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Biology 1
Exam 2
(Chapters 5-8)
Name _____________________
Remote # ____
Date _______________
1) All cells possess all the following components
A) cytoplasm.
B) genetic material.
C) nuclear membrane.
D) plasma cell membrane.
E) ribosomes.
2) What is not characteristic of a prokaryotic cell?
A) a plasma membrane
B) a nuclear membrane
C) ribosomes
D) enzymes
3) Which of the following correctly identify
components that are the same in both plant cells
and bacterial cells?
A) nucleus, DNA, plasma membrane, ribosomes
B) cytoplasm, endoplasmic reticulum, DNA,
plasma membrane, ribosomes
C) cytoplasm, DNA, plasma membrane,
D) cytoplasm, nucleolus, DNA, plasma membrane
E) cytoplasm, nucleoid, DNA, plasma membrane,
4) The cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells contains
A) water.
B) dissolved nutrients.
C) organelles.
D) enzymes.
E) all of these
5) A nucleolus is
A) an extra nucleus in the cell.
B) a darkly staining area in the nucleus where
ribosomes are made.
C) an area where the nucleus is synthesized.
D) a membrane-bound organelle.
E) the area in a prokaryote where DNA is
6) The nuclei of eukaryotic cells are
characterized by
A) a single-layered membrane.
B) one or more nucleoids.
C) a double membrane.
D) a non-porous membrane.
E) all of these
7) What is the difference between "free" and
"attached" ribosomes?
A) Free ribosomes are in the cytoplasm while
attached ribosomes are anchored to the
endoplasmic reticulum.
B) Free ribosomes produce proteins that remain
in the cytosol while attached ribosomes produce
proteins that may be exported from the cell.
C) Free ribosomes produce proteins that are
exported from the cell while attached ribosomes
make proteins for mitochondria and chloroplasts.
D) A and C
E) A and B
8) If all the lysosomes within a cell suddenly
ruptured, what could occur?
A) The macromolecules in the cell cytosol would
begin to degrade.
B) The number of proteins in the cytosol would
begin to increase.
C) The DNA within the mitochondria would begin
to degrade.
D) The mitochondria and chloroplasts would
begin to divide.
E) There would be no change in the normal
function of the cell.
9) If you identified a cell with large amounts of
rough ER, which would NOT be a logical
conclusion about that cell?
A) Large quantities of enzymes for biochemical
processes are manufactured by that cell.
B) Membrane proteins and phospholipids are
made to replace other membranous components
in the cell
C) Digestive enzymes for export are
manufactured by that cell.
D) Membrane lipids are produced by that cell.
E) Large amounts of protein hormone are
exported by the cell.
10) Ribosomes are the site of synthesis of
C) proteins.
D) nucleoli.
E) glucose.
11) How does a cell rid itself of defective or
malfunctioning organelles?
A) They are engulfed by plastids and stored until
export from cell is possible.
B) Defective parts accumulate until the cell itself
C) Lysosomes assist in the removal of defective
organelles by digesting them.
D) Ribosomes play a significant role in the
removal of malfunctioning parts by absorbing the
E) They are exported by exocytosis.
12) An organelle associated with carbohydrate
synthesis is the
A) Golgi complex.
B) ribosome.
C) centriole.
D) nucleolus.
E) nucleus.
13) Which organelle extracts energy from food
molecules and stores it in the high-energy bonds
of ATP?
A) mitochondrion
B) chloroplast
C) ribosome
D) centriole
14) Which of the following is capable of
converting light energy to chemical energy?
A) chloroplasts
B) mitochondria
C) amyloplasts
D) vacuoles
E) Golgi bodies
15) DNA is located in which of the following?
A) prokaryotic cells
B) plant cells
C) animal cells
D) chloroplasts
E) all of the above
16) Which of the following is NOT a function of
A) store photosynthetic products
B) store pigments
C) carry out photosynthesis
D) extract energy from food and convert it to ATP
E) All of the above are functions of plastids.
17) What primarily determines the shape of cells
that lack cell walls?
A) nucleus
B) cytosol
C) endoplasmic reticulum
D) cytoskeleton
E) ribosomes
18) Which of the following has potential energy?
A) water droplet on top of a waterfall
B) glucose molecule
C) diver on a springboard
D) 9V battery
E) all of the above
19) In an isolated system, all the following are
true of the SECOND law of thermodynamics
A) useful energy decreases.
B) spontaneous changes result in a more uniform
distribution of energy.
C) all chemical reactions are exergonic.
D) there is a natural tendency toward greater
disorder of the organization of matter.
E) All are true of the second law.
20) Which of the following is part of the first law
of thermodynamics?
A) Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
B) Kinetic energy is stored energy.
C) Energy cannot be transferred or transformed.
D) Exergonic reactions are coupled with
endergonic reactions.
E) Potential energy equals kinetic energy in a
21) What is the ultimate source of energy for
most forms of life on Earth?
A) heat energy
B) solar energy
C) thermal energy
D) chemical energy
E) nuclear energy
22) When solid sodium hydroxide is added to
water, the solution gets hot. This is an example of
A) an endergonic process.
B) an exergonic process.
C) an enzyme-catalyzed process.
D) a release of activation energy.
E) a conversion of kinetic energy to potential
23) Why is photosynthesis considered an
endergonic reaction in an isolated plant?
A) Activation energy is not required.
B) Photosynthesis does not comply with the
physical laws of the universe.
C) Because sugar has less energy than the sun.
D) Protein catalysts are not needed.
E) Low-energy reactants are converted into highenergy products.
24) Why is photosynthesis a coupled reaction?
A) The exergonic reaction occurs in the plant, and
the endergonic reaction occurs in the soil.
B) The exergonic reaction occurs in the plant, and
the endergonic reaction occurs in the sun.
C) Photosynthesis requires a couple of reactants:
carbon dioxide and water.
D) An exergonic reaction occurs in the sun, and
an endergonic reaction occurs in the plant.
E) Sunlight energy is lost as heat.
25) An ________ chemical reaction releases
energy while an ________ reactions requires an
input of energy.
A) exergonic; endergonic
B) endergonic; exergonic
C) enzymatic; endergonic
D) endergonic; enzymatic
E) equilibrium; exergonic
26) The most common energy carrier molecule of
living organisms is
B) inorganic phosphate.
D) glucose.
27) When a muscle cell demands energy to
perform its work of contraction, what happens to
A) ATP manufactures more ATP.
B) ATP enters a metabolic pathway.
C) ATP is broken down.
D) ATP is phosphorylated.
E) ATP catalyzes the reaction.
28) ATP is an energy carrier. Where is the
energy actually located?
A) attached to the phosphate group
B) in the bonds between phosphate groups
C) attached to the nucleotide
D) inside the phosphate
E) between the sugar and the phosphate
29) All the following statements pertaining to
catalysts are true EXCEPT
A) biological catalysts are specific enzymes.
B) catalysts increase activation energy
C) catalysts increase reaction rate.
D) catalysts are not permanently altered during
E) catalysts can be used over and over again.
30) Which of the following functions as a
biological catalyst?
A) energy carrier molecule
B) amino acid
C) enzyme
D) substrate
E) steroids
31) End products of biosynthetic pathways often
act to block the initial step in that pathway. This
phenomenon is called
A) allosteric activation.
B) denaturation.
C) irreversible inhibition.
D) feedback inhibition.
E) substrate activation.
32) The products of photosynthesis are
A) glucose and water.
B) carbon dioxide, water, and energy.
C) glucose and carbon dioxide.
D) carbon dioxide, chlorophyll, and oxygen.
E) glucose and oxygen.
33) The vast majority of chloroplasts found in a
leaf are located where?
A) vascular bundles
B) cuticle
C) epidermis
D) stroma
E) mesophyll
34) Specifically, molecules of chlorophyll are
located in membranes of sacs called
A) cristae.
B) thylakoids.
C) stroma.
D) grana.
E) vesicles.
35) What factors influence the rate of
A) light intensity
B) temperature
C) CO2
D) water availability
E) all of these
36) Energy is passed around different chlorophyll
molecules until it reaches a specific chlorophyll
molecule called the
A) reaction center.
B) photoelectric point.
C) electron carrier molecule.
D) accessory pigment.
E) nucleus.
37) The replacement electrons for the reaction
center of photosystem II come from
A) photosystem I.
B) H2O.
C) glucose.
D) O2.
38) Light-dependent photosynthetic reactions
C) Glucose, ATP, O2
D) Glucose, ATP, CO2
Answer: A
39) Where does the O2 released during
photosynthesis come from?
A) CO2
B) H2O
D) C6H12O6
40) The primary function of the light reactions of
photosynthesis is
A) to produce energy-rich glucose from carbon
dioxide and water.
B) to produce energy-rich ATP and NADPH.
C) to produce NADPH used in respiration.
D) to convert light energy to the chemical energy
of lipids.
E) to use the ATP to make glucose.
41) In C3 photosynthesis, what fixes the carbon?
42) How many molecules of CO2 are fixed to
form one molecule of glucose?
A) 2
B) 3
C) 6
D) 9
E) 12
43) Where is glucose synthesized?
A) thylakoids
B) cytoplasm
C) matrix
D) stroma
E) intermembrane compartment
44) Which of the following occurs during the lightindependent reactions of photosynthesis?
A) Water is converted into hydrogen and water.
B) Carbon dioxide is converted into sugars.
C) Chlorophyll acts as an enzyme only in the
D) Nothing occurs, the plant rests in the dark.
E) none of the above
45) Which of the following are required for the C3
A) CO2
B) RuBP enzyme
E) all of the above
46) In the C3 cycle, where does the carbon come
from to form glucose?
A) from ATP and NADPH
B) from chlorophyll
C) from atmospheric CO2
D) from enzymes
E) from water
47) C3 plants are adapted to ________
conditions, while C4 plants are adapted to
________ environmental conditions.
A) dry; wet
B) wet; dry
C) temperate; cool and rainy
D) high light; low light
E) drought; rainy
The anaerobic breakdown of glucose is
A) fermentation.
B) respiration.
C) phosphorylation.
D) chemiosmosis.
E) Krebs cycle.
What results if glucose is metabolized
under completely anaerobic conditions?
A) Pyruvic
acid immediately enters the Krebs
B) Pyruvic acid is converted by fermentation
into CO2 and ethanol or lactic acid.
C) Pyruvic acid is converted back to fructose
until the concentration of oxygen increases.
D) Pyruvic acid leaves the fluid portion of the
cytoplasm and enters the mitochondrial
E) Pyruvic acid is converted to NADH.
During glycolysis, what is the net gain of
ATP molecules produced?
A) 2
B) 4
C) 34
D) 36
E) 38
Which event occurs in the fluid portion of
the cytoplasm of a cell undergoing glucose
A) Krebs (citric acid) cycle
B) electron transport
C) chemiosmosis
D) Acetyl CoA formation
E) glycolysis
Where does fermentation occur within a
cell undergoing anaerobic metabolism of
A) surface of cell membrane
B) stroma of chloroplast
C) mitochondrial matrix
D) fluid portion of the cytoplasm
E) nucleus
Products of the fermentation process can
A) carbon dioxide.
B) ethanol.
C) lactic acid.
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
54) The products of glycolysis
A) ATP, NADH, pyruvate.
B) ATP, NADH, pyruvate, FADH2.
C) ATP, NADH, Acetyl CoA.
E) ATP and pyruvate.
The metabolic breakdown of one
molecule of glucose harvests the greatest
amount of energy during
A) glycolysis.
B) Krebs cycle.
C) matrix reactions.
D) fermentation.
E) electron transport.
Which of the following is an example of
an electron carrier molecule?
A) citric acid
B) CO2
C) Acetyl CoA
What is the final electron acceptor in
cellular respiration?
C) carbon dioxide
D) oxygen
From the beginning of glycolysis to the
end of the Krebs cycle, what has the cell
gained from the breakdown of each molecule
of glucose?
A) two molecules of pyruvate
B) 4 ATP, 10 NADH, and 2 FADH2
C) 2 ATP and 6 NADH
D) 2 ATP, 4 NADH and 2 FADH2
E) 2 ATP, lactate, and NAD+
Oxygen is necessary for cellular
respiration because oxygen
A) combines with electrons and hydrogen ions
to form water.
B) combines with carbon to form carbon
C) combines with carbon dioxide and water to
form glucose.
D) reduces glucose to form carbon dioxide
and water.
E) combines with electrons to form CO2.
60) When oxygen is present
A) most cells utilize aerobic cellular
B) most animal cells will carry on
fermentation and produce lactic acid.
C) most bacteria and yeasts carry on
D) two ATP molecules are produced for each
glucose molecule.
E) most animals will convert CO2 to glucose.
The part of a mitochondrion that
structurally compares to the stroma of a
chloroplast is the
A) grana.
B) matrix.
C) thylakoids.
D) cristae.
E) outer membrane.
The cristae of the mitochondria can be
compared functionally to the thylakoid
membranes of the chloroplast because both
contain a system for
A) enzyme synthesis.
B) pyruvate production.
C) glucose synthesis.
D) anaerobic respiration.
E) electron transport.
II.Labeling. Use the correct labels (A-E) to label the following figures:
For questions 63-64 use the next figure on the general reactions of photosynthesis and cellular
63. Water
64. Oxygen
For questions 65-66, choose either A or B from the figure on ATP production in the cytoplasm
65. Fermentation
For questions 67-68 use the diagram of the
67. Active Site
68. Allosteric site
For questions 69-72 use the chloroplast and mithocondrion figures:
69. cristae _____
70. Stroma _______
71. thylakoid ______
72. matrix _____
For questions 73-76, go to next page and use the diagram of the plant cell:
73. Golgi apparatus _______
74. Endoplasmic reticulum ___
75. vacuole _________
76. nucleolus ______