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Name: ______________________________________________
Period: ________
Cell Respiration Quiz
1. In the diagram above of a mitochondrion, glycolysis occurs in area
a. 1
c. 3
b. 2
d. 4
2. In the diagram above of a mitochondrion, the reactions of the Krebs Cycle would occur in
a. 1
c. 3
b. 2
d. 4
3. When the body needs to exercise for longer than 90 seconds, it generates ATP by
carrying out
a. Lactic acid fermentation
c. Cellular respiration
b. Alcoholic fermentation
d. Glycolysis
4. You have been growing some animal cells in culture. The cells grow well for several
weeks, and then don’t see to grow as well. You conduct some tests and determine that
there is a lot of lactic acid in the culture fluid. Which of the following is the most likely
explanation for the poor condition of the cells?
a. There is too much glucose in the culture fluid
b. There is not enough glucose in the culture fluid
c. There is too much oxygen in the culture fluid
d. There is not enough oxygen in the culture fluid
5. The end products of glycolysis include
a. FADH2
c. Acetyl CoA
d. O2
6. In the overall production of cellular respiration, free energy is conserved as ATP. What
mechanism or mechanisms are responsible for ATP synthesis?
a. Made entirely by chemiosmosis
b. About ½ are made by substrate level phosphorylation and ½ by chemiosmosis
c. Most are made by ATP synthase and the rest by substrate level phosphorylation
d. Most are made by ATP synthase and the rest by the electron transport chain
7. During which of the following phase(s) of cellular respiration does substrate-level
phosphorylation take place?
a. The Krebs cycle
c. Prep stage of pyruvic acid
b. Chemiosmosis
d. Glycolysis and the Krebs cycle and ETC
8. A mutant plant is found. In the plant, some mitochondria lack an inner mitochondrial
membrane. Which of the following pathways would be completely disrupted in these
a. Alcoholic fermentation
c. Chemiosmosis
b. Glycolysis
d. The Krebs cycle and glycolysis
9. Which of the following processes produces the most ATP per molecule of glucose?
a. Anaerobic respiration
c. Alcoholic fermentation
b. Aerobic respiration
d. All produce same amount of ATP
10. The prep stage between glycolysis and the Krebs cycle is
a. The conversion of pyruvic acid to acetyl CoA
b. The oxidation of NADH
c. The oxidation of FADH2
d. The conversion of ADP to ATP
11. A child is born with a rare disease in which mitochondria are missing from skeletal
muscle cells. Physicians find that the muscles function. Not surprisingly, they also find
a. The muscles require extremely high levels of oxygen to function
b. The muscles contain large amounts of ATP following even mild physical exercise
c. The muscles contain large amounts of lactic acid following even mild physical
d. The muscle cells require extremely large amounts of carbon dioxide to function
12. When an organism, such as yeast, lives by fermentation it converts the pyruvic acid from
glycolysis into a different compound, such as alcohol. Why doesn’t it secrete the pyruvic
acid directly?
The conversion yields one ATP per pyruvic acid molecule
The conversion yields one NADH per pyruvic acid molecule
The conversion yields a bit more energy from the starting glucose molecule
The conversion is needed to regenerate the NAD+ consumed during glycolysis
13. In cellular respiration, _________ is oxidized and _________ is reduced
a. O2…glucose
c. Glucose…ATP
b. CO2…H2O
d. Glucose…O2
14. Some irresponsible teenagers are trying to make wine in their basement. They’ve added
yeast to a sweet grape juice mixture and have allowed the yeast to grow. After several
days they find that sugar levels in the grape juice have dropped, but there’s no alcohol in
the mixture. The most likely explanation is that
a. The mixture needs more sugar. Yeast need a lot of energy before they can begin
to produce alcohol
b. The mixture needs less oxygen. Yeast only produce alcohol in the absence of
c. The mixture needs more oxygen. Yeast need oxygen to break down sugar and get
enough energy to produce alcohol
d. The mixture needs less sugar. High sugar concentration stimulate cellular
respiration, and alcohol is not a by-product of cellular respiration
15. The energy given up by electrons as they move through the electron transport chain is
used to
a. Break down glucose
b. Make NADH and FADH2
c. Pump H+ ions through a membrane
d. Oxidize water
16. Most of the NADH that delivers high energy electrons to the electron transport chain
comes from
a. Chemiosmosis
c. Cytoplasm
b. Glycolysis
d. Krebs cycle
17. In an experiment, mice were fed glucose containing a small amount of radioactive
oxygen. The mice were closely monitored, and in a few minutes radioactive oxygen
atoms showed up in
a. CO2
c. H2O
d. O2
18. A glucose molecule is completely broken down in glycolysis and the Krebs cycle, but
these two processes yield only a few ATPs. Where is the rest of the energy the cell
obtains from the glucose molecule
a. In FAD and NAD+
c. Lost as heat
b. In organic molecules
d. In NADH and FADH2
19. What do you think the enzyme phosphofructokinase does?
a. Turns glucose into fructose
b. Creates pyruvic acid
c. Adds a phosphate group from ATP to fructose
d. Splits Fructose-1,6-phosphate to create two G3P
20. How many molecules of ATP would be produced from 20 molecules of glucose at the
end of fermentation?
a. 20
c. 80
b. 40
d. 760
21. A single glucose molecule can drive the Krebs cycle
a. One turn
c. Three turns
b. Two turns
d. Six turns
22. The energy released in the mitochondrial electron transport chain is used to transport
protons into the
a. Matrix
c. intermembrane space
b. Cytoplasm
d. ER
23. In the cyclic reaction of Krebs cycle, the following chemical events will occur except:
a. Acetyl group is joined with a 4 carbon, oxaloacetate
b. Citric acid is oxidized
c. Two CO2 molecules are produced per cycle
d. Pyruvic acid molecules are restored to the cycle.
24. Your friend is having difficulty keeping track of the energy flow from glucose through
glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and electron transport. Your best advice would be to
a. follow ATP produced
b. follow the electrons
c. follow the NAD+ production
d. follow the organic molecules.
25. A mutant strain of yeast is able to produce 2 ATP for each glucose molecule digested in
the absence of oxygen. What makes this strain unique is that it does this without
producing toxic acids or alcohols. Scientists find high levels of pyruvate in the yeast, and
discover that the mutation in this yeast has resulted in the synthesis of a novel enzyme.
What is the most likely function of this enzyme?
a. Reduction of NAD+ to NADH
b. Oxidation of NADH to NAD+
c. Hydrolysis of ATP into ADP + Pi
d. Dehydration synthesis of ADP + Pi into
26. In Figure 4
a. PGAL is reduced 1,3-diphosphoglycerate
b. NAD+ is oxidized by PGAL
c. PGAL is oxidized while NAD+ is
d. NAD+ is phosphorylated
27. The production of CO2 in the respiring seeds is most likely the result of which of the
following processes?
a. Krebs cycle
b. Photophosphorylation
c. Calvin cycle
d. Glycolysis
28. The rapid decrease in CO2 production above 50°C is
most likely the result of which of the following?
a. Germination was completed and CO2
generating process was no longer necessary
b. Because of the high temperatures, CO2 was
consumed rather than produced
c. The enzymes responsible for respiration were
d. High temperatures inactivated the chlorophyll
29. Oligomycin is an antibiotic that blocks proton channels in the cristae of mitochondria by
binding to ATP synthase. Which of the following would be the first expected response
after the application of oligomycin to cells?
a. Water production would increase
b. H+ would increase inside the intermembrane space (the compartment between
inner and outer membranes)
c. H+ would increase in the matrix (inside mitochondrial inner membrane)
d. H+ would increase outside mitochondria
30. Respiration_______ and cellular respiration______.
a. Produces ATP… is gas exchange
b. Is gas exchange… produces carbon dioxide
c. Uses glucose… produces glucose
d. Produces glucose… is gas exchange
Short Answer: Be concise, yet thorough in your answers. Include any relevant information. (5pts each)
31. After a biochemical analysis of the victim’s tissues, brilliant biologist/criminal
investigator J.C. Mickleberry announced his findings, “Contrary to the conclusions of
the police, the victim did not suffocate. The electron carriers, in his mitochondria,
were all in the oxidized state. We will need to perform a second autopsy to determine
the actual cause of death.” Explain how the data led to Mickleberry to his conclusion.
32. When oxygenated blood is pumped through your heart, where does it go and what
does it help do? What are the products? What happens to the blood as a result of this
33. Explain why the absence of O2 is problematic to the process of cellular respiration.
Describe how a muscle cell may attempt to compensate during strenuous exercise.
34. A microbiologist poured a test tube full of yeast into a flask of sugar water and
periodically took samples from the flask. At first, the amount of sugar in the flask
decreased gradually. Then there was a sharp drop in sugar, accompanied by the
appearance of ethanol in the flask. Explain all of the results. In your response, include
the equation of the reaction occurring.