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IMPACT2C Summer School 2013 – Program
“From General Circulation Models to Impact Assessments”
Dates: 26 August to 1st September, 2013
Venue: Seminaris Hotel, Lüneburg, Germany
Acknowledgements: We would like to thank the IMPACT2C consortium for funding this
workshop and the German Climate Service Center for the organization.
Note: All sessions have a coffee break in between, adapted to individual time slots.
August 26, Monday
Registry Procedure
15:00 – 15:30 Welcome Coffee
15:30 – 17:00 “Welcome to the IMPACT2C Summer School 2013”
Dr. Daniela Jacob & Dr. Swantje Preuschmann (CSC, Germany),
17:00 – 18:00 “General Introduction to Climate, Climate Change and Climate Impacts”
Dr. Daniela Jacob (CSC, Germany)
18:00 – 20:00 Dinner
20:00 – 22:00 “Ice-Breaker with a climatic topic:
What does 2°C warming mean for me?”
August 27, Tuesday
09:00 – 12:30 “General Circulation Models”
Dr. Erik Kjellström (SMHI, Sweden)
12:30 – 15:00 Lunch
15:00 – 18:30 “Regional Climate Modelling”
Dr. Michel Déqué (Météo France, France)
18:30 – 20:00 Dinner
IMPACT2C Summer School 2013
20:00 – 22:00 Key-Note Lecture: “Climate change impacts and adaptation for Romania from a
stakeholder perspective”
Dr. Mihaela Sima
August 28, Wednesday
09:00 – 12:30 “Uncertainty”
Dr. Geert Lenderink (KNMI, Netherlands)
12:30 – 15:00 Lunch
15:00 – 18:30 “Introduction to Adaptation Modules”
Dr. Paul Watkiss (PWA, UK)
18:30 – 20:00 Dinner
20:00 – 22:00 * Work Package leader meeting
* Leisure time for scholars
August 29, Thursday
09:00 – 12:30 “Introduction to impact modelling: African Case Study”
Dr.Sandro Calmanti (ENEA, Italy)
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 –
Hiking Tour, presumably: The Biosphere Reserve ‘Niedersächsische Elbtalaue’
(Lower Saxonian Elbe Valley), Hitzacker flood prevention strategies, Nemitzer
20:30 latest - Dinner
After Dinner: casual discussion in the hotels Palm-Garden or terrace
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IMPACT2C Summer School 2013
August 30, Friday
09:00 – 12:30 “Agriculture”
Dr.Marijn van der Velde (IIASA, Austria)
12:30 – 15:00 Lunch
15:00 – 18:30 “Air Quality”
Dr. Robert Vautard (IPSL, France)
18:30 – 20:00 Dinner
20:00 – 22:00 Leisure Time
August 31, Saturday
09:00 – 12:30 “Water Recourses, Energy and Infrastructure”
Dr. Fulco Ludwig (Uni Wageningen, Netherlands)
12:30 – 15:00 Lunch
15:00 – 18:30 “Vulnerability, risks and adaptive capacity: water, energy, tourism and
Dr. Franz Prettenthaler (Joanneum Research, Austria)
18:30 – 20:00 Dinner
20:00 – 22:00 Summarizing Evening
“Role Game: Greetings of Kyoto”
September 1st, Sunday
09:00 – 12:30 “Sea level Rise”
Dr. Daniel Lincke (Global Climate Forum, Germany)
12:30 – 13:00 Final Good Bye
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IMPACT2C Summer School 2013
13:00 Brunch & End of the Summer School.
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IMPACT2C Summer School 2013
How do I get to the hotel?
The Seminaris Hotel is a conference hotel
built in 1979 and is located in Lüneburg,
about 30 minutes from Hamburg.
Assuming you are arriving at Hamburg Airport, the easiest way to get there would be:
Follow at the airport the sign:
take the S1 (there is only one direction every 5 to 10 minutes) to Hamburg Main Station
(Hamburg Hauptbahnhof), even if written: you do not have to change at the station Ohlsdorf,
the train just gets coupled.
change to Metronom or RE i.e. ME 88217 or RE30 to Lüneburg (check individually)
From Lüneburg station it is 20 minutes on foot, or 15 min by bus (lines 5700, 5007, or 5003)
Tickets: The Hamburg short-distance public transport is called HVV.
Lüneburg is part of the total HVV network (Gesamtbereich). With a HVV “Gesamtbereich” ticket
for 8.00 € you may reach the hotel once, including Lüneburg busses.
Using a day ticket, which allows you to travel as often you like for the day, costs 17.90 €, after
9 a.m. a day ticket for a group up to 5 persons costs 24.90 €.
For your personnel time schedule you may use:
And for the busses in Lüneburg:
Type in
From: Lüneburg Bahnhof/ZOB - to: Lüneburg Soltauer Straße 3
Extra information
Hotel website:
Activities: The hotel is linked to a salt spring resort. A thermal bath is directly in front of the hotel: The hotel offers a free usage for 2h per day (excl. Sauna)
Hotel address: Soltauer Str. 3, 21335 Lüneburg, Germany
Hotel phone number: +49 (0) 4131 713-0, Fax: +49 (0) 4131 713-727
Lüneburg attractions: (available in English).
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IMPACT2C Summer School 2013
Lecturers (in the order of appearance)
Dr. Daniela Jacob
Major research topic: Regional Climate Modelling
Position: Head of Climate System Research Group
at: Climate Service Center (CSC),Hamburg, Germany
Dr. Swantje Preuschmann
Major research topic: Land Use Changes in regional climate models
Position: Scientific staff member
at: Climate Service Center (CSC),Hamburg, Germany
Dr. Erik Kjellström
Major research topic: Climate Modelling
Position: Researcher at Rossby Centre
at: Sveriges Meteorologiska och Hydrologiska Institut (SMHI), Sweden
Dr. Michèl Déqué
Major research topic: AGCM and RCM development for seasonal to centennial prediction
Position: Head of Arpège-Climate research team
at: Météo-France, National Centre for Meteorological Research, France
Dr. Geert Lenderink
Major research topic: Climate scenarios with focus on changes in local/regional precipitation
(modeling and concepts)
Position: Permanent staff member
at: Royal Netherlands Meteorlogical Institute (KNMI), Netherlands
Dr. Paul Watkiss
Major research topic: Adaptation decisions and economics
Position: Researcher at Paul Watkiss Associates (PWA) and Visiting Senior Associate
at: University of Oxford (ECI), United Kingdom
Dr. Franz Prettenthaler
Major research topic: Regional Science, Risk and Resource Economics
Position: Head of Research Group Regional Science, Risk and Resource Economics
at: Joanneum Research, Graz, Austria
Dr. Marijn van der Velde
Major research topic: Adaptation and mitigation in sustainable agri-environmental systems
Position: Group Leader/Research Scholar
at: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria
Dr. Robert Vautard
Major research topic: Modelling biogeochemical cycles and their interaction to climate
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IMPACT2C Summer School 2013
Position: Research Director CNRES
at: Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace
Dr. Fulco Ludwig
Major research topic: Climate change impacts and adaptation
Position: Associate Professor
at: Wageningen University, Netherlands
Dr. Daniel Lincke
Major research topic: Sea level rise impact modelling
Position: Researcher and Scientific Programmer
at: Global Climate Forum, Berlin, Germany
Dr. Sandro Calmanti
Major research topic: Climate Impact Modelling
Position: Researcher and Scientific Programmer
at: ENEA, Italy
Special Guests:
Dr. Mihaela Sima
is a researcher at the Romanian Academy, Institute of Geography. Her main research activities
are related to the analysis of man-environment relationships in various relief units, the impact of
human activities on the environment as well as climate change impacts on different societal
fields (agriculture, cities etc.). She published over 50 publications on landscape change and
environment issues in Romania. She was a member of the research team for 15 national
projects and 6 European projects. Currently, she coordinates the IGAR team in the FP7 project
on "Enabling climate information services for Europe" (ECLISE), one of the case-studies in
Romania being devoted to climate change impacts on agriculture in a plain area, targeting a
close cooperation with farmers in identifying their needs and awareness in terms of climate
change for better adaptation measures.
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