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6th Grade
Cells are awesome little things! Every living thing is made up of
one or more cells. Well, what the heck are they? We know they
are small, and there are lots of different kinds. In fact, you
need a microscope just to see them. In your body alone, there
are billions of cells! Cells are able to reproduce, get energy and
adapt to their surroundings. Wow! Pretty impressive! Let's take
a look at all the organelles that make up the cell!
In this activity, you will:
* Understand the function of the various organelles.
* Differentiate between plant and animal cells.
Each student after completing research will assume a role of an author or travel
agent and complete one of the following tasks:
• Author - Publish a children's book using Microsoft Word, or Microsoft
PowerPoint. Using the what you have learned about organelles, create a book that
covers content on the level of an elementary student. Illustrate with graphics from
the Internet or your own drawings.
• Travel Agent - You have been hired by the Cellular Tour Company. The company
specializes in selling microadventures: vacation on a microscopic scale! They need
you to design a brochure to showcase a cell tour. Research and make a list of some
interesting things you could see or do if you were able to take a microscopic trip
into a cell. Choose four organelle tour stop destinations and create a brochure to
sell a travel package. Make it interesting. The stops must be informative and
exciting, and must accurately reflect the environment.
1. Get into your lab groups. Both members of the group will
be researchers: you will research the organelles.
2. Each student will research and draw the following
organelles and their functions. Also, please denote whether
the organelle is found in plant, animal or both cell types.
nucleus (nucleolus)
endoplasmic reticulum
golgi body (apparatus)
cell wall
cell membrane
3. Check out what organelles are found in plant and animal
cells. (click on underlined links to research.)
4. Look at the virtual cell and dissect it to locate your
organelles. Check out each organelle and know what each
5. Click chart and fill in information about each organelle.
7. Each researcher will complete the Compare/Contrast
Organizer describing what organelles belong only to plant
cells, which organelles belong only to animal cells, and which
organelles belong to both.
8. Choose your job…
author or travel agent and complete the task/project.
You will receive a group grade on your
Compare/Contrast Organizer (20 points)
You will receive a grade on your Organelle
Chart (20 points)
You will receive a grade on the task you choose
based on the following rubrics: (60 Points)
Children's Book
Travel Brochure
I hope you see that cells are amazing little
structures! Each one is like a tiny little
factory. All the organelles work together to make
a living thing. The next time you see a caterpillar
or pick a flower, think of all the cells that make up
these amazing organisms!
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