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Protein Analysis
Why do we analyse proteins?
• Proteins play crucial roles in nearly all biological
processes. These many functions of proteins are a
result of the folding of proteins into many distinct 3D
• Protein analysis tries to explore how amino acid
sequences specify the structure of proteins and how
these proteins bind to substrates and other molecules to
perform their functions.
• Protein analysis allows us to understand the function of
the protein based on its structure.
Main Steps in Protein Analysis
1. Extraction of proteins.
2. Purification of the protein.
3. Structural Characterization of the
1. Protein Extraction
the efficient extraction of the protein and peptide in a
biologically active form from tissue.
this process, inactivation of proteolytic enzymes is
required. Why ? Not to cause degradation of the proteins
contained in the tissue.
of protein: homogenize it in a physiological
buffer (0.05M NaPO4, PH 7.4) containing proteolytic enzyme
inhibitors (EDTA, Pepstatin)
Extraction of peptides: boil the tissue with 1M Acetic Acid
for 5 min  homogenize tissue in ethanol / 0.1MHCl (ratio 3:1)
at 0°C. This will burst open the vesicles to release the peptides
in solution.
2. Protein Purification
Q Proteins can be purified according to certain properties they possess.
These properties allow us to employ different techniques in purifying
Protein Property
Differential Precipitation
Molecular Size
Gel Filtration Chromatography
Molecular Charge
Ion Exchange Chromatography
Reversed Phase HPLC
Biological Activity
Affinity Chromatography
Protein Purification
A. Differential Precipitation
• Precipitation: the process of formation of a solid that was
previously held in solution. The solid is separated from the solution.
• When NH4 SO4 or polyethylene glycol are added to a protein
solution, a precipitate forms and it can be separated from the
solution after centrifugation.
• If the concentrations of NH4 SO4 or polyethylene glycol are
increased, more precipitate forms.
Protein Purification
B. Gel Filtration Chromatography
Also called Gel Permeation Chromatography.
Separates protein molecules according to their molecular size.
The solution is inserted to the top of a specialized column.
This column consists of specialized porous beads.
Small molecules of protein enter the beads while large molecules can’t
and stay in the space between the beads.
• Therefore, large molecules flow more rapidly through the column and
emerge first from the bottom of the column.
• Advantage: larger quantities of proteins can be separated.
• Disadvantage: Lower resolution.
Protein Purification
B. Gel Filtration Chromatography
Protein Purification
C. Ion Exchange Chromatography
• Separates protein molecules according to their molecular charge.
• In this technique, the beads of the column have a specific charge on
them. This is a result of a molecule that is attached to these beads.
• The beads might be +ve charged by attaching them to DEAE
(diethylaminoethyl) cellulose or –ve charged by attaching them to
carboxymethyl cellulose.
• The beads in the column depend on the protein that you want to purify.
• If the protein is –ve charged then you have to use positively charged
beads and vice versa.
Protein Purification
C. Ion Exchange Chromatography
How does it work?
• For example, if the protein of interest is negatively charged, then
you will use a DEAE-cellulose column.
• The protein will bind to the positively charged beads.
• This protein that is attached to the beads can be released by
increasing the concentration of NaCl (or other salt).
• The Na+ ions (or other cation) will compete and bind to the beads in
the column instead of the protein.
• Proteins that are highly positively charged will emerge first because
they will be repelled by the beads.
3. Protein Characterization
Characterization of proteins and peptides involves three different
Determining the Amino Acid Composition
Determining the Amino Acid Sequence
Involves finding out the amino acids that make up the protein and their
Involves finding out the sequence of amino acids of the proteins in
their order.
Determining the Molecular mass of the Protein
Protein Characterization
1. Determination of Amino Acid Composition
The peptide is first hydrolyzed into its constituent amino acids by heating it in
6M HCl at 110ºC for 24 hrs.
The amino acids are then separated by HPLC.
They are measured by reacting them with a compound called ninhydrin. Alpha
Amino acids will be given an intense blue color while imino acids (proline,
hydroproline) will be given a yellow color.
The concentration of a single amino acid is proportional to the light absorbance
of the solution after adding ninhydrin.
The elution profile of the amino acids is obtained. Eluting is the separation, by
washing, of one solid from another.
The identity of the amino acid is revealed by its elution volume, which is the
volume of buffer needed to remove the a.a. from the column.
Protein Characterization
2. Determination of Amino Acid Sequence
• Pehr Edman devised a method for labeling the amino-terminal of a
peptide and cleaving it from the peptide without distrupting the peptide
bonds between the other a.a. residues.
• This method is called Edman degradation.
• It sequentially removes one residue at a time from the amino end of the
– First Phenylisothiocyanate reacts with the terminal amino group to form a
phenylthiocarbamoyl derivative.
– This residue cyclizes under acidic conditions to give a PTH amino acid and
a peptide shortened by one amino acid residue.
– This PTH-amino acid is identified by HPLC.
– Automated repeated Edman degradation by a sequenator that can analyze
sequences of about 50 amino acids long.
– The amino acid composition of the shortened peptide can be compared
with the original peptide.
Protein Characterization
2. Determination of Amino Acid Sequence
• Longer polypeptide chains are broken into shorter ones for analysis
by specifically cleaving them with enzymes that cleave at specific
• Some examples are :
Cleavage Point
Lys, Arg (C)
Phe,Trp, Typ (C)
Phe, Trp, Tyr (N)
Cyanogen bromide
Met (C)
Overlapping identical regions of the individual
Protein Characterization
3. Determination of Molecular Mass by
Mass Spectrometry
Spectrometry: The procedure of observing and measuring the wavelengths of
light or other electromagnetic emissions.
Mass Spectrometry involves an ionization source, a mass analyzer and a
detector. The ionized hit the mass analyzer. The time the ions take in flight
is recorded by triggering a laser pulse.
It depends on one principle 
The smaller ions will fly faster and hit the detector first then the larger ions reach.
The ions hit the detector in order by mass.
Protein Characterization
3. Determination of Molecular Mass by
Mass Spectrometry Diagram