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Cardiff Bay
Lesson 2 – “The pro’s and con’s of
Cardiff Bay”
Starting Activity
Task 1
The Magnificent 7
Using the 10 headlines in the table over
page you have to DECIDE which 7
stories were actually used in the news
recently. You will need to TICK the 7
used AND rank them in order from 1st
(The Headline) to 7th. Good Luck!
What skills will
I develop?
UK manufacturing is falling at its fastest rate
for 27 years
Sixties pop star Dave Dee, whose hits include
The Legend of Xanadu, dies aged 65
Israel to press ahead with its military actions
in the Gaza strip
A woman from Blackwood is found
unconscious in the woods near Markam after
taking a lethal dose of drugs.
Armed gang kill a man in Worcester
The first British baby born without the Breast
Cancer gene thanks to embryo screening
Measles epidemic could be on the verge after
a number of reported cases recently
A super-tanker captured by Somali pirates in
November with two million barrels of oil is
released, reports say
Teenagers have been told that drinking 5 pints
of water a day is vital way of relaxing.
A car was found abandoned near Birmingham
– police are calling for witnesses.
Item to
Rank order
Main Activity
Task 2
“A Documentary about Cardiff Bay”
The Purpose of the task
• Your school has been asked by the BBC news to
write a ‘script’ for a documentary about Cardiff
Bay. The documentary is intended to show both
the negative and positive sides of the Cardiff Bay
• Only FOUR stories can be included in the
documentary and these will be chosen by an
The Editing Team
The Editing Team
• Your main responsibilities will be to select
the FOUR most suitable stories about
Cardiff Bay from the 7 other groups in the
The Groups
• Each Group will be responsible for a particular news story
about Cardiff Bay. They will need to ‘write’ a script for a
documentary about Cardiff Bay. It is important that their
script is well written and detailed so that it is chosen by the
editing team. If it is not chosen- the group fails the task!
• Each group will be provided with a different story about
Cardiff Bay – it is then their responsibility to turn that
story into an interesting ‘script’ for the documentary.
The writing Frame
The editors decisions
A Channel 4 documentary "The Great Global
Warming Swindle" claims that man-made global
warming is "a lie" and "the biggest scam of
modern times." The documentary says the Earth
has warmed and cooled throughout history. The
recent climate changes are natural, it claims.
Theory A: Human activity causes global warming
Burning fossil fuels
Extra greenhouse gases make
releases greenhouse
global temperatures rise.
gases into the atmosphere. This leads to climate change.
The evidence:
Global temperatures have gone up by
0.7C since 1700.
Most warming was between 1910 and 1940
and after 1976.
Many scientists agree that
increasing amounts of
greenhouse gases have made
global temperatures go up.
The 1990's was the warmest decade of the
last thousand years.
Scientists predict that increasing
global temperatures will make sea
levels rise.
Before the industrial revolution, 0.028% of
the atmosphere was CO2. Now the level is
The increase in CO2 is linked to human
The concentration of CO2 in our atmosphere
is higher now than it has been for 650,000
Scientists predict more intense
Carbon dioxide takes 100 years to
disperse. If we stop making carbon
dioxide now, the effects of what we
have already done will influence
our weather for years.
Theory B: Global warming is natural
The Earth has gone through many cool and warm periods. Human activity is not
significant when you
The causes of these climate changes are complex.
consider all the factors
that affect climate.
The evidence:
Global temperatures have gone up by 0.7C
since 1700. This is not significant. Global
temperatures actually decreased between 1940
and 1976.
Satellites and balloons have measured
atmosphere temperature since 1979. This data
shows little warming up to 8 km above the Earth’s
Water vapour is the most important
greenhouse gas. It makes up 95% of all
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Water
particles in clouds reflect heat from the Sun.
“The Great Global Warming Swindle” says that
human activity makes 6.5 gigatonnes of CO2 each
year. Plants and other animals make 150
gigatonnes each year. Dying leaves make even
more CO2. The oceans are the biggest source of
CO2 levels in the atmosphere increase
or decrease because of temperature
change. When the climate cools,
oceans absorb CO2. When the climate
warms, oceans release CO2.
Solar activity influences global warming
and cooling more than any activity on
Earth. Solar activity is now very high.
This may have caused recent record
Current global warming is nothing
unusual. Temperatures were even
more extreme in the Medieval Warm
It is difficult to link weather events like
hurricanes to global warming. The
climate of the world is always
What is a theory?
Theories are ideas created by
scientists to explain why things happen.
A theory explains evidence from
observations or experiments.
It predicts future
A theory can be tested
by making observations
and doing experiments.
Global warming
Global warming is the rise in
temperature of the Earth's atmosphere.
Many scientists
believe that
gases cause
global warming.
Global warming causes climate change.
Climate change
The Earth's climate has always been
Now, climate
changes in
our climate
since 1900.
Greenhouse gases
Greenhouse gases trap heat from the
Sun. They make up about 1% of the
Earth's atmosphere.
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
is a greenhouse gas.
Without greenhouse
gases, the Earth would
be 30°C colder.
Humans could not survive.
There is evidence that
the world is getting
There is evidence that
the current temperature
rise is unusual.
There is a fairly strong
correlation between CO2
levels and atmospheric
There is evidence that
human activity causes
rising carbon dioxide
There is evidence that
global warming causes
more extreme weather.
There is evidence that
humans could prevent
global warming.