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Special COP 17 - Durban
INFOSYLVA is an information service of news clippings provided by the FAO Forestry Information Centre
with news on forestry in English, French and Spanish.
INFOSYLVA est un service d'information à partir de coupures de presse, mis à disposition par le Centre
d'Information sur les Forêts de la FAO et qui fait le point de l'actualité dans ce secteur, en anglais,
français et espagnol.
INFOSYLVA es el servicio de información de recortes de prensa suministrado por el Centro de
Informacion Forestal de la FAO con noticias sobre las actividades forestales, en inglés, francés y español.
Press review/ Revue de presse/ Informe de prensa:
01-12 December 2011
Alerta mundial por las talas en Brasil y Africa
La Capital, 06/12/11
La deforestación de las selvas en Sudamérica y Africa pone en peligro la lucha contra el cambio
climático, denunciaron ayer organizaciones medioambientales en el marco de la 17ª edición de la
cumbre climática de la ONU.
An African COP to prevent a global flop
All Africa, 05/12/11
It's becoming clearer as the negotiations draw on that Africa can play an important role in pushing the
negotiations forward, and that many of their proposals can help develop a stronger global response to
climate change. But will Africa's weaker politico-economic position in relation to developed countries
and major emerging economies, as well as South Africa's neutered position as chair prevent them from
ensuring that their proposals make real headway within the negotiations? In the end, how African will
this COP really be?
At Durban summit, leading African activist calls U.S. emissions stance "a death sentence for Africa"
New Democracy Now, 06/12/11
The future of the Kyoto Protocol is in doubt, as is the formation of a new Green Climate Fund. With the
talks taking place in South Africa, special interest is being paid to how the continent of Africa is already
being heavily impacted by the climate crisis.
Barack Obama urges nations to follow lead of Wangari Maathai
The Guardian, 07/12/11
President Obama made his only contribution to the global climate talks on Wednesday by urging
countries to preserve their forests and follow the example of Nobel peace prize winner and Kenyan
environmentalist Wangari Maathai who died earlier this year.
Battle over the trees: indigenous peoples denounce REDD+ at COP 17 talks
Indian Country Today, 08/12/11
Indigenous peoples came to COP 17 with a simple message: Your Kyoto Protocol isn’t working for us.
Bolivia plantea crear oficina antipolución en países avanzados
La Prensa, 06/12/11
El vicepresidente Álvaro García Linera presentará la palabra oficial del país en la cumbre el miércoles.
Brasil pone selva en juego alertan ambientalistas en negociaciones del clima
Univision, 07/12/11
Brasil se juega su papel de líder ambiental y puede perder millones de hectáreas de selva en la Amazonía
con la reforma de la ley forestal aprobada en el Senado, advirtieron el miércoles organizaciones
ambientalistas presentes en la conferencia de la ONU contra el cambio climático en Durban (Sudáfrica).
Brazil defends land bill at global climate talks
Reuters, 02/12/11
Brazil on Friday defended a proposed law to ease land-use rules which environmentalists say could spur
illegal tree-felling and put the Latin American country's emission targets at risk.
Brésil: Marina Silva dénonce, depuis Durban, la nouvelle loi sur la forêt
Libération, 07/12/11
L'ancienne candidate du Parti Vert à la présidentielle brésilienne, Marina Silva, a vivement dénoncé
mercredi à Durban (Afrique du Sud) la loi approuvée mardi soir par le Sénat assouplissant la protection
des forêts.
Britain spends £10m to fight deforestation in Brazil
The Guardian, 04/11/11
Multimillion-pound project to help restore natural habitats, protect wildlife and halt climate change in
central Brazil.
Cinco países emiten más del 50% de gases de efecto invernadero
El Universo, 02/12/11
Cinco países emiten más de la mitad de los gases de efecto invernadero que originan el recalentamiento
del planeta, mientras que diez estados emiten dos tercios de los mismos, indicó ayer la consultora
especializada en riesgos Maplecroft.
Clima: un acuerdo que no conforma
La Nación, 12/12/11
Dos semanas de extenuantes discusiones de las Naciones Unidas sobre el cambio climático concluyeron
ayer a las 5.23 de la madrugada con un acuerdo de 194 países para seguir trabajando por un documento
que exigiría a todos los países (y no sólo a los desarrollados) reducir las emisiones de gases de
invernadero que contribuyen al calentamiento global.
Climat: À la recherche du 'carbone vert'
Paris Match, 09/12/11
Quand on parle émissions de gaz à effet de serre, on pense voitures, avions, industries… Mais la
déforestation représente à elle seule plus de 25% des émissions. A Madagascar, un projet pilote du
WWF et de Good Planet veut conjuguer lutte contre la déforestation et aide au développement.
Climat: empêcher la déforestation, est-ce utile?
Libération, 07/12/11
Jérôme Frignet est chargé de la campagne Forêts chez Greenpeace. Il explique en quoi consiste le
processus REDD qui vise à éviter la déforestation dans les pays richement dotés en forêts primaires.
Climat: n'oublions pas les forêts!
Libération, 04/12/11
Le "Forest day" qui se tient ce dimanche à Durban est l'occasion unique de mettre en oeuvre les
mécanismes mondiaux visant à protéger les arbres, tout en bénéficiant aux populations locales.
Climat: "On prend les mêmes, et on recommence"
Libération, 08/12/11
A la veille de la fin des négociations de Durban sur le climat, les Etats-Unis et la Chine ont renvoyé leur
réduction contraignante des émissions de CO2 à 2020. Laure Noualhat, envoyée spéciale en Afrique du
Sud, a répondu à vos questions.
Climate strategists: to cut emissions, focus on forests
NPR, 10/12/11
Some climate strategists are looking beyond the United Nations and the idea of remaking the energy
economy — and toward the world's tropical forests.
Climate talks end with late deal
BBC, 11/12/11
UN climate talks have closed with an agreement that the chair said had "saved tomorrow, today".
Climate talks offer last hope for Rwanda's rainforest
Deutsche Welle, 06/12/11
A patch of rainforest in Rwanda that served as a refuge during the country's genocide has been all but
destroyed. Saving what remains could depend on the outcome of climate talks in Durban.
Climate targets 'risk' from Brazil's forest changes
BBC, 07/12/11
Brazil's new Forest Code means it will struggle to meet its targets on curbing greenhouse emissions,
according to a former environment minister.
Communal effort to reclaim Tanzania's forest
All 04/12/11
In an effort to offset some of the damage caused by rural communities in their never ending quest for
more living space, the government is working with local NGOs and international organizations to create
reforestation programmes aimed at ensuring the sustainability of Tanzania's forests.
Conferencia del Clima preocupada por la nueva ley de bosques en Brasil
AFP, 06/12/11
El futuro de la Amazonía de Brasil preocupa en la conferencia contra el cambio climático de la ONU que
se celebra en Durban (Sudáfrica), cuando el Senado del país se apresta a votar una polémica reforma de
la ley del bosque que amenaza con traer más deforestación.
COP-17: Bolivia’s forest proposal gets little attention
Business Day 02/12/11
Bolivia has tabled a new proposal on forest conservation, but has so far been disappointed by the lack of
attention from other negotiators.
COP 17 preocupada con nueva ley para los bosques en Brasil
El Sol de Mexico, 06/12/11
El futuro de la Amazonía de Brasil preocupa en la conferencia contra el cambio climático de la ONU que
se celebra en Durban (Sudáfrica), cuando el Senado del país se apresta a votar una polémica reforma de
la ley del bosque que amenaza con traer más deforestación.
COP 17 - Uganda Calls for Global Agreement to End Deforestation
All Africa, 08/12/11
Uganda's water and environment minister, Maria Mutagamba, has said a global agreement should be
designed to help cut down deforestation that contributes to global warming. Mutagamba was speaking
at the high level segment of the United Nations (UN) climate talks in Durban attended by top UN
diplomats, heads of state, and ministers of environment and country delegates in the ongoing 17th
conference of parties (COP17) to UN framework on climate change (UNFCC) negotiations.
COP 17: Will Durban deliver?
Ghana Business News, 01/12/11
The next two weeks will see nearly 20,000 people descending on Durban for this year’s Climate Change
negotiations. What might they achieve? Not much, if you believe some of the pessimistic assessments
in the press. Are the gloomsters right? No, not necessarily.
De retour de Durban, des leçons à tirer derrière un accord de façade
Rue 89, 11/12/11
Achevée au petit matin avec 36 heures de retard, la conférence de Durban se clôt par un accord a
minima. Certes, le processus est sauvé, une deuxième phase du protocole de Kyoto s'ouvrira, et des
accords sur les forêts et sur le fond vert ont été trouvés.
Deforestación de Amazonía colombiana alarma por riesgo climático que implica
Univision, 02/12/11
La deforestación de la Amazonía de Colombia, a un ritmo de unos 800 km2 al año, preocupa a expertos y
autoridades, que alertaron sobre los riesgos climáticos que esto implica, en ocasión de la cumbre de la
ONU sobre el clima en Durban, Sudáfrica.
Durban 2011: Urgent warning on tropical deforestation
New Scientist, 06/12/11
Halting tropical deforestation gained a new level of urgency at the Durban climate change summit on
Sunday: the practice contributes roughly twice as much to global warming as recent estimates suggest.
Durban ¿buenas noticias para América Latina?
El Nacional, 11/12/11
El acuerdo para reducir el calentamiento global con miras a un trato para 2020 es recibido con promesas
de países como Brasil y críticas del Alba que creen que favorece a las naciones ricas.
Durban climate change talks: a deal currently on hold
The Guardian, 10/12/11
Progress at the COP17 climate talks in South Africa are paused but some fear that the delay will mean
they run out of time.
Durban deforestation agreement promotes transparency, scientific verification
Nature, 05/12/11
Climate negotiators in South Africa struck a preliminary deal on forestry over the weekend, advancing a
technical document that lays out what could be the first real 'rules of the road' for initiatives that seek
to reduce greenhouse gases by curbing deforestation in tropical countries.
Durban escuchó hoy la voz opositora de los indígenas amazónicos
EFE, 01/12/11
La voz opositora de los indígenas amazónicos se escuchó hoy en Durban, donde se discute un proyecto
de absorción de carbono que no garantiza la protección de sus bosques, según denunciaron en el marco
de la COP17 sobre Cambio Climático.
Durban: más decepción que optimismo tras puja por el clima
Deutsche Welle, 11/12/11
Hasta después del año 2020 sera posible reducir en un mínimo las emisiones de gases de efecto
invernadero, y eso, si se llega a poner en práctica el acuerdo logrado en la cumbre más larga de la
El núcleo crítico de Durban
Hoy, 01/12/11
Esta semana, empieza en Sudáfrica un nuevo capítulo de las conferencias sobre cambio climático y
sobre el Protocolo de Kyoto, que regulan las emisiones a la atmósfera de los gases causantes del efecto
invernadero y del calentamiento global.
FAO: "si hay un bosque que proteger, es el de montaña"
Deutsche Welle, 09/12/11
El cambio climático afecta especialmente al bosque de montaña. Su voz es débil; pero su papel,
importante. Por eso le ha dedicado la FAO un informe, cuyo resultado se presentó y sobre el que
hablamos con su director.
Fight to protect Congo's rainforest
BBC, 05/12/11
Major international talks aimed at tackling global climate change have entered a second decisive week
in South Africa. One of proposals being considered there is whether countries should be paid to protect
the forests which play a such a crucial role in absorbing greenhouse gases.
Finance dispute may collapse REDD talks, Climate conference
The Jakarta Post, 10/12/11
Bickering over a financial mechanism may undermine a final decision on the operations of REDD projects
at the 17th UN climate conference in Durban, South Africa. Countries have been at loggerheads at the
conference as they decide whether market and offset mechanisms should be ruled out in REDD
(Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) projects, which have been collectively
regulated through mitigation efforts since the Cancun conference.
Forest protection in climate talks reaches snag, Tuvalu resists
Businessweek, 08/12/11
Climate delegates in Durban negotiating ways to protect forests as a means to storing carbon have
snagged on disagreements over private financing after the Pacific island of Tuvalu balked at the use of
market mechanisms.
Goodall pide estudiar superpoblación mundial para reducir impacto ambiental
EFE, 07/12/11
La conservacionista británica Jane Goodall, embajadora de la ONU para la Paz, aseguró hoy que se debe
abordar el asunto de la superpoblación del planeta como medida adicional para combatir el cambio
Gorillas threatened by climate change - UN
3 News, 05/12/11
Gorillas are lazing in the sun in the lush mountains of Rwanda's Volcanoes National Park. They might
seem relaxed, but as the climate is heating up these great apes are finding it more difficult to find food.
Gorillas, tigers at risk due to climate change
Reuters, 04/12/11
Several animal species including gorillas in Rwanda and tigers in Bangladesh could risk extinction if the
impact of climate change and extreme weather on their habitats is not addressed, a U.N. report showed
on Sunday.
Gorilles et tigres sont en voie d'extinction, selon la FAO
20 Minutes, 04/12/11
Plusieurs espèces animales, dont des gorilles au Rwanda et des tigres au Bangladesh, sont menacées
d'extinction si l'on ne corrige pas l'impact des changements climatiques et des climats extrêmes sur
leurs habitats, prévient dimanche un rapport de la FAO.
How wars and poverty have saved DR Congo's forests
BBC, 05/12/11
It is an uncomfortable fact that decades of conflict and poverty in the Democratic Republic of Congo
have helped to protect the world's second largest rainforest, and by extension to slow the process of
global climate change.
In Durban, RI task force weighs plan to use idle forests
The Jakarta Post, 09/12/11
After agreeing to a forest-clearing moratorium to secure a US$1 billion grant from Norway, the
Indonesian government is currently considering revising a ministerial decree barring the reforestation of
primary forests.
Indignados climáticos ocuparán Durban si no se llega a un acuerdo sobre emisiones de gases
Cronista, 06/12/11
En su segunda semana de negociaciones, la Cumbre Climática de Durban deberá acordar sobre la
continuidad del Protocolo de Kyoto y la puesta en marcha de un Fondo Verde para proyectos
ambientales. El movimiento ‘OccupyDurban‘ se instalará en plazas de la ciudad hasta que las naciones
contaminantes se comprometan a reducir emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y se liberen fondos
para los países más afectados por el calentamiento global.
Kenyan activist lauded at COP17
The Mercury, 08/12/11
Nobel Peace Prize laureate Wangari Maathai’s memory was honoured at an event on the sidelines of the
17th Convention of the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP17) climate
change talks in Durban on Wednesday.
KKL-JNF Side Event at COP 17
The Jerusalem Post, 05/12/11
The official KKL JNF side event at the conference took place on December 3rd on a Saturday evening,
with presentations given by Israel Environmental Ministry Chief Scientist, Dr. Sinaia Netanyahu; KKLJNF’s Chief Forester, David Brand; and KKL-JNF Regional Director Itzhak Moshe. The side event included
the presentation of reports on provisions made by the State of Israel with regard to climate change. KKL
JNF representatives discussed Israeli forest adaptation to global warming in the Mediterranean region
and in the northern Negev in a lecture titled Modifying Afforestation Practices in Adaptation to Climate
La ONU dice que "se ha avanzado mucho" en Durban para renovar el Protocolo de Kioto
Público, 02/12/11
Sin embargo, la última palabra la tendrán los respectivos ministros en las reuniones que empezarán el
próximo día 6.
La renovación del Protocolo de Kioto es "esencial" para el planeta, dice Rousseff
EFE, 06/12/11
La presidenta brasileña, Dilma Rousseff, afirmó hoy que la renovación del Protocolo de Kioto es
"esencial" para el futuro del planeta y consideró "problemático" el rumbo que han tomado las
discusiones en la XVII Cumbre de la ONU sobre Cambio Climático (COP17).
Les gorilles et les tigres en voie d'extinction, selon la FAO
Le Point, 04/12/11
Plusieurs espèces animales, dont des gorilles au Rwanda et des tigres au Bangladesh, sont menacées
d'extinction si l'on ne corrige pas l'impact des changements climatiques et des climats extrêmes sur
leurs habitats, prévient dimanche un rapport de la FAO.
Los vaqueros del carbono
Semana, 03/12/11
Una iniciativa global para frenar la deforestación y contener el cambio climático está abriendo la puerta
a la especulación y al despojo de tierras. Los países amazónicos, incluido Colombia, están en riesgo.
Marching for 100% change at COP17
The New Age, 05/12/11
Chanting loudly, thousands of demonstrators marched through the streets to the venue of COP17 to
demand their voices be heard for “immediate and drastic” carbon emission reductions to save the
Marina Silva: Código forestal de Brasil provocará deforestación en Amazonía
Univision, 07/12/11
La ex ministra de Medio Ambiente de Brasil y ex candidata presidencial verde, Marina Silva, denunció el
miércoles que la reforma de la ley forestal aprobada por el Senado provocará deforestación en la
Amazonía y pidió el veto de la presidenta, Dilma Rousseff.
Measuring the success of RI’s involvement in Durban
The Jakarta Post, 6/12/11
The global climate change negotiations, underway from Nov. 28 to Dec. 9 in Durban, South Africa, once
again undoubtedly highlights a fundamental question as to whether countries around the world will
reach agreed solutions to tackle climate change.
Nations of the earth wrangle over climate change policies at COP-17 conference
Amandala, 02/12/11
The annual meeting, established after the signing of the Kyoto Protocol in 1995 (which is a commitment
of the countries of the world to take certain stipulated measures to curb their actions which contribute
to climate change and mitigate climate change’s effects), calls together all signatories to the Protocol,
numbering about 192, to assess progress in the implementation of those measures and adopt decisions
and resolutions to further enforce the Protocol.
Obama elogiará el legado de la Nobel de la Paz Maathai en mensaje por vídeo
Atlántico, 07/12/11
El presidente de EEUU, Barack Obama, emitirá mañana un mensaje por vídeo ante la XVII Cumbre de la
ONU sobre Cambio Climático en Sudáfrica, en el que elogiará el legado de la fallecida activista y Premio
Nobel de la Paz, Wangari Maathai, informó hoy el diario 'The Hill'.
Países ricos deben saldar deuda climática, afirma líder amazónica
Prensa Latina, 01/12/11
El Grupo de Trabajo Amazónico de Brasil consideró hoy que los países industrializados deben saldar la
deuda climática que tienen con las naciones subdesarrolladas, reduciendo sus emisiones y financiando
proyectos de mitigación y adaptación.
Paper and pulp firms sponsor Indonesia’s pavilion at Durban talks
AlertNet/Reuters, 09/12/11
In front of the building where the U.N. climate change talks are taking place, the South Plaza is playing
host to a smaller but impressive venue, the Indonesia Pavilion. The structure looks rather like a car
showroom and boasts its own small cinema.
¿Para qué sirve el heredero de Kioto?
El Mundo, 11/12/11
La cumbre de Naciones Unidas sobre el clima culminó en Durban con la aprobación, tras muchas
discusiones, de un paquete de medidas con numerosos aspectos significativos.
Paraguay se compromete a monitorear niveles de carbono forestal
ABC Digital, 06/12/11
La Secretaría del Ambiente informó este martes que nuestro país firmó un acuerdo de cooperación con
el Instituto de Investigación Silvícola y Productos Forestales del Japón (FFPRI) para un proyecto de
desarrollo de metodologías de monitoreo de carbón en bosques en el marco del programa “REDD+” en
Permafrost thaw may emit more than deforestation, study says
Bloomberg, 01/12/11
Emissions from thawing permafrost may contribute more to global warming than deforestation this
century, according to a commentary in the journal Nature.
Potential outcome of COP17 - the 'greedy corporate fund'
All Africa, 07/12/11
COP 17 will likely not result in a second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, but does look set to
become the launch pad for the new Green Climate Fund (GCF), also known by climate justice activists as
the "Greedy Corporate Fund".
Private sector finance eyed for U.N. forest projects
Reuters, 11/12/11
Private investors may be allowed to earn carbon credits by paying poor countries to halt the destruction
of tropical forests, but a U.N. climate summit failed to agree the details needed to get the ambitious
program off the ground.
Protecting forests: stronger safeguards sought
Irish Times, 09/12/11
Without much stronger safeguards, the deal on the table here to protect forests – the world’s most
important carbon sinks – will only “intensify and worsen” existing conflicts in regions such as the
Amazon, according to critics.
Pueblos del Amazonas: "Negocio del carbono no pasará por tierras indígenas"
Univision, 01/12/11
La Coordinadora de Pueblos del Amazonas (COICA), que agrupa a naciones indígenas de nueve países
latinoamericanos, advirtió hoy de que el proyecto de absorción de carbono a través de reforestación y
conservación (REDD+) "no pasará por las tierras indígenas" si no se establece un nuevo marco legal.
Q&A: Durban COP17 climate talks
The Guardian, 28/11/11
Environment ministers will gather in Durban in late November to continue efforts towards a global
climate deal. What can we expect from the talks?
REDD+: un outil au service du développement, pas du business
Libération, 08/12/11
Depuis 1989, le Gret intervient au Brésil pour une gestion durable des forêts par les populations
forestières. Dans ce pays, menaces de mort et assassinats se multiplient parmi les leaders paysans qui
luttent contre l’exploitation illégale du bois et se battent pour une utilisation durable des forêts par les
communautés. Situation plus qu’inquiétante, qui s’est accélérée en avril 2011 avec le débat sur la
réforme du Code forestier.
Rousseff consideró "problemático" rumbo de discusiones en la Cumbre de Durban
EFE, 06/12/11
La presidenta brasileña, Dilma Rousseff, consideró hoy "problemático" el rumbo de las discusiones en la
XVII Cumbre de la ONU sobre Cambio Climático (COP17) y afirmó que la renovación del Protocolo de
Kioto es "esencial" para el futuro del planeta.
Seeing REDD: forest program may be only success of climate talks
Voice of America 07/12/11
The headlines from the COP17 U.N. climate conference in Durban, South Africa have mostly
underscored the deadlock on major initiatives. But there has been progress on a forestry program
known as REDD+. If an agreement on the program is reached it could be one of the few success stories
to emerge.
Timeline: How the world discovered global warming
Reuters 02/12/11
U.N. climate talks in Durban, South Africa, from November 28-December 9 are aimed at agreeing new
measures to stem rising emissions of planet-warming greenhouse gases.
Tuvalu block proposal to protect rights of tribals
Hindustan Times, 08/12/11
Tuvalu, a small island nation in Pacific, has blocked the proposal supported by India to protect rights of
indigenous people living in forests around the world. The protection through a global protocol under the
mechanism called Reduced Deforestation and Degradation of Forests (REED) plus aims to protect tribal
communities depend on forest produce from proposed market interventions.
UN climate envoys weigh measures on $100 billion aid, adaptation, forests
Bloomberg, 03/12/11
Envoys at United Nations climate talks are working on measures including aid to developing nations,
funds to help adapt to more extreme weather patterns and forest protection, according to a text
released today.
What U.N. climate talks agreed in Durban
Reuters, 11/12/11
U.N. climate change talks in Durban, South Africa, agreed a package of measures early on Sunday that
would eventually force all the world's polluters to take legally binding action to slow the pace of global
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