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Novel data clustering for microarrays
and image segmentation
Andrew Knyazev
Image from
January 22, 2012 presentation at Hiroshi Mamitsuka’s
Bioinformatics Center, Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University
Gokasho, Uji 611-0011, Japan
Abstract: We develop novel
algorithms and software on
parallel computers for data
clustering of large datasets. We
are interested in applying our
approach, e.g., for analysis of
large datasets of microarrays or
tiling arrays in molecular biology
and for segmentation of high
resolution images.
Microarrays---a massively parallel experiment
Clustering: why?
Clustering: how?
Spectral clustering
Connection to image segmentation
Eigensolvers for spectral clustering
Microarrays-massively parallel experiment 1/5
Affymetrix GeneChip DNA Microarrays
Image Courtesy: Affymetrix
Microarrays-massively parallel experiment 2/5
GeneChip: oligonucleotide sequences are photo-lithographed on a
quartz wafer in a pattern of ~10 micrometers dots.
Oligonucleotide sequences (oligos) probes: 25 nucleotide chains for
selected parts of a gene complementary to mRNA.
For every gene there are 1120(depending on chip design) of
different oligo probes called perfect
matches (PM). In addition, there
are mismatch oligos (MM)
corresponding to each of the PMs
that differ in the middle base pair.
GeneChips are manufactured to include all currently known and
predicted genes of a particular organism, e.g., H. sapience. The
information about physical locations of oligo probes for each gene
on the chip is contained in the *.cdf file.
A sample of mRNA extracted from cells of an organism after preprocessing is hybridized with GeneChip giving PM and MM values
which characterize genes expressions in the cells.
Microarrays-massively parallel experiment 3/5
Labelled cRNA targets
derived from the mRNA of
an experimental sample
are hybridized to oligo
During hybridization,
nucleotides line up and
bind together via
hydrogen bonds in the
same way as two strands
of DNA bound together.
The chip is then scanned
with a laser giving the
amount of each mRNA
species represented.
Image Courtesy:
Microarrays-massively parallel experiment 4/5
A pool of mRNA is extracted from the cells of an organism and
converted to a Biotin labelled strand (cRNA) that binds to the oligo
probes on the GeneChip during hybridization.
The higher the concentration of a particular mRNA in the testing pool--the greater the hybridization level of the PM probes and thus the
amount of the hybridized material on the processed GeneChip.
Then a fluorescent stain is applied that binds to the Biotin and the
GeneChip is processed through a scanner that illuminates each dot of
the GeneChip with a laser, causing dots to fluoresce.
The image data of the scanned probe array is stored in a *.dat file. The
Affymetrix GCOS software processes the *.dat file and generates a
*.cel file, containing all numerical data of the GeneChip experiment,
e.g., probe locations and PM and MM intensities. The processing
involves computing a square grid locating the dots for probes, intensity
normalization, using internal controls, and detecting the outliers.
More sophisticated *.dat-->*.cel algorithms, e.g., taking into account
the cRNA saturation, are being developed elsewhere.
Microarrays-massively parallel experiment 5/5
The PM and MM values are not normally used directly for highlevel statistical analysis, instead they are first converted into the
gene expression values, which involves:
Detecting unreliable data by comparing PM and MM
Adjustment for background and noise
Calculating the single array gene expression intensities, basically
by averaging adjusted PM values for each probe set
Alternatively, the Comparison Analysis (Experiment versus
Baseline arrays) detects and quantifies changes in gene
expressions between two arrays, applying normalization of data
and using the Signal Log Ratio algorithms.
Either way, the absolute or comparison gene expression values are
stored in a *.chp file, which serves as the input for high-level
statistical analysis. Typically, multiple GeneChip tests are
performed giving multiple *.chp files with gene expression values.
Clustering: why?
When conducting microarray experiments there are
multiple microarrays involved typically:
Studying a process over time, e.g., to measure the
response to a drug or food.
Looking for differences between states , e.g., normal
cells versus cancer cells.
A typical goal is Finding Gene Networks, i.e., groups of
genes that change expression inter-dependently across
samples. Having a significantly large number of
microarrays, we want to reverse engineer the regulatory
network that controls gene expressions. We need
computer clustering on the microarray data to select a
small (ideally) number of co-expressed genes of a gene
network. Separate experiments using gene knockout on
the selected genes can then be performed to confirm the
discovered regulatory network biologically.
Clustering: how? The overview
There is no good widely accepted definition of clustering.
The traditional graph-theoretical definition is combinatorial
in nature and computationally infeasible. Heuristics rule!
Good open source software, e.g., METIS and CLUTO.
Clustering can be performed hierarchically by
agglomeration (bottom-up) and by division (top-down).
Agglomeration clustering example
Clustering: how? Co-clustering
Two-way clustering, co-clustering or bi-clustering
are clustering methods where not only the objects
are clustered but also the features of the objects,
i.e., if the data is represented in a data matrix, the
rows and columns are clustered simultaneously!
Image courtesy
Clustering: how? Algorithms
Partitioning means determining clusters. Partitioning can
be used recursively for hierarchical division.
Many partitioning methods are known. Here we cover:
Spectral partitioning using Fiedler vectors =
Principal Components Analysis (PCA)
PCA/spectral partitioning is known to produce high
quality clusters, but is considered to be expensive as
solution of large-scale eigenproblems is required. Our
expertise in eigensolvers comes to the rescue!
Eigenproblems in mechanical vibrations
Free transversal vibration without damping of the
mass-spring system is described by the ODE system
Standing wave
assumption leads to the eigenproblem
Component xi describes the up-down movement of mass i.
Images courtesy
Spectral clustering in mechanics
The main idea comes from mechanical vibrations and is
intuitive: in the spring-mass system the masses which are
tightly connected will have the tendency to move together
synchronically in low-frequency free vibrations. Analysing
the signs of the components corresponding to different
masses of the low-frequency vibration modes of the
system allows us to determine the clusters of the masses!
A 4-degree-of-freedom system has 4 modes of vibration
and 4 natural frequencies: partition into 2 clusters using
the second eigenvector:
Images Courtesy: Russell, Ketteriung U.
Spectral clustering for simple graphs
Undirected graphs with no self- • A = symmetric adjacency matrix
loops and no more than one
• D = diagonal degree matrix
edge between any two different
• Laplacian matrix L = D – A
L=K describes transversal vibrations of the spring-mass system
(as well as Kirchhoff's law for electrical circuits of resistors)
Spectral clustering for simple graphs
The Laplacian matrix L is symmetric with the zero smallest
eigenvalue and constant eigenvector (free boundary). The second
eigenvector, called the Fiedler vector, describes the partitioning.
•The Fiedler eigenvector gives
bi-partitioning by separating
the positive and negative
components only
Example Courtesy: Blelloch
Lx2  .83x2
  . 26 
 . 81 
0  x 2    . 44 
  . 26 
 . 13 
Rows sum to zero
•By running the K-means on
the Fiedler eigenvector one
could find more then 2
partitions if the vector is close
to piecewise-constant after
•The same idea for more
eigenvectors of Lx=λx
PCA clustering for simple graphs
•Fiedler vector is an eigenvector of Lx=λx, in the spring-mass
system this corresponds to the stiffness matrix K=L and to the
mass matrix M=I (identity)
•Should not the masses with a larger adjacency degree be
heavier? Let us take the mass matrix M=D -the degree matrix
•So-called N-cut smallest eigenvectors of Lx=λDx are the
largest for Ax=µDx with µ=1-λ since L=D-A
• PCA for D-1A computes the largest eigenvectors,
which then can be used for clustering by the K-means
•D-1A is row-stochastic and describes the Markov
random walk probabilities on the simple graph
Spectral clustering for image
Image pixels serve as graph vertices. In 2D, we generate a
sparse Laplacian, by comparing neighboring only 5
pixels when calculating the weights for the graph
edges by comparing pixel colors. We follow the same basic
procedure in 3D, only changing the 2D grid into 3D grid.
Any grid can be used, as well as superpixels.
Examples: 2D image segmentation
Image pixels serve as graph vertices. Weighted graph edges
are computed by comparing pixel colours. Here is an example
displaying 4 Fiedler vectors of a 2D image:
We generate a sparse Laplacian, by comparing neighboring
pixels here when computing the weights for the edges. Genes
correspond to vertices in microarrays, but we have to compare
all genes, possibly getting a Laplacian with a large fill-in.
3D vs. frame-by-frame 2D image
The first image was taken from the 3D algorithm
run over the entire ~10 frame animation, whereas
the second one was taken from the 2D algorithm
run on a single frame, 200x300
Eigensolvers for spectral clustering
Our BLOPEX-LOBPCG software has proved to be
efficient for large-scale eigenproblems for Laplacians
from PDE's and for image segmentation using
multiscale preconditioning of hypre
The LOBPCG for massively parallel computers is
available in our Block Locally Optimal Preconditioned
Eigenvalue Xolvers (BLOPEX) package
BLOPEX is built-in in
and available in
On BlueGene/L 1024 CPU the Fiedler vector of a 24
megapixel image takes seconds (including the hypre
algebraic multigrid setup) to compute
LOBPCG is extremely efficient for 2D and 3D
image segmentation
Using LOBPCG for DNA microarrays can be
made more efficient by data graph sparsification