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The Chromosomal
Basis of Inheritance
Chromosome Theory of Inheritance
Developed by Walter
Sutton & Theodor Boveri
in 1902
“Mendelian genes have
specific loci on
chromosomes, and it is
the chromosomes that
undergo segregation
and independent
Drosophila Melanogaster
Thomas Hunt Morgan, Columbia University
His experiments with fruit flies (D. melanogaster)
confirmed that Mendel’s “heritable factors” (
are located on chromosomes
Why fruit flies?
Quick-breeding (2 weeks)
Produce many offspring (hundreds!)
Have only 4 pairs of chromosomes
• 3 pairs of autosomes, 1 pair of sex chromosomes
Morgan’s Experiments
Wild Type vs. Mutant Phenotypes
Wild type:
• “normal” phenotype for a
• Examples: red eyes
• Symbolized by w+ (example)
Mutant phenotype:
• traits that are alternative to the
wild type
• Example: white eyes
• Symbolized by w (example)
• Gene symbols are taken from the
first mutant discovered
• Wild-type is not always dominant
over mutant; it can be the other
way around!
Sex-Linked Genes
Genes located on a sex chromosome (X or Y in humans) are
called sex-linked genes
Morgan mated a white-eyed male with a red-eyed female
All F1 offspring had red eyes 
 Concluded that wild type (red eyes) is dominant
F2 generation was 75% red:25% white (classic ratio)… but whiteeye showed up in males ONLY
Morgan concluded that the gene for eye color is located only on
the X chromosome
 Since red is dominant (w+) over white (w), females would need 2
w+ alleles to have white eyes, while males would need only one
Linked Genes
Genes located on the same chromosome that tend to be inherited
together in genetic crosses because they are part of a single
chromosome that is passed along as a unit.
Thomas Hunt Morgan’s example:
Wild Type
Body Color
b+ = gray
Wing Size
vg+ = normal
b = black
vg = vestigial
Morgan observed that there were disproportionate numbers of wild-type
(gray-normal wings), and double mutant (black-vestigial wings) flies
among the offspring
• These were the phenotypes of the original parents
• This is because the genes for body color and wing size are located on the
same chromosome in fruit flies and are therefore usually inherited together
Genetic Recombination
Recombination of Unlinked Genes:
50% frequency of recombination is observed for any 2
genes that are located on different chromosomes
Basis for Recombination:
• Random alignment of homologous chromosomes during
metaphase I of meiosis
Parents: YyRr (yellow, round) and yyrr (green, wrinkled)
• Some offspring are (yellow, wrinkled) and (green,
• This is recombination! 
Genetic Recombination
Recombination of Linked Genes:
Linked genes do NOT assort independently
because they are located on the same
chromosome and tend to move together
through meiosis and fertilization
 But how does genetic recombination occur
at all then??
• Crossing over between homologous
chromosomes during prophase I of meiosis!
Genetic Maps
By studying recombination
data, it is possible to create
genetic maps
If two genes are far apart on a
chromosome there is a higher
probability that a crossover
event will separate them than
if the two genes are close
Linkage maps show the
sequence of genes along a
Chromosomal Basis of Sex in
There are 2 varieties of sex chromosomes
in mammals: X and Y
 A person who inherits two X chromosomes
(one from each parent)  female
 A person who inherits one X chromosome
and one Y chromosome  male
 50/50 chance either way!
Sex-Linked Disorders in Humans
In addition to determining sex, sex
chromosomes contain many genes that
determine traits that are unrelated to sex
 Far more males have sex-linked genetic
disorders… XY vs. XX
A female must inherit the recessive allele (if
it is a recessive disorder) from BOTH
parents in order to exhibit it
 A male must only inherit the recessive allele
from one of his parents in order to exhibit it
Sex-Linked Disorders in Humans
Sex-Linked Disorders in Humans
Color blindness
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
1/3500 males in US
Progressive weakening of the muscles and loss of
Sex-linked recessive trait defined by the absence
of a certain protein required for blood clotting
Prolific in royal families of Europe (intermarriage)
Alterations of Chromosome Number
During meiosis, nondisjunction occasionally
The members of a pair of a homologous
chromosomes do not move apart properly
during meiosis I
 Sister chromatids fail to separate during
meiosis II
The other chromosomes are usually
distributed normally
Alterations of Chromosome Number
Alterations of Chromosome Number
 Abnormal chromosome number
 Occurs when a gamete with one more or one less
chromosome than normal unites with another, normal gamete
 Chromosome is present in triplicate (instead of duplicate)
 2n + 1
 Only one chromosome is present in each homologous pair
(instead of 2)
 2n - 1
Alterations of Chromosomal Structure
Breakage of a chromosome can lead to 4 types of changes
in chromosome structure:
• chromosomal fragment lacking a centromere is lost during cell
• chromosomal fragment joins its homologous chromosome
Alterations of Chromosomal Structure
• chromosomal fragment attaches to the original chromosome in
the reverse orientation
• chromosome fragment joins a nonhomologous chromosome
Human Disorders due to
Chromosomal Alterations
Down Syndrome
Trisomy 21
• 3 chromosomes for
chromosome 21
Results in mental
retardation, characteristic
facial features, heart
defects, etc.
1/700 children in US
Human Disorders Due to
Chromosomal Alterations
Klinefelter Syndrome
1/2000 births
Male sex organs, but testes
are small
Feminine body
Turner Syndrome
XPhenotypically female, but
sex organs do not mature at