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Report for Vietnam NGO climate change
What is COP/MOP
• United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC) holds annual
Conference of Parties (COP)
– includes all UN member states
– encourages members to combat climate
• Kyoto Protocol signatories hold annual
meetings (MOP) alongside COPs
– obliges members to combat climate change
• Bali 2007 was 13th COP and 3rd MOP
Title of presentation (change in master layout)
Key points of the Kyoto Protocol
• Only ‘annex 1’ (developed) parties have
commitments to reduce GHG emissions
• ‘Commitment period’ from 2008-12
• ‘Non-annex 1’ countries participate through
the CDM
• Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) produced
by CDM projects can be sold and exchanged
• Additionality - would the project have been
implemented without CDM?
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Bali conference in context:
4th IPCC report
• IPCC produces 5-yearly reports on the state of
the global climate and anthropogenic influence
• 2007 report most unequivocal yet - global GHG
emissions must be reduced 25-40% below
1990 levels before 2020.
• Atmospheric GHG concentrations must be
stablised at 450-550 ppm
• This will not be sufficient to avoid indundation
of small island states and low lying cities
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Bali conference in context:
UNFCCC agenda
• A post-2012 successor to the Kyoto Protocol which:
– Includes all parties to UNFCCC
– Includes firm targets based on findings of IPCC4
– Consists of four elements: mitigation, adaptation,
technology transfer, financing
• Bali to reach unanimous agreement on a negotiation
framework and timetable (roadmap)
• Sign post-2012 agreement in 2009 (Copenhagen)
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Bali conference in context:
Political environment
• G8 meeting - US admission of human-induced
climate change
– Launches ‘top emitters’ club
– Gives WB remit to devise FCPF
• Australian election - climate change a key issue
• Nobel Peace prize (award ceremony during Bali
Title of presentation (change in master layout)
Key players
– Blocking agreement - insisted on
commitments for developing nations and no
specific targets
– Technology transfer entails risk for domestic
– John Kerry led parallel delegation
– Al Gore advised leaving USA out of
agreement, with an opt-in for new
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Key players
• Canada, Japan and Australia - key US allies
• EU
– Insisted on inclusion of IPCC targets - roadmap must
have a destination
– More robust CDM mechanism
• China
– Unofficial rep of non-annex 1 parties
– Highlighted contrast with US position
– Favours looser regulation of CDM
• Brazil - REDD mechanism to be deforestation only
Title of presentation (change in master layout)
Key Decisions:
Bali Roadmap
• Unanimous agreement after an extra day
• IPCC targets reduced to a footnote but
roadmap ‘recognises that deep cuts will be
• G77 pressure forced USA into a humiliating last
minute u-turn but they still managed to remove
all meaningful content
• However, nothing is ruled out and there is
every chance that Copenhagen 2009 will
include commitments from all major emitters
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Key decisions:
• Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and
Forest Degradation (REDD) - the major
success story of the conference
• Brazil dropped objections
• Unexpectedly broad parameters - may include
payments for conservation and restoration
as well as reduced degradation
• Previous objections to forestry mechanism
(poor scientific basis and difficulty of
monitoring) expected to be overcome by 2012
Title of presentation (change in master layout)
Key decisions:
• CERs will be long-term (unlike ARCDM)
• Outstanding concerns (highlighted on ‘Forestry
– National accounting, not project-based - how
to distribute benefits?
– Local/indigenous use rights - not adequately
addressed in the decision
– Baselines - simple for avoided deforestation,
complex for other scenarios
Title of presentation (change in master layout)
Key decisions:
• The next two years of negotiations will address
these concerns
• Non-annex 1 Countries with an interest in
REDD have until 2013 to prepare
• COP13 encouraged annex 1 parties to
contribute to REDD preparedness
• WB’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility
(FCPF) was created to channel such
contributions in two stages: Readiness
mechanism and Carbon Finance mechanism
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Key decisions:
New CDM guidelines - Biogas
• MOP3 reinstated the mechanism that enables
biogas projects to generate CERs under CDM
• The mechanism was previously abolished
because it was considered a proxy ‘avoided
deforestation’ measure - substituting firewood
• Reinstated mechanism assumes biogas plants
substitute for kerosene
• Generates less CERs per plant than previous
• REDD may allow revival of original mechanism
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Key decisions:
New CDM guidance - Energy efficiency
• Allows for projects which result in
improvements in energy efficiency of existing
technologies - such as wood-fired stoves
• Biogas and energy efficiency projects were
lobbied for by G77 nations (especially Nepal),
with the support of EU. Brazil dropped their
initial opposition
Title of presentation (change in master layout)
Key decisions:
New CDM guidance - ARCDM
• Limit on small-scale ARCDM projects doubled to
16,000 tCO2. This was pushed by African
• But still many obstacles to ARCDM projects:
– High risk for buyers
Temporary CERs - low value
Outlawed by EU Emission Trading System
Stringent monitoring requirements
High technical capacity required
Title of presentation (change in master layout)
Key decisions:
Adaptation Fund
• Adaptation fund created from 2% levy on sale
of CERs from all CDM projects - made
operational at Bali conference
• $36 million currently amassed - future
revenues will be > $100 million annually
• This is not sufficient to meet non annex 1
countries demands for adaptation projects
• Additional funds available from Global
Environment Facility (GEF), World Bank (eg
FCPF) and regional bodies e.g. ADB
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