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2015 6th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology
Volume 84 of IPCBEE (2015)
DOI: 10.7763/IPCBEE. 2015. V84. 9
Study on Changing for Coastal Land Resource Utilization under
Climate Change in Taiwan with Cellular Automation
Ke-Chin Yen 1 , Hsuan-Lin Chen 1 and Szu-Hua Wang 2
Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chunghua University, Hsinchu City, Taiwan
Department of Urban Affairs and Environment Planning, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan
Abstract. Global climate change is one of hot issues in recent years. The most direct impact is the change
of coastal environment due to climate change, which also results in urban problems relatively. Moreover,
land utilization change not only is a subject of traditional “People – Land” theory in geography for research,
but also is associated closely with global environmental change and sustainable development, which are two
contemporary research trends. Currently, strategy adjustment, environmental vulnerability and watershed
impact are mostly concentrated for the research with respect to impact of climate change on coastal land
resource utilization. There are lesser studies about spatial dynamic simulation situations for climate change.
In the past, climate change trend ideas were lesser included in land utilization regulations, and scholars also
seldom to employ cellular automation (CA) theory in combination with geographic information system for
spatial dynamic simulation. For the research key points concluded from above discussion, developments of
costal resource utilization in Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Miaoli regions differ with each other. The utilization
situations and resulted impacts are also different. Climate change impact, costal living environments and
socio-economic conditions related backgrounds are gathered. Ecological energy system is used to construct
land resource utilization change ecological energy system equation for grid transformation and spatial
analysis simulation. Finally, climate change impact situation is added to simulate impact level for evolution
rule to approximate actual change. The future land resource utilization change situations in Taoyuan, Hsinchu
and Miaoli and the impact under climate change are predicted as references for future management and
resource planning.
Keywords: Climate change, land resource utilization, cellular automation, geographic information system.
1. Introduction
Global climate change is a hot topic in recent years, the most relevant is the climate change caused by
the impact of changes in the coastal environment generated retrospect, the media plays an important coastal
marine resources acquired, along with scientific and technological progress and economic development,
regardless of population growth reduction, changes in the industry, and even transportation improvements,
can make use of resources by the impact of land [1]. Land use change as "environmental changes" important
issues, to understand driving forces of land use changes in underlying resources (Driving Forces) is the core
of the current study "Land use change". Climate changes currently affecting the coastal land-use studies, and
more to explore land use climate change and coastal areas, focusing on adaptation strategies at home and
abroad in the past to explore the city and the coast, much of the marine environment of information
management systems, resource utilization assessments to ecologically sustainable growth-oriented
applications, wetland conservation and urban and coastal-oriented dependencies, etc., although a small part
of the coast of research space and land use / utilization factor. Scholars also less use of cellular automata
(Cellular automata, CA) combined with geographic information system (Geographic Information System,
GIS) spatial dynamics simulation. In addition, informed by the relevant literature, geography information
Corresponding author. Tel.: + 886-35186655; fax: +886-35186677.
E-mail address: [email protected].
system in dealing with the complexity of the problem space has its difficulty [2]. Mathematical models tend
to assume the traditional market data with integrity, much more expensive than static, dynamic variables, but
to make a more complex mathematical model [3], [4]. With respect to the cellular automata, is able to solve
complex mathematical methods can’t be used or are currently integrate different areas of parametric analysis,
therefore the dynamic simulation of space-related issues, mostly the result of cellular automata combining
geographic information systems.
Following the above argument of "cellular automata model to investigate climate change on coastal land
resources utilization of research" in the title, to explore the development of Tao-Zhumiao coast, due to the
use of sensitive coastal environment and affect the characteristics and circumstances vary, in 2012 on land
survey data as the starting year 2030 as the target year, according to time, location and climate change on
coastal land resource use situation, investigate the specific effects due to climate change Tao-Zhumiao coast
of urban land resources use development. Collect climate change impacts, coastal urban environment, land
resources utilization and socio-economic conditions of humanities background, construct Tao-Zhumiao
coastal flow system. The use of cellular automata grid characteristics adjustment, simulated 2030 Changes in
land resource utilization may scenario. Geographical information systems and cellular automata, simulation
results of the steady state use of land resources and climate change under, as the future Tao-Zhumiao Land
Management and Resource Planning reference.
2. Methodology
2.1. Emergy Analysis
Emergy analysis methods will help clarify the coast of the natural environment, the productive use of
land resources and the environment, the relations between the environment, in-depth understanding of
ecological economics mutualism between people and the environment is a positive benefit [5]. Among them,
the natural environment, driven by the sun covers Ocean and land systems, and solar energy and other
natural ecosystems drive; the production environment by using solar-powered, and human intervention
resulting from the primary use of the system; the environment by human use of land resources activity
patterns derived form different use [6]-[8]. Odum Emergy concept studies through to the actual macro
perspective simplify complex systems architecture complete model, taking into consideration the relationship
between energy flow transformation mathematical equations, in order to facilitate the subsequent simulation
2.2. Climate Change Scenario Simulation
Climate Change on the use of coastal land resources will cause interference and influence, so coastal
areas of land resources use change analysis model should include the interaction of the natural environment,
ecological environment and human activities in various factors. According to relevant studies have shown
that sudden changes in the coastal areas of future climate impact is most severe, primarily as rising sea levels,
intense rainfall and typhoon intensity and changes of the three, three climate change scenarios simulate this,
as amended coastal resources and land use change analysis mode adjustment factor based on cellular
automata influence, as shown in Table 1 scenario simulation type.
3. Integrated Coastal Land Resources Utilization Change Model
3.1. Change Model for Coastal Land Resource Utilization
Coastal systems use analog, as a continuation of "Coastal Land Resources Utilization Study Impact of
Changes" has been constructed by Emergy analysis model and ArcGIS 9.3 Space Coast land resource
utilization based on the analysis, and then incorporated into the climate change impact factor, conduct
various factors and changes in use of land resources information integration. Followed by coastal land
resources for space utilization levels of derivation and construction changes mode, the Research and
Analysis under different scenarios of climate changes, coastal land resource use spatial dynamic model,
shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1: Coastal land resource utilization change model chart
3.2. The Coastal Land Resources by Energy System Model
Emergy analysis by establishing energy system model diagram, a source of energy within the simulation
study area project encompasses content is divided into three parts: the first is an external driving force:
renewable resources, non-renewable resources, such as input and output; the second study components
within the scope of the composition; the third is an internal process of the constituent components of the
interaction with the outside world.
Fig. 2: Coastal land resources energy system factor graph
3.3. The Cellular Automata (CA) Simulation
The coastal land resource use into the grid unit 500m * 500m of land resources within the space unit uses
for natural areas, the primary use of regional and urban areas built, it will be treated as an ecosystem in each
grid unit, the establishment of the coast as a whole system architecture, can conduct various variables
calculated value. Depending on the relationship between flow and related documents, such as data collection,
definition of ecosystem services of a land resource use its definition. Analytical methods for the concept to
the coast, to assess the function of the variables can be quantified, and convert them to a common unit of
solar energy value, in order to facilitate the subsequent analysis and comparison. Obtained from the use of
resources by land area map and Energy, the use of spatial analysis methods ArcGIS 9.3 overlay calculation
(Raster Calculator), and the establishment of land resources utilization and energy value chart 2012 figure,
and then use ArcGIS 9.3 grid tools calculated that in 2018, 2024 and 2030 and four area can value changes,
which analyze the results, as in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3: Coastal land resource utilization change model by CA
3.4. Climate Change Scenarios Simulation
Climate Change on the use of coastal land resources will cause interference and influence, and therefore
changes in coastal land resource utilization analysis model should include the interaction of the natural
environment, ecological environment and human activities all factors which affect the natural environment
of the relevant factors, the study will be incorporated climate change factor. According to the relevant studies
have shown the impact of future climate sudden change for the most dramatic coast, primarily to rising sea
levels, intense rainfall, simulated two climate change scenarios, as amended coastal land resources use
change analysis mode. Develop scenarios in Table 1 below.
Table 1: Changes in coastal land resource utilization simulation scenarios table
Situations and description
R situational
Climate change
Sea-level rise leading to
coastal flooding,
flooding low-lying areas
S situational
Intense rainfall leading
to increased investment
Coastal land resources use change scenarios
A situational
B situational
Coastal land patterns to reduce
Reduce regional assets
AR situation
BR situation
When the sea water intrusion, flooding lowlying areas to reduce the lead to coastal land,
land patterns change.
Saltwater intrusion, flooding low-lying
areas affected asset stocks.
AS situation
Increase in environmental investment, in
tandem with the length of time to devote to
make coastal land gradually increase or
BS situation
Increase investment environment,
making coastal land decreased, affecting
the amount of assets, but also to change
the scope of the population lives.
4. Tao-Zhumiao Coastal Land Resource Utilization Change
Empirical research Tao-Zhumiao coast range, totaling 15 coastal towns urban administrative area.
Coastal land use change from resource issues in a three-facing coastal area of land resources utilization
change, changes in coastal land use types and spatial distribution of resources, the coastal land-use types and
structural transformation of resources, land resources in the area to understand the differences between the
coast and the use of spatial distribution. The spatial extent of Tao-Zhumiao coast, for the sake of consistency
of spatial resolution map data, set 500m*500m. Ecologists use the development of the energy value Odum
[10] concepts and methods to explore the Tao-Zhumiao coastal land resources utilization system works, the
mutual relationship between the natural and the primary energy and material use system provided; then
through the land survey used as space dynamic simulation based land use survey was conducted in 2012, and
in 2030 cellular automata simulation results of land resources use change and climate change in the steady
state, as a future reference to regional policy.
4.1. Emergy Systems Modeling
The study area is a coastal land resource use, can be divided into three main subsystems: including
natural areas, the primary use of regional and urban areas. Natural resources include land use land use (Ln),
the primary use of the land (La), Urban Land (Lu); assets section contains important natural areas of
biological (B), the primary use of the asset (Aa), metropolitan area assets (Au) and urban population (Pu).
Inflow of foreign system mainly consists of environmental inputs (E), non-renewable energy (N), the
population moved to (P) and the use of renewable energy is not (Rn.Ra.Ru), etc., in mathematics, the energy
system model system Table 2. the equation for the description:
Table 2: Tao- Zhumiao coast equation model system table
Natural area systems
Rn:environmental remainder of natural area
B:natural biomass
Ln:Land area of natural resource use areas
The primary use of the system
Ra:environmental remainder of agricultural area
Aa:The primary use of the asset
La:Primary area of land resource use areas
Urban area systems
Ru:environmental remainder of urban area
Au:urban asset
Lu:Urban area of land resource areas
Pu:urban population
4.2. The Simulation Results
The area is decreasing natural areas, in order to reduce the large Tao-Zhu region, the land mostly with
the economic development needs, developed into farmland or Urban building sites; therefore it Tao-Zhu
coast in 2012 Numerical began a slow decline, along with poly or economy of the facilities, the development
of behavioral impact, but also because of the economic development of the natural land and lead to
inappropriate development, the growing influence of the natural areas, the biomass to 2022 after the
reduction of land with natural energy sources, land has been unable to supply the energy needs of the natural
areas of biological, ecological habitat indirectly caused the extinction of biological migration, etc., caused by
biomass thus reducing natural areas; but by 2028 may be due to the demand for ecological planning,
reduction of natural land development, biomass extinction, migration has become increasingly moderate
impact, resulting in a gradual return to the ecological balance of biological activity.
4.2.1. AR situation
AR to investigate the relationship between changes in urban land for the next candidate from
environmental changes, therefore, the natural land, the primary use of land and urban land included in the
discussion of climate change in accordance with the national communication report noted that if the sea level
rises one meter, the loss of 272 square feet kilometers of land is calculated, so this study will naturally land
(k110) with the primary use of the land (k208) coefficient reduction to 2.72E + 08 is estimated to get under
climate change, coastal land resources for Tao-Zhumiao 2030 the use of the land area the impact of changes,
the variables and the results are shown in Fig. 4-1.
After AR simulation results, when the terms of the land area of the city in 2030 under a steady state,
which changes with the development of urban areas and facilities assets, resulting in its display increases
every year, and then into the factors affecting climate change, coastal flooding in low-lying areas flooded,
began to suppress land development, resulting in a gradual slow Tao-Zhumiao coastal land decreased
gradually changing patterns of urban land, the coastal city has been gradually moving inward, although more
slowly show the obvious, but it has been gradually building built in low-lying areas to avoid to the
environment, so that changes in the climate impact of each area will not be too great.
4.2.2. BR situation
BR to investigate Environmental Changes from candidate city for the relationship of assets changes, so
will Biological heavy use of primary assets, assets and urban population into discussions conducted for
seawater intrusion, Changes of assets affect the storage capacity of the flooded low-lying areas. To Climate
Change National Communications report noted species in order to reduce the estimated 30% do, so this study
biological heavy impairment (k103) coefficient of variation of 30%, the primary use of the asset increment
(k202) to the fragile environment of the right to the ground and re-calculating the ratio of 0.596 urban assets
increment coefficient (Ru part) (k302) vulnerability to man-made facilities to calculate the weight ratio of
0.328, out of the system into a population factor (k307) socio-economic vulnerability to weight ratio of 0.125
calculation, simulation results and performance in Fig4-2.
BR simulation results, when Urban under steady state assets in 2030, showing an increase state, but after
adding the impact of climate changes in the environment, leading to saltwater intrusion, flooding low-lying
areas, causing land Taozhu Miao region of decreasing situation, thereby also affecting all the assets of the
region between the storage capacity for low-lying areas near the river banks range, sea, etc., the amount of
municipal assets gradually migrate along with their more urban areas to reduce the economic development
needs of Urban and into the primary use of the land or, relations between the two also influence each other.
Under steady-state in 2012
Under the 2030 Climate Change
Under steady-state in 2012
Under the 2030 Climate Change
1.AR situational simulation
2.BR situational simulation
Fig. 4: AR and BR situational simulation
4.2.3. AS situation
Due to the impact of climate changes, environmental investment also increased, with the length of time
to devote to make the land produce changes in the relationship between the coast Tao-Zhumiao incorporate
impact analysis to explore the natural environment and the primary use of the land and inputs, and natural
land to the city land coefficient (k110) and the primary use of land converted to urban land coefficient (k208)
with its reduction of 2.72E + 08 for the estimated impact of environmental factors into the metropolitan area
(k301) to coastal vulnerability index (CVI) 0.517 * natural land with the primary land calculation, and the
results are shown in Fig5-1.
AS simulation results, when the steady state Tao-Zhumiao Coast 2030 showing an increase of urban land,
but the environment into increments, making Tao-Zhumiao coastal land resource utilization decreased,
although slowly reduced extent, may be due to the original storage capacity provide urban environment due
to climate change should supply it, but in the later stages of climate change may exacerbate the impact of the
increase will continue, to when the original assets may not load its supply, resulting in reduction of its assets.
4.2.4. BS situation
With climate change, the report noted that the national communications species will be reduced by 30%,
so the Biological heavy impairment (k103) with 30% doing estimates, natural land to urban land coefficient
(k110) and the primary use of land converted to urban land coefficient (k208) to the vulnerability of the right
environment to where weight ratio 0.596 computing; environmental inputs influence coefficient metropolitan
area of (k301) Taiwan coastal vulnerability index (CVI) of 0.517 estimated to vulnerability index (CVI)
0.517 * natural lands and primary land calculate that; urban assets increment coefficient (Ru part) (k302)
artificially facility vulnerability weight ratio of 0.328 calculated outside the system into a population factor
(k307) socio-economic vulnerability to weight ratio of 0.125 calculation, simulation results shown in Fig5-2.
Under steady-state in 2012
Under the 2030 Climate Change
Under steady-state in 2012
1.AS situational simulation
Under the 2030 Climate Change
2.BS situational simulation
Fig. 5: BS situational simulation
BS simulation results, when the steady state in 2030 are showing an increasing trend of urban assets, but
after joining the climate change simulation, we can see Tao-Zhumiao coastal environmental changes due to
climate, over time, increased investment environment, making Tao-Zhumiao coastal land fast diminishing
resource utilization, for the impact of land assets also increases, relative assets and changes also affect the
population. So, if you want to make for the future of urban development in Taozhu Miao coast, low-lying
areas should be avoided to prevent the counterattack the environment, but also the need for effective
management of the land-use planning.
5. Conclusions
Coastal development between Urban and neighboring relations closely tie him for discussing the
interaction between them, the energy flow and how the space coast and changes in the use of land resources
to the different levels of thinking - Coast view cut, this study Tao-Zhumiao coastal development of land
resource use changes affect the theme analysis investigate the effects of the use of coastal land around Urban
caused by the use of resources, what changes at different times of energy accumulation, flow characteristics,
to assess the overall effectiveness of coastal land resource use related construction.
Urban areas in terms of assets, from 2014 to 2020 there is a rapid increase in the trend of the
development of urban areas by the economic benefits brought to obtain benefits, thus making the Urban
assets increased; in Urban area for years, as the Urban has accumulated assets and the activities of demand,
resulting in all the land supply for its use, land increases due to the primary use of the land area and the
nature of the release of land available. As for the Urban population, it may be within the region increased
from natural increase social and moved, move out and other effects, showing slow growth, but also due to
the impact Urban assets increased, and therefore enhance the surrounding metropolitan area population Rally
attracts population inflows.
6. Acknowledgements
The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of China
(Taiwan) and Chung Hua University for financially supporting this research under Contract No. MOST 1032410-H-216-006.
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