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Kelsey Miller
[email protected]
Advertising is a critical aspect in modern business. Without advertising, companies would fail miserably because
they would have no way of promoting their products. My goal is to explain the history of advertising, the
understanding of advertising and the two main types of advertising, which are broadcast and print advertising. I
will be explaining the establishment of advertising, when it was the most popular in history and the main purposes it
was used for. Furthermore, I will explain the importance of advertising and how it is used in today’s economy.
1. Introduction
Yahoo Education describes advertising as “the
activity of attracting public attention to a product or
business, as by paid announcements in print,
broadcast, or electronic media.” [1] Advertising has
been a key aspect in promoting products for a long
time. Most people do not understand how common
advertising has become. Advertising is growing
rapidly and becoming a critical aspect in all
businesses. Not only are people unable to understand
the importance of advertising, but they are also
unaware of all the different types of advertising.
2. History of Advertising
Advertising became a well-established
industry in 1914. [2] Throughout World War II
advertising continued to grow and improve. World
War II contributed to the growth of advertising
because it was used for persuading men to enlist into
the army and also for government policies. Most
people felt that advertising was used as propaganda to
influence the public opinion of the United States
involvement in WWII. [2]
3. The Understanding of Advertising
Advertisements usually consist of a slogan
or message that is directed to consumers of a product.
This message is presented from the vendors of the
product. The message usually is “catchy” which
enables the audience to remember it. Furthermore, it
is important for the message to appeal to the audience
because they might be curious in trying or buying the
product. Usually when creating a slogan the vendors
will direct the message at a certain audience that
might have interest in the product. [3] For an
example, when creating a slogan for an iphone
vendors would direct their ads towards people who
would find the iphone useful, such as, people in
business, students who enjoy access to music and the
internet and people who are traveling and may not
have internet access. Advertising is also used for
creating a brand identity. Creating a brand identity is
crucial to a product that is new. [3] If good
advertising is not used when promoting a new product
then the product will fail miserably.
4. Broadcast Advertising
Broadcast advertising is one of the two main
types of advertising. This type of advertising is found
in visual and audio media. Broadcast advertising
consists for televisions advertisements and radio
advertisements. [4]
4.1. Television Advertisements
Television advertisements have always been
a popular source of advertising. The cost of
television advertisements depend on a few different
These components consist of the
duration, time, and channel. [4] The duration of the
components affects the cost because some
advertisements are different durations of time. For an
example, an advertisement that is 30 seconds will cost
more than an advertisement that is 15 seconds.
However, different packages can be purchased with a
number of different amounts of seconds or minutes.
Time plays a major role in the cost of advertisements.
Depending on what time an advertisement is played
varies the cost of an advertisement. Lastly, the
channel that the advertisement plays on is also
important. If the channel is popular and viewed
frequently than the advertisements will be more
expensive. If the channel is not as popular then the
advertisement cost will be a cheaper rate.
4.1.1. Radio Advertisements
Radio advertising used to be very popular in
the 1940s. It lost its popularity when other forms of
advertising were invented.
Currently, radio
advertisements are used by businesses that do not
advertise regularly because they are inexpensive.
Advertisements on the radio usually consist of jingles.
[4] Jingles are short songs that are easily remembered.
These jingles have a big impact on an audience
because they are very creative.
5. Print Advertising
Print Advertising is the other main type of
advertising. This type of advertising consists of
advertisements printed on or in certain objects. Some
of the main ways to present print advertisements are
in newspapers, magazines, brochures and fliers.
5.1. Newspapers and Magazines
Newspapers and Magazines are a common
form of print advertisements.
Ad space for
newspapers and magazines depend on many different
aspects. These aspects include size, placement,
content of the ad and the quality of paper used. [4] Ad
space is also sold according to the popularity of the
magazine or newspaper. Printing advertisements in
newspapers is a very efficient way to promote a
product or event. This is so beneficial to sales
because people are constantly reading the newspaper
every day. However, magazines are not read as often
as newspapers are, but the majority of a magazine
consists of advertisements.
People read these
advertisements without even realizing that more than
half of the magazine consists of advertisements.
5.1.1. Brochures and Fliers
Brochures and Fliers are the least expensive
form of advertising. Although they are inexpensive
forms of advertisement, they are also an extremely
popular way of advertising. Brochures and fliers are
very inexpensive because they cost close to nothing to
create. They are simply created on a computer and
then printed. However, depending on the type of
paper brochure and fliers are printed on they can
became more expensive. Advertising with brochures
and fliers is an intelligent way to market a product or
event because it restricts the reader to information
only regarding the advertisement. [4]
6. References
[1] Yahoo. Yahoo Education., 2000
[2] Associated Press. Complete, 2004
[3] Barron’s Education., 2009
Manohar., 2008