Download Major components of blood -made up of the following things

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Major components of blood -made up of the following things
Plasma - Blood cells are suspended in the plasma. Plasma makes up 55% of the blood. Made up mostly of
water (90%) it carries a number of important things like:
Blood cells - make up 45% of the blood and consists of the following:
Red blood cells - Red blood cells, also called erythrocytes, transport oxygen. Each RBC contains about
250 million molecules of hemoglobin, which transports oxygen by binding it to the iron portion of the
White blood cells - white blood cells defend the body against viruses, bacteria, and other foreign invaders.
They do this by engulfing invaders or by producing antibodies. There are 6000 to 9000 white blood cells per
cc. of blood.
Platelets - look like plates, are colorless, round or biconcave, are smaller than red blood cells, play
important roles in blood clotting and are produced in the bone marrow.
What the heck are ANTIGENS and ANTIBODIES?
Antigen = molecules found on the surface of a cell that can provoke an immune response (find these on viruses,
bacteria, fungi, cancer cells, pollen, and for us RED BLOOD CELLS).
Blood group antigens are carbohydrates that are attached to proteins or lipids.
Antibody = protein found on the surface of some white blood cells (B CELLS & T CELLS) or freely traveling in
blood plasma…they will recognize and attach to certain ANTIGENS. They “tag” the antigen on the surface of the
cell for destruction by binding to it.
Antibodies have SPECIFIC SHAPE
Each antibody has two combining sites where it
attaches to the complimentary antigen on the surface
of a cell membrane. For every antigen there is a
specific antibody; the antibody will react ONLY
with its specific antigen and NO other. The
“tagged” cell will be engulfed and destroyed by