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For: The Plant Journal
GhMYB25-like: a key regulator of early cotton fiber development.
Sally-Ann Walford, Yingru Wu, Danny J. Llewellyn and Elizabeth S. Dennis*
CSIRO Plant Industry, P.O. Box 1600 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia
* For correspondence (fax +61 2 62465000; email [email protected])
A number of MYB transcription factors have been implicated in the regulation of the
development of ovule epidermal cells into the elongated seed fibers of cotton. An R2R3 MYB, GhMYB25-like, identified from its reduced expression in a fiberless mutant
of cotton (Xu142 fl) is here shown to play a key role in the very early stages of fiber
cell differentiation. RNAi mediated suppression of GhMYB25-like results in fiberless
cotton seeds that, like the Xu142 fl, have reduced expression of other regulatory
MYBs normally expressed in developing fibers. GhMYB25-like transcripts were
slightly increased in transgenic cotton silenced for the related GhMYB25 gene thought
to be involved in the timing of fiber elongation. A GhMYB25-like promoter-GUS
construct was expressed at high levels in the epidermal layers of cotton ovules before
anthesis (-3 dpa), increasing in expression in 0 dpa ovules primarily in those
epidermal cells expanding into fibers and then in elongating fibers at +3dpa, declining
thereafter. This pattern is consistent with GhMYB25-like transcript abundance.
Sequencing of the GhMYB25-like gene in the mutant and its parental wild-type
identified a single point mutation in the DNA binding domain of the mutant gene that
would likely impact on gene function. Transgenic cotton with an additional copy of
the native gene had an elevated expression of GhMYB25-like in young ovules but, no
obvious increase in the number of expanding fiber initial cells suggesting that there
may be feedback regulation or other components required to differentiate epidermal
cells into fiber cells.
Keywords: Cotton fiber, Gossypium hirsutum, MYB, HD-ZIP, transcription factors,
transgenic, trichomes
Although the fiber produced on cotton seeds is an important commodity worldwide,
the genes that regulate development of these seed trichomes have not been well
characterised. Cotton seed trichomes and Arabidopsis leaf trichomes are both singlecelled elongated structures of epidermal origin which may have common but distinct
regulatory mechanisms (Serna and Martin, 2006). Arabidopsis trichome development
is well characterised at the molecular level and is regulated by complexes of
transcription factors that either promote or inhibit trichome initiation and growth
(Hülskamp, 2004; Serna and Martin, 2006). These complexes include the R2-R3
MYB, GLABROUS1 (GL1), which is a positive regulator of trichome initiation, and
TRIPTYCHON AND CAPRICE 1 (ETC1) and ETC2 which are negative regulators
acting in a partially redundant manner to suppress trichome development in the cells
adjacent to developing trichomes. A homeobox (HOX) transcription factor
the basic helix-loop-helix proteins (GLABRA3 (GL3) and ENHANCER OF
GLABRA3 (EGL3)) are also involved in regulating epidermal trichome patterning in
Potential homologues of some of these Arabidopsis trichome development genes
that are expressed in developing cotton fiber cells have been identified. These include
six MYBs (GhMYB1-6) expressed in young ovules after fiber initiation (Loguerico et
al., 1999) and 55 MYBs identified from developing cotton ovules prior to and after
fiber initiation (-3 to +3 dpa; Suo et al., 2003). While these genes show sequence
similarity with Arabidopsis MYBs (Loguerico et al., 1999; Suo et al., 2003), their
roles in fiber development have not been detailed with the exception of GhMYB109
(Pu et al., 2008). This highly fiber-specific MYB is similar to the trichome regulator
GL1 and the closely related WEREWOLF (WER; Suo et al., 2003) that is involved in
root hair development, although it appears that GhMYB109 is not required for cotton
fiber initiation, but is important for fiber elongation (Pu et al., 2008). Ectopic
expression of GaMYB2 (a Gossypium arboreum fiber-expressed MYB again more
related to GL1), under the control of the GL1 promoter, complements an Arabidopsis
gl1 mutant (Wang et al., 2004). While these results suggest that these MYBs are all
involved in cotton fiber development, their exact roles remain unclear and the key
transcriptional regulators of fiber initiation remain to be identified. Transcriptome
analyses of fiberless mutants relative to wild-type cotton (Wilkins and Arpat, 2005;
Wu et al., 2006; Lee et al., 2007) and gene expression profiling of expanding fiber
initials relative to adjacent non-fiber epidermal cells (Wu et al., 2007) have identified
potential other transcriptional regulators and metabolic pathways involved in early
fiber initiation events.
GhMYB25, is a cotton MYB related to the AmMIXTA/AmMYBML1
transcription factors that direct conical epidermal cell formation in petals of
Antirrhinum majus (Martin et al., 2002). GhMYB25 is expressed in fiber initials
during the time of fiber initiation and elongation (Wu et al., 2006) and in trichomes of
leaves, stems and petals (Machado et al., 2009). A role in the timing of fiber
elongation has been suggested as RNAi mediated suppression of GhMYB25 leads to
only a slight reduction in the number of fiber initials, but much shorter cotton fibers in
addition to significant reductions in trichomes on other parts of the plant (Machado et
al., 2009). A second MYB transcription factor was identified in the wild-type and
fiberless mutant microarray comparisons (Wu et al., 2006) that encoded a protein with
69% sequence identity to GhMYB25 and about 36% to the A. majus MIXTA factor
and that had an expression profile similar to GhMYB25 (Wu et al., 2006). It was
designated GhMYB25-like.
In this study we examine the role of GhMYB25-like in fiber development using
RNAi-mediated gene silencing and a transgenic cotton line containing an extra copy
of GhMYB25-like under the control of its own promoter. Reduction of GhMYB25-like
transcripts results in a fiberless seed phenotype and a reduction in the levels of other
MYBs involved in early fiber development, but no effect on trichomes on other parts
of the plants. The mutant, Xu142 fl, also has a fiberless phenotype and sequence
analysis of the gene encoding GhMYB25-like reveals a mutation in the conserved
MYB domain, indicating that the mutant phenotype is caused by loss of function of
this protein. The expression patterns of GhMYB25-like and the other fiber-related
MYBs in Xu142 fl are similar to those observed in the GhMYB25-like silenced
transgenic cotton lines. An increase in GhMYB25-like transcripts increases the levels
of transcript of the other fiber-related MYBs, but does not affect fiber development.
Our results provide an insight into the molecular mechanisms controlling cotton fiber
initiation and growth and place GhMYB25-like near the top of a regulatory pathway
of transcription factors that determines epidermal cell fate on the seedcoat epidermis.
GhMYB25-like shows homology to MIXTA factors and is fiber-specific.
As would be expected for an allotetraploid (ATDT) like cotton, two different types of
BACs (BAC241J3 and BAC207D10) hybridizing to the GhMYB25-like cDNA were
isolated from a G. hirsutum BAC library and these encoded very similar genes. The
GhMYB25-like gene on BAC241J3, like that on BAC207D10, had two introns in
identical positions in the coding region, but the second intron was considerably larger
(1.49 kb compared to 324 bp) in 207D10 than in 241J3 (Genbank Accessions XXX
and XXX, respectively). The encoded proteins were 97.8% identical to one another
and 69% identical to GhMYB25 (GenBank EU826465). Sequencing of GhMYB25like from the two extant diploid progenitors of tetraploid cotton, G. raimondii (D5
genome) and G. arboreum (A2 genome) suggest that the 207D10 gene may be
encoded by the DT-genome and the 241J3 gene by the AT genome present in the
tetraploid (Supplementary Figure S1). Outside the highly conserved R2R3 MYB
repeat region, the GhMY25-like proteins had highest similarity to the cotton
GhMYB25 protein and then to the Antirrhinum majus MIXTA (AmMIXTA) and the
MIXTA-related transcription factors MIXTA-like 1, 2 and 3 (AmMYBML1, 2 and 3),
Petunia hybrida PhMYB1 and Arabidopsis AtMYB16 (Supplementary Figure S1).
Phylogenetic analysis showed that GhMYB25, GhMYB25-like and two additional
cotton MYBs from the Cotton Transcription Factor Database of the Peking
University, (, PTGh00951 and
PTGh01003, are all members of the MIXTA clade of MYB transcription factors. The
members of this group are much more distantly related to Arabidopsis GL1 and
MYB66 (WER) and the cotton GhMYB109 and GaMYB2 proteins.
Combined A- and D-genome GhMYB25-like transcripts were detected by
quantitative real-time RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) in -2 to +10 dpa ovules. Maximal
expression occurred in ovules between -1 to +3 dpa and declined rapidly as the fibers
began to elongate (Figure 1). No expression of GhMYB25-like was observed in
vegetative tissues with the exception of the boll coat, where very low levels of
transcript were present. A 1.3 kb promoter region of the D-genome homoeologue of
GhMYB25-like was cloned upstream of the β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene and
transformed into Coker 315 cotton. The GUS expression patterns were examined in
10 progeny each from 4 independent T1 lines using segregating wild-types as a
control. A representative example is shown in Figure 2. In each line strong GUS
activity was detected in the ovules, transmitting tissue and anthers of the flowers
before anthesis (-3 dpa; Figure 2a); in the ovules (primarily in the epidermis) and
transmitting tissues of 0 dpa ovaries (Figure 2c, i, k, q) and becoming restricted to
fiber cells by +3dpa ovules (Figure 2e, u). At higher magnification the GUS
expression can be seen clearly in the epidermal layer of 0 dpa ovules (Figure 2s) and
in the epidermal cells and fiber cells of +3 dpa ovules (Figure 2w). The GUS activity
declined between +3 dpa and +6 dpa (Figure 2e, g) and was not detected in elongating
fibers, seedcoat or embryos of older ovules (+10 dpa; Figure 2l). Although transcript
abundance was not high, it was detected in some other tissues including mature pollen
grains (Figure 2o) and young roots (Figure 2m). The difference in expression between
the reporter gene construct and direct transcript abundance in these tissues could
result from the absence of regulatory regions within other parts of the gene not
included in the promoter construct.
GUS activity was not detected in the non-
transformed controls (Figure 2b, d, f, h, j, n, p, r, t, v, x).
Reduced GhMYB25-like expression affects only seed trichome development in
transgenic cotton.
A construct containing a constitutive 35S promoter-driven RNAi construct targeted
against both genomic copies of GhMYB25-like was introduced into cotton cultivar
Coker 315 by A. tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Seven independent lines (25Li
plants) were produced and most were fiberless. Four independent fiberless T3 25Li
lines were selected for detailed analysis. The transcript levels for GhMYB25-like are
significantly reduced in the silenced plants compared with their corresponding
segregating wild-type plants (Figure 3). Mature cotton bolls (Figure 4a, b and
Supplementary Figure S2) from homozygous 25Li plants contained fiberless seeds as
compared to the fiber covered seeds in the wildtype bolls. Scanning electron
microscopy (Figure 4 and Supplementary Figure S2) showed the normal
differentiation and rapid emergence of fiber cells from the surface of the ovule at 0
dpa and subsequent elongation at +2 dpa in wild-type segregant plants (Figure 4e and
g). By contrast, the surface of the ovules from the 25Li plants were smooth with no
appearance of fiber initials (Figure 4f and h) and the mature seeds were almost
completely fiberless except for a few short hairs at the chalazal end of the seed
(Figure 4d and Supplementary Figure S2) as compared with the normal amount of
fiber present on the wild-type seeds (Figure 4c). The amount of this chalazal fibre
varied between different transgenic lines (Supplementary Figure S2). The trichomes
on leaves, petals and petioles of the 25Li lines were unaffected (Figure 4i-n).
Overexpression of GhMYB25-like does not affect fiber development
The full length GhMYB25-like gene driven by its own promoter was introduced into
cotton and 13 T0 lines were produced (OX25L plants). Segregating T1 plants from
independent transformants OX25L-11, OX25L-18, OX25L-59 and OX25L-78 each
with a single additional copy of the GhMyb25 gene were passaged through selfing to
produce T3 seeds of both homozygotes and segregating wild-types as controls. These
four lines were grown side by side and in each line a total of six transgene-postive and
two negative plants were analysed for GhMYB25-like expression in 0 dpa ovules. All
lines showed a significant increase in expression of GhMYB25-like transcripts relative
to wild-type (Figure 5a). The number of fiber initials was counted on SEM images in
the middle of 0 dpa ovules, but there was no significant difference in number of fiber
initials in the transgenic line relative to their corresponding segregating wild-type
controls (Figure 5b and c).
The D-genome GhMyb25-like gene is mutated in Xu142 fl
The fiberless phenotype of Xu142 fl is similar to that observed for the GhMYB25-like
silenced lines (Figure 4 o, p). The transcripts encoding GhMyb25-like are reduced in
the fiberless Xu-142 mutant (Xu-142 fl) compared to the parental Xu-142 as shown
by microarray hybridisation and semi-quantitative RT-PCR (Wu et al., 2006). This
was confirmed by qRT-PCR, where the levels of GhMYB25-like were shown to be
reduced, but not abolished, in the fiberless mutant compared to the parental line
during early fiber development from -1 to +4 dpa (Figure 6a). The genomic sequence
of both homeologs of GhMYB25-like were amplified from Xu-142fl and the Dgenome copy was found to be mutated at a single nucleotide that causes a nonconservative (Lysine => Valine) amino acid substitution in the R2R3 MYB DNA
binding domain (Figure 6b). This is a highly conserved position and any other MYBs
that differ from the consensus in this position have been found to lack DNA binding
activity (Serna and Martin, 2006). This suggests that the DNA binding activity of the
D-genome copy of GhMYB25-like would be affected in the Xu-142 fl mutant and as
the A-genome copy is wild-type the resulting fiberless phenotype must be a dominant
negative and results in a defective transcriptional complex.
A regulatory pathway for cotton fiber initiation
To elucidate the pathway that regulates cotton fiber development the expression of
other transcription factors, GhMYB25 and GhMYB109, known to have a role in
regulating fiber development were quantified in the GhMYB25-like silenced lines
(Figure 7 and Supplementary Figure S3). In wild-type cotton GhMYB25 is expressed
very early during fiber development (Machado et al., 2009; Supplementary Figure
S3), while GhMYB109 is expressed at high levels a little later during early fiber
elongation (Suo et al., 2003; Supplementary Figure S3). RNAi-mediated reduction in
the levels of GhMYB25-like transcripts resulted in a significant reduction in levels of
GhMYB25 and GhMYB109 transcript abundance (Figure 7a and Supplementary
Figure S4), although there is insufficient similarity between these genes for this to be
the result of cross-silencing. GhMYB25-like transcripts were significantly increased
and the transcripts for GhMYB109 were decreased in the GhMYB25-silenced plants
reported by Machado et al., 2009 (Figure 7b). The pattern of expression for these
transcription factors in the Xu142 fl mutant line (Figure 7c) was the same as in the
GhMYB25-like silenced lines. The increase in abundance of GhMYB25-like transcripts
in transgenic cotton containing an additional copy of the GhMYB25-like gene under
the control of its own promoter also resulted in a significant increase in GhMYB25
and GhMYB109 transcripts in 0 dpa ovules relative to the wild-type (Figure 7d).
The cotton fiber has a complex and dynamic transcriptome with 90% or more of the
genome active at the various stages from initiation through to final fiber cell wall
thickening and fiber death (Al-Ghazi et al., 2009; Hovav et al., 2008). Orchestration
of these transcriptional changes is also complex and involves a large number of
regulatory genes encoded by homoeologous genes in the two genomes comprising
allotetraploid cotton. Many of these genes are differentially expressed in developing
fiber cells, but their functions remain unclear. Transcriptional analysis of wild-type
and fiberless cotton mutants during the onset of fiber cell expansion and elongation
has identified a number of transcription factors that are related in sequence to MYBs
known to be involved in the regulation of epidermal cell patterning, such as the
development of trichomes in Arabidopsis and the conical cells of petals in
Antirrhinum (Loguerico et al., 1999; Suo et al., 2003; Wilkins and Arpat, 2005; Wu
et al., 2006; Lee et al., 2006; 2007). It is, however, difficult to assign a function to
these transcription factors as cotton, like many other plants, has a very large number
of MYBs, probably in the order of two hundred. Many of these are not specific to
fibers and may be involved in other cellular functions such as secondary metabolism
or cell signaling during development throughout the plant (Cedroni et al., 2003).
Furthermore, the difficulties associated with the production of transgenic plants in
cotton have hindered the validation of the functional importance in fiber development
of all but a couple of these genes. Here we have shown that an R2R3 MYB
transcription factor, GhMYB25-like, has quite restricted tissue expression and has an
essential role in cotton fiber initiation and development.
GhMYB25-like belongs to a novel class of MYB involved in cotton seed fiber
GhMYB25-like was originally identified as a gene whose transcript abundance was
decreased during fiber initiation in a fiberless mutant (Wu et al., 2006). The cotton
genome contains two homoeologs which are so similar as to be probably functionally
redundant, although the A-genome copy contains a much larger second intron. The
GhMYB25-like proteins are 69% identical to GhMYB25, another cotton MYB shown
to have a role in regulating seed fiber elongation and trichome development in cotton
(Machado et al., 2009). Together with two newly identified cotton ESTs they
represent a unique type of MYB in cotton that is quite distinct in sequence from the
other 80 or so cotton MYBs so far identified (see the Cotton Transcription Factor
Database) although they share sequence and structural similarities in the R2R3 DNA
binding domain with other MYBs. All of these cotton MYBs, while much more
similar to each other, are more closely related to the petal-expressed MYBs of
Arabidopsis, Petunia and Antirrhinum (Supplementary Figure S1) than they are to
MYBs known to regulate trichome development in Arabidopsis. The group includes
AmMIXTA1, AmMYBML1, 2 and 3 from A. majus (Baumann et al., 2007), PhMYB1
from Petunia hybrida (van Houwelingen et al., 1998) and AtMYb16, AtMyb106 and
AtMyb17 from A. thaliana (Romero et al., 1998). A number of these petal-specific
transcription factors have been demonstrated to have specialised functions in the
regulation of cell morphogenesis in the petal epidermis (Martin et al., 2002; PerezRodriguez et al., 2005; Baumann et al., 2007; Jaffe et al., 2007), although AtMYB106
recently identified as the NOECK gene, while expressed in petals appears to also
regulate Arabidopsis trichome branching (Jakoby et al., 2008), so they can have
multiple functions.
Even though GhMYB25-like shares sequence similarity with the petal MIXTA
MYBs (Stracke et al., 2001) its expression is restricted to the cotton ovule epidermal
cells and young fiber cells and it is not expressed in other tissues that develop
trichomes, including petals and leaves (Figure 1). Cotton may contain direct
homologs of MIXTA involved in petal development, but in the absence of a genome
sequence they remain to be identified. GhMYB25-like has, therefore, most likely
evolved independent ovule-specific functions to direct the expansion of epidermal
cells to produce the fibers of cotton.
GhMYB25-like is a key regulator of cotton fiber initiation
RNAi-mediated silencing of GhMYB25-like transcripts abolished ovule epidermal cell
expansion and elongation resulting in an almost completely fiberless seed with no
impact on the trichomes on leaves and petals. This is consistent with the pattern of
expression observed in transcriptional and reporter gene studies that show it is most
highly expressed in early fiber development and only in the epidermal and young
fiber cells of ovules (Figure 1 and 2). Some broader expression of the promoterreporter GUS construct may be due to the absence of other regulatory signals
elsewhere in the gene. It is most highly expressed at 0 dpa, but an increase in
expression is already seen before fiber initiation is obvious (epidermal cell expansion)
and it remains high for the first few days of fiber development (up to +3 dpa)
suggesting that it may act as a signal for expansion and elongation of epidermal cells
on the surface of the ovule.
A mutation in the gene encoding GhMYB25-like may also account for the fiberless
phenotype of Xu142 fl. A point mutation which causes a non-conservative amino acid
substitution is present within the highly conserved R2R3 MYB domain and other
MYBs that differ at this point do not show DNA binding activity (Serna and Martin,
2006). Transcript abundance (Figure 6) was also reduced about 2 fold so there are
impacts other than just on protein function, presumably through a feedback loop on
transcription by GhMYB25-like or its target genes. The promoter region of the
GhMYB25-like gene does contain a number of putative MYB recognition sequences
and thus, transcription of GhMYB25-like may be controlled by positive autoregulation
that is disturbed in the mutant. As the GhMYB25-like is still expressed in the correct
developmental sequence in the mutant, other regulators must be the primary
determinants of the transcription of the gene during fiber development.
GhMYB25-like appears to be the most upstream of the different fiber MYBs we
have studied and is specifically involved in controlling fiber development, although
under complex regulation. The fiber and trichome-expressed MYBs, GhMYB109 and
GhMYB25, are downstream from GhMYB25-like, but may also bind to the MYB
binding sites within the promoter of GhMYB25-like in a feedback manner, as
GhMYB25-like is expressed at a higher level in plants that have had these downstream
MYBs individually silenced (eg., Figure 7). Both GhMYB109 and GhMYB25 have
been shown to be regulators of cotton seed fiber development (Pu et al., 2008;
Machado et al., 2009) and both contain MYB recognition sequences within their own
promoters that could be targets for GhMYB25-like binding. A reduction in the
transcripts of these two genes was observed in the GhMYB25-like silenced plants as
well as the Xu142 fl mutant. Conversely, an increase in GhMyb25-like transcript
levels in transgenic cotton containing an additional copy of the GhMYB25-like gene
under the control of its own promoter resulted in an increase in GhMYB25 and
GhMYB109 transcript abundance. The direct correlation between their expression in
silenced and over-expression lines suggests that GhMYB25-like is upstream of both
GhMYB109 and GhMYB25 and regulates their expression levels during fiber
Transcription of GhMYB109 peaks at +1 dpa which is later than that of GhMYB25
that has maximal expression at –1 dpa, suggesting that GhMYB109 is downstream
and this is supported by GhMYB109 transcript abundance in GhMYB25 silenced lines
(Machado et al., 2009; this study). Interestingly, the phenotypes of GhMYB109 and
GhMYB25 silenced cotton are very similar in that they both show a delay in the
timing of fiber initiation and a reduction in fiber length (Machado et al., 2009; Pu et
al., 2008). These results suggest that GhMYB25-like is a key regulatory component,
acting upstream of GhMYB25 and GhMYB109, in the pathway specifically
regulating epidermal cell differentiation to form cotton seed trichomes, although the
other two MYBs may also function in trichome differentiation in other parts of the
plant (Figure 7e).
GhMYB25-like: a candidate to manipulate cotton fiber yield?
While the addition of an extra copy of GhMYB25-like, under the control of its own
promoter, increased total expression of GhMYB25-like and enhanced the expression
levels of other transcription factors involved in fiber development, the number of
initials on the surface of developing cotton ovules was unaffected. Machado et al.
(2009) have shown that increasing the levels of GhMYB25 by over-expressing it under
the control of a strong, constitutive promoter resulted in only a modest increase in the
number of trichomes on ovules, leaves and petals, but there is clearly some feedback
regulation at either the transcriptional, translational or post-translational level or
additional factors yet to be identified that prevents a significant alteration in the
number of epidermal cells becoming fibers, despite the increase in expression of this
critical transcription factor. We need to better understand the regulation of
GhMYB25-like and perhaps more targeted expression under the control of a similar
promoter lacking Myb binding sites or alternatively a strong ovule-specific promoter,
such as the FBP7 (Floral Binding Protein 7) promoter (Colombo et al., 1997), will
increase its expression sufficiently to increase the number of initials on the ovule
surface and hence improve fiber yield.
Even though transgenic cotton lines are difficult to generate, they provide a
powerful means to validate the functional significance of genes involved specifically
in cotton fiber development. Silencing and over-expression lines are essential tools to
unravel the complex regulatory networks that control fiber initiation through further
transcriptional profiling and will allow the identification of potential new candidates
for the manipulation of cotton fiber traits such as quality and yield.
Plant material
Wild-type and mutant cotton cultivars of G. hirsutum (Coker315, Xuzhou 142 (also
called Xu142 or XZ142), and the fiberless line Xu142 fl (also called XZ142w)), and
accessions of G. arboreum and G. raimondii were used in this study. The Xu-142 fl
mutant and its parental Xu142 were provided by Professor Xiao-Ya Chen (Institute of
Plant Physiology, Chinese Academy of Science, Shanghai, PR China), while other
lines were obtained from Dr Greg Constable (Australian Cotton Research Institute,
Narrabri, Australia). Vegetative and reproductive tissues were harvested from cotton
plants grown in a glasshouse under conditions as described previously (Wu et al.,
2006). Developing ovules were excised from developing flower buds or bolls on
selected days before or post-anthesis (dpa) relative to the day of anthesis (0 dpa).
GhMYB25-like silencing and over-expression constructs.
The 560 bp C-terminal coding region fragment of GhMYB25-like downstream of the
conserved R2R3 binding domain was amplified using Herculase II Fusion
polymerase (Stratagene, ) from cotton 0 DPA cDNA using
the gene-specific primers (forward 5’-GGTTCACGTCTTCATCG-3’; reverse 5’CAGAAGGGGAAGCATTC-3’)
cloning (Invitrogen, following the manufacturer’s
protocol. The amplified PCR fragment was recombined in both orientations into the
pHellsgate8 silencing vector via an intermediate pDONR201 vector (Invitrogen) as
described previously (Machado et al., 2009).
BAC library screening with the GhMYB25-like cDNA sequence and BAC
sequencing were as described in Machado et al., 2009. Phylogenetic and molecular
evolutionary analyses were conducted using MEGA version 4.0 (Tamura et al., 2007).
A 4.6kb Hind III sub-clone of the genomic sequence from BAC 207D10 under the
control of its own promoter was cloned into the pPLEX506 expression vector
(Schünmann et al., 2003) to produce an over-expression construct driven by the
constitutive Segment 7 promoter of the Sub-clover Stunt virus that was introduced
into Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain AGL1 by electroporation.
GhMyb25-like GUS reporter gene construct
The GhMYB25-like promoter region was amplified using Herculase II Fusion
polymerase from DNA of BAC207D10 (G. hirsutum cv. Acala Maxxa BAC library,
extensions for gateway cloning as recommended by the manufacturer. The 1.3kb
promoter was recombined into the GUS reporter vector pSirogateIV-GUS via the
pDONR201 intermediate vector, as described above, as a transcriptional fusion with
the GUS coding region and malic enzyme terminator. The construct was transformed
into AGL1 for transformation into cotton as described below.
Production of transgenic cotton plants
For the production of transgenic plants, cotyledons were cut from sterile Coker315
seedlings and used as explants for transformations according to the protocol of
Murray et al. (1999). Transgenic plantlets were grown to maturity for the collection of
T1 seeds and homozygous T3 lines were obtained as described previously (Machado
et al., 2009). PCR was used to confirm the presence of transgenes in transformants
and progeny of over-expression and silencing lines as reported previously (Machado
et al., 2009).
Histochemical assay of GUS gene expression
Histochemical assays of GUS activity in T1 transgenic cotton plants were conducted
as described by Jefferson et al. (1987). Stained cotton ovules at the developmental
stage of 0 dpa +3 dpa were embedded in LR White Resin. The samples were cut into
10 μm thick sections using a Leica microtome and were photographed under a Ziess
DMR microscope (Ziess, equipped with dark-field optics. All
other samples were examined and photographed under a Zeiss MC80-DX microscope
with attached digital camera.
PCR amplification of genomic clones and sequencing
The full length GhMYB25-like gene was amplified from genomic DNA isolated as
described by Patterson et al. (1993) from Coker 315, Xu142, Xu142 fl, G. arboreum
CAATTAATCTCAAAAGACAGAAGAAC-3’, respectively, generating a 1200 bp
fragment. The PCR reaction contained 100 ng of genomic DNA, 200 μM each of the
dNTPs, 0.2 μM each of the primers, 1 unit of Phusion Taq DNA polymerase and 1x
Phusion buffer (Phusion) in a 50 μl reaction as recommended. The PCR product was
cloned into pGEM-T Easy and sequenced.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
Fiber and trichome development on ovules, leaves, petals and petioles was visualised
by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Cotton ovules were collected from multiple
flowers of transgenic and non-transgenic plants at developmental stages of 0, +1, +2,
+3, +4, +6, +8 and +10 dpa as described previously (Wu et al., 2006). Ovules were
frozen in an Oxford CT 1500 cryotrans system, gold coated and imaged using a JEOL
6400 scanning electron microscope (JEOL, as described by
Craig and Beaton (1996). Trichomes were visualised by SEM on the abaxial leaf
surface of the first fully expanded leaf and on the petioles attaching those same leaves
and on petals of recently opened flowers.
Quantitative Real-Time PCR
The expression levels of GhMYB25 and other fiber-related genes were analysed by
quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) in an ABI7900 sequence detection system
according to the manufacturer’s protocol (Applied Biosystems). A cotton ubiquitin
gene was used as a reference gene for normalisation. The forward and reverse primers
used for ubiquitin were 5’- CCAGAAGGAATCCACTTTGC -3’ and 5’CCAGCTCACATCAGCATACG -3’, respectively, and the resulting amplified
fragment was 132 bp in length. The forward and reverse primers for GhMYB25-like
GATCCCCAGAATCACAAACC-3’ respectively, producing a fragment of 168 bp
from both the A and D-genome GhMYB25-like genes. The primers for GhMYB25
GGCAGTGAAATGGTTGCTTT-3’ producing a fragment of 155 bp and the primers
ATGGTCAGGAATCCAGAAAGTG -3’ produced a 101 bp fragment. Total RNA
was isolated from tissues preserved in RNAlater (Ambion,
solution as described by Wu et al. (2002) and digested with RNase-free TURBO
recommendations. A total of 1 μg of RNA was reverse-transcribed from an
recommendations (Invitrogen). The cDNA samples were diluted 10 fold and 2 μl of
the dilution was used as a template in a reaction containing 5 μl SYBR Green
JumpStart Taq Ready Mix (Sigma,, 1 μl each of the
forward and reverse primers (10 μM) and 1 μl of PCR-grade water. Cycling
conditions were as in Machado et al. (2009). Relative expression levels were
determined by the ΔΔCt method.
Acknowledgements This work was partly funded by the Australian Cotton Research
and Development Corporation and the Cotton Breeding Australia Joint Venture
between CSIRO and Cotton Seed Distributors. The authors would like to thank Todd
Collins, Merran Hunter, Donna Fraser and Mark Talbot for their excellent technical
assistance and Dr Cheng at the Australian National University Electron Microscope
Unit for assistance with SEM.
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Figure 1. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR measurements of GhMYB25-like in cotton
ovules and vegetative tissues. Expression was normalised against the expression of
the cotton ubiquitin gene. Error bars are standard deviation of six technical repeats.
The various stages of fiber development are indicated with arrows.
Figure 2. Histochemical localization of Myb25like-GUS expression in mature
transgenic cotton plants. (a-x). (a-h) Longitudinal sections of cotton bolls. cw, carpel
wall; l, o, ovule; p, pollen. GUS expression was detected at -3 dpa (a), 0 dpa (c), +3
dpa (e) and +6 dpa (g), but not in the corresponding wild-type controls (b, d, f, h).
Staining was observed on the surface of the transgenic ovule (i) compared with the
non-transformed ovule (j) at 0 dpa and higher expression was observed in fiber initials
(k) as indicated by the arrow. Scale bars = 1 mm; (k) Darkfield micrographs of 10 µm
thick cross sections of 0 dpa (q, s) and non-transformed 0 dpa ovules (r, t) and +3 dpa
transgenic ovules (u, w) and non-transformed + 3dpa ovules (v, x). f, fiber; e,
epidermis; o, outer integument of ovule; i, inner integument of ovule. Scale bars =
100 μm. Expression was localised to the epidermal layer and fiber cells in transgenic
ovules (as indicated by arrows; q, s, u, w), but not in non-transgenic ovules (r, t, v, x)
at +3 dpa. No GUS activity was detected in elongating fibers at 10 dpa (l). Staining in
the root vasculature, root tip and root cap tissues of 10 day old T1 seedlings (m), but
not in T1 seedlings of non-transformed seedlings (n). Expression was detected in
pollen grains (o) of the flower at 0 dpa, but not in the untransformed plants (p).
Figure 3. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR measurements of GhMYB25-like transcripts
in GhMYB25-like RNAi silenced (25Li) transgenic cotton lines. The four different
transgenic lines are indicated at the top of the graph. Expression was normalised
against the expression of the cotton ubiquitin gene. Error bars are standard deviation
of six technical repeats.
Figure 4. Photographs of a mature boll and seed from wild-type control (a,b) and
GhMYB25-like silenced line 25Li-23 (c,d). SEM images of (e,f) 0 dpa ovules; (g, h)
+2 dpa ovules; abaxial surfaces of leaves (i, j), petal bases (k,l) and petioles (m,n) in
wild-type control (left panel) and GhMYB25-like silenced line 25Li-23 (right panel).
SEM images were taken at a similar position in the middle of ovules or leaves of the
same age. Scale bar = 50 μm (e-l) and scale bar = 200 μm (m-n). Mature seed of (o)
the Chinese cultivar Xu142 and (p) its completely fiberless derivative Xu142 fl.
Figure 5. (a) Quantitative real-time RT-PCR measurements of GhMYB25-like in
transgenic cotton containing an additional copy of GhMYB25-like under the control of
its own promoter; (b) SEM images of 0 dpa ovules of wild-type control (upper panel)
and over-expression line OX25L-11 (lower panel); (c) Fiber initials were counted
from SEM images of 0 dpa ovules and were expressed as the percentage of initials per
thousand non-fiber epidermal cells. The values were averaged over 8 selected ovules
covering a total area of about 240 mm2. Scale bars = 50 μm.
Figure 6. (a) Quantitative real-time RT-PCR measurements of GhMYB25-like in
Xu142 (parental) and Xu142 fl (fiberless mutant) cotton lines. Expression was
normalised against the expression of the cotton ubiquitin gene. Error bars are standard
deviation of six technical repeats; (b) Alignment of GhMYB25-like protein sequence
from Xu142 and Xu142 fl with GhMYB25 and AmMIXTA. Conserved amino acids
are shaded and the mutation in the DNA binding domain of Xu142fl MYB25-like is
indicated with an arrowhead.
Figure 7. (a) Quantitative real-time RT-PCR measurements of GhMYB25 and
GhMYB109 transcripts in ovules and developing seeds of GhMYB25-like silenced
transgenic cotton line (25Li-23); (b) Quantitative real-time RT-PCR measurements of
GhMYB109, GhMYB25 and GhMYB25-like transcripts in ovules and seeds of
GhMYB25 silenced cotton line (SIL-4); (c) Quantitative real-time RT-PCR
measurements of GhMYB109 and GhMYB25 transcripts in Xu142 and Xu142 fl
ovules and seeds; (d) Quantitative real-time RT-PCR measurements of GhMYB109
and GhMYB25 transcripts in 0 dpa ovules of GhMYB25-like over-expression
transgenic lines (OX25L plants). Expression was normalised against the expression of
the cotton ubiquitin gene. Error bars are standard deviation of six technical repeats;
(e) Proposed pathway of regulation for three MYBs involved in fiber development.
The phenotype observed when each MYB is silenced in cotton is indicated. The
model proposes that GhMYB25-like is an upstream component of fiber development
which regulates the expression of GhMYB25. This in turn regulates the expression of
GhMYB109 and may also feedback to negatively regulate the expression of
Figure S1. Sequence alignments and phylogenetic analysis of the cotton GhMYB25like proteins and related plant MYBs.
Figure S2. Phenotypes of mature bolls, seeds and trichome bearing tissues of wildtype and different GhMYB25-like silenced transgenic cotton lines.
Figure S3. Timecourse of expression of fiber MYBs in wild-type Coker315 cotton
during ovule and seed development.
Figure S4. GhMYB25 and GhMYB109 expression in ovules and developing seeds of
additional GhMYB25-like silenced transgenic cotton lines.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure S1. Sequence alignments and phylogentic analysis of the cotton GhMYB25like protein with related plant MYBs.
(a) Alignment of DNA sequences from BAC 207D10 (xxx) and BAC 241J3 (xxx)
with the MYB25-like genomic sequences from G. arboreum (GaMYB25-like, xxx)
and G. raimondii (GrMYB25-like, xxx). The DNA sequences from nucleotide
position 635 to 1531 (BAC201D10, GaMYB25-like and GrMYB25-like) and from
nucleotide position 1803 to 2699 (BAC241J3) are shown. BAC207D10 is more
similar in sequence to GrMYB25-like and BAC241J3 to GaMYB25-like. (b)
Alignment of the cotton GhMYB25-like protein with other plant MYB proteins.
GhMYB25-like, Gossypium hirsutum MYB25-like (accession xxxx); GhMYB25,
Gossypium hirsutum MYB25 (EU826465), AmMIXTA, Antirrhinum majus MIXTA
(CAA55725); AmMYBML1, Antirrhinum majus Myb-related transcription factor
MIXTA-like 1 (CAB43399); AmMYBML2 Antirrhinum majus Myb-related
transcription factor MIXTA-like 2 (AAV70655); AmMYBML3 Antirrhinum majus
Myb-related transcription factor MIXTA-like 3 (AAU13905); PhMYB1, Petunia
hybrida Myb.Ph1 (S26605); AtMYB16, Arabidopsis thaliana MYB16 (NP_197035).
Conserved amino acids are shaded. Alignments were generated with CLUSTAL W.
(c) Bootstrap consensus phylogenetic tree generated from the above full-length
sequences together with GhMYB109, Gossypium hirsutum MYB109 (CAD71140);
GaMYB2, Gossypium arboreum MYB2 (AY626160); AtGL1, Arabidopsis thaliana
GLABROUS1 (CAB97485), AtMYb17 (NP_191684), AtMYB106 (NP_186763)
AtMYB66(WER) (NP_196979) and G. hirsutum ESTs PTGh00951 and PTGh01003
in MEGA4. GenBank accession numbers are in parentheses. The moss Psycomitrella
patens MYB, PsycoMYB (P80073), was used as the outgroup. The sequence
alignments were produced using CLUSTALW and the consensus tree was generated
using the Nearest Neighbour Joining method in MEGA4. Boostrap values from 1000
replications are included.
Figure S2. Phenotypes of mature bolls, seeds and trichome bearing tissues of wildtype and different GhMYB25-like silenced transgenic cotton lines.
SEM images of 0 dpa ovules, (a,b); +2 dpa ovules (c, d) of wild type control (a,c) and
different silenced lines (b,d). Photographs of opened mature bolls from wild-type
control (e) and silenced lines (f); SEM images of abaxial surfaces of leaves (g,h),
petal bases (i,j), petioles (k,l) and photographs of single seeds (m,n) of wild-type
control and GhMYB25-like silenced lines (25Li-16, 25Li-33, 25Li-49), respectively.
SEM images were taken at a similar position in the middle of ovules or leaves of the
same age. The different transgenic lines are indicated at the top of the panels.
Figure S3. Timecourse of expression of cotton fiber MYBs in wild-type Coker315
during ovule and seed development.
Quantitative real-time RT-PCR measurements of (a) GhMYB25 and (b) GhMYB109
transcripts in developing ovules from -2 dpa to +10 dpa. Expression was normalised
against the expression of the cotton ubiquitin gene. Error bars are standard deviation
of six technical repeats.
Figure S4. GhMYB25 and GhMYB109 expression in ovules and developing seeds of
additional GhMYB25-like silenced transgenic cotton lines.
Quantitative real-time RT-PCR measurements of (a) GhMYB25 and (b) GhMYB109
transcripts in ovules and seeds of additional GhMYB25-like silenced transgenic cotton
lines from -2 to +10 dpa. The names of the different transgenic lines are indicated at
the top of the graphs. Expression was normalised against the expression of the cotton
ubiquitin gene. Error bars are standard deviation of six technical repeats.