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Sales and Promotions
Management Session 2
Dated: -14-03-2010
By: -Neeraj Gupta
Mass persuasive communication
paid for by an identified sponsor
that makes use of various media
Advertising Strategy
Three levels
Annual advertising plan
Annual plan and an advertising plan
Develop a copy strategy for an individual ad that
runs independent of any campaign
This is because an advertising campaign and
advertising plan are similar in structure.
Advertising campaign & Advertising
A campaign is an interrelated and coordinated set of
promotional activities that focus on some single theme
or idea and is built to accomplish some predetermined
objective(s). Can have a single ad or series of ads
placed together. Like Vodafone’s ZOO ZOO campaign.
It is built to last for a long time or short time depending
on objectives targeted.
An advertising plan aims at matching the right target
audience to the right message and presents it in the
right medium to reach that audience
Steps in advertising planning and
Situation Analysis
Research and Review current business
Target Audience
Who buys the product?
What do they really buy?
When do they buy?
Who is the end-user?
Basis for segmentation
Steps in advertising planning and managing
Situation Analysis
Basis for segmentation
Psychographic Segmentation
Basis of Segmentation-Psychographic
Orientations used for segmentation in VALS
Status Oriented: -Value a secure place in
Action Oriented: -desire physical and social
activity, variety and risk taking
Principle Oriented: -guided in their choices by
their beliefs and principles and not by
feelings, desires and events
Psychographic Segmentation
Successful, sophisticated, take-charge people with high self-esteem.
Image is important to Innovators
Established and emerging leaders in business and government
seek challenges, variety
Motivated by ideals
Mature, satisfied, comfortable , and reflective people who value order,
knowledge, and responsibility
well educated and actively seek out information in the decision-making
Psychographic Segmentation
Motivated by the desire for achievement,
have goal-oriented lifestyles and a deep commitment to career
and family
structured around family, their place of worship, and work
Motivated by self-expression
Young, enthusiastic, and impulsive consumers
seek variety and excitement
Psychographic Segmentation
Believers are motivated by ideals
Conservative, conventional people with concrete beliefs based on traditional,
established codes: family, religion, community, and the nation
trendy and fun loving.
motivated by achievement, Strivers are concerned about the opinions and
approval of others.
Money defines success for Strivers, who don’t have enough of it to meet
their desires
Psychographic Segmentation
Makers are motivated by self-expression
express themselves and experience the world by working on it-building a
house, raising children, fixing a car, or canning
Practical people who have constructive skills and value self-sufficiency.
Narrowly focused lives
with the familiar and are primarily concerned with safety and security
Steps in advertising planning and managing
Advertising Objectives
Creating Awareness
Increasing sales
Associating feelings with brands
Enticing Regular brand use among existing and new
customers both.
Increasing the percentage of target consumers who
associate specific features or benefits with company's
Increasing number of target consumers who prefer
company's brand rather than competing brands.
Steps in advertising planning and managing-DAGMAR
DAGMAR (Defining Advertising Goals for
Measured Advertising Results)
Awareness: Involves making target audience aware
of the existence of the brand or company.
Comprehension: The purpose is to develop an
understanding among audience of what the product is
and what it would do for them.
Conviction: The objective is to create a mental
disposition among target audience members to buy
the product.
Action: To motivate target audience to purchase the
product or service.
Effect of Advertising on Consumers
Steps in advertising planning and managing
Product Positioning
Communications Media
The Advertising message-What is to be said
and how
First thing is preparing a creative brief (often referred
as copy platform, a work plan, copy or creative strategy
document) and it addresses following issues like who is
the potential customer, why to focus ads on needs
of customers which they value-under this comes
two types of appeals: - Rational and Emotional,
What can satisfy their needs, Where, when and how
to deliver these messages, and what style or tone to
use to convey the message.
Steps in advertising planning and managing
A creative brief can cover these issues: 
Objective statement – what to achieve out of the ad.
Support Statement-to give evidence to the promise made.
Tone or Brand Character Statement
Budget Allocation-Objectives are effected directly
by the amount of budget we have.
Factors to consider to set budget
Product life cycle stage
Market share
Intensity of competition and clutter
Advertising frequency
Product differentiation
Setting Advertising Budget
Steps in advertising planning and managing
Advertising Strategy Implementation
Using all the elements discussed before
this point we can go ahead with the
implementation of the advertising
The Big Idea in Advertisements
The Great Idea in advertising is far more than the
sum of the recognition scores, the ratings and all the
other superficial indicators of its success; it is in the
realm of myth, to which measurements cannot
apply.“–Leo Bogart
Great Ideas have some elements in common: 
A potent Strategy
A Strong selling ides
Stands out ahead of others
Always relevant
Can be built into campaigns
The Big Idea in Advertisements
It is conveyed using the message strategy which has
following elements: 
Verbal Element
Non-Verbal Element
Technical Element
Creative Process Steps: 
Orientation: Pointing out the problem
Preparation: Gathering pertinent data
Analysis: Breaking down the relevant material
Ideation: Piling up alternative ideas
Incubation: Putting the problem aside to invite spontaneous
ideas at some later, unguarded time.
Synthesis: Putting the pieces together, and
Evaluation: Judging the resulting ideas.
The Big Idea in Advertisements
Creative Execution-Print
Elements: 
Body copy
Visual Elements
Body Copy-Types
Design Principles
Ads must be designed to attract consumer attention
immediately as the advertiser has only a second or two
to capture the reader's attention.
Basic design rules include the following:
Unity: The complete layout (copy, visual, headline, logo etc.)
should appear as a single unified composition.
Balance: Balance means controlling the size, tone, weight, and
position of the elements in the ad.
Contrast: It imparts life to a layout and adds emphasis to
selected elements.
Sequence or eye movement
Emphasis or proportion: Emphasis refers to division of space
among layout elements.
Design Principles
Use of Colour: 
Colour adds attention-capturing value to the advertisement.
Colour can help in imparting emphasis to important elements in
an ad.
Colour can add a sense of realism or atmosphere.
Colour can help easy identification of brand name, package, and
Colour imparts a feeling of quality and prestige to the
Typography and Copy Testing
They should always consider the four important concepts when
selecting type: readability, appropriateness, harmony or
appearance, and emphasis.
Thank You