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13/08/12 Nerves, Taste, Touch
Last lecture
taste receptor cells
taste buds
five primary taste sensations
Properties of the taste system
Na+, H+, Ca++
80% Smell
1 13/08/12 Taste Bud & Receptors
Taste fibers
of cranial
Basal Gustatory Taste
cells (taste) cells pore
of tongue
(c) Enlarged view of a taste bud.
Figure 15.23c
2 13/08/12 Primary Taste Sensations
Dissolve in saliva, diffuse into the taste
pore, and contact the gustatory hairs
Taste Components
Uncinate Fits
3 13/08/12 Olfactory
Olfactory tract
Olfactory bulb
Route of
inhaled air
Figure 15.21a
Palatine tonsil
Lingual tonsil
Foliate papillae
Fungiform papillae
(a) Taste buds are associated with fungiform,
foliate, and circumvallate (vallate) papillae.
Figure 15.23a
4 13/08/12 Circumvallate papilla
Taste bud
(b) Enlarged section of a
circumvallate papilla.
Figure 15.23b
Properties of the taste system
•  A single taste bud contains 50–100 taste cells
representing all 5 taste sensations (so the
classic textbook pictures showing separate
taste areas on the tongue are wrong).
•  Each taste cell has receptors on its apical
surface. These are transmembrane proteins
– admit the ions that give rise to the sensation of
– bind to the molecules that give rise to the
sensations of sweet, bitter, and umami.
5 13/08/12 Properties of the taste system, cont.
•  A single taste cell seems to be restricted to
expressing only a single type of receptor (except
for bitter receptors).
•  Taste receptor cells are connected, through an
ATP-releasing synapse, to a sensory neuron
leading back to the brain.
•  However, a single sensory neuron can be
connected to several taste cells in each of
several different taste buds.
•  The sensation of taste — like all sensations —
resides in the brain
Gustatory cortex
(in insula)
Thalamic nucleus
(ventral posteromedial
Solitary nucleus in
medulla oblongata
Facial nerve (VII)
nerve (IX)
Vagus nerve (X)
Figure 15.24
6 13/08/12 Gustatory Pathway
•  Cranial nerves VII and IX carry impulses
from taste buds to the solitary nucleus of
the medulla
•  Impulses then travel to the thalamus and
from there fibers branch to the:
–  Gustatory cortex in the insula
–  Hypothalamus and limbic system
(appreciation of taste)
•  In mice, perhaps humans, the receptors for table salt
(NaCl) is an ion channel that allows sodium ions (Na+) to
enter directly into the cell. This depolarizes it allowing
calcium ions (Ca2+) to enter [Link] triggering the release
of ATP at the synapse to the attached sensory neuron
and generating an action potential in it.
•  In lab animals, and perhaps in humans, the hormone
aldosterone increases the number of these salt
receptors. This makes good biological sense: The main
function of aldosterone is to maintain normal sodium
levels in the body.
•  An increased sensitivity to sodium in its food would help
an animal suffering from sodium deficiency (often a
problem for ungulates, like cattle and deer).
7 13/08/12 Sour
•  Sour receptors are transmembrane ion
channels that detect the protons (H+)
liberated by sour substances
•  (Why?)
•  Sweet substances (like table sugar — sucrose)
bind to G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs)
at the cell surface. •  Each receptor contains 2 subunits designated
T1R2 and T1R3 and is
•  coupled to G proteins.
•  The complex of G proteins has been named
gustducin because of its similarity in structure
and action to the transducin that plays such an
essential role in rod vision.
8 13/08/12 Gustducin
•  Activation of gustducin triggers a cascade
of intracellular reactions:
– activation of adenylyl cyclase
– formation of cyclic AMP (cAMP)
– the closing of K+ channels that leads to
depolarization of the cell.
•  The mechanism is similar to that used by
our odor receptors [View].
•  The hormone leptin inhibits sweet cells by
opening their K+ channels. This
hyperpolarizes the cell making the
generation of action potentials more
•  Could leptin, which is secreted by fat cells,
be a signal to cut down on sweets?
9 13/08/12 Bitter
•  The binding of substances with a bitter taste,
e.g., quinine, phenylthiocarbamide [PTC],
also takes place on
G-protein-coupled receptors that are
coupled to gustducin.
•  In this case, however, cyclic AMP acts to
release calcium ions from the endoplasmic
reticulum [Link], which triggers the release of
neurotransmitter at the synapse to the
sensory neuron.
Bitter, cont. •  Humans have genes encoding 25 different
bitter receptors ("T2Rs"), and each taste cell
responsive to bitter expresses a number (4–
11) of these genes. (This is in sharp contrast
to the system in olfaction where a single
odor-detecting cell expresses only a single
type of odor receptor.)
•  Despite this — and still unexplained — a
single taste cell seems to respond to certain
bitter-tasting molecules in preference to
others. 10 13/08/12 Bitter, cont. •  The sensation of taste — like all sensations —
resides in the brain.
•  Transgenic mice that express T2Rs in cells that
–  express T1Rs (sweet) respond to bitter
substances as though they were sweet;
–  express a receptor for a tasteless substance in
cells that normally express T2Rs (bitter) are
repelled by the tasteless compound.
•  So it is the activation of hard-wired neurons that
determines the sensation of taste, not the
molecules nor the receptors themselves.
•  Umami is the response to salts of
glutamic acid — like monosodium
glutamate (MSG) a flavor enhancer used
in many processed foods and in many
Asian dishes. Processed meats and
cheeses (proteins) also contain glutamate.
•  (What is Glutamic Acid?)
11 13/08/12 Umami ŸThe binding of amino acids, including glutamic acid, takes place on G-­‐protein-­‐coupled receptors that are coupled to heterodimers of the protein subunits T1R1 and T1R3. •  Another umami receptor (at least in the rat's tongue) is a modified version of the glutamate receptors found at excitatory synapses in the brain. Taste Receptors in Other Locations
•  Taste receptors have been found in
several other places in the body.
•  Examples: ?
12 13/08/12 Taste Receptors in Other
Locations •  Bitter receptors (T2Rs) are found on the cilia
and smooth muscle cells of the trachea and
bronchi [View] where they probably serve to
expel inhaled irritants;
•  Sweet receptors (T1Rs) are found in cells of
the duodenum. When sugars reach the
duodenum, the cells respond by releasing
incretins. These cause the beta cells of the
pancreas to increase the release of insulin.
•  So the function of "taste" receptors appears
to be the detection of chemicals in the
environment — a broader function than
simply taste. Touch
4 distinct somatic modalities:
–  touch
–  proprioceptive sensations
–  pain
–  thermal sensations
13 13/08/12 Central somatic pathways
•  2 major pathways to the somatosensory
–  dorsal column-medial lemniscal system -tactile sensation and arm proprioception
–  anterolateral system -- pain and temperature
a bit of tactile information
•  the body surface is represented in the
brain in an orderly fashion
Central somatic pathways
14 13/08/12 Somatosensory Cortex
Hair shaft
(superficial fascia)
Nervous structures
• Sensory nerve fiber
• Pacinian corpuscle
• Hair follicle receptor
(root hair plexus)
Dermal papillae
vascular plexus
of skin
• Eccrine sweat
• Arrector pili
• Sebaceous
(oil) gland
• Hair follicle
• Hair root
Cutaneous vascular
Adipose tissue
Figure 5.1
15 13/08/12 Layers of the Dermis: Papillary
•  Papillary layer
–  Areolar connective tissue with collagen and
elastic fibers and blood vessels
–  Dermal papillae contain:
•  Capillary loops
•  Meissner’s corpuscles
•  Free nerve endings
Functions of the Integumentary
2.  Body temperature regulation
–  ~500 ml/day of routine insensible perspiration
(at normal body temperature)
–  At elevated temperature, dilation of dermal
vessels and increased sweat gland activity
(sensible perspirations) cool the body
3.  Cutaneous sensations
–  Temperature, touch, and pain
16 13/08/12 Mechanoreceptor
Sensory Neurons
•  Meissner's corpuscles detect changes in
texture (vibrations around 50 Hz) and
adapt rapidly. small receptive field: 2-4mm
•  Pacinian corpuscles detect rapid vibrations
(about 200–300 Hz).
•  Merkel's discs detect sustained touch and
pressure. small receptive field: 2-4mm
•  Ruffini's corpuscle
Meissner's corpuscles
•  Meissner's corpuscles are located at the
tips of the dermal papillae. Each corpuscle
consists of a number of flattened layers of
cells, each with an elongated nucleus. The
neuron within is coiled among these cells,
but is not easily seen. When the corpuscle
is deformed by pressure, the nerve
endings are stimulated, registering the
sensation of touch
17 13/08/12 Meissner's corpuscles Meissner's corpuscles 18 13/08/12 Meissner's corpuscles Pacinian corpuscles •  Each corpuscle is an egg-shaped structure
consisting of many concentric layers of
tissue. Embedded within this structure is a
free nerve ending. When the corpuscle is
deformed by pressure, an action potential is
initiated in the nerve ending. Pacinian
corpuscles are found in many areas of the
body, including the skin, the mesenteries
surrounding the gut, and joint capsules. The
Pacinian corpuscles in joints provide the CNS
with information on the position of the joints.
As such they play an important role as
19 13/08/12 Pacinian corpuscles Pacinian corpuscles 20 13/08/12 Merkel's discs
•  found in the deepest layer of the epidermis
(stratum basale).
•  Always found associated with a sensory
receptor nerve ending for touch.
Merkel's discs 21 13/08/12 Merkel's discs Ruffini endings
22 13/08/12 Ruffini endings Non-hairy vs. hairy Receptors
23 13/08/12 Nervous System Cells
•  Sensory neurons:
–  afferent neurons of PNS
•  Motor neurons:
–  efferent neurons of PNS
•  Interneurons:
–  association neurons
Ependymal cells
Satellite cells (amphicytes)
Schwann cells (neurilemmacytes)
Neuroglia are supporting cells
24 13/08/12 2. Astrocytes
•  Maintain blood–brain barrier (isolates
•  Create 3-dimensional framework for CNS
•  Repair damaged neural tissue
•  Guide neuron development
•  Control interstitial environment
Astrocytes 25 13/08/12 Astrocytes
Astrocytes 26 13/08/12 3. Microglia
•  Migrate through neural tissue
•  Clean up cellular debris, waste products,
and pathogens
•  Not of neural origin; related to
macrophages (like osteoclasts)
27 13/08/12 Microglia 4. Oligodendrocytes
•  Processes contact other neuron cell bodies
•  Wrap around axons to form myelin sheaths
28 13/08/12 Oligodendrocytes
1. Ependymal Cells
•  Form epithelium called ependyma
•  Line central canal of spinal cord and
ventricles of brain:
–  secrete cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
–  have cilia or microvilli that circulate CSF
–  monitor CSF
–  contain stem cells for repair
29 13/08/12 Ependymal Cells
Ependymal Cells 30 13/08/12 1. Schwann Cells
•  Form myelin sheath around peripheral
axons (nerves)
•  1 Schwann cell sheaths 1 segment of
–  many Schwann cells sheath entire axon
Schwann Cells
31 13/08/12 Schwann Cells Schwann Cells 32 13/08/12 Schwann Cells
(“Unmyelinated”) 1. Satellite Cells •  Surround ganglia
•  Regulate environment around neuron
33 13/08/12 Satellite Cells
Satellite Cells 34 13/08/12 Neuron
Neural Cells 35 13/08/12 Purkinje Cells
•  Most are located in brain, spinal cord, and
autonomic ganglia:
–  between sensory and motor neurons
•  Are responsible for:
–  distribution of sensory information
–  coordination of motor activity
•  Are involved in higher functions:
–  memory, planning, learning
36 13/08/12 Some questions
Is the Cerebellum part of the Brain Stem?
Not really (similar location)
Into what muscles are Injections given?
Gluteus minimus, Deltoid, Vastus lateralis,
Ventrogluteal (Dorsalgluteal – “avoid”)
•  Association Areas vs. Interneurons?
•  associaKon areas of the brain are important because they integrate incoming (sensory) informaKon coming into various parts of the sensory cortex, they also compare it with exisKng memory of the same sensaKons; the motor associaKon areas refine movements by coordinaKng the signals from various parts of the motor cortex before iniKaKng the movement.
37 13/08/12 Association Areas