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GCISD Biology Curriculum Map
Unit 11: Cell Specialization
Six Weeks: 5
Time Frame: 2 weeks
Biology TEKS:
(9) Science concepts. The student knows the significance of various molecules involved
in metabolic processes and energy conversions that occur in living organisms. The
student is expected to:
9(D) analyze and evaluate the evidence regarding
formation of simple organic molecules and their
STAAR Biology-1(S);
organization into long complex molecules having
Bloom’s Taxonomy-4
information such as the DNA molecule for selfreplicating life
(7) Science concepts. The student knows evolutionary theory is a scientific explanation
for the unity and diversity of life. The student is expected to:
7(G) analyze and evaluate scientific explanations
concerning the complexity of the cell.
STAAR Biology-3(S);
Bloom’s Taxonomy-4
(5) Science concepts. The student knows how an organism grows and the importance
of cell differentiation. The student is expected to:
5(B) examine specialized cells, including roots, stems,
and leaves of plants; and animal cells such as blood,
muscle, and epithelium
STAAR Biology-1(S);
Bloom’s Taxonomy-2
5(C) describe the roles of DNA, ribonucleic acid (RNA),
and environmental factors in cell differentiation; and
STAAR Biology-1(S);
Bloom’s Taxonomy-1
STAAR Biology Reporting Categories
1: Cell Structure and Function
2: Mechanisms of Genetics
3: Biological Evolution and Classification
4: Biological Processes and Systems
5: Interdependence within Environmental Systems
(R)= Readiness Standard (S)= Supporting Standard
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Level 1- Knowledge
Level 2- Comprehension
Level 3- Application
Level 4- Analysis
Level 5- Synthesis
Level 6- Evaluation
Unit 11 Focus- Cell Specialization
Cells are designed to carry out specialized functions, depending on the type of cell that
they are. Specialization is a feature that is especially important for multicellular
organisms with cells that are part of organs and structures. Different types of specialized
cells should be investigated with conceptual understanding of how different structures
require cells with different functions.
Enduring Understanding(s):
 Cells can have many forms according to specialized functions.
Essential Questions:
How are blood cells specialized to perform their function?
5E Model Lessons
Critical Vocabulary
Level 0- Prior Knowledge/
Click here to print word wall
Level 1- On Level Biology
Click here to print word wall
Level 2: Pre-AP or Enrich
Click here to print word wall
karyotype, genetic
engineering, genetic
fingerprint, chromosomal
analysis, gel electrophoresis
Unit 11 Cell Specialization Vocabulary Match Up Cards
Textbook Reference: Holt Biology
Reading Passages
Ch 12; pg. 253-257
Ch 12; pg. 258-259
Ch 25; pg. 555-559
Ch 37; pg. 846-847
Activities and Labs
 “Modeling Coacervates” Holt Biology pg.
 “Analyzing Signs of Endosymbiosis” Holt
Biology pg. 259
 “Comparing the Structures of Roots and
Stems” Holt Biology pg. 557
 “Separating Plant Pigments” Holt
Biology pg. 568-569
 Observing the Structures Inside a Leaf”
Holt Biology pg. 558
Interactive Notebooking Ideas
Thinking Map:
 Construct a tree
map of the features
of different kinds of
animal cells,
including but not
restricted to
epithelial, blood
and muscle. Or
complete the tree
map on the types of
cells for plants
including roots,
stems and leaves.
Forced Association;
 Cell Specialization
is like the things in
a closet because
40-Second Quick
 What would it be
like if your cells
were all exactly the
same and not
 Draw a cartoon
based on a day in
the life of a blood
Concept Connection Questions; Connect Biotechnology To…
To Ecology:
How do an autotroph’s specialized cells make it
capable of making and storing food?
To Cells:
Choose a specific type of cell and describe how
the organelles would be different for those types
of cells according to the function of that cell.
To Biodiversity:
How does specialization of cells reflect the
diversity of life?
To Taxonomy:
To what degree do the different types of cells
relate to the taxonomic system?
To Converting Energy:
Why do muscle cells typically have more
mitochondria than a skin cell?
To Reproduction:
How are sperm and egg cells specialized for their
unique functions?
To Genetics:
How does the process of inheritance change with
specialized cells?
To Biotechnology:
Why is a blood or epithelial cell used for genetic
To Making Proteins:
Hair is made of proteins. What do you think the
cells of hair follicles are like, and how are they
different from other cells?
Teaching Resources
Activities and Labs
 Plant Adaptations
 Cell Specialization Tissue Lab
 Observing Specialized Cells Lab
 Plant vs. Animal Lab
 Blood Cell Diagram
 Epithelial Cell Diagram
 Muscle Cell Diagram
 Leaf Cell Diagram
 Stem Cell Diagram
 Root Cell Diagram
Articles for Read-Write-Pair Share:
Manipulatives/ Games/ Puzzles:
Instructional Strategies:
Manipulatives, Read-Write-Pair Share, Thinking Maps, Notebooking, 40-Second Quick
Write, Cartoon Drawing
Instructional Notes
GCISD Biology Unit 11 Assessment: Cell Specialization
GCISD Biology Unit 11 Assessment- Cell Specialization KEY