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Online marketing vs
traditional marketing
„dvertising will always be. In the television, on radio, in
newspapers, on billboards, in the Internet, at the post
office and even in the toilets „- Philip Kotler in an interview with Gazeta Wyborcza.
Internet Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing
Features of traditional and internet marketing
Target group
Internet users
Contact with consumers
Two-ways, interactive
Knowledge about a
Client’s trust
The growing importance of
the brand
Dominant strategy - push
Long channels
Access to information
Limited and time-consuming
Range of operating
Rather limited
Exposure time
Organization of
Formalized, slow flow of
information, low flexibility
Control of marketing
Time-consuming, often
The fundamental importance
of the brand
Dominant strategy - pull
Short channels, direct selling
Limitless and fast
The flattened structure,
rapid flow of information,
high flexibility
Faster, direct
Frąckiewicz E., Interner Marketing, Wydawnictwo
Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2006, s. 17.
The dream of every company is development. Development does not mean the same for every company. Some would like to appear on the local market and the other on the global market. All, however, have one purpose, which is to gain a profit and multiply inserted capital.
Obviously, there’s no such thing as a free lunch. It is also clear that companies that are taking their
first steps in the business world are in more difficult situation on the market, because they need a
strong determination and perseverance to break through the „wall“ of consumer resistance and begin to achieve expected results. It turns out that a well-established on the market companies are not
much better. They are also forced to make an effort to develop the company so that the products
and services offered by them meet the expectations of their buyers.
In the twenty-first century, having and implementing marketing policy (strategy) plays an important
role in every company. The development of the company largely depends on it. By design, marketing
in companies should be doneby professionals or individuals who present a high level of marketing
knowledge. In practice, it looks a little different, the management of marketing policy depends on the
size of the company. The one-man businesses or small companies often give such a task to outside
companies (B2B), while medium and large companies usually have a team of specialists.
In the context of implementing the marketing policy departments select appropriate marketing channels for activities or campaigns that they are planning to take. They define the objectives of these
activities, target markets, also opportunities and budget. After agreeing on the mentioned items they
decide on which marketing to implement: traditional or online.
The last decade turned the world of marketing „upside down.“ It turned out that the development of
advanced technology had and still has a huge impact on the broadly understood marketing and in
particular marketing on the Internet.
E-marketing adds a lot of emotions for marketers who recently had to significantly upgrade their
knowledge in this field, and the popularity of internet marketing continues to grow. At the moment, it
probably spread to all sectors, although not all are developed at a high level yet. Expert marketers
have their hands full. Each decision is worth its weight of gold. What matters is the financial efficiency, which directly involves the selection of the type of marketing (traditional or online). It must be
supported by earlier insightful market research and a good marketing strategy of the company.
What is the traditional marketing?
The primary task of any marketing activity is gaining new customers and maintaining the existing
ones. Using appropriate marketing techniques, it is possible to create consumer awareness associated with the brand, company, product or service. In order to maintain an adequate level of marketing
there should be balance between the offered products or services, and practiced customer service.
It is extremely important so that your marketing activities prove to be successful and to maintain the
high quality of the actions undertaken.
Other important elements that must be taken into account when conducting marketing activities and
building effective marketing strategy are demographic factors, the market needs, defining target market, and many other industry factors that require comprehensive market research.
Marketing is an intelligent field possessing creative techniques, including different kinds of advertising of distribution and sales. The key is to understand the customer’s requirements. Satisfying these needs is the foundation of any successful marketer. In marketing we also have marketing mix,
which consists of product, price, promotion and placement.
Traditional marketing is very expensive. We need a lot of time and money to get the desired effect.
Until recently, it was the only reliable way to promote businesses or products. In traditional marketing
there are various media to present the offer. These are: television, radio, press, printed magazines,
outdoor billboards and many other available media. Traditional marketing still fulfills its role. So far
it is a very effective marketing channel. This is the main reason why many companies still use this
form of promotion. It still works and it is very popular.
The disadvantage of traditional marketing is that it is very expensive and requires a lot of time to get
the desired effect. In the event of introducing an offer on the local market, traditional marketing is
ideal for product promotion. However, it is no good at the international level, because it is the most
expensive of the possible advertising channel.
Nowadays, when technological development provides companies with opportunities to minimize
costs, it would be worthwhile to consider the possibility of an extension of the marketing activity. A
good marketing solution for any business may be using internet marketing that can function interchangeably compared to the traditional, or can be run simultaneously, if the target group specified in
the campaign requires that. In other words, internet marketing and traditional marketing are two important elements that should be used while efficiently running the company. Progressive marketing
strategies can provide the desired business development that will translate into a number of new
customers and the number of orders executed. That is why, it is worth investing in social media marketing and the positioning of professionally designed web page. However, keep in mind that traditional marketing is still valuable and can also bring us a lot of benefits.
What is internet marketing?
Internet marketing is a medium to promote products or services using the Internet. Creating a marketing strategy focused on internet marketing is done in the same way as creating a strategy of traditional marketing. Today one cannot imagine marketing without the Internet. Internet marketing is
considered to be much faster and less expensive channel to promote products, services and business.
Internet marketing strategy includes a variety of services including such as: Search Engine Optimization (SEO), lately the focus of attention for professionals of search engine marketing (SEM), email
marketing, SEO copywriting, web development, pay per click (PPC) advertising, advertising banners,
making different kinds of catalogues, blogging and many others.
Internet marketing is a very economical and fast way to promote the product both in the country and
in the world (it does not require additional costs), in contrast to traditional marketing, which as we
have said is very expensive and requires a lot more time for implementation.
A significant difference between the traditional and internet marketing is that in the case of the former it requires less people. It means nothing else but minimizing the costs of the company. The traditional marketing needs a greater number of people, which is associated with higher costs (personnel, social, technical, etc.).
Remember that the Internet creates opportunities for potential user to make various transactions
(e.g. purchase, sale, banking) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is impossible with traditional marketing.
Another advantage of internet marketing is the possibility of purchasing the services of a professional marketing companies. Those that operate online are significantly cheaper than stationary ones.
Comparing traditional and internet marketing, we can see that in today‘s fast developing world, in the
most economical way we can achieve the rapid growth of the company. Internet marketing is the ideal way to a successful business, both local and international. If the company does not have a large
budget for marketing, internet marketing is the best way to spread your wings. It makes it possible to
realize your advertising goals and get a return on your marketing investment in a very short period of
Let‘s try to summarize the differences between traditional and internet advertising:
Traditional advertising
Internet advertising
In case of press and bilboards the
advertising is static.
Advertising is a multimedia, it can use time
sound, image, text at the same time
There is no limit to the size of an ad
Sites and search engines precisely define
the size of an ad
Advertising is received passively
The user decides whether to read the ad, so
the perception is held at a higher level of
Advertising rarely goes precisely to the
target group
It allows you to precisely reach target
Response to the ad is not instantaneous
Response to the ad is not instantaneous
It is difficult to determine the number of
people who come into contact with
You can precisely determine the number of
people who responded to the ad
Campaigns are available only for larger
It creates the possibility of effective
promotion for smaller companies
Focused on emotions
Focused on informing