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PowerPoint Presentation Materials
to accompany
Genetics: Analysis and Principles
Robert J. Brooker
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Gene regulation is necessary to ensure
1. Expression of genes in an accurate pattern during the
various developmental stages of the life cycle
2. Differences among distinct cell types
Some genes are only expressed during embryonic stages,
whereas others are only expressed in the adult
Nerve and muscle cells look so different because of gene
regulation rather than differences in DNA content
Figure 15.1 describes the levels of gene expression
that are regulated in eukaryotes
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Figure 15.1
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General (basal) transcription factors
Required for the binding of the RNA pol to the core
promoter and its progression to the elongation stage
Are necessary for basal transcription
Regulatory transcription factors
Serve to regulate the rate of transcription of nearby
They influence the ability of RNA pol to begin
transcription of a particular gene
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Regulatory transcription factors recognize cis
regulatory elements located near the core
These sequences are known as response
elements, control elements or regulatory
A regulatory protein that increases the rate of
transcription is termed an activator
The sequence it binds is called an enhancer
A regulatory protein that decreases the rate of
transcription is termed a repressor
The sequence it binds is called a silencer
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Figure 15.2
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Figure 17-5
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Figure 17-4
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Reporter assay in transgenic mouse
Structural Features of Regulatory
Transcription Factors
Transcription factor proteins contain regions, called
domains, that have specific functions
One domain could be for DNA-binding
Another could provide a binding site for effector molecules
A motif is a domain or portion of it that has a very
similar structure in many different proteins
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The recognition helix recognizes and makes contact
with a base sequence along the major groove of DNA
Hydrogen bonding between an a-helix and nucleotide
bases is one way a transcription factor can bind to DNA
Figure 15.3
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Composed of one a-helix and
two b-sheets held together by
a zinc (Zn++) metal ion
Two a-helices intertwined
due to leucine motifs
Alternating leucine residues in
both proteins interact (“zip up”),
resulting in protein dimerization
Homodimers are formed by two
identical transcription factors;
Heterodimers are formed by two
different transcription factors
Figure 15.3
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Figure 17-17b
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Figure 17-18
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Enhancers and Silencers
The binding of a transcription factor to an enhancer
increases the rate of transcription
This up-regulation can be 10- to 1,000-fold
The binding of a transcription factor to a silencer
decreases the rate of transcription
This is called down-regulation
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Enhancers and Silencers
Many response elements are orientation
independent or bidirectional
They can function in the forward or reverse orientation
Most response elements are located within a few
hundred nucleotides upstream of the promoter
However, some are found at various other sites
Several thousand nucleotides away
Downstream from the promoter
Even within introns!
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TFIID and Mediator
Most regulatory transcription factors do not bind
directly to RNA polymerase
Two common protein complexes that communicate
the effects of regulatory transcription factors are
2. Mediator
Refer to Figure 15.4
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A general transcription factor
that binds to the TATA box
Recruits RNA polymerase
to the core promoter
Transcriptional activator recruits TFIID
to the core promoter and/or activates its
Thus, transcription will be activated
Transcriptional repressor inhibits TFIID
binding to the core promoter or inhibits
its function
Thus, transcription will be repressed
Figure 15.4
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Transcriptional activator stimulates the
function of mediator
This enables RNA pol to form a preinitiation
It then proceeds to the elongation phase of
Transcriptional repressor inhibits the
function of mediator
Transcription is repressed
Figure 15.4
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Regulation of Regulatory
Transcription Factors
There are three common ways that the function of
regulatory transcription factors can be affected
1. Binding of an effector molecule
2. Protein-protein interactions
3. Covalent modification
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The transcription factor
can now bind to DNA
Formation of
homodimers and
Figure 15.5
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Steroid Hormones and
Regulatory Transcription Factors
Regulatory transcription factors that respond to
steroid hormones are termed steroid receptors
The hormone actually binds to the factor
The ultimate effect of a steroid hormone is to affect
gene transcription
Steroid hormones are produced by endocrine glands
 Secreted into the bloodstream
 Then taken up by cells
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Steroid Hormones and
Regulatory Transcription Factors
Cells respond to steroid hormones in different ways
These influence nutrient metabolism in most cells
 They promote glucose utilization, fat mobilization and protein
These include estrogen and testosterone
They influence the growth and function of the gonads
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Heat shock protein
Heat shock proteins
leave when hormone
binds to receptor
Nuclear localization
Sequence is exposed
Formation of a
Response Elements
These function as
Transcription of target
gene is activated
Figure 15.6
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The CREB Protein
The CREB protein is another regulatory
transcriptional factor functioning within living cells
CREB is an acronym for cAMP response element-binding
CREB protein becomes activated in response to cellsignaling molecules that cause an increase in cAMP
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate
The CREB protein recognizes a response element with the
consensus sequence 5’–TGACGTCA–3’
This has been termed a cAMP response element (CRE)
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Could be a hormone,
growth factor, etc.
Acts as a
kinase A
Phosphorylated CREB
binds to DNA and
stimulates transcription
Unphosphorylated CREB
can bind to DNA, but
cannot activate RNA pol
Figure 15.7
The activity of the CREB protein
Changes in chromatin structure can involve
changes in the structure of DNA and/or changes in
chromosomal compaction
These changes include
Refer to Table 15.1
Gene amplification
Gene rearrangement
DNA methylation
Chromatin compaction
Uncommon ways to regulate
gene expression
Common ways to regulate
gene expression
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Chromatin Structure
The three-dimensional packing of chromatin is an
important parameter affecting gene expression
Chromatin is a very dynamic structure that can
alternate between two conformations
Closed conformation
Chromatin is very tightly packed
Transcription may be difficult or impossible
Open conformation
Chromatin is highly extended
Transcription can take place
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Fig. 15.8
Amphibian oocyte lampbrush chromosomes
Figure 17-7
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Experiment 15A: DNase I
Sensitivity and Chromatin Structure
DNase I is an endonuclease that cleaves DNA
It is much more likely to cleave DNA in an open
conformation than in a closed conformation
In 1976, Harold Weintraub and Mark Groudine used
DNase I sensitivity to study chromatin structure
In particular, they focused attention on the b-globin gene
The gene was known to be specifically expressed in
reticulocytes (immature red blood cells)
But not in other cell types, such as brain cells and fibroblasts
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First, let’s consider the rationale behind Weintraub
and Groudine’s experimental approach
Globin genes are only a small part of the total DNA
They used a radiolabeled cloned DNA fragment (i.e., a
probe) that was complementary to the b-globin gene
Therefore, they had to find a way to specifically monitor the
digestion of the b-globin gene
This was hybridized to the chromosomal DNA to determine
specifically if the chromosomal b-globin gene was intact
Following hybridization, the samples were then
exposed to another enzyme, termed S1 nuclease
This enzyme only cuts single-stranded DNA
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Figure 15.9
Cut with DNase I
DNAse sensitive
This indicates that the chromosomal
DNA was in an open conformation
It was accessible to DNase I
and was consequently digested
Do not cut with DNase I
DNAse insensitive
This indicates that the chromosomal
DNA was in a closed conformation
It was inaccessible to DNase I
and was thus protected from digestion
The Hypothesis
A loosening of chromatin structure occurs when
globin genes are transcriptionally active
Testing the Hypothesis
Refer to Figure 15.10
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Figure 15.10
Figure 15.10
Figure 15.10
The Data
Source of nuclei
% Hybridization of DNA probe
Brain cells
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Interpreting the Data
Source of nuclei
% Hybridization of DNA probe
Brain cells
Reticulocytes had a much smaller percentage of hybridization
Therefore, their globin genes were more sensitive to DNase I
The globin genes are known to be expressed in reticulocytes but not in
brain cells and fibroblasts
Therefore, these results are consistent with the hypothesis:
The globin gene is less tightly packed when it is being expressed
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Globin Gene Expression
The family of globin genes is expressed in the
However, individual members are expressed at different
stages of development
For example:
b-globin  Adult
g-globin  Fetus
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Figure 15.11
Segments of DNA that are deleted in these populations
Thalassemia is a defect in the expression of one or more
globin genes
An intriguing observation of some thalassemic patients is that they
cannot synthesize b-globin even though the gene is perfectly normal
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A DNA region upstream
of the b-globin gene
was identified as
necessary for globin
gene expression
This region is termed
locus control region
Genes are now accessible
to RNA pol and transcription
It helps in the regulation
of chromatin opening
and closing
It is missing in certain
persons with
Figure 15.12
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Globin Gene Expression
Aside from chromatin packing, a second structural
issue to consider is the position of nucleosomes
In chromatin, the nucleosomes are usually
positioned at regular intervals along the DNA
However, they have been shown to change positions in
cells that normally express a particular gene
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Positioned at regular intervals from -3,000 to + 1,500
Disruption in nucleosome positioning
from -500 to + 200
Figure 15.3
Changes in nucleosome position during the activation of the b-globin gene
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Chromatin Remodeling
As discussed in Chapter 12, there are two common
ways in which chromatin structure is altered
1. Covalent modification of histones
2. ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling
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1. Covalent modification of histones
Amino terminals of histones are modified in various ways
Acetylation; phosphorylation; methylation
Adds acetyl groups, thereby
loosening the interaction
between histones and DNA
Figure 12.13
Removes acetyl groups,
thereby restoring a
tighter interaction
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Figure 17-10
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2. ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling
The energy of ATP is used to alter the structure of
nucleosomes and thus make the DNA more accessible
Proteins are members of the
SWI/SNF family
Figure 12.13
These effects may significantly alter
gene expression
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Chromatin Remodeling
An important role for transcriptional activators is to
recruit the aforementioned enzymes to the promoter
A well-studied example of recruitment involves a
gene in yeast that is involved in mating
Yeast can exist in two mating types, termed a and a
The gene HO encodes an enzyme that is required for the
mating switch
Refer to Figure 15.14
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SWI refers to mating type
SAGA is an acronym for
Genes known to be transcriptionally
regulated by histone acetyltransferase
Figure 15.14
SBP is an acronym for a
mating type switching cell
cycle box protein)
Figure 15.14
RNA polymerase
DNA Methylation
(or DNA methylase)
Only one strand is
Both strands are
Figure 15.15
DNA methylation usually inhibits the transcription of
eukaryotic genes
Especially when it occurs in the vicinity of the promoter
In vertebrates and plants, many genes contain
CpG islands near their promoters
These CpG islands are 1,000 to 2,000 nucleotides long
In housekeeping genes
The CpG islands are unmethylated
Genes tend to be expressed in most cell types
In tissue-specific genes
The expression of these genes may be silenced by the
methylation of CpG islands
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activator binds to
unmethylated DNA
This would inhibit the
initiation of transcription
Figure 15.16 Transcriptional silencing via methylation
Figure 15.16 Transcriptional silencing via methylation
So far, we have discussed various mechanisms
that regulate the level of gene transcription
In eukaryotic species, it is also common for gene
expression to be regulated at the RNA level
Refer to Table 15.2
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Double-stranded RNA and Gene
Evidence for mRNA degradation via double-stranded
RNA came from studies in C. elegans
Injection of antisense RNA (i.e., RNA complementary to a
specific mRNA) into oocytes silences gene expression
Surprisingly, injection of double-stranded RNA was 10 times more
potent at inhibiting the expression of the corresponding mRNA
This phenomenon was termed RNA interference (RNAi)
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Short RNA from the
antisense strand
Thus the expression of
the gene that encodes
this mRNA is silenced
Cellular mRNA is degraded by
endonucleases within the complex
Figure 15.24
Double-stranded RNA and Gene
RNA interference is widely found in eukaryotes
It is believed to
1. Offer a host defense mechanism against certain viruses
Those with double-stranded RNA genomes, in particular
2. Play a role in silencing certain transposable elements
Some of these elements produce double-stranded RNA
intermediates as part of the transposition process
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