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Bodybuilders and other athletes have above average nutritional requirements. In order to
keep growing, bodybuilders need a high calorie, high protein and nutritionally rich diet.
Bodybuilding supplements are designed to supplement a bodybuilder’s diet, allowing
these nutritional requirements to be met. Supplements aid in the building of lean muscle
mass, improve recovery from training and events, and improve sports performance.
Supplements are intended to be used in conjunction with a nutritious diet and proper
training routines and are sold as either powders (protein and creatine are most the
popular) or meal replacements (pre-packaged powdered drink mixes or edible bars).
Most bodybuilders make an important distinction between supplements and anabolic
steroids. They contend that using supplements for muscle-building purposes is not the
same as using steroids. This is because steroids are intended to change hormone levels
(primarily testosterone) beyond natural limits, while bodybuilding supplements are not.
Bodybuilders frequently take a powdered form of protein - the essential building blocks
for muscle. Protein powder is generally consumed immediately after exercising, or in
place of a meal. Having sufficient protein intake allows for efficient growth and repair of
muscle tissue.
Whey protein is the most commonly used type of protein. It contains high levels of all
the essential amino acids not produced by the human body, and is absorbed by the body
very quickly. Manufacturers claim this makes whey protein ideal for a post-workout
Casein protein (or milk protein) is the richest in glutamine, an amino acid that aids in
recovery, and is absorbed over a longer time.
Soy protein contains all the essential amino acids, and is an alternative protein for
vegetarians. Egg white protein is a dairy-free protein. Hemp seed contains complete and
highly-digestible protein that is high in essential fatty acids.
Creatine is an organic acid naturally occurring in the body that supplies energy to muscle
cells for short bursts of energy (such as lifting weights) allowing you to train harder. A
number of scientific studies have shown that creatine can increase strength, energy and
muscle mass and reduce recovery time.
Creatine is sold in a variety of forms, including creatine monohydrate, and creatine ethyl
ester. There is some evidence that high doses of creatine can be stressful to the kidneys.
Though all types of creatine are sold for the same purposes, there are subtle differences
between them, such as price, and dosage. Creatine is also found in various types of offal,
red meat, and kidney meat.
Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid found in human muscle and is supplemented
because supplement manufacturers claim the body's natural glutamine levels are depleted
during anaerobic exercise.
It is argued that bodybuilders should supplement with glutamine, as deficiency may lead
to a weakened immune system and wasting of muscle tissue. Glutamine is sold as a
soluble powder.
Some studies have shown no significant effect of glutamine on bench press strength,
knee-extension torque or lean muscle mass.
Prohormones are precursors to hormones and were typically sold to bodybuilders as a
precursor to the natural hormone testosterone. At this date most prohormone products
have not been thoroughly studied, and the health effects of prolonged use are unknown.
Side effects are common. Although initially available over the counter, their purchase is
now illegal without a prescription in the most countries including the U.S.A. This
supplement is banned by most sporting bodies.
There are several naturally occurring plants as well as synthetic chemicals that
supplement manufacturers claim produce an increase in testosterone levels. The validity
of many of these claims, however, is questionable due to the lack of test data showing
their effectiveness. Additionally, excess testosterone can cause undesirable side effects,
such as hair loss and acne, and may be converted into estrogens, which can have
undesirable effects on males.
Many other types of bodybuilding supplements are available including: simple
carbohydrates for a post-workout energy spike, complex carbohydrates to increase
calorie intake, EFA’s (essential fatty acids) to enhance stamina, and multivitamins to
improve overall health.
Steroids are synthetic substances associated with male growth hormones. Whereas,
bodybuilding supplements generally consist of natural or synthetic ingredients from
plants, herbs, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Bodybuilding supplements are not
Anabolic steroids are a class of steroid hormones related to the hormone testosterone.
They increase the buildup of cellular tissue resulting in increases in muscle mass and
physical strength. Anabolic steroids also have properties that support the development
and maintenance of such masculine characteristics as the growth of the vocal cords and
body hair.
Anabolic steroids are used therapeutically to stimulate bone growth and appetite, induce
male puberty, and treat chronic wasting conditions, such as cancer and AIDS. Nonmedical uses for anabolic steroids are controversial, because of their adverse effects and
their use to gain advantage in competitive sports.
The use of anabolic steroids is banned by all major sporting bodies. Anabolic steroids
are controlled substances in many countries, including the USA and the UK, while in
other countries they are available over-the-counter. In countries where steroids are
controlled, there is often a black market in which smuggled or counterfeit drugs are sold
to users. The quality of these illegal drugs is often low, and contaminants may cause
additional health risks.
Serious health risks can be produced by long-term use or excessive doses of anabolic
steroids. These effects include harmful changes in cholesterol levels, high blood pressure,
liver damage, and dangerous changes in the structure of the left ventricle of the heart.
There are also gender-specific side effects of anabolic steroids. Development of breast
Tissue, reduced sexual function and temporary infertility can occur in males. Another
temporary male-specific side effect which can occur is testicular atrophy.
Female-specific side effects include increases in body hair, deepening of the voice, and
temporary decreases in menstrual cycles. When taken during pregnancy, anabolic steroids
can affect fetal development by causing the development of male features in the female
fetus and female features in the male fetus.
A number of severe side effects can occur if adolescents use anabolic steroids. For
example, the steroids may stunt growth. Other effects include, but are not limited to,
accelerated bone maturation, and premature sexual development.