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Topic: Applied Genetics
Aim: Describe some methods that can be
used to develop organisms with
desirable traits.
Do Now: next slide
HW: Ditto – Pedigree Chart Review
Jane’s mom
Mr. Renaldo
Joe’s mom
Joe’s dad
Jane Smith
Joe Smith
Although Jane and Joe Smith have dimples, their
daughter, Clarissa, does not. Joe’s dad has dimples,
but his mother, and his sister, Grace, do not. Jane’s
dad, Mr. Renaldo, her brother George, and her
sister, Emily, do not have dimples, but her mother
1. Describe
• Scientists change the
arrangement of DNA that
makes up a gene.
in one
Describe what is occurring in the
diagram above.
2. Describe 2 • To produce large
examples of
quantities of medicine
how genetic
• To change how cells
engineering .
perform their normal
• To improve crop
production and quality
• To make plants that are
resistant to disease
• By inserting a useful segment
3. How is
of DNA from one organism
into a bacterium.
DNA produced.
4a. Identify
• Bacterial cell and human
the 2
whose DNA
was used to
4b. Where is • Into the bacterial cell
4c. What will • Produce insulin
cell that
contains the
DNA start
to do?
5. Identify
• Large quantities of human
that have
• Growth hormone
produced by • Chemicals to treat cancer
6. How has
• Genetically engineered
tomatoes can be picked
green and transported
been used
great distances before
with plants?.
ripen completely
Corn plants: On the left we see corn a plant that was not
genetically engineered. On the right we see a pest-free
genetically engineered corn plant. They were planted side by
This 1986 picture of a glowing tobacco plant
bearing the “light” gene of fireflies
demonstrates the power and potential of genetic
Scientists at the
University of
Washington are
engineering poplar
trees that can clean up
contamination sites by
absorbing groundwater
pollutants through their
roots. The plants then
break the pollutants
down into harmless
byproducts that are
incorporated into their
roots, stems and
leaves or released into
the air.
Scientists have recently
taken the gene that
programs poison in
scorpion tails and looked
for ways to combine it with
cabbage. Why would they
want to create venomous
cabbage? To limit pesticide
use while still preventing
caterpillars from damaging
cabbage crops. These GM
cabbages would produce
scorpion poison that kills
caterpillars when they bite
leaves — but the toxin is
modified so it isn’t harmful
to humans.
2000: Alba, a genetically-engineered bunny possessed "green
fluorescent protein" genes from a jellyfish that made it glow in
the dark. French genetic researchers created Alba. The albino
rabbit glows green when placed under special lighting. In regular
light, Alba appears like any other furry white rabbit. But place
her under a black light, and her eyes, whiskers and fur glow a
otherworldly green.
"Glow in the dark" fish: These genetically modified
fish were developed by a Taiwanese aquatic firm.
They are planning to reproduce these fish in
numbers and sell them for pets.
In 2007, South Korean scientists altered a cat’s DNA to
make it glow in the dark and then took that DNA and
cloned other cats from it — creating a set of fluffy,
fluorescent felines.
Genetically modified pigs are created that produce higher
levels of growth hormone to produce ameatier pork chop.
The Enviropig, or
“Frankenswine,” as
critics call it, is a pig
that’s been genetically
altered to better digest
and process
phosphorus. Pig manure
is high in phytate, a form
of phosphorus, so when
farmers use the manure
as fertilizer, the chemical
enters the watershed
and causes algae
blooms that deplete
oxygen in the water and
kill marine life.
Bt Corn produces a chemical that makes them pest resistant
and results in a 5-10% increase yield. Public opposition due
to fears of human health and environmental risks associated
with the production and consumption of Bt corn.
Golden Rice contains higher quantities of Vitamin
A and Iron.
Genetically modified tomatoes reach full
flavor and color on vine without rotting.
The Flavr Savr tomato
was the first
commercially grown
genetically engineered
food to be granted a
license for human
consumption. By adding
an antisense gene, the
company Calgene hoped
to slow the ripening
process of the tomato to
prevent softening and
rotting, while allowing the
tomato to retain its
natural flavor and color.
Cows produce significant
amounts of methane as a
result of a bacterium in their
intestines. Methane is a major
contributor to the greenhouse
effect, so scientists have been
working to genetically
engineer a cow that produces
less methane.
Scientists at the University of
Alberta have identified the
bacterium responsible for
producing methane and
designed a line of cattle that
creates 25 percent less
methane than the average
Scientists in the agriculture department of a Hebrew University
have genetically engineered a chicken that has no feathers.
No sickle cell
Has sickle cell
No sickle cell
1. How many
offspring of the
1st generation
have the trait?
2. Describe
individual U
and W.
3. Identify the
genotype of
individual Y.
4. Identify the
genotype X.
1. How many generations are represented in the pedigree?
2. In generation 1, which parent is a carrier of the
recessive gene?
3. In generation 2, which individual marries someone who
is pure dominant?
4. In which generation does the first case of sickle cell
anemia appear?
5. Which generation contains the most male carriers?
6. Can 2 carriers produce a child with sickle cell anemia?
7. Can a normal person produce offspring with sickle cell
8. Which parents produce 2 children with sickle cell
Topic: Applied Genetics
Aim: Describe some methods that can be
used to develop organisms with
desirable traits.
Do Now: take out yesterday’s reading
HW: Punnett Square Lab due Wednesday
• Mammary gland cell and an
7. Identify
enucleated egg
the 2 cells
used to
9. Describe • Nucleus from mammary gland
cell was transplanted into
what was
enucleated egg and stimulated
done with
with electricity.
the 2 cells
to produce
a new cell.
10. Where • Uterus of a blackface ewe
was the
new cell
11. Explain • Genetically identical offspring
what is
as a result
of cloning.
The adult sheep is Dolly,
the first mammal cloned
from an adult cell. The
lamb is Dolly’s offspring,
called Bonnie.
Idaho Gem = 1st cloned mule (MAY 2003)
Cloned from a champion racing mule
CopyCat = 1st cloned cat (2002)
Misconception #1: Instant
A common misconception is that
a clone, if created, would
magically appear at the same age
as the original. This simply isn't
true. You remember that cloning
is an alternative way to create an
embryo, not a full-grown
individual. Therefore, that
embryo, once created, must
develop exactly the same way as
would an embryo created by
fertilizing an egg cell with a
sperm cell. This will require a
surrogate mother and ample time
for the cloned embryo to grow
and fully develop into an
Misconception #2: Carbon Copies!
Your beloved cat Frank has been a loyal companion for
years. Recently, though, Frank is showing signs of old age,
and you realize that your friend's days are numbered. You
can't bear the thought of living without her, so you contact a
biotechnology company that advertises pet cloning services.
For a fee, this company will clone Frank using DNA from a
sample of her somatic cells. You're thrilled: you'll soon have
a carbon copy of Frank - we'll call her Frank #2 - and you'll
never have to live without your pal! Right?
Not exactly. Are you familiar with the phrase "nature versus
nurture?" Basically, this means that while genetics can help
determine traits, environmental influences have a
considerable impact on shaping an individual's physical
appearance and personality. For example, do you know any
identical twins? They are genetically the same, but do they
really look and act exactly alike?
So, even though Frank #2 is genetically identical to the
original Frank, she will grow and develop in a completely
different environment than the original Frank or will have a
different mother, and she will be exposed to different
experiences throughout her development and life.
Therefore, there is only a slim chance that Frank #2 will
closely resemble the Frank you know and love.
12. What • It allows only those
is the
individual organisms
goal of
characteristics to
produce the next
Horses can also
be produced
breeding. This is
an Appaloosa.
This horse is
bred for its
distinctive coat
pattern. Race
horses are often
selectively bred.
• Hybridization
Identify • Inbreeding
the 2
types of
14. Describe
• Very DIFFERENT from
the offspring
either parent genetically
• New offspring is
15. Describe
• Alleles are very
the parents
The Mule is the result of breeding a
female horse (mare) to a male donkey
(jack). The mule is superior to the horse
in strength, endurance, intelligence and
disease resistance.
The Cama is the result of breeding a
Llama to a Camel. Parents in background
of picture.
The Zebroid is the result of
a female Horse and a male
The Zedonk / Zonkey is
the result of breeding
a female Donkey and
male Zebra.
Braham cattle:
good resistance
to heat but
poor beef
cattle: good
beef but poor
heat resistance
Santa Gertrudis
cattle: formed
by crossing
Braham and
shorthorn 
good heat
resistance and
Tigon = male tiger + female lion
Liger = male lion +
female tiger
The liger has both stripes and spots. The stripes are
inherited from its tiger parent and the spots from the
lion parent. On their hind legs, ligers stand
approximately 12 feet tall. At most, ligers may weigh
up to 1,000 pounds.
Buggs (Boston Terrier /
Pug mix)
16. Describe • Very similar to both
offspring • “Very homozygous”
• Share many alleles
• Very alike
parents of
• Disadvantages =
– Smaller and weaker offspring
– More susceptible to diseases
– More prone to genetic disorders
The last white tiger ever
seen in the wild was
shot in 1958. As such,
today’s white tigers
are products of severe
inbreeding, causing
more genetic
aberrations with every
A BBC documentary
showed that some of
Britain’s most
popular dogs are
plagued with health
problems, ranging
from cancer, epilepsy
and heart disease,
after decades of
Let’s summarize:
1. Describe the process of selective breeding.
2. Explain the difference between hybridization
and inbreeding.
3. Explain what genetic engineering involves.
4. Identify the uses of genetic engineering.
5. Describe the offspring produced by cloning.
1.Genetic engineering is presently used in the
biotechnology industry to
(1.) eliminate all infectious disease in livestock
(2.) increase the frequency of fertilization
(3.) synthesize insulin, interferon, and human
growth hormone
(4.) create populations that exhibit incomplete
1. The process in which DNA that is artificially
combined from two different organisms is called
2. Combining the desirable qualities of 2 different
organisms into one is referred to as _________.
3. The process in which humans change the genetic
makeup of an organism is known as _____.
4. The process in which genetically identical offspring
are produced by using the cells of an organism is
called _________.
Using special enzymes, scientists have
successfully removed the gene that controls the
production of clotting factors and have inserted
this gene into the DNA of certain
bacteria. These bacteria can now produce
clotting factors. This technique is known as
(1.) amniocentesis
(2.) genetic engineering
(3.) differentiation
(4.) karyotyping
Cloning an individual usually produces
organisms that
(1) contain dangerous mutations
(2) contain identical genes
(3) are identical in appearance and
(4) produce enzymes different from the
Which process is most similar to the
process of cloning?
(2) Vegetative propagation
(3) Meiosis
(4) Gamete formation
Which process could be used by
breeders to develop tomatoes with a
longer shelf life and to develop cows
with increased milk production?
(1) natural selection
(2) genetic engineering
(3) sporulation
(4) chromatography
3. A man with blue eyes marries a woman who is
heterozygous for brown eyes. If brown eyes are
dominant, what are the chances of having a
blue eyed child? Also, give the phenotypes and
genotypes of all possible offspring.
B = Brown
bb X Bb
b = blue
bb X
B Bb Bb
b bb b b
50% blue
50% brown
Genotype percentages:
50% heterozygous
50% homozygous
4. In tomatoes, red fruit color is dominant to yellow
fruit color. Predict the phenotypes and genotypes
of the offspring by crossing a homozygous
dominant parent with a homozygous recessive
parent. Draw a Punnett Square to illustrate your
R = red
RR X rr
r = yellow
r Rr
r Rr
100% red
Genotype percentages:
100% heterozygous
Farmer Brown is a dairy farmer and is known for his very creamy milk. The milk
produced by his cows has become so popular that he is not able to fill his
orders anymore. This is because his cows don’t produce enough milk each day
to meet the demand. He was looking for a cow that produced large amounts of
creamy milk. His vet suggested that he could solve his problem by selective
breeding. He needed to identify the Friesian cows that produce the most milk
and those Jersey cows that produce the creamiest milk and breed only with
them. By mating these selected few, Farmer Brown was able to produce
offspring which had an enhanced version of this characteristic. Over several
years he followed this program until he got the desired result, a cow that
produced a large amount of creamy milk.