Carthage
____20.Religion to which Constantine converts
____21.Increased peace and prosperity in the Roman Empire
____22.Dude that nearly succeeded in destroying Rome during Punic Wars
____23.Legalized Christianity; renamed Byzantium for himself
____24.Nephew of Julius Caesar; 2nd Triumvirate; began Pax Romana
____25.Crossed Rubicon and made himself “Dictator for life”
____26.River along which Rome was built
Cause and Effect: Use the phrases in the words below to complete the Cause/Effect Charts
Pax Romana
Fall of the Roman Empire
Geographic protection
Punic Wars
Rise of Julius Caesar
Greek mythology
Spread of Christianity
Jewish Diaspora
Division of the Roman Empire
1. Augustus defeats other members of 2nd Triumvirate; civil wars end
2. ________________
Rome gains control of an empire in the Western Mediterranean
3. Dedicated apostles; appeal of salvation
4. Germanic tribes invade; poor leadership; economic turmoil
5. Gap between rich and poor; increasing power of generals
6. Jews rebel against Roman rule in 1st and 2nd centuries AD
7. Rome located on a peninsula and isolated to the north by Alps _________________________
8. __________________ adapted
Roman Mythology
9. Diocletian felt the empire was too large for one man to govern
Rome Geography Practice:
1. Rome is closest to letter _______
2. Gaul was near letter _______
3. Carthage is closest to letter _______
4. Letter N is the ____________________ Sea
5. Letter D is the location of the _________________ Mountains
6. The territory at all the letters on the map was controlled by the Roman Empire EXCEPT letter _________.
Circle the map below that shows the Roman Empire at its height (look at the shaded area)
Complete the chronology below with the people, ideas, vocabulary words, places, and dates needed.
 600-509 BC
 509 BC
 451 BC
 264 -146 BC
 60-49 BC
 49-27 BC
 27 BC-14 AD
 27 BC
 ~6 BC- ~27 AD
Rome is ruled by the ______________ kings.
The two main groups of citizens _________________ and
_______________ put aside their differences to form an alliance to
overthrow the kings of Rome. They set up a ____________, a form
of government in which citizens elect their representatives.
To safeguard the rights of its citizens, Rome created its first written
code of laws, the ________________________.
During the ___________ ___ Rome waged three wars against its
rival _______________. The wars started over control of Sicily and
other territories in the Western Mediterranean. Despite the
temporary success of the Carthaginian general
__________________, who marched with an army across the Alps
to invade Rome, eventually Rome won and destroyed
Years of political and economic turmoil led to the rise of powerful
generals like _____________________,
_________________________, and ____________________ who
ruled Rome as the First ______________________. During this
time, ____________________ was wildly successful by conquering
all of Gaul.
The First Triumvirate broke down when ____________________
was ordered to return to Rome to stand trial. He did, but took his
army across the Rubicon River. This began the Roman Civil War,
during which ___________________ was assassinated in the
Senate. His nephew ________________, trusted lieutenant
___________________________, and Lepidus formed the Second
_____________________ to bring Julius Caesar’s killers to justice.
Eventually fighting broke out among them as well until only
__________________ remained.
_______________crowned “emperor” of Rome; changed his name
to ____________. His rule was known for stability and prosperity.
____________________ begins. This 200 year period of general
peace, stability, and prosperity saw a growth of trade, expansion of
Roman power, and flourishing of the arts.
______________________, the son of a carpenter, is born in the
Roman province of Judea (Israel). As an adult he began preaching
about a personal relationship with God and kindness to all people.
He was sentenced by the Roman governor to death by
________________________. Christians believe he is the son of
 70 AD
 79 AD
 132 AD
 180 AD
 284 AD
 312 AD
 444 AD
 _____ AD
God. Despite being __________________ by the Roman
government, his teachings were carried throughout the Roman
Empire by the _______________________.
The Jews living in in Judea rebelled against Roman rule. The Romans
crushed the rebellion and destroyed the ______________________,
the only part of which that remains is the Western (Wailing) Wall.
An active volcano at Mount ___________________ erupted
destroying the Roman resort town of ____________________. The
town was perfectly preserved by the volcanic ash and provides
archeologists today with a trove of information about the ancient
The Jews in Judea rebelled against Roman rule again. This time,
after crushing the rebellion, the Romans forced the Jews into exile
and scattered them throughout the empire so they could no longer
pose a threat. This is called the Jewish ___________.
A series of poor leaders and increasing economic strain cause the
Pax Romana to end. Over the next 300 years, the empire shrunk
because of invasions by _________________ tribes to the north and
To solve the problem of managing such a vast territory, the emperor
__________________ divided the empire into
____________________ and ______________ halves.
The Roman Emperor _________________ converted to Christianity
after seeing a sign from God that enabled him to defeat an
opponent for the crown. The next year he issued the
________________________ which legalized Christianity in the
Roman Empire
______________ unified the fearsome Huns and led them against
the Romans near Constantinople and Rome. The Romans were
powerless against him and were saved only by his untimely death.
The Roman Empire in the __________ falls. The more prosperous
Eastern half continues as the Byzantine Empire.
Imagine you are senators of the Roman Republic/Empire. You are debating the following
topics to decide what you should do. Your debates will take place “back then.” So, you can use
what we know from history to say that something “might” or “could” happen, but you can’t
assume they happened that way.
In groups of four (2 opposing teams of 2), select a resolution to debate:
Resolved: Octavian (Augustus) should take over the republic and install himself as imperator (emperor).
Resolved: Diocletian should divide the Roman Empire into Eastern and Western halves.
Resolved: Julius Caesar should install himself as “dictator.”
Resolved: The repeated invasions by Germanic tribes is the single greatest threat to the empire (debate
happening in late 300’s AD)
Resolved: The Romans should crush the Jewish rebellion and exile the Jews from Judea (Canaan, Palestine,
Resolved: The Roman Empire must continue to expand to gain access to more slaves in order to continue
economic growth.
Resolved: The Christians should be persecuted and if they refuse to convert to an accepted religion, be
Resolved: The Roman Empire should use non-Romans and mercenaries to augment the military.
Resolved: Rome should go to war with Carthage and destroy it (debate 3rd Punic War).
Assignment Guidelines:
1. Use the debate template to develop your arguments. Conduct research in and out of
class to develop your arguments.
2. Make speech outlines to delivery your affirmative and negative speeches.
3. Consider how to rebut your opponents’ arguments
4. Consider proper public speaking strategies
5. This will be worth a project grade of 60 Points. How you’ll be graded:
a. Participation in developing arguments and preparing for debate: _____/20 Points
b. Debate judgement:
_____/40 Points
c. Notes for other debates:
_____/20 Points
Group Presentations
In groups of 2 or 3, choose one of the following topics. Your mission is to create a presentation with a short
PowerPoint or Prezi. You should cover all the major historical questions: Who? What? When? Where? How?
Your presentation should only last 5 minutes or so.
All PowerPoints must be saved on a flashdrive or e-mailed to Pope before class period. Do not assume I
received your presentation; make sure I respond. If we have to take time to log off the computer to log you in,
you will lose points.
Augustus Caesar (Octavian) becomes Roman Emperor
Julius Caesar becomes dictator of Rome/Roman Civil War
Division of Roman Empire into Eastern and Western Empires
Germanic invasions (Goths, Huns, Vandals, or other)
Jewish rebellion & diaspora
Life of Jesus
Spread of Christianity
Constantine’s conversion to Christianity
Punic Wars
Any Roman Emperor
Roman engineering (arches, roads, domes, etc.)
Roman mythology
Gladiators & gladiatorial games
Roman Republic
Fall of the Roman Empire (reasons for, or the end of the empire)
How you’ll be graded:
Time on task/equal share of work:
Meet guidelines:
Answer who, what, when, where, why, how questions:
____/20 Points
____/20 Points
____/10 Points
____/10 Points
____/60 Points
Why you should pay attention & add to your notes while presentations are being given:
You will have a short, open note quiz on this material upon completion of the presentations. You may only
use those notes you took during presentations.