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Chapter 17
• Generally implies the genetic manipulation
of organisms to give them new capabilities
or improved characteristics
• “bio” – life
• “technology” – application of science to
creation of products for human use,
processes, and services
• Discovered in 1960s
• Small pieces of DNA
– Separate from main bacterial chromosome
– Generally not required for survival of bacterial
– May carry genes that help cell survive in
unusual environments
– May carry information about antibiotic
– Can be replicated in cell just like main
– Useful because easy to purify and work with
• Have fewer genes than main chromosome
• More stable in test tube
• Easier to analyze
– Bacterial cells can be induced to take up
plasmids from surrounding solution
• Process called transformation
Recombinant DNA
• Microbiologists discovered in 1960s that
bacteria contain enzymes capable of
cutting DNA at specific base sequences
– Restriction endonucleases or restriction
• Function to protect cell by restricting invasion of
cell by foreign DNA
• Different restriction enzymes recognize different
sequences of bases in DNA
Recombinant DNA
• Restriction enzymes
– Allow scientists to cut purified plasmid DNA in
specific, reproducible places
– Cuts can be reversed
– Many make cuts with sticky ends
• Overlapping regions of complementary DNA strands
• At lower temperatures, ends stick together, and DNA can be
covalently connected (ligated) using DNA ligase
Recombinant DNA
• Can combine DNA pieces from different
sources because sticky ends formed by
particular restriction enzyme all have same
base sequence
– Forms recombinant DNA molecule
– If process inserts new gene and DNA
molecule becomes circular, new gene can be
taken up with plasmid by receptive bacterium
Recombinant DNA
• Key to genetic engineering is selecting
desired combination of ligated pieces of
DNA through procedure known as cloning
• Clone
– Colony or group of cells or organisms
– All members of group have same genes
• Cloning
– Replication of cells in the colony
– Simple method of separating and eventually
characterizing individual molecules of DNA
– Individual molecule inserted into single bacterial cell
can be replicated many times as cell divides
– Cells in colony makes hundreds of thousands of
copies of the same molecule
• Cloning example
– Recombinant DNA molecules formed from
plasmid and specific gene
– Plasmid (pUC19) has two genes
• Gene for resistance to ampicillin
• Gene for making enzyme β-galactosidase
– Treat plasmid with restriction enzyme
• Restriction enzyme makes cut in middle of βgalactosidase gene
– Add new gene cut with same enzyme and ligate
– Combine mixture of DNA molecules with suspension
of bacterial cells in way so that each cell takes up
only one DNA molecule
– Spread bacteria on Petri dish containing nutrient agar,
ampicillin, and chemical that turns blue in presence of
– Bacteria without plasmid will not grow on medium
• Ampicillin kills cells
– Bacteria with plasmids (ampicillin resistance)
survive and grow into colonies
• Colonies with β-galactosidase gene turn blue
• Colonies with gene inserted in middle of βgalactosidase gene remain white
– Check white colonies to verify that they
contain desired gene
Reverse Transcriptase and cDNA
• Reverse transcriptase
– Enzyme that can produce DNA using RNA
• Extract mRNAs and reproduce base sequences in
DNA molecules
• Starting with
– extracted mRNA
– a “primer” (small piece of DNA complementary in base
sequence to mRNAs)
– substrates (nucleoside triphosphates)
Reverse Transcriptase and cDNA
• Reverse transcriptase adds nucleotides to primer
to form
– Single strands of DNA with base sequences
complementary to mRNA templates
• Result is mixture of “complementary” or “copy”
– Abbreviated cDNAs
Polymerase Chain Reaction
– Method to produce multiple copies of desired
• Reaction combines
– cDNAs with oligonucleotides (serve as
– Nucleoside triphosphates
– DNA polymerase
• Enzyme that synthesizes DNA
Polymerase Chain Reaction
• Flexible technique
– Can be used to
• Detect traces of animal or plant genes in criminal
• Synthesize a gene with added restriction sites at
– Useful for transforming plants
– Allows gene to be inserted into plasmid and cloned in
Polymerase Chain Reaction
• Steps in reaction cycle
– Heat reaction solution almost to boiling
• Separates complementary strands of DNA
– Each strand is potential template
– Cool reaction solution
• Allows primers to bind to ends of any DNA with
complimentary base sequences
Polymerase Chain Reaction
– Heat reaction solution to optimum
temperature for DNA polymerase
• Allows synthesis of new DNA by addition of
nucleotides to primers
• Genome
– Genetic material in a cell
• Genomics
– Study of genome structure, function and
– Provides information useful in identifying
• Genes with similar functions have similar base
• Information obtained also teaches how
networks of genes are regulated
Insertion of Genes Into Plant Cells
Using Agrobacterium tumefaciens
• Scientists focused on condition called
crown gall disease
– Caused by Agrobacterium tumefaciens
– Bacteria attach to plant cell walls and cause
cells to begin dividing
– Plant cells continue to divide even after
bacteria have been killed with antibiotics
Insertion of Genes Into Plant Cells
Using Agrobacterium tumefaciens
– Shows bacteria transform plant cells
• Turns off normal mechanism for limiting cell
– Result much like an animal cancer
– Mechanism involved
• Infectious strains of A. tumefaciens have large
plasmid, Ti (tumor-inducing) plasmid
Insertion of Genes Into Plant Cells
Using Agrobacterium tumefaciens
• Bacterium injects part of plasmid into plant cells
– Region injected (T-DNA) contains three genes that cause
cells to divide and grow
» Two genes code for enzymes that make auxin
» One gene codes for a cytokinin (isopentenyl
– Another gene is for enzyme that synthesizes amino acid
called an opine
» Opines out leak into intercellular spaces
» Bacteria growing in intercellular spaces of tumor
make enzyme allowing them to take up and
metabolize opines
Insertion of Genes Into Plant Cells
Using Agrobacterium tumefaciens
• In order to use Ti plasmid to carry genes into
plant cells
– Begin with T-DNA that has lost genes for auxin and
cytokinin synthesis
• Will not cause tumors in plant
– Insert gene of interest
• Controlled by promoter that regulates when and in what
tissues it is turned on, and “reporter” gene that allows
selection for cells that incorporate T-DNA
– Recombinant T-DNA, usually in form of miniplasmid,
transferred to A. tumefaciens cell with Ti plasmid
lacking its own T-DNA
Insertion of Genes Into Plant Cells
Using Agrobacterium tumefaciens
– Spread on cut surface of piece of leaf
– Bacteria transfer recombinant T-DNA to plant cells
– Transfer leaf to medium containing antibiotics to kill
bacterial cells
– Engineers then select for plant cells that have
incorporated reporter gene in T-DNA
– Regenerate new plants using tissue culture
– Plants with new genetic information  transgenic
• Method for adding new genetic material to
plant cells
• Uses gene gun
• DNA containing gene is absorbed onto
surface of small particles (subcellularsized) of gold or tungsten
• Particles pressed onto front of bullet
– Loaded into gun
– Fired at plant tissue
• Metal plate with hole smaller than bullet
stops bullet
• Particles penetrate cells
• Absorbed DNA dissolves into cell
– Used as template for RNA synthesis
– Genetic information expressed
• Another method for getting DNA into plant
• Based on discovery that short, highvoltage charge of electricity can produce
temporary holes in plasma membrane
without permanently harming cell
• Make protoplasts by removing cell walls
from recipient plant cells
• Place protoplasts between two electrodes
in ice-cold solution that contains the DNA
• A few pulses of electricity produce
membrane holes
• Some DNA enters cells
• Culture protoplasts under proper
– Protoplasts regenerate cell walls
– Start dividing
– Regenerate whole plants that express genes
of DNA that entered protoplasts
Use of Viruses to Inject Genes Into
• Method does not produce permanently
transformed plant
– Viral and introduced genes not incorporated
into plant’s nuclear DNA
• Genes are not passed to seed formed by
infected plant
• Proteins made by infected plant in
response to introduced genes
– Often very useful
Applications of Biotechnology
• Examples of proteins produced through
genetic engineering
– Insulin
– Somatotropin
– Erythropoietin
– Clotting factors
– Interferon
Applications of Biotechnology
• Enzymes produced from genetically
engineered bacteria (or yeasts)
– Laundry detergent additives
– Restriction enzymes
– DNA polymerases
Applications of Biotechnology
• Plants are being genetically engineered to
produce vaccines
– Designing and testing food plants that contain
genes for proteins from pathogens
• Banana (Musa sapientum)
– Makes protein from hepatitis B vaccine
• Alfalfa (Medicago saliva) sprout
– Contains part of the cholera toxin
Development of New Plant
• Produced plants with additional enzymes
in anthocyanin pathway
– Results are flowers with unusual colors or
– Hope to produce blue rose
Pest Resistance
• Classical genetic techniques
– Inefficient
• Require many cycles of back crossing and selection
• Modern molecular techniques
– Use of Bacillus thuringiensis to control pests
• Bacterium B. thuringiensis produces protein toxin that kills
• Gene for toxin inserted into important crop plants
– Potato, tomato, corn, cotton
• Plants synthesize toxins and kill insects that graze on them
Pest Resistance
– Insertion of gene for viral coat protein of
tobacco mosaic virus TMV infects plants such
as tomato, potato, eggplant, green pepper
• Insertion of gene into these plants makes plant
resistant to infection by virus
– Development of crops resistant to herbicides
• Resistant crop allows farmer to use herbicides to
kill weeds in middle of field of crop plants
– Allows more discriminating use of safer herbicides
Improved Quality of Fruit After
• Large portion of harvested crops never
reach consumers due to spoilage
– First bioengineered food approved in United
• “FlavrSavr “ tomato
• Contains gene that blocks synthesis of
polygalacturonase (needed to soften tomato as it
• Lack of enzyme delays senescence (aging)
Improved Quality of Fruit After
– Genes inserted into cantaloupes reduce
synthesis of ethylene (ripening hormone)
Improved Nutrition
• Some dietary staples are not most
– Example: corn low in essential amino acids
lysine and tryptophan
• High lysine varieties of corn have been developed
• Varieties of rice developed
– One type produces seed with endosperm rich
in β-carotene
• β-carotene precursor for vitamin A
• Help prevent blindness due to this deficiency
Improved Nutrition
– Another type of rice rich in ferritin
• Help prevent iron deficiency which results in
– Modification of canola (Brassica napus)
• Given gene for fungal enzyme phytase
• Enzyme phytase improves nutrition when included
in feed for pigs and chickens
– Releases phosphate from phytic acid
– Helps animals grow faster and stronger
Improved Tolerance to
Environmental Stress
• Resistance to some stresses thought to
depend on several genes
• Research directed toward identifying
genes that differ between stress-tolerant
and stress-sensitive varieties
Is Biotechnology Safe?
• Scientific issues to be evaluated in the
approval of a genetically engineered food
– Does the product contain any new allergenic
material that might affect especially sensitive
– Are new toxic compounds introduced into the
food supply, or are existing toxins increased to
unacceptable levels?
Is Biotechnology Safe?
– Are nutrient levels adversely affected?
– Will the use of genes for antibiotic resistance
(used to indicate when a plant has been
stably transformed) compromise the use of
important therapeutic drugs?
Is Biotechnology Safe?
• Environmental effects
– Impact of new plants on wildlife
– Possibility that new genes from desired
recipient species could be transferred to a
related wild, weedy species
• Concern when new gene confers protection
against natural pests or chemical herbicides
Is Biotechnology Safe?
• Field of biotechnology is growing
• Research is key
– The more we understand about plant and
animal physiology and ecology, the more
safely and effectively we can use
biotechnology to improve our lives.