Download Steroids: Is the short-term benefit worth the long

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Steroids: Is the short-term benefit worth the long-term death trap?
The problem with taking anabolic steroids is that many athletes ranging from high school to the
professional stages are participating in this illegal act more than ever over, and this is why this
problem is very important and needs to be addressed now. The solutions are controversial
because not many people agree on the legality of this issue and the symptoms are not seen after
initial intake of the drug. This drug is for the most part a victimless crime to take the drug. Our
audience should become aware that the drug is more detrimental to their health than initially
thought. Our group is going to try to raise awareness on the issue with anabolic steroids and
prevent usage of the drug.
By: Brooke McAuliffe, Kam Jones, Jacob Jenkins, and Gabby Hill
Short-term benefits:
• Unnatural physical advantage .
• Increase muscle mass, strength,
and ability to train longer.
Long-term risks:
Final Position: Long-term risks
outweigh the short-term benefits.
Evidence: According to an article
from SunSentinel and,
these support both our arguments
for short-term benefits and longterm risks.
Increases risk for heart attack.
Induces high cholesterol levels.
Makes you believe you’re stronger than
you really are.
Encourages you to try to exceed your limits
with strengthening exercises that your
body can’t actually withstand.
Shrinks the testicles and reduces sperm
Increases fluids within the face causing
facial swelling