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Macromolecules -- General
Multiple Choice
__ 1. The formation of polymers is an example of:
a) catabolism
b) metabolism
c) hydrolysis
d) hydrophilia
e) anabolism
__ 2. Which of the following is true of an amino acid and starch?
a) both contain nitrogen
b) both contain oxygen
c) both are polymers
d) both are hydrophobic
e) both are found in proteins
__ 3. Large organic molecules are usually assembled by polymerization of a few kinds of simple
subunits. Which of the following is an exception to the above statement?
a) a steroid
b) cellulose
c) DNA
d) an enzyme
e) a contractile protein
__ 4. Polymers are
a) large organic molecules linking together repeating subunits of the same type called monomers.
b) found in proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids.
c) due to a dehydration reaction.
d) All of the choices are correct.
__ 5. Which of the following would NOT be a molecule used for storage?
a) starch
b) triglyceride
c) glycogen
d) chitin
__ 6. Two classes of organic compounds typically provide energy for living systems.
Representatives of these two classes are
a) fats and amino acids.
b) amino acids and glycogen.
c) amino acids and ribose sugars.
d) fats and polysaccharides.
e) nucleic acids and phospholipids.
__ 7. Starch is to glycogen as _________ is to ____________.
a) oil; fat
b) glucose; chitin
c) adenine; DNA
d) carbon; protein
e) hydrolysis; condensation
__ 8. Which of the following is NOT a biologically active polymer?
a) starch
b) collagen
c) water
d) DNA
__ 9. A macromolecule is composed of smaller units called
a) polymers
b) cells
c) isomers
d) monomers
e) isotopes
__ 10. What do carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins have in common?
a) Monomers of these organic molecules form polymers by way of condensation reactions.
b) Covalent bonding holds these molecules together.
c) Each of these organic molecules has a carbon backbone with various functional groups attached.
d) All are important components of an animal's diet.
e) All of the above.
__ 11. Which of the following correctly matches an organic polymer with its respective monomers?
a) Protein and amino acids
b) Carbohydrates and polysaccharides
c) Hydrocarbon and monosaccharides
d) Lipid and steroids
e) DNA and ATP
__ 12. Which of the following best explains the molecular complexity of living organisms?
a) The large number of different monomers allows the construction of many polymers.
b) Each organism has its own unique set of monomers for use in constructing polymers.
c) Condensation reactions can create different polymers because they can use virtually any molecules in the
d) While there are not many macromolecules in cells, each one has many different functions.
e) A small number of monomers can be assembled into large polymers with many different sequences.
True - False
__ 13. Polymers are long chains of ________________ subunits.
a) True
b) False
__ 14. Monomer units are linked together to form polymers by a hydrolysis reaction.
a) True
b) False
Short answer
__ 15. What are the four major types of macromolecules?
__ 16. Think about a Big Mac or a Whopper. What biological molecules are you eating? What if
you got fries with that?
Dehydration synthesis & Hydrolysis reactions
Multiple Choice
__ 17. Which of the following illustrates hydrolysis?
a) the reaction of two monosaccharides to form a disaccharide with the release of water
the synthesis of two amino acids to form a dipeptide with the utilization of water
the reaction of a fat to form glycerol and fatty acids with the release of water
the reaction of a fat to form glycerol and fatty acids with the utilization of water
the synthesis of a nucleotide from a phosphate, a ribose sugar, and a nitrogen base with the production of
a molecule of water
__ 18. Polymers of polysaccharides, fats, and proteins are all synthesized from monomers by:
a) connecting monosaccharides together
b) the addition of water to each monomer
c) the removal of water (dehydration synthesis)
d) ionic bonding of the monomers
e) the formation of disulfide bridges between monomers
__ 19. Polymers of polysaccharides, fats, and proteins are all synthesized from monomers by:
a) connecting monosaccharides together
b) the addition of water to each monomer
c) the removal of water (dehydration synthesis)
d) ionic bonding of the monomers
e) the formation of disulfide bridges between monomers
__ 20. Polysaccharides, lipids, and proteins are similar in that they:
a) are synthesized from monomers by the process of hydrolysis
b) are synthesized from monomers by the process of dehydration synthesis
c) are synthesized from peptide bonding between amino acids
d) are decomposed into their subunits by the process of dehydration synthesis
e) all contain nitrogen in their monomers
__ 21. Which of the following illustrates hydrolysis?
a) the reaction of 2 monosaccharides to form a disaccharide with the release of water
b) the synthesis of two amino acids to form a dipeptide with the utilization of water
c) the reaction of a fat to form glycerol and fatty acids with the release of water
d) the reaction of a fat to form glycerol and fatty acids with the utilization of water
e) the synthesis of a nucleotide from a phosphate, a ribose sugar, and nitrogen base with the production of
a molecule of water
__ 22. Hydrolysis is involved in which of the following?
a) formation of starch
b) hydrogen bond formation between nucleic acids
c) peptide bond formation of proteins
d) the hydrophylic interactions of lipids
e) the digestion of maltose to glucose
__ 23. Condensation synthesis reactions are used in forming which of the following compounds?
a) triglycerides
b) polysaccharides
c) proteins
d) Only triglycerides and proteins are correct.
e) triglycerides, polysaccharides, and proteins
__ 24. The bonding of two amino acid molecules to form a larger molecule requires:
a) the release of a water molecule
b) the release of a carbon dioxide molecule
c) the addition of a nitrogen atom
d) the addition of a water molecule
e) an increase in activation energy
__ 25. Condensation synthesis reactions are used in forming which of the following compounds?
a) triglycerides
b) polysaccharides
c) proteins
d) Only A and C are correct.
e) A, B, and C are correct.
__ 26. Hydrolysis could be correctly described as the
a) heating of a compound to drive off its excess water and concentrate its volume
b) breaking of a long-chain compound into its subunits by adding water molecules to its structure between
the subunits
c) linking of two or more molecules by the removal of one or more water molecule
d) constant removal of hydrogen atoms from the surface of a carbohydrate
e) none of the above
__ 27. A dehydration reaction can also be called a _________ reaction since it forms water.
a) a condensation
b) a hydrolysis
c) an isomeric
d) an energy-releasing
e) monomer formation
__ 28. Which of the following best summarizes the relationship between dehydration reactions and
a) Dehydration reactions assemble polymers and hydrolysis breaks them down.
b) Hydrolysis occurs during the day and dehydration happen at night.
c) Dehydration reactions can occur only after hydrolysis.
d) Hydrolysis creates monomers and dehydration reactions destroy them.
e) Dehydration reactions occur only in animals and hydrolysis reactions occur only in plants.
__ 29. In condensation reactions, the atoms that make up a water molecule are derived from
a) oxygen.
b) only one of the reactants.
c) both of the reactants.
d) carbohydrates.
e) enzymes.
__ 30. The formation of large molecules from small repeating units is accomplished by a(n)
____________ reaction.
a) oxidation
b) reduction
c) dehydration
d) hydrolysis
e) decarboxylation
__ 31. The breakdown of large molecules into their subunits is called a(n) ____________ reaction.
a) oxidation
b) reduction
c) condensation
d) hydrolysis
e) decarboxylation
__ 32. A dehydration reaction typically produces
a) monomers
b) salts
c) sugars
d) polymers
e) amino acids
__ 33. Hydrolysis is involved in which of the following?
a) formation of starch
b) hydrogen bond formation between nucleic acids
c) peptide bond formation of proteins
d) the hydrophylic interactions of lipids
e) the digestion of maltose to glucose
__ 34. Large biological molecules are synthesized by removing...
a) carbon
b) covalent bonds
c) water
d) oxygen
e) peptides
__ 35. What type of chemical reaction results in the breakdown of organic polymers into their
respective subunits?
a) Condensation
b) Oxidation
c) Hydrolysis
d) Ionization
e) Reduction
__ 36. Which of the following reactions requires the removal of water to form a covalent bond?
a) glycogen  glucose subunits
b) dipeptide  alanine + glycine
c) cellulose  glucose
d) glucose + galactose  lactose
e) fat  fatty acids + glycerol
True - False
__ 37. Hydrolysis is a process by which water is used to break apart a chemical bond.
a) True
b) False
__ 38. Energy is used in the process of hydrolysis.
a) True
b) False
Short answer
__ 39. Many macromolecules are formed by the connection of monomer units in a __________
reaction (removal of water); the reverse process occurs via a __________ reaction (addition
of water).
Amino acids
Multiple Choice
__ 40. How many different amino acids are typically used in the synthesis of a polypeptide chain?
a) 5
b) 12
c) 20
d) 32
e) 6
__ 41. The peptide linkage between two amino acids:
a) results from the release of water.
b) involves the linkage of two carboxyl groups.
c) involves the linkage of two amino groups.
d) forms protein secondary structure.
__ 42. The bonding of two amino acid molecules to form a larger molecule requires:
a) the release of a water molecule
b) the addition of a water molecule
c) the release of a carbon dioxide molecule
d) the addition of a nitrogen atom
e) an increase in activation energy
__ 43. Proteins are large polymers made up of many:
a) amino acids
b) nucleic acids
c) sugars
d) R-groups
e) lipids
__ 44. All amino acids contain a(an):
a) amino group
b) carboxyl group;
c) hydrogen
d) R-group
e) all of these are correct
__ 45. What kind of covalent bond exists between all adjacent amino acids in a protein?
a) carboxyl
b) peptide
c) glucosidic
d) amino
e) disulfide
__ 46. Of the following functional groups, which one is known as the AMINO GROUP?
a) -SH
b) -COOH
c) -NH2
d) -OH
e) -CHO
__ 47. All AMINO ACIDS have FOUR COMMON FEATURES. Which one of the following is NOT one
of those?
a) an amino group
b) some distinct atom or cluster of atoms called an R-group
c) a hydrogen atom
d) a carboxyl group
e) a sulfhydryl group
__ 48. The linkage between two amino acids is called a(n) ___________ bond.
a) peptide
b) ionic
c) hydrogen
d) double
e) amino
__ 49. Amino acids are the building blocks for:
a) proteins
b) steroids
c) lipids
d) nucleic acids
e) carbohydrates
__ 50. A protein is a polymer made up of which kind of monomers?
a) glucose or modified glucose molecules
b) amino acids
c) nucleotides
d) alternating sugar and phosphate groups
e) fatty acids and glycerol
__ 51. Organisms contain thousands of different proteins composed of _______ amino acids.
a) 4
b) 20
c) 100
d) 1000
e) approx. 5000
__ 52. What type of amino acid side chain would you expect to find on the surface of a protein
embedded in a cell membrane?
a) Cysteine
b) Hydrophobic
c) Hydrophilic
d) Charged
e) Polar, but not charged
__ 53. A peptide bond is found in which type of biological molecule?
a) carbohydrate
b) lipid
c) nucleic acid
d) protein
True - False
__ 54. There are 20 amino acids that act as monomers for producing common proteins.
a) True
b) False
Short answer
Multiple Choice
__ 55. All of the following molecules are proteins EXCEPT:
a) hemoglobin
b) antibodies
c) collagen
d) enzymes
e) DNA
__ 56. Upon chemical analysis, a particular protein was found to contain 438 amino acids. How
many peptide bonds are present in this protein?
a) 20
b) 437
c) 438
d) 439
e) 876
__ 57. The tertiary structure of a protein is the:
a) bonding together of several polypeptide chains by weak bonds
b) order in which amino acids are joined in a peptide chain
c) bonding of two amino acids together to form a dipeptide
d) folding of a peptide chain into an alpha helix
e) folding of the alpha helix
__ 58. Which bonds form the primary structure of a protein?
a) peptide bonds
b) hydrogen bonds
c) disulfide bonds
d) Only peptide bonds and disulfide bonds are correct.
e) peptide bonds, hydrogen bonds, and disulfide bonds
__ 59. At which level of protein structure are interactions between R-groups most important?
a) primary
b) secondary
c) tertiary
d) quaternary
e) They are equally important at all levels.
__ 60. Which type of interaction stabilizes the alpha helix structure of proteins?
a) hydrophobic interactions
b) non-polar covalent bonds
c) ionic Interactions
d) hydrogen bonds
e) polar covalent bonds
__ 61. Below freezing and above boiling, cells are unable to function as "liquid machinery."
However, most organisms' cells are still limited from functioning throughout this full range of
liquid temperatures. At the molecular level in different organisms, cells' ability to vary in their
tolerance to temperature, etc., is most closely related to variation in
a) enzyme activity and protein denaturation.
b) ATP efficiency.
c) ability to form glucose polymers.
d) replication of nucleic acids.
e) extent of saturation of fatty acids.
__ 62. What maintains the secondary structure of a protein?
a) peptide bonds
b) hydrogen bonds
c) disulfide bridges
d) ionic bonds
e) electrostatic charges
__ 63. The alpha helix and the beta pleated sheet are both common forms found in which level of
structure of proteins?
a) primary
b) secondary
c) tertiary
d) quaternary
e) Both primary and quaternary are correct.
__ 64. Altering which of the following levels of structural organization of a protein could alter the
function of an enzyme?
a) primary
b) secondary
c) tertiary
d) Only primary and tertiary are correct.
e) primary, secondary, and tertiary
__ 65. What would be an expected consequence of changing one amino acid in a particular
a) The primary structure would be changed.
b) The tertiary structure might be changed.
c) The biological activity of this protein might be altered.
d) The number of amino acids present would stay the same.
e) All of these are expected.
__ 66. A number of substances isolated from a cell were found to be capable of contraction,
regulation of genes, serving as catalysts, and transporting substances into the cell. These
macromolecules are most likely to be:
a) lipid
b) carbohydrate
c) protein
d) nucleic acids.
__ 67. At which bond would water need to be added to achieve hydrolysis of the dipeptide shown,
back to its component amino acids?
 
N - C - C - N - C - C - OH
C. D.
__ 68. The alpha helix and beta sheet are found at which level of protein organization?
a) primary structure
b) secondary structure
c) tertiary structure
d) quaternary structure
e) all of these
__ 69. Proteins may function as:
a) structural units
b) hormones
c) storage molecules
d) transport molecules
e) all of the above
__ 70. The sequence of amino acids is the ___________ structure of proteins.
a) primary
b) secondary
c) tertiary
d) quaternary
e) stereo
__ 71. All proteins contain: A. CARBON, B. HYDROGEN, C. OXYGEN, D. NITROGEN, B. SULFUR; F.
a) A, B
b) A, B, C
c) A, B, C, D
d) A, B, C, D, E
e) A, B, C, D, E, F
__ 72. What determines the specific function of a protein?
a) Exact sequence of amino acids
b) Number of disulfide bonds
c) A hydrophilic "head" attached to a hydrophobic "tail"
d) Fatty acids as monomers
e) The number of peptide bonds it contains
__ 73. The group of biological molecules most diverse in function is:
a) carbohydrates
b) lipids
c) proteins
d) nucleic acids
e) organelles
__ 74. This macromolecule is composed of amino acid subunits.
a) Proteins
b) Carbohydrates
c) Lipids
d) Nucleic Acids
__ 75. May possess primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure.
a) Proteins
b) Carbohydrates
c) Lipids
d) Nucleic Acids
__ 76. Specifically, a peptide bond forms between which groups?
a) Amino and aldehyde groups
b) Carboxyl and amino groups
c) Hydroxyl and carboxyl groups
d) Phosphate and hydroxyl groups
e) Carboxyl and aldehyde groups
__ 77. What maintains the secondary structure of a protein?
a) Peptide bonds
b) Disulfide bonds
c) Hydrogen bonds
d) Ionic bonds
e) All of these
__ 78. Complex three-dimensional tertiary structures of globular proteins are characterized by:
a) An absence of hydrophilic amino acids
b) A helical shape
c) A lack of cysteines in amino acid sequence
d) Disulfide bridges
e) Interactions among peptide chains
__ 79. Hemoglobin represents which level of protein organization?
a) Primary structure
b) Secondary structure
c) Tertiary structure
d) Quaternary structure
e) None of these; hemoglobin is a polysaccharide
__ 80. Which of these is an example of a protein?
a) Hemoglobin
b) Cellulose
c) Estrogen
d) ATP
e) All of these
__ 81. Sequence information in DNA determines which of the following conformational
components of proteins?
a) Primary
b) Secondary
c) Tertiary
d) a, b, and c
e) None of the above
True - False
__ 82. Denaturation of protein, followed by renaturation in some cases, shows that it is the
primary sequence of the monomers that determines the final configuration of the molecule.
a) True
b) False
__ 83. All enzymes are proteins.
a) True
b) False
__ 84. Hemoglobin is a phospholipid that transports oxygen in the blood.
a) True
b) False
__ 85. Proteins may have structural and metabolic functions.
a) True
b) False
__ 86. The secondary structure of a protein is mainly formed and held together by hydrogen
a) True
b) False
__ 87. Protein function is directly related to their primary structure of amino acids.
a) True
b) False
__ 88. The alpha helix secondary structure of proteins is stabilized by hydrogen bonds.
a) True
b) False
Short answer
__ 89. Explain why a protein that functions fine in the cytosol of a cell may not function if placed in
the cell membrane.
__ 90. The linear arrangement of amino acids in the polypeptide chain is referred to as the
__________________ structure of the protein.
__ 91. In the final three-dimensional structure of a protein, _______________ amino acids are
more likely to be found in the interior of the molecule.
__ 92. Describe the different levels of organization in proteins, and tell which is most important in
the formation of all the other levels.
Multiple Choice
__ 93. What is a triacylglycerol (triglyceride)?
a) a lipid made of saturated fatty acids only
b) a lipid made of three fatty acids and glycerol
c) a kind of lipid found in the plasma membrane
d) a lipid with three molecules attached to glycerol, one can be a phosphate
e) a carbohydrate with three sugars
__ 94. Which of the following is true concerning saturated fatty acids?
a) They have double bonds between the carbon atoms of the fatty acids.
b) They have a higher ratio of hydrogen to carbon than unsaturated fatty acids.
c) They are usually liquid at room temperature.
d) They are usually produced by plants.
e) All of these are true.
__ 95. Which type of lipid is most important in biological membranes?
a) fats
b) steroids
c) phospholipids
d) oils
e) triglycerides
__ 96. The element nitrogen is present in all of the following EXCEPT:
a) proteins
b) nucleic acids
c) amino acids
d) DNA
e) lipids
__ 97. What is the molecular illustrated below?
C - C - C - C - C - C - C C - C - C - C /
- H
a) a saturated fatty acid
b) an unsaturated fatty acid
c) a polyunsaturated triglyceride
d) similar in structure to a steroid
e) likely to be a common component of plant oils
__ 98. Which of the following would yield the most energy per gram when oxidized?
a) starch
b) glycogen
c) fat
d) protein
e) monosaccharides
__ 99. Which of the following compounds is hydrophobic?
a) ethanol
b) simple sugars
c) hydrocarbons
d) amino acids
e) water
__ 100. Fats, oils, and steroids are
a) proteins.
b) nucleic acids.
c) polysaccharides.
d) lipids.
__ 101. A lipid is a polymer made up of which kind of monomers?
a) glucose or modified glucose molecules
b) amino acids
c) nucleotides
d) alternating sugar and phosphate groups
e) fatty acids and glycerol
__ 102. Which lipid does not contain at least some subunits similar to those in the others?
a) steroids
b) neutral fats
c) waxes
d) phospholipids
__ 103. Which of the following lipids forms a bilayer between two watery regions, such as in the
plasma membrane of a cell?
a) steroids
b) neutral fats
c) waxes
d) phospholipids
__ 104. Cholesterol belongs to which of the following groups?
a) triglycerides
b) sterols
c) fatty acids
d) waxes
e) phospholipids
__ 105. If an animal needed to store energy for long-term use, but not be encumbered with the
weight of extra tissue, which is the best molecule for storage?
a) fructose and glucose in the form of honey
b) high-calorie fat molecules
c) complex cellulose molecules
d) starch
e) glycogen with extensive side branches of glucose
__ 106. What term is based on the Greek root words for "light" and "fat"?
a) steroid
b) glycogen
c) carbohydrate
d) cellulose
e) phospholipid
__ 107. A saturated fat is
a) solid at room temperature.
b) has fatty acids with no double bonds between the carbon atoms.
c) is of animal origin.
d) All of the choices are correct.
__ 108. In a lipid bilayer ___________ tails point inward and form a region that excludes water.
a) acidic
b) basic
c) hydrophilic
d) hydrophobic
e) none of these
__ 109. Lipids
a) serve as food reserves in many organisms
b) include cartilage and chitin
c) include fats that are broken down into one fatty acid molecule and three glycerol molecules
d) are composed of monosaccharides
e) none of the above
__ 110. The element most commonly responsible for making an organic molecule POLAR is:
a) oxygen
b) carbon
c) hydrogen
d) chlorine
e) sulfur
__ 111. The FAMILY of organic biological molecules that always contains a non-polar
(hydrophobic) region is:
a) carbohydrates
b) lipids
c) nucleic acids
d) proteins
e) nucleotides
__ 112. What type of LIPIDS are found in ALL biological MEMBRANES?
a) triglycerides
b) waxes
c) phospholipids
d) diglycerides
e) cholesterol
__ 113. What TYPE of LIPIDS form a SURFACE LAYER that helps retard evaporation and trap
potentially dangerous microbes?
a) triglycerides
b) waxes
c) phospholipids
d) diglycerides
e) cholesterol
__ 114. Unlike the saturated fatty acids, UNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS:
a) are found mostly in animal fats and oils
b) contain hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen
c) are often covalently bonded to sugars
d) lack of carboxyl group
e) contain double covalent bonds between carbons in their hydrocarbon chain
__ 115. Of the following types of biological molecules, which is a (are) steroid(s)? A. Bile Acids, B.
Cholesterol, C. Waxes, D. Sex Hormones.
a) B, D
b) B only
c) B, C, D
d) A, B, D
e) A, B, C, D
__ 116. An example of a SATURATED fat is:
a) butter
b) corn oil
c) soybean oil
d) safflower oil
e) margarine
__ 117. Saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids differ in:
a) the number of carbon-to-carbon bonds
b) the consistency at room temperature
c) the number of hydrogen atoms present
d) all of the choices are differences between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids
__ 118. Which of the following is insoluble in water?
a) Olive oil
b) DNA
c) Sucrose
d) Salt
e) Amino acids
__ 119. A member of this macromolecule group is crucial to the structure and function of the cell
a) Proteins
b) Carbohydrates
c) Lipids
d) Nucleic Acids
__ 120. Which type of lipid is most important in biological membranes?
a) fats
b) steroids
c) phospholipids
d) oils
e) triglycerides
__ 121. These macromolecules possess large nonpolar regions making them insoluble in water.
a) Proteins
b) Carbohydrates
c) Lipids
d) Nucleic Acids
__ 122. Cholesterol, testosterone, estrogen and ecdysone are all examples of:
a) Fatty acids
b) Proteins
c) Steroids
d) Hormones
e) Waxes
__ 123. How does one account for the nonpolar, hydrophobic nature of fats?
a) Fats lack both double and triple bonds.
b) The fatty acids are linked to large long-chained alcohols.
c) Carboxyl groups (-COOH) are not present in fats.
d) Carbon and hydrogen atoms share electrons equally.
e) Glycerol is not water soluble.
__ 124. When one gram of each of the following is oxidized, which yields the greatest amount of
a) Sucrose
b) Glucose
c) Glycerol
d) Hemoglobin
e) Fat
__ 125. Of what are fats composed?
a) Three glycerols and their fatty acids
b) Three fatty acids and one glycerol
c) One glycogen and two phospholipids
d) Two fatty acids and one carboxyl acid
e) Three oils and one glycerol
__ 126. Phospholipids are unusual and important to cell structure because...
a) they are part of DNA.
b) they contain fatty acids.
c) they have a polar and a nonpolar end.
d) they are found only in animals.
e) they are an important energy carrier molecule.
__ 127. You have isolated a liquid from a sample of beans. You add the liquid to a beaker of water
and shake vigorously. After a few minutes, the water and the other liquid separate into two
layers. To which class of biological macromolecules does the unknown liquid most likely
a) Carbohydrates
b) Lipids
c) Proteins
d) Enzymes
e) Nucleic Acids
__ 128. In a biological membrane, the phospholipids are arranged with the fatty acid chains facing
the interior of the membrane. As a result, the interior of the membrane is
a) hydrophobic.
b) hydrophilic.
c) charged.
d) polar.
e) filled with water.
__ 129. The lipids of the cell membrane and the lipids found in butter and vegetable oil differ in
which of the following?
a) the number of fatty acids attached to the glycerol molecule
b) the glycerol molecule
c) the carbon to carbon bonds
d) lipids of the cell membrane do not have hydrophobic sections of the molecule
True - False
__ 130. Migratory birds store energy as glycogen which is lighter than fat.
a) True
b) False
__ 131. Cholesterol is a lipid specified as a steroid.
a) True
b) False
__ 132. Waxes consist of a glycerol bonded to three long-chain fatty acids.
a) True
b) False
Short answer
__ 133. The major building blocks of fats are __________ and __________.
__ 134. Fatty acids with more than one carbon-carbon double bond are called ________________.
__ 135. Phospholipids have hydrophilic ____________ regions and hydrophobic __________
__ 136. Why is it an advantage for animals that migrate long distances to store energy as lipids
rather than carbohydrates?
__ 137. Describe the differences between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Which is most
likely to be solid at room temperature? Why?
__ 138. Explain why lipids can contain so much more energy per gram than carbohydrates.
__ 139. Explain why steroids are different in composition from other lipids and from polymers of
carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleic acids.
Multiple Choice
__ 140. Which of the following descriptions best fits the class of molecules known as nucleotides?
a) a nitrogen base and a phosphate group
b) a nitrogen base and a five-carbon group
c) a nitrogen base, a phosphate group, and a five-carbon sugar
d) a five-carbon sugar and adenine or uracil
e) a five-carbon sugar and purine
__ 141. All of the following bases are found in DNA EXCEPT:
a) thymine
b) adenine
c) uracil
d) guanine
e) cytosine
__ 142. What is the precise relationship between a nucleic acid and a nucleotide?
a) Nucleotides are composed of nucleic acids.
b) Nucleic acids are composed of nucleotides.
c) They are similar in structure but contain different nitrogenous bases.
d) Nucleic acids contain deoxyribose, whereas nucleotides contain ribose.
__ 143. Which of the following descriptions best fits the class of molecules known as nucleotides?
a) a nitrogen base and a phosphate group
b) a nitrogen base and five-carbon group
c) a nitrogen base, a phosphate group, and a five-carbon sugar
d) a five-carbon sugar and adenine or uracil
e) a five-carbon sugar and purine
__ 144. Nucleotides contain ___________ sugars.
a) three-carbon
b) four-carbon
c) five-carbon
d) six-carbon
e) seven-carbon
__ 145. Nucleotides are the building blocks for
a) proteins
b) steroids
c) lipids
d) RNA
e) carbohydrates
__ 146. Which of the following is not found in every nucleic acid molecule?
a) ribose
b) phosphate
c) purine
d) pyrimidine
e) all of these are found in every nucleic acid
__ 147. Nucleotides are composed of a(an): A. AMINO ACID, B. NITROGEN-CONTAINING BASE, C.
a) B, D, C
b) A, D, E
c) C, D, E
d) B, D, E
e) A, B, C
__ 148. All molecules called NUCLEOTIDES have the following three parts:
a) nitrogen-containing base, 5-carbon sugar, fatty acid
b) amino acid, 5-carbon sugar, phosphate group
c) fatty acid, 5-carbon sugar, phosphate group
d) nitrogen-containing base, 5-carbon sugar, phosphate group
e) amino acid, nitrogen-containing base, fatty acid
__ 149. An abbreviation for a nucleotide most associated with energy transformations using a
a) NAD+
b) FAD+
c) NADP+
d) ATP
e) NOD+
__ 150. A nucleotide that serves to bind and carry hydrogens is:
a) RNA
b) DNA
c) NAD+
d) ATP
e) All of the above
__ 151. Which of the following is not a macromolecule?
a) protein
b) starch
c) nucleotide
d) lipid
e) DNA
__ 152. A nucleic acid is a polymer made up of which kind of monomers?
a) amino acids
b) nucleotides
c) glucose or modified glucose molecules
d) alternating sugar and phosphate groups
e) fatty acids and glycerol
__ 153. Adenosine triphosphate is an example of a(n)
a) carbohydrate
b) protein
c) lipid
d) nucleic acid
e) inorganic molecule
__ 154. A nucleotide is
a) Phospholipid, sugar, base
b) Phosphate, protein, base
c) Phosphate, sugar, base
d) Phospholipid, sugar, protein
e) None of these
True - False
__ 155. ATP is a protein that supplies energy to the cell.
a) True
b) False
__ 156. Nucleotides in a DNA molecule are joined together by peptide bonds.
a) True
b) False
__ 157. The energy currency of a cell is adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is chemically a
a) True
b) False
__ 158. Bases in DNA are joined by hydrogen bonding through complementary base pairing.
a) True
b) False
__ 159. Nucleotides are joined in a specific sequence through dehydration reactions.
a) True
b) False
Short answer
__ 160. Two examples of nitrogenous bases that are purines are __________ and __________.
Nucleic acids
Multiple Choice
__ 161. DNA and RNA are examples of which FAMILY of BIOLOGICAL MOLECULES?
a) proteins;
b) carbohydrates;
c) lipids;
d) amino acids;
e) nucleic acids.
__ 162. Which of these statements is NOT true about DNA?
a) It is the genetic material of the cell.
b) It forms a double helix.
c) Adenine pairs with thymine and guanine pairs with cytosine.
d) It contains the sugar ribose.
e) The sugar and phosphate groups form the backbone of the molecule.
__ 163. Fish sperm consists mostly of the male fish's DNA. If we tested a sample chemically, we
should find relatively high amounts of
a) nitrogenous bases, sugar, and phosphate groups.
b) phospholipids and steroids.
c) amino acids and unsaturated fats.
d) triglycerides and ATP.
e) globular proteins and stored fats.
__ 164. Which statement is true about RNA?
a) It contains adenine paired to thymine.
b) One of the bases from DNA is replaced by uracil.
c) It contains the sugar deoxyribose.
d) Its nucleotides contain twice as many phosphate groups as DNA's nucleotides.
e) It is a double-stranded molecule.
__ 165. A single nucleic acid molecule (single chain) contains many _____________ covalently
bonded together.
a) sugars
b) amino acids
c) nucleotides
d) phospholipids
e) phosphates
__ 166. Which of these is NOT a nucleic acid?
a) RNA
b) DNA
c) ATP
d) All of these ARE nucleic acids.
__ 167. The "backbone" of a nucleic acid molecule is made of
a) nitrogenous bases.
b) alternating sugar and phosphate groups.
c) purines.
d) pyrimidines.
e) nucleosides.
__ 168. This macromolecule is composed of monomer units containing a sugar, a phosphate
group, and a nitrogen-containing base.
a) Proteins
b) Carbohydrates
c) Lipids
d) Nucleic Acids
__ 169. This macromolecule contains coded genetic information.
a) Proteins
b) Carbohydrates
c) Lipids
d) Nucleic Acids
__ 170. DNA carries genetic information in its
a) helical form.
b) sequence of bases.
c) tertiary structure.
d) phosphate groups.
e) sugar groups.
__ 171. Where do covalent bonds form between two deoxyribose nucleotides?
a) Between a phosphate group and adenine
b) Between deoxyribose and a phosphate group
c) Between adenine and thymine
d) Between the phosphate groups of both
e) Between deoxyribose and a base
__ 172. Which of the following statements best summarizes structural differences between DNA
and RNA?
a) RNA is a protein while DNA is a nucleic acid.
b) DNA is not a polymer, but RNA is.
c) DNA contains a different sugar than RNA.
d) Both DNA and RNA are found as double helices in nature.
e) DNA has different purine bases than RNA.
__ 173. The major purpose of RNA is to:
a) transmit genetic information to offspring
b) function in the synthesis of proteins
c) make a copy of itself, thus insuring genetic continuity
d) act as a pattern to form DNA
e) form the genes of an organism
__ 174. Which of the following statements best summarizes structural differences between DNA
and RNA?
a) RNA is a protein while DNA is a nucleic acid
b) DNA is not a polymer, but RNA is
c) DNA contains a different sugar than RNA
d) Both DNA and RNA are found as double helices in nature
e) DNA has different purine bases than RNA
__ 175. In the double helix structure of nucleic acid, cytosine hydrogen bonds to:
a) deoxyribose
b) ribose
c) adenine
d) thymine
e) guanine
__ 176. The structural feature that allows the DNA to replicate itself is the:
a) sugar-phosphate backbone
b) complementary pairing of the bases
c) phosphodiester bonding of the helices
d) twisting of the molecule to form an alpha helix
e) three part structure of the nucleotides
__ 177. The major purpose of RNA is to:
a) transmit genetic information to offspring
b) function in the synthesis of proteins
c) make a copy of itself, thus insuring genetic continuity
d) act as a pattern to form DNA
e) form the genes of an organism
__ 178. If one strand of a DNA molecule has the sequence of bases 5'-ATTGCA-3', the other
strand would have the sequence:
a) 3'-TAACGT-5'
b) 3'-TCCCGT-5'
c) 3'-TUUCGU-5'
d) 3'-TAAGCT-5'
e) 3'-TUUGCU-5'
True - False
__ 179. RNA is a double-stranded molecule.
a) True
b) False
__ 180. The sequence of bases in DNA represents the hereditary information of the cell.
a) True
b) False
Short answer
__ 181. __________is a polymer containing phosphorous, a pentose sugar, and uracil.
__ 182. Which nucleic acid functions as an energy carrier in the cell?
__ 183. RNA differs from DNA in that it contains the sugar ribose and uses the nitrogen containing
base ________________.
__ 184. Describe how DNA and RNA are both different from and similar to each other.
__ 185. Diagram an amino acid and label each of its component parts. How do amino acids differ
from each other?
Multiple Choice
__ 186. Which of the following includes all the others?
a) sucrose
b) glucose
c) cellulose
d) glycogen
e) carbohydrate
__ 187. Which of the following is composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen with twice as much
hydrogen as oxygen?
a) protein
b) steroid
c) lipid
d) nucleic acid
e) carbohydrate
__ 188. The element nitrogen is present in all of the following EXCEPT:
a) proteins
b) nucleic acids
c) amino acids
d) DNA
e) lipids
__ 189. Carbohydrates normally function in animals as:
a) the functional units of lipids
b) enzymes in the regulation of metabolic processes
c) a component of cell membranes
d) a source of energy
e) sites of protein synthesis
__ 190. Which of the following is not a monosaccharide?
a) glucose
b) fructose
c) deoxyribose
d) starch
e) ribose
__ 191. A(n) ____________ is a basic unit of a carbohydrate.
a) monosaccharide
b) starch
c) nucleotide
d) glycerol
e) amino acids
__ 192. The general formula for a carbohydrate is (CH2O)n, where n is the number of groups in the
a) True
b) False
__ 193. Composed of monosaccharide monomer units.
a) Proteins
b) Carbohydrates
c) Lipids
d) Nucleic Acids
__ 194. Glucose (C6H12O6) can exist as both an open-chain form and a closed-ring form. Before
1900, glucose was only thought to occur as an open chain. Now we know that over 99
percent of the time, glucose occurs in the closed-ring form. What possible difference
between these forms would give chemists a clue that the open-chain form was not present?
a) Open-chain molecules can form polymers and glucose does not.
b) Only open-chain forms can undergo condensation, which does not occur with glucose.
c) An open chain presents ends with functional groups (in this case aldehyde), and glucose failed to undergo
typical aldehyde reactions; a phenomenon that could be explained by having no end functional group in
a ring structure.
d) Because glucose is solid at room temperature, it must have saturated hydrocarbon chains.
e) Glucose could not be "denatured" so it must be a tight chain.
__ 195. Monosaccharides are characterized by all but which of the following?
a) a carboxyl group
b) carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio
c) a molecule of three to seven carbon atoms
d) possession of one or more hydroxyl group
e) the presence of glycerol and three fatty acids
__ 196. A carbohydrate is a molecule composed of one or more
a) amino acids
b) fatty acids
c) nucleotides
d) proteins
e) sugars
__ 197. ORGANIC COMPOUNDS that are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a 1:2:1
ratio are called:
a) proteins
b) nucleotides
c) sugars
d) fatty acids
e) nucleic acids
__ 198. Each of the following is a monosaccharide (single sugar) except one. Which one is the
a) glucose
b) sucrose
c) ribose
d) deoxyribose
e) fructose
__ 199. SUCROSE (table sugar) is:
a) a monosaccharide (single sugar molecule)
b) an oligosaccharide composed of glucose, fructose, and maltose
c) a molecule like starch except for different bonds between the glucose molecules
d) a disaccharide composed of glucose and fructose
e) a polysaccharide containing only covalently bound glucose molecules
True - False
Short answer
__ 200. List an example of a hexose and a pentose sugars, and tell what kind of polymers they
Multiple Choice
__ 201. What is a common feature of both starch and glycogen?
a) Both form microfibrils that give support to connective tissue fibers
b) Both contain repeated monomers of glucose and galactose
c) They are important structural components of plant cell walls
d) They are polymers of glucose
e) They are water-soluble disaccharides
__ 202. Which of the following is true both of starch and of cellulose?
a) They are both polymers of glucose
b) They are geometric isomers of each other
c) They can both be digested by humans
d) They are both used for energy storage in plants
e) They are both structural components of the plant cell wall
__ 203. Carbohydrates normally function in animals as:
a) the functional units of lipids
b) a component of cell membranes
c) a source of energy
d) sites of protein synthesis
e) enzymes in the regulation of metabolic processes
__ 204. What is a common feature of both starch and glycogen?
a) both form microfibrils that give support to connective tissue fibers
b) both contain repeated monomers of glucose and galactose
c) they are important structural components of plant cells walls
d) they are polymers of glucose
e) they are water-soluble disaccharides
__ 205. All of the following molecules are carbohydrates EXCEPT:
a) glucose
b) cellulose
c) hemoglobin
d) glycogen
e) starch
__ 206. Cellulose and glycogen are considered to be examples of:
a) proteins
b) nucleic acids
c) amino acids
d) polysaccharides
e) lipids
__ 207. STARCH and CELLULOSE are ALIKE in that both are:
a) composed of covalently bonded glucose molecules
b) found only in animal cells
c) contain sugars bonded together in identical ways
d) contain non-polar, fatty acid side chains
e) made up of sugars that contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen
__ 208. A carbohydrate (polysaccharide) that makes plant cells and tissues structurally rigid is:
a) sucrose
b) glycogen
c) starch
d) cellulose
e) nucleotides
__ 209. A carbohydrate (polysaccharide) that is formed by plants and used later by the plant as a
reserve food supply and made up of only glucose molecules covalently bonded together is:
a) cellulose
b) starch
c) glycogen
d) triglycerides
e) sucrose
__ 210. Which of the following is true both of starch and of cellulose?
a) They are both polymers of glucose.
b) They are geometric isomers of each other.
c) They can both be digested by humans.
d) They are both used for energy storage in plants.
e) They are both structural components of the plant cell wall.
__ 211. Which pair are both structural carbohydrate molecules?
a) starch and glycogen
b) starch and cellulose
c) glycogen and cellulose
d) cellulose and chitin
e) glycogen and chitin
__ 212. A polysaccharide is a polymer made up of which kind of monomers?
a) simple sugars
b) amino acids
c) nucleotides
d) alternating sugar and phosphate groups
e) fatty acids and glycerol
__ 213. May serve as both energy source and as structural support for cells.
a) Proteins
b) Carbohydrates
c) Lipids
d) Nucleic Acids
__ 214. The fiber in your diet is really...
a) protein
b) ATP
c) starch
d) cartilage
e) cellulose
__ 215. Chitin is an example of a ________.
a) polymer
b) polysaccharaide
c) carbohydrate
d) a and b
e) all of these
__ 216. Where is glycogen stored in vertebrate animals?
a) Liver and muscles
b) Brain and kidneys
c) Heart and bones
d) Pancreas and blood
e) Liver and heart
__ 217. An example of a structural polysaccharide is:
a) Table sugar
b) Chitin
c) Starch
d) Glucose
e) Glycogen
__ 218. All of the following molecules are carbohydrates EXCEPT:
a) lactose
b) cellulose
c) hemoglobin
d) glycogen
e) starch
__ 219. Polysaccharides, lipids, and proteins are similar in that they:
a) are synthesized from monomers by the process of hydrolysis
b) are synthesized from monomers by the process of dehydration synthesis
c) are synthesized by peptide bonding between amino acids
d) are decomposed into their subunits by the process of dehydration synthesis
e) all contain nitrogen in their monomers
__ 220. Which of the following provides energy storage for plants?
a) Glucose
b) Glycogen
c) Starch
d) Cellulose
e) ATP
__ 221. Which carbohydrate is found in the cell walls of plants?
a) starch
b) chitin
c) cellulose
d) glycogen
e) glycerol
__ 222. Which carbohydrate is used in the liver for energy storage?
a) starch
b) chitin
c) cellulose
d) glycogen
e) glycerol
__ 223. Which carbohydrate is found in the exoskeleton of insects and crabs?
a) starch
b) chitin
c) cellulose
d) glycogen
e) glycerol
True - False
__ 224. Carbohydrates normally function in animals as energy storage molecules.
a) True
b) False
__ 225. Starch is a protein that serves in energy storage in plant cells.
a) True
b) False
__ 226. Starch and cellulose are both polymers of the sugar glucose.
a) True
b) False
Short answer
__ 227. What are the two main functions of carbohydrates in a living system? Give an example of
__ 228. Why do cows have the ability to breakdown cellulose into glucose and humans can not
digest cellulose?
__ 229. The highly branched polysaccharide that stores glucose in the muscle and liver of animals
is _____________________.
__ 230. Describe the differences between storage and structural carbohydrates, giving two
examples of each.
__ 231. Chitin and cellulose are molecules that do not spontaneously break down but can be
digested by bacteria and some other microorganisms. Since carbon is not among the most
common elements in the earth's crust, what would happen if all of the chitin-digesting and
cellulose-digesting organisms on the earth were destroyed?