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Short Term Maths plan – ‘L2a – L4+ Set’ HA Maths
Week Beginning: 24th September 2012
Place Value and Understanding of Number
Vocabulary: units, ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousand, hundred thousand, million, digit, one-, two-, three- or four-digit number, numeral, ‘teens’ number, place, place
value, stands for, represents, exchange, the same number as, as many as, equal to, Of two objects/amounts:, >, greater than, more than, larger than, bigger than, <, less than, fewer
than, smaller than, ³, greater than or equal to, ², less than or equal to, Of three or more objects/amounts: greatest, most, largest, biggest, least, fewest, smallest, one… ten… one
hundred… one thousand more/less, compare, order, size, ascending/descending order, first… tenth… twentieth, last, last but one
before, after, next, between, half-way between, guess how many, estimate, nearly, roughly, close to, about the same as, approximate, approximately, Å, is approximately equal to,
just over, just under, exact, exactly, too many, too few, enough, not enough, round (up or down), nearest, round to the nearest ten/hundred, round to the nearest thousand, integer,
positive, negative, above/below zero, minus
Main Learning
Diff Activities
Example of Direct Teaching
Learning intention
Focus group in bold.
L.I to explain what each
L.I to explain what
Chd to build
I feel the chd need to continue working on
Read out the
digit represents in whole
each digit
own success
decimals to really make sure they have a good
Lower lv3 – rounding numbers on following the
numbers and decimals
represents in whole criteriaunderstanding; the lower ones in the group are a number line
numbers chd have
with up to two places,
numbers and
still finding it hard to round decimals to nearest
to round the to
and partition, round and
decimals with up to
whole number.
Lv3- Fill in the table to round each nearest whole
order these numbers
two places, and
list of decimal numbers: to
numberpartition, round
I have in mindGo through the board slides going back over all Nearest Whole number (integer),
Head to Head tables
and order these
Identify the
the rules of rounding showing the chd how we
Nearest 10, Nearest 100, Nearest
Minute maths
value of units.
can use the following strategies…
Identify the
Rounding nearest whole number using a
Ordering decimals
Use decimal
Each child writes a
notation for tenths
value of tenths .
lengths and round to nearest cm.
Read out the
distance between 3 and
and hundredths,
Identify the
The lower level 3 to go out to work with IW on
Use and apply rounding to
following the
4m on their w/bs. Each
Understand what
1 group work to place
value of
rounding numbers on a number line.
percentage word problems.
numbers chd have
each digit
to round the to 1dp
their w/bs in order from represents in
Identify if
I will cont to extend others by working on the
the shortest to
numbers with one
number is
following strategies…
greatest. Repeat.
and two decimal
places, Order
numbers with one
and two decimal
places and place
them on a number
each digit
represents in
numbers with
one and two
decimal places.
Level 2 – begin to understand the place value of each digit; use this to order numbers up to 100, e.g. – know the relative size of numbers to 100 – use 0 as a placeholder – demonstrate
knowledge using a range of models/images · recognise sequences of numbers, including odd and even numbers, e.g. – continue a sequence increasing/decreasing in regular steps –
recognise numbers from counting in tens or twos
Level 3 – understand place value in numbers to 1000, e.g. – represent/compare numbers using number lines, 100-squares, base 10 materials, etc. – recognise that some numbers can
be represented as different arrays
– use understanding of place value to multiply/divide whole numbers by 10 (whole number answers
Level 4 – recognise and describe number patterns, e.g. – continue sequences involving decimals · use place value to multiply and divide whole numbers by 10 or 100
L.I to explain what each
L.I to explain what
Chd to build
Use the idea of decimals to support those chd Lv2 – chd to use 1-9 cards to make Use a counting
digit represents in whole
each digit
own success
decimal numbers of two digits and stick to support
who are still struggling with the > and <
numbers and decimals
represents in whole criteriasymbols. Shuffle a pack of 1-9 cards, and take write the number sentences e.g.
counting on and
with up to two places,
numbers and
turn over 2 and 4 so write 2.4
out 3 cards. What is the biggest number with
back in steps of
and partition, round and
decimals with up to
2 decimal places that we can make using these then turn over 5 and 6 so write
0.01 from 0 to 0.1,
order these numbers
two places, and
2.4 <5.6
digits? The smallest? e.g. 5.43 > 3.45. Repeat
then from 1 to 1.1,
partition, round
this time asking chd to record the largest and
and then from 1.9
Tables head to head
and order these
I have in mindLv3- chd to use 1-9 cards to make
smallest possible no.s on their whiteboards
to 2.
Min maths
Identify the
decimal numbers of three digits
Write: □.□□ > □.□□. Shuffle a pack of 1-9
Write 1.25 on
value of units.
cards, and take out a card. Where shall we
board. What is
Identify the
e.g. turn over 2,3 and 4 so write
0.1s and 0.01s
Use decimal
put this card? In the bigger number or the
1/100 more than
23.4 then turn over 5,4 and 6 so
This end of the counting
notation for tenths value of tens.
smaller number? In the 1s, 1/10s or1/100s?
this number?
Identify the
write 23.4 <54.6
and hundredths,
2 stick represents 1m and
Repeat drawing a card (without putting them
Which digit will
value of tenths . back) and discussing where to place it until all
this end represents 2m.
Understand what
change? What is
Identify the
Lv4 +- chd to use 1-9 cards to
Point to ½ way. How do
each digit
6 boxes are filled. Did it work? What other
1/10 less than this
value of
make decimal numbers of four
we write this in metres?
represents in
‘greater than’ statement could we have made
number? Which
digits and write the number
In cm? Chd write
numbers with one
with these cards? Move cards round to show
digit will change?
Identify if
sentences e.g. turn over 2,3,5 and
answers on w/bs. Repeat and two decimal
them. Repeat with □.□□ < □.□□.
I’m thinking of a
number is
4 so write 52.43 then turn over
with 110cm, 190cm,
places, Order
number. I add 0.01
above 5 you
5,7,8 and 6 so write 52.43 <57.86
125cm, 175cm, 139cm
numbers with one
to it and I get
round up and
and 105cm.
and two decimal
4.76. Write 4.76.
below 5 you
places and place
What was my
round down.
them on a number
Level 2 – begin to understand the place value of each digit; use this to order numbers up to 100, e.g. – know the relative size of numbers to 100 – use 0 as a placeholder – demonstrate
knowledge using a range of models/images · recognise sequences of numbers, including odd and even numbers, e.g. – continue a sequence increasing/decreasing in regular steps –
recognise numbers from counting in tens or twos
Level 3 – understand place value in numbers to 1000, e.g. – represent/compare numbers using number lines, 100-squares, base 10 materials, etc. – recognise that some numbers can
be represented as different arrays
– use understanding of place value to multiply/divide whole numbers by 10 (whole number answers
Level 4 – recognise and describe number patterns, e.g. – continue sequences involving decimals · use place value to multiply and divide whole numbers by 10 or 100
L.I to explain what each
L.I to explain what
Chd to build
Lower lv3 – use a blank number
Show chd a 100 bead bar and say that one
Sketch a line from
digit represents in whole
each digit
own success
line with the tenths marked on
end represents 0 and the other 1. Each bead
0 to 1. Mark but
numbers and decimals
represents in whole criteriaand place numbers with 1 dp
represents one hundredth. How can we write
not label where
with up to two places,
numbers and
this? Write 1/100 and 0.01 on the board.
0.63 would be. I’m
3 and partition, round and
decimals with up to
What does each group of 10 beads represent?
thinking of a
order these numbers
two places, and
Lv3- use a blank number line with
Talk to your partner. How can we write this?
number on this
partition, round
the tenths marked on and place
Write 10/100, 1/10 and 0.1 on the board. Ask
line. You can
Head to Head tables
and order these
I have in mindchd to come up and hang tags to show 0.1, 0.2, numbers with 1 dp and 2dp
suggest a number
Minute maths
Identify the
Use counting stick teach
6 times tables
Round a number with one
or two decimal places to
the nearest whole
Use decimal
notation for tenths
and hundredths,
Understand what
each digit
represents in
numbers with one
and two decimal
places, Order
numbers with one
and two decimal
places and place
them on a number
value of units.
Identify the
value of tens.
Identify the
value of
Identify the
value of
0.3, 0.5, and 0.9. See how 0.5 comes half way
along the bead bar. What’s another way to
write 0.5? What number comes half way
between 0.2 and 0.3? Write 0.25 on a tag and
hang it after the 25th bead. What does the 2
in 0.25 represent? And the 5? Write down 2
(0.23 and 0.27) other numbers that come
between 0.2 and 0.3.
Show a counting stick and say that one end
presents 0 and the other 1. Point to 0.35.
What number goes here? And here? (Pointing
to 0.75, then 0.49 and 0.51). Now say that one
end represents 2 and the other 3. Count from
2 to 3 in steps of 0.1. Point to 2.2 and 2.3. Chd
to write 3 numbers on whiteboards that go
between 2.3 and 2.4. Choose 3 of the chds
whiteboards showing different numbers and
ask chd to help you to put them in order.
My word the chd really struggled with this!!!!
Lv4 +- use a blank number line
with the tenths marked on and
place numbers with 2 dp
and I will tell you
whether my
number is more or
less than that
number Take a
suggestion from
each table. You can
now ask me to
mark on 2
different tenths,
e.g. 0.1 and 0.2 to
help you to guess
my number Which
tenths do you
think would be
useful? Mark on
the tenths they
suggest (e.g. 0.6
and 0.7). Chd
continue to
suggest numbers
and you say
whether the
secret number is
more or less until
they guess it
Level 2 – begin to understand the place value of each digit; use this to order numbers up to 100, e.g. – know the relative size of numbers to 100 – use 0 as a placeholder – demonstrate
knowledge using a range of models/images · recognise sequences of numbers, including odd and even numbers, e.g. – continue a sequence increasing/decreasing in regular steps –
recognise numbers from counting in tens or twos
Level 3 – understand place value in numbers to 1000, e.g. – represent/compare numbers using number lines, 100-squares, base 10 materials, etc. – recognise that some numbers can
be represented as different arrays
– use understanding of place value to multiply/divide whole numbers by 10 (whole number answers
Level 4 – recognise and describe number patterns, e.g. – continue sequences involving decimals · use place value to multiply and divide whole numbers by 10 or 100
Chd to build
Repeat the lesson as above but use slightly
Lower lv3 – use a blank number
Sketch a line from
L.I to Count from any
L.I to Count from
0 to 1. Mark but
given number in wholeany given number in
not label where
number and decimal
whole-number and
0.63 would be. I’m
steps, extending beyond
decimal steps,
Starting with
thinking of a
zero when counting
extending beyond
Lv3- use a blank number line with
number on this
4 backwards; relate the
zero when counting
0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7
the tenths marked on and place
line. You can
numbers to their position
backwards; relate
numbers with 1 dp and 2dp
suggest a number
on a number line
the numbers to
I have in mindThen move on to
their position on a
and I will tell you
whether my
Head to Head tables
value of units.
1.0 1.2
Lv4 +- use a blank number line
number is more or
Minute maths
Use counting stick teach
7 times tables
Round a number with one
or two decimal places to
the nearest whole
Identify the
value of tens.
Identify the
value of
Identify the
value of
Then try
0.01 0.03
0.05 0.09
Then see if we could extend the MA with
0.060 0.080
with the tenths marked on and
place numbers with 2 dp
less than that
number Take a
suggestion from
each table. You can
now ask me to
mark on 2
different tenths,
e.g. 0.1 and 0.2 to
help you to guess
my number Which
tenths do you
think would be
useful? Mark on
the tenths they
suggest (e.g. 0.6
and 0.7). Chd
continue to
suggest numbers
and you say
whether the
secret number is
more or less until
they guess it
Level 2 – begin to understand the place value of each digit; use this to order numbers up to 100, e.g. – know the relative size of numbers to 100 – use 0 as a placeholder – demonstrate
knowledge using a range of models/images · recognise sequences of numbers, including odd and even numbers, e.g. – continue a sequence increasing/decreasing in regular steps –
recognise numbers from counting in tens or twos
Level 3 – understand place value in numbers to 1000, e.g. – represent/compare numbers using number lines, 100-squares, base 10 materials, etc. – recognise that some numbers can
be represented as different arrays
– use understanding of place value to multiply/divide whole numbers by 10 (whole number answers
Level 4 – recognise and describe number patterns, e.g. – continue sequences involving decimals · use place value to multiply and divide whole numbers by 10 or 100
L.I to explain what each
L.I to explain what
Chd to build
Play countdown
digit represents in whole
each digit
own success
Today we are going to move on to an investigation style lesson.
game give them 1
numbers and decimals
represents in whole criteriaDisplay on the board the number lines 1 diagram. Explain to the chd that they need
min rather than 30
with up to two places,
numbers and
to put in the numbers 1-7 in each circle so that the total of every line is 12. tell them
secs. Chd who solve
and partition, round and
decimals with up to
that it will involve moving the numbers around a lot so you will give them lots of
it to show how they
order these numbers
two places, and
copies of the different circle and line diagrams.
worked it out.
partition, round
Times table head to head and order these
I have in mindOnce have explained this one explain the circle diagram and explain that on this one
Min maths
the children need to put the digits 1 to 11 in the circles so that every line has the
Use counting stick teach
same total. Again explain about why they have been given lots of copies of it.
7 times tables
Set these two groups off.
Then explain the investigation type for the more able chd. Talk about how a
calculator has been used but they need to work on it some more. Explain how they
need to type numbers into the calculator and work out the buttons that Eric pressed
to get to the number that he did. Tell them they can write in their books any
workings out that they need.
Remind all chd of jotting books.
All chd to carry out investigations.
Level 2 – begin to understand the place value of each digit; use this to order numbers up to 100, e.g. – know the relative size of numbers to 100 – use 0 as a placeholder – demonstrate
knowledge using a range of models/images · recognise sequences of numbers, including odd and even numbers, e.g. – continue a sequence increasing/decreasing in regular steps –
recognise numbers from counting in tens or twos
Level 3 – understand place value in numbers to 1000, e.g. – represent/compare numbers using number lines, 100-squares, base 10 materials, etc. – recognise that some numbers can
be represented as different arrays
– use understanding of place value to multiply/divide whole numbers by 10 (whole number answers
Level 4 – recognise and describe number patterns, e.g. – continue sequences involving decimals · use place value to multiply and divide whole numbers by 10 or 100