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Atmospheric Radiation Measurement
DOE’s Flagship Global Climate Change Program
ARM Climate Research Facilities in Alaska
The North Slope of Alaska Team at Sandia Labs/NM:
Bernie Zak, Jeff Zirzow, Kathy Anguiano, Jean Lewis, Mark Ivey
ARM Overview: Goals
Improve Climate Predictions
Improve Global Climate Models
- Radiative Transfer w/Clouds
- Treatment of Clouds
ARM Climate Research Facility Locations
ARM Mobile Facility Now in the Black Forest, Germany
ARM Sites Taken Together Form a
National User Facility:
ARM Climate Research Facility (ACRF)
-Open to All on a Proposal Basis
-Uses Not Limited to Climate Research
-Number of Users is the Figure of Merit
-No Sunset Date for ACRF
-Use Fees Limited to Additional Costs
North Slope ARM Climate Research Facility:
Where Climate Change is Most Rapid
Categories of Instrumentation*
-Surface Meteorological Sensors
-Wind, Temperature and Humidity Profilers
-Cloud Observation Instrumentation
-Downwelling Radiation Sensors
-Upwelling Radiation Sensors
-Aerosol Instrumentation
-Gas Instrumentation
*About 70 sensors in all (on the North Slope),
including radars, lidars, spectrometers, imagers,
etc. etc.
Selected NSA ACRF Field Experiments*
• Upcoming: Indirect and Semi-Direct Aerosol Campaign
• International Polar Year 2007-09
• IR Loss (On-going, 2006) and RHUBC, 2007
• Boundary Layer Cloud (2005)
• Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud (M-PACE 2004)
• NASA AIRS Validation (2002-ongoing)
• Arctic Winter Water Vapor (2001, 2004)
• Aerosonde Robotic Aircraft (1999-2005)
• SHEBA (1997-98)
*About two dozen have taken place at the NSA
Barrow ACRF Facility: “Great White”
Barrow ‘Duplex’ and Visiting
ARM Scientists