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Different versions of a particular gene.
A method of obtaining cells from a foetus
for genetic testing.
Asexual Reproduction
When an organism produces offspring that
are clones of itself. The offspring have
just one parent.
A person who has the recessive allele for a
characteristic or disease and can pass it
on, but who does not have the
characteristic or disease itself.
Threads of genes found in the nucleus of a
Organisms which are genetically identical
to each other.
Cystic Fibrosis
An inherited disorder caused by recessive
alleles that affects a person’s breathing
and digestion.
Genes are made from this chemical.
An allele that will show up in an organism,
even if you have only one copy.
A source of variation between individuals.
Making decisions about what you believe is
the right or wrong way to behave.
False Negative
A wrong test result for a medical
condition. The person has the condition but
it is not detected by the test.
False Positive
A wrong test result for a medical
condition. The test result says a person
has the condition when they do not.
A section of DNA at a particular position
on a chromosome, that controls a
characteristic of the organism.
Genetic Engineering
Altering the characteristics of an organism
by introducing genes from another
organism into its DNA.
Genetic Screening
Testing a population for a particular allele.
Genetic Testing
Testing an individual for a particular allele.
Gene Therapy
When a faulty allele is replaced with a
normal allele, to try to cure a genetic
Human Fertilisation and
Embryology Authority
A chemical messenger secreted by
specialised cells that bring about changes
in cells or tissues elsewhere in the plant or
A committee that decides upon the uses of
in vitro fertilisation.
Huntington’s Disorder
An inherited disease of the nervous system
caused by a dominant allele. The symptoms
only appear in middle age.
In Vitro Fertilisation
When sperm are used to fertilise an egg
outside the human body.
The part of a cell containing the genetic
Pre-implantation Genetic
Diagnosis (PGD) or
Embryo Selection
Embryos are fertilised outside the human
body and tested for faulty alleles. Only
embryos without the faulty allele are put
into the mother’s uterus.
Genes are instructions for making these.
An allele that will only show up in an
organism when two copies are present.
Reproductive Cloning
Sexual Reproduction
Technique used to produce an adult clone
of an organism. An example of this was the
cloning of ‘Dolly’ the sheep.
This form of reproduction involves the
fusion of sex cells at fertilisation.
Sex Cells
Specialised cells that carry one copy of
the parents’ genetic information and join
together at fertilisation.
Cells that have developed into one
particular type of cell e.g. muscle cells,
nerve cells
Stem Cells
Therapeutic Cloning
Unspecialised cells that can develop into
different types of cells.
When a woman chooses to have an
operation to end her pregnancy before the
embryo/foetus is fully developed.
Technique used to produce cloned embryos
from a patient. In the future, stem cells
from the embryo may be used to treat a
medical condition of the patient.
Differences between organisms of the
same species.
Sex chromosomes found in a body cell of a
Sex chromosomes found in a body cell of a