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Adaptive (Acquired)
Immunity (3rd line of defense)
Chapter 7
Adaptive/Acquired Immunity
Antigens – Anything that cases a biological immune
response by this system of cells
Specificity – Some antibodies are quite specific to an
antigen others are general to a “type” or “form”
Memory – b-memory cells are formed and remain to
combat future exposures quickly (Active vs Passive
Antibodies – the proteins formed by b-cells that
combat antigens whether chemical or biological
Lymphocytes – cells involved in this response
Adaptive Immunity
Clonal diversity
Production of T (Killer cell mediated response) and B
lymphocytes (humoral/antibody response)
Antigen recognition – zone of attachment
Lymphocyte specificity – Classes of Immunoglobulins
Clonal selection – CD cluster recognition table 7-2
Antigen processing – Recognition and binding depend on
size of molecule/cell/tissue/organism and class
Cellular interaction
Active vs. Passive Immunity
Active immunity
Antibodies or T cells produced after either a
natural exposure to an antigen or after
Passive immunity
Preformed antibodies or T lymphocytes are
transferred from a donor to a recipient
Recognition and Response
Required for a successful immune response
Clusters of differentiation (CD)
Originally used to describe proteins found on the
surface of lymphocytes
Now it is a labeling system used to identify a
family of proteins on many cells
Immunogens vs. antigens
Antigenic determinant (epitope)
Molecular size
Central and peripheral tolerance
Antigen Presentation
Antigen-presenting cells (APCs)
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
Glycoproteins on the surface of all human cells (except
Also referred to as human leukocyte antigens (HLAs)
MHC class I molecules
MHC class II molecules
A, B, and C
DR, DP, and DQ
MHC class III molecules
Antigen Presentation
Cells in transplanted tissue from one
individual will have a different set of MHC
surface antigens than those of the recipient
Therefore, a recipient can mount an immune
response against the foreign MHC molecules
Combination of A, B, C, DR, DQ, and DP alleles
Antigen-presenting molecules
Found on antigen-presenting and thymus cells
Present lipid antigens
Antigen Recognition
Antigen is directly recognized by circulating
antibody, antigen receptors on B cells (BCR),
and T lymphocytes (TCR)
Also called immunoglobulins
Produced by plasma cells
Classes of antibody
IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE, and IgD
Characterized by antigenic, structural, and functional
Immunoglobulin G (IgG)
Most abundant class (80%-85%)
Transported across the placenta
Four classes
IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, and IgG4
Immunoglobulin A (IgA)
Two classes
IgA1 molecules are found predominantly in the
IgA2 molecules are found predominantly in
normal body secretions
IgAs found in body secretions are dimers
anchored by a J chain and a “secretory” piece
Secretory piece may function to protect IgAs
against enzyme degradation
Immunoglobulin M (IgM)
Largest of the immunoglobulins
Pentamer stabilized by a J chain
First antibody produced during the primary
response to an antigen
Synthesized during fetal life
Immunoglobulin D (IgD)
Limited information on IgD function
Low concentration in the blood
Located primarily on the surface of
developing B lymphocytes
Function as one type of B cell antigen
Immunoglobulin E (IgE)
Least concentrated of the immunoglobulin
classes in the circulation
Mediator of many common allergic responses
Defender against parasites
Antibody Structure
Antigen-binding fragment (Fab)
Crystalline fragment (Fc)
Recognition sites (receptors) for antigenic
Responsible for biological function
Polypeptide chains (4)
Light chains (2) and heavy chains (2)
Antibody Structure
Hinge region
Constant and variable regions
Complementary determining regions (CDRs)
Framework regions (FRs)
Antigen Binding
Amino acid sequences of the variable regions of the
heavy and light chains
Framework regions control antibody folding
Lock and key
Noncovalent chemical interactions
Antibody valence
IgG, IgD, and IgE—2
IgM—theoretically 10, likely 5
B Cell Receptor Complex
Located on surface of B cells
Consists of:
Antigen-recognition molecules
Monomer IgM and IgD
Accessory intracellular-signaling molecules
Ig-alpha and Ig-beta heterodimers
T Cell Receptor Complex
Antibody-like transmembrane protein (TCR)
Accessory proteins for intracellular signaling
Referred to as CD3
Generation of Clonal Diversity
All necessary receptor specificities are
Takes place in the primary (central) lymphoid
Results in immature but immunocompetent T
and B cells
Primarily occurs in the fetus
Clonal Selection
Immunocompetent T and B cells migrate from
the primary lymphoid organs to the secondary
lymphoid organs to await antigen
Primarily after birth
Clonal selection is initiated by antigen
Final products
Plasma cells that produce antibody, effector cells
that help Th, Tc, or Treg, and memory B and T
T Cell Maturation
The thymus is the central lymphoid organ of T cell
T cells move from the thymic cortex to the medulla
Development of the T cell receptors and expression of
surface molecules
T cells are released into the blood and take up
residence in the secondary lymph organs
Antigen Processing and
Antigens require processing and presentation
by antigen-presenting cells (APCs)
Dendritic cells, macrophages, and B lymphocytes
For processing and presentation to occur, the
antigen must be of the appropriate type, the
lymphocytes must be prepared to recognize
the presented antigen, and the antigen must be
presented appropriately
Antigen Processing and
Antigen Processing and
Helper T Lymphocytes
“Help” the antigen-driven maturation of B and T
Facilitate and magnify the interaction between APCs
and immunocompetent lymphocytes
Th interacts through antigen-specific and antigenindependent mechanisms
Undergoes differentiation
Mature Th interacts with plasma or T-effector cells
Antigen Processing and
Helper T Lymphocytes
Th1 cells provide help in developing cellmediated immunity
Th2 cells provide help in developing humoral
Differences based on cytokine production
B Cell Activation
When an immunocompetent B cell encounters
an antigen for the first time, B cells with
specific BCRs are stimulated to differentiate
and proliferate
A differentiated B cell becomes a plasma cell
A plasma cell is a factory for antibody
Single class or subclass of antibody
Primary and Secondary Responses
Primary response
Initial exposure
Latent period or lag phase
B cell differentiation is occurring
After 5 to 7 days, an IgM antibody for a specific
antigen is detected
An IgG response equal or slightly less follows the
IgM response
Primary and Secondary Responses
Secondary response
More rapid
Larger amounts of antibody are produced
Rapidity is due to the presence of memory cells
that do not have to differentiate
IgM is produced in similar quantities to the
primary response, but IgG is produced in
considerably greater numbers
Class Switch
Immunocompetent B cells use IgM and IgD
as receptors
During clonal selection, B cells have the
option of changing the class of the antibody
One of four IgGs, one of two IgAs, IgE, or an
IgM in a pentamer form
DNA rearrangement
B Cell Clonal Selection
T Cell Activation
Binding antigen to specific T cell receptors
T regulatory cells (Treg)
Direct killing of foreign or abnormal cells
Assistance or activation of other cells
Regulate the immune response to avoid attacking
Memory T cells
T Cell Activation
Superantigens (SAGs)
Bind the variable portion of the TCR and the
MHC class II molecules outside of their
antigen-presentation sites
Activates a large population of T lymphocytes
regardless of antigen specificity
SAGs induce an excessive production of
Causes fever, low blood pressure, fever, and
potentially shock
Antibody Function
Degree of antibody protection is assessed by
an antibody titer
Secretory (Mucosal) Immune
Lymphoid tissues that protect the external
surfaces of the body
Antibodies present in tears, sweat, saliva,
mucus, and breast milk
IgA is the dominant immunoglobulin
Small numbers of IgG and IgM are present
Secretory (Mucosal) Immune
IgE Function
Provides protection from large parasites
Initiates an inflammatory reaction to attract
When produced against innocuous
environmental antigens, they are a common
cause of allergies
Fc portions of IgEs are bound to mast cells
IgE Function
Cell-Killing Mechanisms
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes
Destroy cancer cells or cells infected with virus
Perforin, granzymes, or direct receptor
Cell-Killing Mechanisms
Other Cells
Natural killer (NK) cells
Complement Tc cell mechanisms
Regulatory T cells (Treg)
Provide peripheral tolerance
Affect recognition of antigen and suppress
proliferative steps of antigen recognition
Fetal and Neonatal Immunity
Antibody function is deficient
Capable of primary IgM response; unable to
produce an IgG challenge
Immunity provided by maternal antibody
Trophoblastic cells transport maternal IgG across
the placenta
Newborn IgG levels are near adult levels
Fetal and Neonatal Immunity
Aging and Immune Function
Decreased T cell activity
Thymic size is 15% of its maximum size
Decreased production of specific antibodies
Increase in circulating antigen-antibody
Increase in circulating autoantibodies
Decrease in circulating memory B cells