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What makes good
 Examining the role of creativity in
 The importance of targeting the right
 The old and new rules of good
Why “good advertising” is
 90% of advertising is bad.
 90% of it is unnoticed and fails.
 No matter how many times an ad is run,
if it is dull, boring, and poor the audience
will ignore it.
 We know when we have seen a good ad,
and even more so when we have seen a
bad ad.
The role of creativity and
planning for success
 Advertising is a critical part of marketing:
 The future of many brands depends on the
quality of a series of 30 second television
 If the advertising is not right, then the brand
could be badly damaged.
 CREATIVITY has become the entry ticket to
the contemporary advertising marketplace,
which is shaped by technological innovation
and clutter.
 New technology has opened a whole new vista
for creativity, including:
 Computerized design tools, morphing and digital
special effects, digital video-editing, holograms,
virtual reality, multimedia presentations, ink-jet
personalization, public relations planning software
and interactive media.
 How do ads can be noticed in such
 A number of steps clients and agencies
can take to break through the clutter,
 Producing a tightly defined, researchbased advertising brief.
 Precisely targeting the audience
 Being interesting, surprising and
 Inventing indelible imagery (image,
description, metaphor).
 Perfecting time.
 Having a consistent approach.
 Appearing effortless (good ads provide
the audience with intense experiences,
delivered with the maximum of cool.
Advertising as visual
 The majority of advertising is in effect, the
resourceful use of visual metaphors.
 It is not just the promotion of a logo or a
particular brand signature since visual
metaphors require emotional connections
and associations to work effectively.
 Brands that have managed to achieve
iconic status built and retain this position
through emphasizing the emotional
rather than the functional rewards
associated with purchasing the product
or service.
 The visual metaphor of advertising can
convey a number of brand values
 Its superior performance;
 The psychological rewards associated with
 The people who use it; and
 The social context in which it features.
 The English Riviera’s palm tree is a
metaphor for the South of France.
 To create top notch advertising there
must be a synergy between creativity and
 Market research
 To produce a good brief, organizations
require up-to-date market research.
They need to think about:
 What is happening in the marketplace
and what is likely to happen in the near
 Who is the compaign aimed at?
 Does enough information exist to profile
the target market or is more required?
 What needs to be done to get this
 In addition to research, goals
should answer:
 What should the advertising
 How does an advertiser want to
influence consumers?
 Does the advertiser want to raise
their awareness?
 Does the advertiser want to
change their perceptions?
 Who is the brand competing
 How does the brand stack up
against them?
 How can it be truly differentiated
from the rest?
 The answers to such questions must be
incorporated into an advertising brief which
lays out the current position together with the
desired position.
 The advertising brief is the best that it can be.
 Clear briefs will help to deliver innovative ideas
that will lead to effective advertising, moving
the brand forward.
 Briefs should be honest, with realistic
expectations, so it will be easier to evaluate the
campaign's success.
Targeting the advertising
 The most creative ad will never sell if it is
not aimed at the appropriate consumer
 The major challenge for advertiser is to
select the right media to reach their
intended audience and buying into these
media as cost-effectively as possible.
 It is essential that the tourism and leisure
industries become much smarter in defining
and targeting the right market segments.
 Too few advertisers make research required to
target much ‘tighter’ groups of consumers than
current practice allows.
 Many of them, continue to spend money
targeting people who are not likely to purchase
their products.
 Waste is unavoidable in advertising and
in many instances it is still the case that
the mass advertising media is a more
effective tool for reaching consumers
than highly targeted, but more expensive
direct marketing techniques.
 Tourism and leisure organizations should
try to discover as much about their
consumers as is practically possible so
that they can eliminate from their media
schedule all those who will not purchase
their products.
The old and new rules of
good advertising
 Winner ads
 Loser ads
 Hidden camera
Ads with humor
 Company CEOs
Ads with children
 Ads with celebrities
Product demonstrations
 Brand comparison
Real-life situations
 Musical commercial
 Ads with pets
The 8 old rules of
You must have a USP – unique selling proposition.
You must offer rational benefit
Humor does not sell
You must have a memorable slogan
You must have a logo in the ad
You must show the product in the ad
Every ad in a compaign must look the same
Creative ads do not sell.