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Mental Disorders
An illness of the mind that can affect the
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of a
person. It can prevent them from leading a
healthy life.
Personality Disorders
O Personality Party Activity
Anxiety Disorder
O A condition in which real or imagined fears
are difficult to control.
Examples of Anxiety Disorders
O Phobia
O Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
O Panic Disorder
O Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
O Generalized Anxiety Disorder
PhobiaO a strong irrational fear of something specific.
O Arachnophobia-fear of spiders
O Claustrophobia-fear of being closed in
O Disposophobia-fear of getting rid of things
O Aka: hoarding
DisorderO persistent thoughts, fears, or urges that lead
you to engage in repetitive behaviors.
Panic Disorder
O Caused by episodes of irrational fear and
panic called “panic attacks.”
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
O A condition that may develop after exposure
to a terrifying event.
O Symptoms include: flashbacks, nightmares,
General Anxiety
O Chronic and exaggerated worry and tension
even though nothing seems to provoke it;
always anticipating disaster; excessive worry
about health, money, family, or work.
Eating Disorders
O Bulimia
O People with bulimia consume large amounts
of food and then rid their bodies of the
excess calories by purging (self-induced
vomiting, misuse of laxatives or diuretics).
Eating Disorders
O Anorexia
O People have a distorted sense of body
image that leads to self-starvation to the
point of death.
Mood Disorders
O An illness that involves mood extremes that
interfere with everyday living.
O Bipolar (manic-depressive)- involves cycles
of alternating mania and depressive
Mood Disorders
O Depression-when symptoms of mild
depression persist to clinical depression
O A chronic, severe, disabling brain disorder;
people hear things other people don’t hear,
think people are reading their minds,
controlling their thoughts. People are
fearful, withdrawn, and can be extremely