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Name: _____________________________ Per. ______ Date: _________
Ch. 5: Biomolecule Test
Biology CPE
1. Most carbon-based molecules are classified as:
a. Inorganic
c. Hydrocarbon
b. Hydrophilic
d. Organic
2. Which of the following organic compounds is the main fuel supply for cellular
a. Sugars
c. Nucleic acid
b. Lipids
d. Proteins
3. A monosaccharide is a type of:
a. Carbohydrate
c. Nucleic acid
b. Lipid
d. Protein
4. Circle the choice that is an example of a monosaccharide.
a. Glycerol
d. Fatty acids
b. Glucose
e. Sucrose
c. Starch
f. Polypeptides
5. Lipids are ______________________.
a. Hydrophilic
c. Ionic
b. Hydrophobic
d. Polar
6. A carbohydrate made up of two sugar units is a …
a. Monosaccharide
c. polysaccharide
b. Disaccharide
d. bisaccharide
7. Polysaccharides include: (Circle all that apply)
a. Cholesterol
d. Cellulose
b. Starch
e. Tricylceride
c. Glucose
f. Glycogen
8. The monomer units of lipids is/are:
a. Glucose
c. amino acids
b. Fatty acids and glycerol
d. starches
9. The class of lipids with a ring structure that act as chemical messengers is:
a. triglycerides
c. phospholipids
b. saturated fats
d. steroids
10. A molecule that has long chains of hydrocarbons is probably a:
a. Carbohydrate
c. Lipid
b. Protein
d. Nucleic acid
11. Glucose and galactose have the same chemical formula (C6H12O6) but different
structural arrangements. Glucose and galactose are:
a. Isotopes
c. Polymers
b. Isomers
d. Disaccharides
12. A molecule that is easily and completely dissolved in water is probably …
a. Protein
c. Cellulose
b. Simple sugar
d. Triglyceride
13. A molecule with many hydroxyl groups would be …
a. Hydrophilic
b. Hydrophobic
14. Which is choice is a function of a lipid?
a. Immediate energy supply to cells.
b. Transmit genetic information
c. Long term energy storage
d. Building proteins.
15. In order to break polymers down like …
a. Add water to break bonds between monomer units.
b. Remove water to break bonds between monomer units.
c. Add amine groups to monomer units.
d. Remove carboxyl groups from monomer units.
Figure 5-1
16. The monomer in Figure 5-1 is a building block of ___________.
a. Carbohydrates
c. Proteins
b. Lipids
d. Nucleic acids
17. The chemical group in the solid box is a(n) _________. The group in the dotted
box is a(n) _________.
a. Amine; carboxyl
c. carbonyl; carboxyl
b. Amine; hydroxyl
d. carboxyl; hydroxyl
Figure 5-2
18. The molecules in Figure 5-2 are monomer units of:
a. Carbohydrates
c. Proteins
b. Lipids
d. Nucleic acids
19. If the two molecules in Figure 5-2 are joined, the result will be:
a. Starch
c. Polypeptides
b. Triglyceride
d. Disaccharide
20. The chemical formula for each molecule in Figure 5-2 is:
a. C6H12O6
c. C12O48O6
b. C12H22O11
d. C3H7NO2
21. Which choices are TRUE about the functional group shown in the box of Figure
5-2? (Circle 2)
a. It is a hydroxyl
c. It is hydrophobic
b. It is a carboxyl
d. It is hydrophilic
Open Ended
Use the space below to show how the monomer units in Figure 5-2 would be linked to
form a polymer. Label all reactants and products by name.
22. What is the name of the process used to join the monomer units in # 21?
a. Hydrolysis
c. Monomer reaction
b. Dehydration synthesis
d. Polymer reaction
Figure 5-3
23. The molecule shown in Figure 5-3 is classified as a:
a. Carbohydrate
b. lipid
c. protein
d. nucleic acid.
Defend your answer to #23 with at least 2 reasons. (What did you look for to help you
classify this molecule? Why did you rule out other biomolecules?)
Figure 5-4
Answer “A”, “B”, or “C” for #24-26.
24. Letter _____ is a fatty acid.
25. Letter _____ is the polar head.
26. Letter _____is hydrophilic
27. Which best describes the function of
this molecule?
a. Long term energy source.
b. Immediate energy supply.
c. Chemical messenger
d. Important component of cell
28. Simple sugar is to starch as …
a. fat is to lipid
b. amino acid is to protein
c. DNA is to nucleic acid
d. sugar is to fat
29. Enzymes affect the reactions in living cells by lowering the:
a. active site energy of the reaction.
b. speed of the reaction
c. temperature of the reaction
d. activation energy of the reaction.
30. A substance that accelerates to rate of a chemical reaction is called a(n):
a. catalyst
c. molecule
b. lipid
d. element
31. The differences in amino amino acids are in the:
a. amino groups
c. hydrogen atoms
b. side groups
d. carboxyl groups
32. An amino group is written as:
a. –COOH
b. –NH2
c. -R
d. –OH
33. A peptide bond can be found between…
a. monosaccharides in a starch.
b. glycerol and fatty acid chains in a triglyceride.
c. amino acids in a protein.
d. nucleotides in DNA
34. The function of nucleic acids is to…
a. store genetic information.
b. provide an immediate energy supply for cells.
c. store energy for use later.
d. facilitate chemical reactions within cells.
35. The molecule that fits into an enzyme’s active site is called a:
a. product
c. substrate
b. reactant
d. catalyst
Figure 5-5
36. Both of these molecules are classified
a. carbohydrate
c. protein
b. lipid
d. nucleic acid
37. Which molecule would be a liquid at
room temperature?
a. A
b. B c. neither
d. both
38. Which molecule would completely
dissolve in water?
a. A
b. B c. neither
d. both
39. Which of these molecules would most
likely be sourced from an animal and less
healthy in terms of diet and health?
a. A
b. B
c. neither
d. both
A = True or B = False? Then correct the false statement to make it true.
40. ______________ Gylcogen is a plant based polysaccharide that is also known as fiber.
41. ______________ Glucose is a monosaccharide used as an immediate supply of energy for cells.
42. ______________ Lipids contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio.
43. ______________ Nitrogen is an important part of carbohydrates.
44. ______________ Hormones like estrogen and testosterone are lipids.
45. ______________ Enzymes are a type of lipid.
46. ______________ Starch is a carbohydrate polymer.
47. ______________ Nucleic acids contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorous.
48. ______________ The formula for all simple sugars is C12H22O11.
49. What process is being modeled
in Figure 5-6?
Figure 5-6
50. Summarize the key points of this
process in a sentence or two.
Figure 5-7: Digestive Enzyme Activity at Different pH
Amylase catalyzes the break down of starch and is found in saliva.
Pepsin catalyzes the break down of proteins and is found in cells lining the stomach.
51. Based on the information available, explain why crackers are digested faster than
a chicken dinner.
52. Explain why amylase cannot continue to break down starch in the stomach? USE