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Nucleic Acids & Protein Synthesis
36. Which of the following statements best describes the
structure of DNA?
A. Two strands of proteins are held together by sugar
molecules, nitrogen bases, and phosphate groups.
B. Two strands composed of sugar molecules and
phosphate groups are linked together by proteins.
C. Nitrogen bases and phosphate groups link together to
form the backbone of a strand. Two such strands
are linked together by sugar molecules.
D. Sugar molecules and phosphate groups link together to
form the backbone of a strand. Two such strands
are linked together by matched nitrogen bases.
Nucleic Acids & Protein Synthesis
37. The diagram represents an incomplete model of the DNA
molecule. Even though the model is not complete, what
pattern is evident in this representation of the DNA molecule?
A. Every third base pair has a mutation.
B. Guanine is always paired with cytosine.
C. The model has a repeating base sequence.
D. There are two sugars between each phosphate.
Nucleic Acids & Protein Synthesis
Nucleic Acids & Protein Synthesis
38. The genetic code is nearly universal. That is, with
few exceptions, the same codons code for the same
amino acids in all organisms. What does the near
universality of the genetic code suggest?
A. All life forms can reproduce with one another.
B. All life forms have the same number of genes.
C. All life forms have a common evolutionary
D. All life forms arose about the same time in Earth’s
Nucleic Acids & Protein Synthesis
39. During the process of transcription, the strand of
messenger RNA shown below is produced.
What was the original DNA template that produced
this strand?
Nucleic Acids & Protein Synthesis
40. The diagram above shows one process that occurs during
gene expression. What process does the diagram represent?
A. DNA replication
B. RNA replication
C. Transcription
D. Translation
Nucleic Acids & Protein Synthesis
41. Which of the following statements best describes
the process of gene expression?
A. Messenger, transfer, and ribosomal RNA transcribe
information onto a cell’s DNA.
B. The information in DNA is transcribed to RNA and
then transcribed to amino acids.
C. The information in DNA is transcribed to RNA and
then translated to make specific proteins.
D. The information in DNA is translated by messenger
RNA and then translated to make ribosomal
Nucleic Acids & Protein Synthesis
42. In some cells, gene expression involves mRNA
processing. Which of the following best describes
where mRNA processing is likely to occur?
A. nucleus of prokaryotic cell
B. cytoplasm of prokaryotic cell
C. nucleus of eukaryotic cell
D. ribosome of eukaryotic cell
Nucleic Acids & Protein Synthesis
43. Errors sometimes happen during DNA replication. If
guanine is accidentally substituted for thymine in a DNA
nucleotide, which of the following will always
happen because of the error in DNA replication?
A. The cell will die when it divides.
B. The cell will become a rapidly dividing cancer cell.
C. The cell will produce mRNA with a mutated
nucleotide sequence.
D. The cell will have a better chance of surviving under
different conditions.
Nucleic Acids & Protein Synthesis
44. Most mutations involve a misplacement of a
nucleotide on a DNA segment. Which of the following is
not a possible result of a mutation?
A. The mutation will be passed on to the next
B. The mutation will cause immediate death of the
C. The gene that contains the mutation will be
expressed in a new way.
D. The gene that contains the mutation will be
expressed in the same way as before the
Nucleic Acids & Protein Synthesis
45. A section of a nucleic acid is shown below.
The process represented in the diagram produces a molecule
that is complementary to the template strand of DNA. What
type of molecule is produced?
A. New DNA
B. Polypeptide
C. Messenger RNA
D. Carbohydrate
Nucleic Acids & Protein Synthesis
46. A model of a DNA molecule is shown below.
The arrow indicates —
F. the bond between adjacent phosphate and deoxyribose
G. the junction of introns and exons in the sense strand of
H. the hydrogen bond between complementary nucleotides
J. the junction of a codon and a DNA triplet
Nucleic Acids & Protein Synthesis
47. A codon chart is shown below. Which of these changes to
the DNA triplet 3’ GCT 5’ will affect the protein produced?
Nucleic Acids & Protein Synthesis
48. Characteristics such as a widow’s peak or
attached earlobes are determined by the genetic
code. Which components of DNA are referred to as
the genetic code?
F. Phosphate groups
G. Nitrogenous bases
H. Deoxyribose sugars
J. Hydrogen bonds
Nucleic Acids & Protein Synthesis
49. How does DNA in cells determine an organism’s
complex traits?
A. DNA contains codes for proteins, which are
necessary for the growth and functioning of
an organism.
B. DNA separates into long single strands that
make up each part of an organism.
C. DNA produces the energy an organism needs in
order to grow.
D. DNA folds into the nucleus of each of the cells of
an organism.
Nucleic Acids & Protein Synthesis
50. A mutation that occurs in the gametes of an
organism will most likely be transferred to which
of the following?
A. The siblings of the organism
B. The offspring of the organism
C. The other organisms living nearby
D. The mating partner of the organism
Nucleic Acids & Protein Synthesis
51. The main function of this
process is to
A. provide an exact copy of the
genetic code
B. ensure genetic variation in
a species
C. synthesize cellular proteins
D. produce antibodies to combat disease
Nucleic Acids & Protein Synthesis
52. What does gene expression control?
A. the proteins that are made by the cell
B. the rate at which DNA replication occurs
C. the duration between cell cycles
D. the division of the cell nucleus
Nucleic Acids & Protein Synthesis
53. A recent study of the genetic code has
determined that the mRNA codons UCU, UCC, UCA,
and UCG all code for the amino acid serine. What
does this research finding suggest?
A. The genetic code is the same for nearly all
B. The genetic code does not dictate the amino acid
sequence of proteins.
C. A mutation in one base will always have a physical
effect on the resulting protein.
D. A mutation in one base could have absolutely no
physical effect on the resulting protein.
Nucleic Acids & Protein Synthesis
54. There are 64 possible mRNA codons that make
up the genetic code. Which of the following is true
of the genetic code?
A. Codons can be only three amino acids long.
B. Codons can be one, two, or three bases long.
C. Each codon is linked to only one amino acid.
D. Each amino acid is linked to only one codon.
Cell Reproduction
55. Part of a process necessary for reproduction in
complex organisms is represented .
Step C results in the production of
A. four zygotes that will develop into
B. embryonic cells that could unite
and develop into an organism
C. four cells that will recombine to
form two offspring
D. gametes that could be involved in the
formation of a zygote
Cell Reproduction
56. Which sequence best represents sexual
A. mitosis → gametes → zygote → fertilization
B. gametes →meiosis →mitosis →fertilization
C. fertilization → gametes → meiosis → zygote
D. meiosis → gametes → fertilization → zygote
Cell Reproduction
57. Cell differentiation is critical during embryonic
development. The process of cell differentiation
results in the production of many types of cells,
including germ, somatic, and stem cells. Cell
differentiation is most directly regulated by —
C. lipids
D. sugars
Cell Reproduction
58. Construction workers attach ropes and pulleys
to wooden timbers on an old bridge. They use the
rope and pulley system like the one in the diagram
to move the timbers away from each other in order
to dismantle the bridge. Which stage of mitosis is
similar to this way of dismantling a bridge?
A. Prophase
B. Anaphase
C. Telophase
D. Metaphase
Cell Reproduction
59. Which of these statements best explains why meiosis
is important for sexual reproduction?
A. By involving two cell divisions, meiosis ensures that
offspring receive half their genetic information
from each parent.
B. By involving a single cell division, meiosis ensures that
offspring are genetically identical to each other
and to the parents.
C. Meiosis occurs in those cells that have already
undergone DNA replication.
D. During meiosis, sister chromatids, which are
genetically different from each other, line up
along the center of the cell, and then separate
into two cells.
Cell Reproduction
60. The diagram to the right represents the
cell cycle.
When cells leave the cell cycle, they exit
during G1 phase and then enter G0 phase,
a resting period. Most normal cells can
leave G0 phase and reenter the cell cycle
at G1 phase before entering S phase. Cancer
cells are different because they cannot enter G0 phase and are likely
to do which of the following?
Fail to complete S phase
Mutate during G1 phase
Repeat the cell cycle continuously
Die after completing mitosis 1
Cell Reproduction
61. The diagram below shows four stages of a cell
undergoing mitosis.
Which of the following is the correct sequence of
stages as they occur in the cell cycle?
A. 1, 3, 4, 2
B. 2, 1, 3, 4
C. 2, 4, 3, 1
D. 4, 3, 2, 1
2/13 Cell Reproduction
62. A photomicrograph of onion root tip cells during
mitosis is shown below.
Which phase of mitosis is occurring in the cell indicated
by the arrow?
F. Prophase
G. Metaphase
H. Anaphase
J. Telophase
Cell Reproduction
63. Crossing-over between nonsister chromatids
during meiosis is significant in heredity. This
process most likely leads to an increase in which of
the following?
F. The expression of dominant traits
G. Number of gametes
H. The occurrence of polyploidy
J. Genetic variation
Cell Reproduction
64. Which of these must occur during S phase of the
cell cycle so that two daughter cells can be
produced during M phase?
A. The DNA must be replicated.
B. The chromosomes must be joined.
C. The cytoplasm must be separated.
D. The cell membrane must be expanded.