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1. Which of the following organs is NOT included in lymphatic system?
A) lymphatic vessels
B) lymph nodes
C) thymus
D) spleen
E) kidneys
2. Which of the following is not a function of the lymphatic system ?
A) reabsorption of extra tissue fluid and proteins in interstitium
B) immune surveillance and response
C) absorption of digested fat in small intestine
D) none of the above
3. Which of the following statements about comparison between lymphatic vessel
systems and blood vessel system is correct?
A) Both lymphatic capillaries and regular capillaries are very permeable to proteins.
B) Both blood flow and lymph flow are driven by ventricular contraction.
C) Lymphatic vessels never overlap with blood vessels.
D) Valves are present in both large veins and large lymphatic vessels.
4. Large lymphatic vessels are directly connected to ____.
A) subclavian veins
B) carotid arteries
C) femoral veins
D) left atrium
5. Cancer cells usually spread from their original place into ____.
A) lymphatic vessel system before into blood vessel system
B) blood vessel system before into lymphatic vessel system
C) lymphatic vessel and blood vessel systems at the same time
6. Blockage of lymph drainage due to surgical removal of lymph nodes can cause ____.
A) edema (accumulation of tissue fluid)
B) an decrease in tissue fluid volume
C) no change in tissue fluid volume
7. The common property of lymphoid tissues and organs is that ____.
A) they all house macrophages and lymphocytes
B) they are all involved in removing aged red blood cells
C) they all house red blood cells and neutrophils
8. Removal of thymus is lethal to ____.
A) adults
B) babies
C) neither adults nor babies
9. Thymus is the place where ____.
A) T lymphocytes become mature
B) B lymphocytes become mature
10. Enlargement of lymph nodes is usually resulted from ____.
A) internal bleeding inside the lymph nodes
B) rapid increase in the number of B lymphocytes inside the lymph nodes
C) accumulation of tissue fluid inside the lymph nodes
11. Which organ is the most easily subject to rupture from mechanical trauma?
A) kidneys
B) intestines
C) stomach
D) spleen
E) thymus
1E 2D
9A 10B
3D 4A
7A 8B