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Interactive Advertising
Hallie Fagan
Computer Literacy
Spring 2006
Computer Advertising: Two Ways
 The use of multimedia  The utilization of the
in advertising and
promoting products
Interaction is one of the major advantages
of multimedia.
Different applications of multimedia are
used everywhere from a desktop
presentation in a small travel agency to
amazing multimedia exhibitions on
computer shows.
Many applications do not require
sophisticated computer literacy.
Animation, computer graphics, sound ,
and video make computer presentations
attracting to all people.
Demo floppies and CD-ROMs are often
used to promote different types of
products and services.
In most cases potential customer does not
just observe the action like it works with
TV commercials.
 He or she gets a respond from the
computer, has a choice what to look for,
when to start and to finish.
It’s new, it’s interesting, it’s attractive, and
therefore such advertising works.
Advantages of Multimedia
 Interaction is one of the major advantages of
 Considerably low cost
 Demo CDs and floppies are inexpensive
 More and more companies are using demo CDs
as their free catalogs that they ship to their
 These catalogs are user friendly and easy to
use, so it takes only a few minutes to find what
you’re looking for
Internet Advertising
World Wide Web reaches millions of
Advertising on the web used to be difficult
because of the people who used the
Most were anti-business people who cared
about computers and the Internet that
could not be bought, sold, or "infected" by
different types of advertising.
Advertising on Web
The Internet has become the fastest
growing advertising medium
Millions of different audiences to reach on
Number of advertiser sites on the Internet
World Wide Web is fifty times greater than
it was two years ago.
Who advertises on Net?
All the companies that can see the
necessity in advertising and promoting
their products
It’s hard to find one company that doesn’t
have a website or online ad
Who are their audiences?
ANYONE who..
Has access to the Internet
There is basically no limit in the age, race,
education, or income
Internet Advertising is separated
into two categories
Company owned
Web sites
Use of popular Web
Which is Best?
To have both is BEST
If one company doesn’t have a web ad
or page, they are behind every other
Common Web Ads
Banner ads on popular Web sites.
Electronic magazines and publications
Online Mags
We can read many magazines on the
net free of charge.
There is no reason to subscribe for
Only way for the magazines to
survive is to sell space on their Web
sites for advertising.
60% of mags are ADVERTISING
Online Catalogs & Classifieds
Have become very attractive for
many businesses that are doing
retail sales.
Classified Ads are very attractive:
everyday one can get a fresh
information about what’s on sale and
where to buy it.
Advantages of Online Advertising
Free Offers
Costs of Online Ads
HUGE Audience
Interactive Aspect
There 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Things to Consider…
How much is it going to cost ?
Where should the company products
be advertised and promoted ?
How cost effective would it be ?
How can we make sure that the
advertising works?
Negatives of Online
Annoying Promotions
Constant Pop-Ups
Junk E-mail
Most of the info used for this
presentation is from:
Illinois Institute of Technology
Department of Computer Science
and Applied Mathematics
Future Of Online
Computers will be cheaper
Access to the Internet is freely available
Modern technology makes the Internet fast,
interactive, and attractive.
People will interact with advertising where
they used to watch it.
Advertising will not disappear. It will change
its forms, it will be more and more