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Textile Business English
Module Six
Task 3
Promotion and advertising
Learning Objectives
1. To know useful expressions about
promotion and advertising.
2. To master basic concepts about
promotion and advertising.
3. To learn to take notes.
Lead-in—Group discussion
1. Why do people need to conduct promotion
and advertising activities?
2. How are the promotion and advertising
3. Will you be attracted bo buy the product by
the advertising?
Useful expressions and patterns
1. I’d like to talk a little more about advertising.
2. I see advertising as an essential part of the entire
process of marketing.
3. I’m really interested in the role of advertising in
the production promotion.
4. Good advertising is vital to marketing a product.
5. Advertising can help build product recognition
6. The purpose of our advertising is to draw
customers’ interest and keep hold of their attention.
7. I was told you need advertising designs for your
home textile products.
8.We should make large investment in advertising.
9. I suppose TV ads will cost a fortune.
10.We will have to run a good advertising campaign.
Dialogue 1
Notes to the dialogue
1. regional marketing manager 区域销售经
2. selling point 卖点
3. take into account 重视,考虑
4. launch new product 发行新产品
Dialogue 1
A: Good morning, Mr. Graham. I am a
(区域销售经理) for
China National Textile Import and Export Company.
B: Ok, it is my honor.
B: Yes. It is. And it is also very important. Promotional channels can
make the product known to the consumers and improve the sales.
A: Do you think televised home shopping will be popular in the future?
B: In my opinion, it depends.
的卖点). But there are still some disadvantages.
A: What is the weakness for televised home shopping?
B: For instance,
B: You are welcome!
Dialogue 2
Notes to the dialogue
1.print media 印刷广告
2.campaign 宣传
3.appealing 吸引人的
 Promotional gifts for:
 No. of items:
 Budget:
 Other:
Passage Reading
Different ways of promoting
goods and services
Reading and Analyzing
Brainstorming Question
Direct Mail Advertising
Merchandising Consumer promotions
Different ways of promoting
goods and services
Special offers, discounts and free
offer and sample coupons are all
examples of 1 . They can persuade
consumers to try a product for the
first time, to change from a
competitive product or to increase
the size of a purchase.
Different ways of promoting
goods and services
 2 consists of giving away or selling
useful objects, such as sports bags or
shopping hold alls with your brand name.
You can also associate a character,
personality or animal with your products and
produce stickers, key rings, pens or other
giveaway items to help people connect this
image with your business.
Different ways of promoting
goods and services
3 is promotional communicating by post. It is
whatever the sender wants it to be—advertising,
market research or a ‘thank you’ letter to
 It is useful where a product or service has a limited
customer base because it addresses named
targets only. It can be extremely cost-effective. It is
also flexible in size, content and timing. It is most
effective when it is linked with other opportunities
to communicate. You can follow it up by telephone,
meeting or other forms of advertising.
Different ways of promoting
goods and services
Although 4 is very expensive, it is an economical
way of getting a message to a large audience. If
considering a magazine study its circulation
carefully. How many people does it go to? Are they
people who might buy from you? What other
advertisers does the magazine have? Local radio
and regional television can be affordable. However,
remember they are best suited to consumer goods
and not industrial or business products, where
needs must be more closely targeted.
Group Discussion
1. How many ways can you think of to
conduct promotion and advertising?
2. What are the effective ways to market a
product promotion and advertising?
3. Have you found any problems in
promotion and advertising?
Field work:
Work in groups of up to six. Collect
information and materials from the
Internet. Prepare for a presentation to
introduce how to make an inquiry of a
product. (The presentation should be
facilitated by ppt)
For more topic-related information , Please
refer to the following websites: