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Anatomy 32 Lecture
Chapter 20 - Lymphatic System
A. Introduction to the Lymphatic System
B. Lymph Nodes
C. Lymphatic Vessels
D. Lymphatic Organs & Lymphocytes
II. ____________ System - consists of lymphatic vessels, lymphocytes, lymphoid tissues &
A. ____________ of the lymphatic system include:
1. Lymphatic vessels transport _______ that has escaped from the blood vessels back to
the ________ stream
Transports absorbed ______ and some vitamins from the small intestine to the blood
_______________ in lymphatic tissues help to provide immunological defenses
against disease-causing agents
B. Lymph & Lymphatic Vessels
1. The lymphatic system has been called the second ___________ system, but the fluid
within travels one way -- toward the heart
Lymphatic ____________ are closed-ended and form networks in the intercellular
spaces near blood capillaries of most tissues
Lymphatic capillaries are highly permeable and collect _____ _________ that has
escaped from blood vessels
This fluid in the lymphatic capillaries is called _________
__________ are lymphatic capillaries in the villi of the small intestine that
transport absorbed fats, in the form of _______, from the GI tract to the blood
Lymph moves from lymphatic capillaries  lymph collecting vessels  lymph
_____  lymphatic _____  lymphatic ____, which empty into neck ______
Lymphatic capillaries merge into larger lymph ___________ ___________, which
accompany blood vessels and have a structure similar to veins
Superficial LCVs parallel superficial _______; deep LCVs of the trunk &
digestive organs accompany deep _________
LCVs have the same three _______ as blood vessels and contain one way
________ to prevent backflow
Lymph is moved via skeletal _______ contractions, intestinal movement, and
peristaltic contractions of some lymph vessels
III. Lymph ______ - bean shaped organs located along the collecting vessels
A. Function to _________ the lymph of pathogens
B. ________________ of lymph nodes include
1. ____________ nodes near jugular veins & carotid arteries
2. ____________ nodes in the armpit
3. ____________ nodes in the superior thigh
4. Tracheobronchial nodes in the ____________
5. __________ nodes along the abdominal aorta
6. __________ nodes along the iliac arteries
C. Lymph node ____________
1. Lymph nodes are small bean shaped bodies enclosed in fibrous CT ____________
2. Lymph filters through the ____________ tissue of lymph nodes clustered along the
lymphatic vessels
Lymph nodes contain ____________ that help purify the lymph and house ___ & ___
lymphocytes responsible for immunity
__________ lymphatic vessels carry lymph into the node, where it is circulated
through lymph _________ (irregular channels)
Lymph leaves the node via the ___________ lymphatic vessel, which emerges from
the _______ – a concave depression.
D. ___________ is a tropical disease caused by mosquito- borne round worms that infect and
block lymph nodes. This results in chronic edema and grotesquely swollen extremities
IV. Lymph Trunks
A. Lymphatic collecting vessels converge to form lymph _______
B. Five major lymph trunks, from inferior to superior are:
1. __________ - paired trunks along the sides of the aorta in the inferior abdomen;
drains the lower limbs, pelvic organs, & some abdominal wall
____________ - unpaired trunk near the posterior abdominal wall; receives
________ from digestive organs
Bronchiomediastinal - paired trunks near __________ sides; collect lymph from
the thoracic viscera & thoracic wall
___________ - paired near base of neck; receive lymph from upper limbs, inferior
neck, & superior thoracic wall
Jugular - paired at base of each int. ___________ vein; drain lymph from head &
V. Lymphatic Ducts
A. Lymphatic trunks drain into lymphatic ________, the largest lymphatic vessels
B. The two major lymph ducts are the thoracic & right lymphatic
1. _____________ duct
a. Drains lymph from the upper & lower extremities, abdomen, ____ thoracic, and
head & neck regions
The trunk ascends the spinal column and drains into the left _____________ vein
The _________ _______ is a saclike enlargement of the duct that collects lymph
from the lower extremities and intestines
________ _____________ duct
a. Drains lymph from the _________ upper extremity, thoracic region, head & neck
The duct empties into the right ____________ vein, near the internal jugular vein
The ______________ System – recognizes, attacks, and kills foreign molecules and organisms
in the body. This system includes lymphocytes, lymphoid tissue and the lymphoid organs (lymph
nodes, spleen, thymus, tonsils, MALT, and the appendix)
VI. Lymphoid Organs & Lymphocytes
A. __________ - largest lymphoid organ, located to the left side of stomach, from which it
is suspended, in the abdominal cavity
In infants, it’s an important site for _____ production
In adults, it assists other organs in _____________ production, filtering blood, and
destroying old RBCs. It contains
_____ pulp destroys old RBCs
________ pulp with germinal centers for lymphocyte production
B. ___________ - located in the anterior thorax, deep to the sternal manubrium
1. It is much larger in a fetus & child than in an adult and is an important site of
It houses lymphocytes & changes undifferentiated lymphocytes into ___
lymphocytes. Types of T lymphocytes include
____________ T (CD4) cells - stimulate the production of B & T cells; works
with B cells to increase antibody production
________________ (killer) T (CD8) cells - cause lysis and death of foreign cells
________________ T cells - inhibit proliferation of T cells
______________ T cells - remain in lymphoid tissues for years and recognize
original invading antigens
C. Lymphocyte ______________
1. Lymphocytes originate in ____ marrow as lymphoid _____ cells
a. Some migrate to the thymus to mature as ___ lymphocytes
b. Others remain in the bone marrow to become __ lymphocytes
2. B & T lymphocytes migrate to infected CT tissues, such as the lymph tissue in lymph
_____, where they become fully activated.
3. __ lymphocytes stimulated by antigens on helper T cells become
a. _________ cells – create antibodies against the antigen
b. _____________ cells – create more plasma and memory cells rapidly if the same
antigen is encountered again.
4. __ & __ cells constantly patrol the bloodstream & lymph system.
D. Lymphatic ____________ within the lymph nodes are the sites of lymphocyte
____________ - are an aggregation of large lymphatic nodules embedded in the
mucus membrane of the throat. 3 types are:
_______ - largest, posterior to mouth & palate on throat sides
____________ - on posterior tongue
Pharyngeal (________) – in back of the nasopharynx; infected palatine &
pharangeal tonsils are surgically removed (____________)
Aggregated lymphoid nodules (_________ patches) are groups of lymphatic
nodules found in the _________ (3rd portion of the small intestine)
Over half the thickness of the ________________ wall is dense lymphoid tissue.
E. Lymphoid ___________ is CT where lymphocytes gather to fight invading
microorganisms. Two locations it is found include:
1. Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (________) – in mucous membranes of the
digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive tracts.
2. All lymphoid organs except the ____________.
VII. _______________ of the Lymphatic & Immune Systems
A. ________________ – viral disease common in young adults.
1. Transmitted by ___________ (“kissing disease”)
2. Caused by Epstein-Barr _______, which attacks B lymphocytes, causing massive
activation of T lymphocytes that attack the B cells.
3. Symptoms include fatigue, fever, sore throat, & swollen lymph ________; lasts about
4-6 weeks.
4. Virus remains in the body and can cause _________________ Syndrome later in life.
B. ______________ Disease – malignancy of the lymph nodes characterized by swollen,
painful lymph nodes, fatigue, fever, & night sweats.
C. Non-Hodgkin’s _____________ – all cancers of lymphoid tissues other than Hodgkin’s
D. Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (_______) – rare disorder in which a child is born
with few or no ___ or __ cells. As a result the child has no immunity and usually dies of
a minor infection
E. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (_____) – caused by infection by ____ virus
that destroys helper T cells and makes the body more susceptible to “opportunistic”
F. Autoimmune Disorders
1. ____________ arthritis – involves attack on and destruction of cartilage in the joints
of the body
2. Multiple ________ – involves attack and destruction of the myelin sheath surrounding
myelinated nerves
3. Type I _________ – involves attack and destruction of the insulin producing cells of
the pancreas
4. __________ - a chronic (long-lasting) disease in which the immune system becomes
hyperactive and attacks normal tissue. This attack results in inflammation and
deterioration of various organs.