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How well do you know the Atmosphere? 1. Which gas has a normal atmospheric concentration of 0.038%? (1) 2. Give two processes that may cause the composition of the atmosphere to fluctuate (1) 3. How does the temperature change with altitude in the stratosphere? Why? (2) 4. List 3 consequences of a reduced ozone layer. (1) 5. List the major anthropogenic sources of Carbon dioxide, Methane and CFCs (3) 6. Why will sea levels rise due to global warming? (2) 7. What are the possible ecological impacts of global climate change? (2) 8. What am I describing when I say: “when the output of a system acts to oppose changes to the input of the system; with the result that the system returns to normal” (1) 9. What is the name of the treaty that MEDCs signed to reduce their emissions of 6 greenhouse gases by 2012? (1) 10. Give 2 methods to reduce the amount of CFCs in the atmosphere (1) 11. Which type of UV radiation is blocked by the ozone layer? (1) 12. Write the equation to show the first step in ozone destruction by CFCs. (1) ANSWERS!! 1. Which gas has a normal atmospheric concentration of 0.038%? (1) • Carbon Dioxide 2. Give two processes that may cause the composition of the atmosphere to fluctuate (1) • Photosynthesis, respiration, evapotranspiration 3. How does the temperature change with altitude in the stratosphere? Why? (2) • • Increases with altitude The ozone layer captures UV from the sun and heats the stratosphere. 4. List 3 consequences of a reduced ozone layer. (1) • • Skin cancer • Cataracts • DNA damage Plant tissue damage • Mutations 5. List the major anthropogenic sources of Carbon dioxide, Methane and CFCs (3) • • • Carbon dioxide: Combustion of fossil fuels, deforestation Methane: Livestock, padi fields, landfill sites, anaerobic respiration, leaks from gas fields CFCs: Aerosol propellants, fire extinguishers, refrigerants, solvents, expanded foam plastics 6. Why will sea levels rise due to global warming? (2) • • Increased temperatures cause ice caps to melt Increased temperatures cause water to expand and take up more space per molecule. 7. What are the possible ecological impacts of global climate change? (2) • Plant growth rates will increase • Precipitation changes cause wetlands to grow or shrink • Hibernation will be disturbed by warmer winters • Timing of ecological events (nesting, flowering etc) may change 8. What am I describing when I say: “when the output of a system acts to oppose changes to the input of the system; with the result that the system returns to normal” (1) • Negative feedback 9. What is the name of the treaty that MEDCs signed to reduce their emissions of 6 greenhouse gases by 2012? (1) • Kyoto Protocol 10. Give 2 methods to reduce the amount of CFCs in the atmosphere (1) • 2 from: use alternative methods; hydrocarbons in aerosols; HFCs or HCFCs in refrigerators; pump action sprays 11. Which type of UV radiation is blocked by the ozone layer? (1) • UVB 12. Write the equation to show the first step in ozone destruction by CFCs. (1) • Cl + O3 ClO + O2