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Name the first of the three stages of cellular respiration. GLYCOLYSIS Name the second of the three stages of cellular respiration. KREBS CYCLE Name the last stage of cellular respiration. ELECTRON TRANSPORT CHAIN How many total molecules of ATP are produced during cellular respiration? 36-­‐38 ATP TOTAL Write the equation for cellular respiration. C6H12O6 + 6O2 -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐> 6CO2 + 6H2O + 36-­‐38 ATP What gets broken down in cellular respiration to give you energy? FOOD MOLECULES/GLUCOSE What are the reactants in the cellular respiration equation? GLUCOSE (C6H12O6) & OXYGEN (O2) What are the products in the cellular respiration equation? CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2), WATER (H2O), & ATP Which step of cellular respiration occurs in the cytoplasm? GLYCOLYSIS How many TOTAL (not net) ATP are made during glycolysis? 4 ATP How many net ATP are made during glycolysis? 2 ATP Name the 3 reactants in glycolysis. GLUCOSE (C6H12O6), 2 NAD+, & 2 ATP What type of fermentation occurs in muscle cells? LACTIC ACID What type of fermentation causes bread to rise? ALCOHOLIC What type of fermentation is used in the production of yogurt? LACTIC ACID What are the two types of fermentation? LACTIC ACID & ALCOHOLIC What is the purpose of fermentation? MAKES NAD+ TO ALLOW GLYCOLYSIS TO CONTINUE How many ATP are produced during fermentation? ZERO If oxygen is present, what happens after glycolysis? KREBS CYCLE If oxygen is absent, what occurs after glycolysis? FERMENTATION What does the term “aerobic” mean? REQUIRES OXYGEN What stages of cellular respiration are aerobic? KREBS CYCLE & ETC Will the Krebs Cycle occur if fermentation occurs? NO-­‐ PYRUVATES WILL GO ONE PLACE OR THE OTHER The substance an enzyme acts on is called the what? SUBSTRATE The area of an enzyme where the substrate attaches is called the what? ACTIVE SITE What reactant is required for the Krebs Cycle? PYRUVATE Where does the electron transport chain take place? IN AND ACROSS THE MITOCHONDRIA’S INNER MEMBRANE Where in the cell does glycolysis take place? THE CYTOPLASM/CYTOSOL Where in the cell does the Krebs Cycle occur? IN THE MITOCHONDRIA’S MATRIX Which two molecules pass high energy electrons to the ETC? NADH & FADH2 Which molecule made during glycolysis goes directly to the ETC? NADH Why do we breathe heavily after we run? BODY IS REPAYING AN OXYGEN DEBT/DEFICIT How many NADH molecules are made during the Krebs Cycle? 8 NADH How many FADH2 molecules are made during the Krebs Cycle? 2 FADH2 Each NADH will create how many ATP molecules? 3 Each FADH2 will create how many ATP molecules? 2 What byproduct is created during the Krebs Cycle? CARBON DIOXIDE What byproduct is created during the ETC? WATER What effect does an enzyme have on the rate of a reaction? INCREASES THE RATE What effect does an enzyme have on activation energy? DECREASES THE ACTIVATION ENERGY NEEDED How do chemical reactions create new substances? BY BREAKING AND FORMING CHEMICAL BONDS Sketch a graph of an exothermic reaction. Label the reactants and products. Sketch a graph of an endothermic reaction. Label the reactants and products. Which type of chemical reaction releases energy/heat? EXOTHERMIC Which type of chemical reaction absorbs energy/heat? ENDOTHERMIC Define “activation energy”. THE AMOUNT OF ENERGY REQUIRED TO START A CHEMICAL REACTION. Sketch a graph of an uncatalyzed reaction vs. a catalyzed reaction. Label which reaction is which. Sketch an enzyme and a substrate. Label each, and also label the active site. Sketch an ATP molecule, and label each part. 3 PHOPHATES RIBOSE ADENINE What are the 3 products of glycolysis? 2 NET ATP, 2 PYRUVATE, & 2 NADH What stage of cellular respiration is oxygen direction involved in? ELECTRON TRANSPORT CHAIN What is oxygen’s role in the ETC? PICKS UP HYDROGEN IONS AT THE END OF THE ETC, WHICH FORMS WATER How is energy released from an ATP molecule? BOND BETWEEN 2ND AND 3RD PHOSPHATES IS BROKEN What does ATP stand for? ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE What does ADP stand for? ADENOSINE DIPHOSPHATE What process turns ADP back into ATP? CELLULAR RESPIRATION What important enzyme in the ETC reattaches phosphates to ADP? ATP SYNTHASE What suffix is commonly found at the end of enzyme names? -­‐ASE Most enzymes are what type of macromolecule? PROTEINS What is the main function of the Krebs Cycle? PRODUCE NADH & FADH2 WHICH CARRY HIGH ENERGY ELECTRONS TO THE ETC. What happens to hydrogen ions after they pass through the ATP synthase protein? THEY ARE PICKED UP BY OXYGEN AND BOND WITH OXYGEN TO BECOME WATER Which of the three steps of cellular respiration produces the most ATP? ELECTRON TRANSPORT CHAIN Do plants use cellular respiration? YES-­‐ TO BREAK DOWN THE SUGARS THEY MAKE DURING PHOTOSYNTHESIS!