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A Report by Ms Vicki Shelton, City of
Greater Geelong
August/September 2008
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................. 4
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................ 5
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 6
BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................ 7
Impacts In Coastal Areas – Human Pressures & Climate Change Impacts .................... 7
Sea Level Rise And Storm Surge.................................................................................... 7
Sea Level Rise Maps ..................................................................................................... 10
Adaptation ..................................................................................................................... 11
CLIMATE CHANGE ....................................................................................................... 12
USA – SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA ...................................................................... 13
Climate Change Impacts - Sea Level Rise .................................................................... 13
Planning for Climate Change - Sea Level Rise ............................................................ 13
Construction Methods ................................................................................................... 14
Information and Research ............................................................................................. 14
Guidelines and Standards .............................................................................................. 14
Applicability ................................................................................................................. 15
USA – NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA .......................................................................... 16
Climate Change Impacts - Sea Level Rise .................................................................... 16
Living With Risk in New Orleans ........................................................................ 16
Hurricane Katrina.................................................................................................. 17
Planning for Climate Change - Sea Level Rise ............................................................ 19
Construction Methods ................................................................................................... 20
Information and Research ............................................................................................. 24
Guidelines and Standards .............................................................................................. 24
Applicability ................................................................................................................. 26
SWEDEN – WESTERN HARBOUR, MALMO ............................................................. 27
Climate Change Impacts - Sea Level Rise .................................................................... 28
Planning for Climate Change - Sea Level Rise ............................................................ 28
Construction Methods ................................................................................................... 28
Information and Research ............................................................................................. 28
Guidelines and Standards .............................................................................................. 29
Applicability ................................................................................................................. 29
SWEDEN – HAMMERBY, STOCKHOLM ................................................................... 30
Climate Change Impacts - Sea Level Rise .................................................................... 31
Planning for Climate Change - Sea Level Rise ............................................................ 31
Construction Methods ................................................................................................... 31
Information and Research ............................................................................................. 32
Guidelines and Standards .............................................................................................. 32
Applicability ................................................................................................................. 32
UK – GREENWICH, MILLENIUM VILLAGE.............................................................. 33
Climate Change Impacts - Sea Level Rise .................................................................... 33
Planning for Climate Change - Sea Level Rise ............................................................ 34
Page 2
Construction Methods ................................................................................................... 34
Information and Research ............................................................................................. 34
Guidelines and Standards .............................................................................................. 36
Applicability ................................................................................................................. 36
UK – GREENWICH, THAMES BARRIER .................................................................... 37
Climate Change Impacts - Sea Level Rise .................................................................... 37
Planning for Climate Change - Sea Level Rise ............................................................ 37
Construction Methods ................................................................................................... 37
Information and Research ............................................................................................. 38
Guidelines and Standards .............................................................................................. 38
Applicability ................................................................................................................. 38
ADAPTATION OUTCOMES AND FUTURE IMPLICATIONS .................................. 39
Climate Change Impacts ............................................................................................... 39
Planning for Climate Change ........................................................................................ 39
Construction Methods ................................................................................................... 39
Information and Research ............................................................................................. 39
Guidelines and Standards .............................................................................................. 40
Applicability ................................................................................................................. 40
BIBILIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................... 41
Page 3
I would like to thank the Municipal Engineering Foundation for selecting me to receive this award in
2008 and to Mr Robert Ward MEF trustee for guiding us at the Congress and providing support along
the way.
In particular I want to acknowledge Ms Kay Rundle, Chief Executive, Mr Peter Reeve General Manager
City Services and Mr David Hannah Manager Engineering Services at the City of Greater Geelong for
encouraging me to apply for this award and allowing me the time to attend the congress and extended
Study Tour itinerary.
I want to also thank my fellow participants Mr Mike Ellis Cardinia Shire, Mr Nick Mazzarella Darebin City
Council and Mr Justin Hinch Horsham Rural City Council for making the tour both enjoyable and
I wish to acknowledge the following municipalities who were kind enough to grant us access to their
staff and permit us to visit and learn from them
The City of Santa Monica, California, USA
The City of Malmo, Sweden
The City of Vaxjo, Sweden
The City of Stockholm, Sweden
The City of Greenwich, UK
The City of Sutton, UK
The City of Milton Keynes, UK
Page 4
The Municipal Engineering Foundation Study Tour of USA, Europe and UK in 2008 focused on Climate
Change and the impacts on our environment. The group of four participants set an itinerary that
allowed us to visit Cities in the United States, Sweden, Denmark and the United Kingdom and research
innovations in planning, resource use, water reuse and energy efficiency in residential and commercial
developments. My topic focused on the impacts of Sea Level Rise on infrastructure in the Cities visited.
Although my report initially envisaged new or cutting edge research from the overseas sites I visited,
what I did find is that Australia is on a par if not leading the world in our assessment of the impacts of
Climate Change in relation to sea level rise. Our ability to adapt is still in its embryonic stages with much
emphasis being placed on research and understanding the impacts of sea level rise on our
infrastructure and environment.
What I did observe was that each City we visited was aware of Climate Change and the impact of sea
level rise but were focused on other aspects such as the cause of Climate Change – reduction in
Carbon emissions and the impacts in relation to available resources as their main priorities.
I was able to observe how recent developments have incorporated the potential impacts of sea level
rise within their original planning phase. The majority of Swedish development had designed to build at
least 300mm above existing surface levels which themselves were around 2.5m above sea level.
Storm surge is currently the major influence on protection measures as indicated by the Thames
Barrier in London and the Levee systems of New Orleans. Acceptance of the flood impacts on
individual properties over time has led to reduced insurance coverage and thus greater losses when a
devastating event does occur. This is particularly evident in the USA.
The concept of Adaptation and the options to protect, accommodate or retreat were applied in varying
degrees in each location visited. Protection is the initial choice for all locations in the form of levees,
pump systems and sea and river walls, followed by non-structural options including changes to
planning schemes and the provision of specified floor levels. The option to retreat is now being
considered as an acceptable solution to adapt to Climate Change impacts due to sea level rise in
coastal areas. This includes building structures with a short asset life in susceptible areas or the
relocation of populations from flood devastated areas such as in New Orleans where rebuilding may no
longer be viable.
Page 5
My chosen topic referred to Climate Change and the impacts on Civil Infrastructure due to Sea Level
Rise. The objectives were:
To observe and seek information from other Municipalities and Authorities on how they are
currently managing sea level rise in relation to their existing and future stormwater
management systems (Climate Change Impacts - Sea Level Rise);
To determine how a City can Plan for new residential development and manage existing
developments whilst mitigating the impact of combined stormwater flooding and sea level rise
events (Planning for Climate Change - Sea Level Rise);
To assess different construction methods and materials used in these environments
(Construction Methods);
To make found research available for the education of local engineers, consultants, planners
and residents living in these seaside communities (Information and Research);
To apply changes to the City of Greater Geelong’s standard design specifications, guidelines
and conditions (Guidelines and Standards);
To apply changes across similar Bayside Municipalities in our region (Application to Australia).
The topics chosen by my fellow awardees also reflected Climate Change and referred to new
developments, water reuse and energy efficiencies.
We chose to visit municipalities predominantly located on the coast and those locations that had
undertaken or were planning to undertake major urban renewal projects. Thus allowing us to observe
and obtain information in relation to how growing communities adapt to climate change.
The sites chose were:
The City of Santa Monica, California, USA
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA where we also attended the APWA Congress
Washington DC, USA
Copenhagen, Denmark
The City of Malmo, Sweden
The City of Vaxjo, Sweden
The City of Stockholm, Sweden
The City of Greenwich, UK
The City of Sutton, UK
The City of Milton Keynes, UK
Page 6
Impacts In Coastal Areas – Human Pressures & Climate Change
Few of the world’s coastlines are now beyond the influence of human pressures, although not all coasts
are inhabited. It has been estimated that 23% of the world’s population lives both within 100km distance
of the coast and < 100m above sea level and population densities in coastal regions are about three
times higher than the global average. 60% of the world’s 3 metropolises with a population of over 5
million are located within 100 km of the coast, including 12 of the world’s 16 cities with populations
greater than 10 million.
The direct impacts of human activities on the coastal zone have been more significant over the past
century than impacts that can be directly attributed to observed climate change. The major direct
impacts include:
drainage of coastal wetlands, deforestation and reclamation, and discharge of
sewage, fertilizers and contaminants into coastal waters;
extractive activities including sand mining, hydrocarbon production, harvest of
fisheries and other resources, introduction of invasive species;
engineering structures such as construction of seawalls and damming, channelisation
and diversions of coastal waterways.
The following table summarises the range of potential drivers of climate change impacts in coastal
areas. (IPCC 2007)
Sea Level Rise And Storm Surge
Global sea level rise is projected by the IPCC to be 18-59 cm by 2100, with a possible contribution from
ice sheets of 10 to 20 cm. However, further ice sheet contributions that cannot be quantified at this time
may increase the upper limit of sea level rise substantially. Global climate models indicate that mean
sea level rise on the east cost of Australia may be greater than the global mean sea level rise.
Page 7
Storm surges occurring on higher mean sea levels will enable inundation and damaging waves to
penetrate further inland. This would increase flooding, erosion and damage to built infrastructure and
natural ecosystems. Changes to wind speed will also affect storm surge height. Storm surge studies for
portions of the Victorian and Queensland coasts demonstrate the potential for significant increases in
inundation due to higher mean se level and more intense weather systems.
The following box explains how storm surge occurs. (CSIRO 2007)
Climate change and sea level rise affect coastal settlements and infrastructure in several ways. Refer
following table (IPCC 2007)
Page 8
New Orleans is subsiding and therefore exposed to additional risks of extreme water levels overtopping
flood defenses as occurred during Hurricane Katrina.
Figure 1 Maximum Flooding Depth New Orleans
By September 1, 2005, portions of Lakeview, Gentilly, New Orleans East, and the Lower Ninth Ward
were submerged in more than 10 feet of water (orange and red colored areas). Significant portions of
the city stood in water more than 6 feet deep (green and aqua colored areas). (ASCE 2007)
Page 9
London as a coastal city is heavily dependent upon artificial coastal defenses. It therefore requires
upgraded design criteria for its flood embankments and barrages such as the Thames Barrier.
Figure 2 Tower Bridge, Thames River, London
Sea Level Rise Maps
Website shows areas of coastline that would be flooded at various
stages of sea level rise for the sites visited.
Page 10
Recent extreme events, both climate and non-climate related, that had major consequences for coastal
systems, provide important messages for adaptation to climate change. Scientific literature and
government reports emanating from hurricane and cyclone impacts (e.g., Cook Islands (Ingram, 2005);
Katrina (US Government, 2006); Australia (Williams et al., 2007), flood impacts (e.g., Mumbai (Wisner,
2006)) and the Boxing Day Sumatran tsunami (UNEP, 2005; UNOCHA, 2005) include the following.
(IPCC 2007)
An effective early warning communication and response system can reduce death
and destruction;
Hazard awareness education and personal hazard experience are important
contributors to reducing community vulnerability;
Many factors reduce the ability or willingness of people to flee an impending disaster,
including the warning time, access and egress routes, and their perceived need to
protect property, pets and possessions;
Coastal landforms (coral reefs, barrier islands) and wetland ecosystems (mangroves,
marshes) provide a natural first line of protection from storm surges and flooding,
despite divergent views about the extent to which they reduce destruction;
Recurrent events reduce the resilience of natural and artificial defenses;
In the aftermath of extreme events, additional trauma occurs in terms of
dispossession and mental health;
Uncoordinated and poorly regulated construction has accentuated vulnerability;
Effective disaster prevention and response rely on strong governance and institutions,
as well as adequate public preparedness.
The following figure illustrates the evolution of thinking with respect to planned adaptation practices in
the coastal zone. It also provides examples of current adaptation interventions. (IPCC 2007).
Page 11
I observed a range of adaptation measures in relation to Climate Change Impacts due to Sea Level
Rise and storm surge from each of the following visited municipalities.
New Orleans, USA
Levees / pump systems
Malmo, Sweden
Reclaim land, foreshore protection works
Hammerby, Sweden
Reclaim land
Greenwich, UK
Thames Barrier, river bank protection
Santa Monica, USA
Specify building floor levels
New Orleans, USA
Flood hazard mapping, wetland restoration,
Malmo, Sweden
Specify building floor levels
Hammerby, Sweden
Specify building floor levels
Greenwich, UK
Specify building floor levels
New Orleans, USA
Flood warnings, evacuation protocols
I shall now comment on each of the Municipalities visited in respect to the following six issues; in this
case the Cities specifically affected by Sea Level Rise and shall provide a summary on adaptation
outcomes and future implications.
1. Climate Change Impacts - Sea Level Rise
2. Planning for Climate Change - Sea Level Rise
3. Construction Methods
4. Information and Research
5. Guidelines and Standards
6. Applicability
Page 12
In Santa Monica, California, we met with Shannon Parry, Sustainable City Program Coordinator and
Neal Shapiro, Urban runoff coordinator from the City of Santa Monica’s Environment Unit.
The City of Santa Monica covers an area of 8.3 square miles. It is surrounded on one side by Santa
Monica Bay and the remaining 3 sides by the City of Los Angeles. The residential population of Santa
Monica is 90,000 with an anticipated 150,000 visitors on a normal day increasing to 500,000 a day in
summer. Residents enjoy a 2% higher income compared to the Greater Los Angeles area but there are
an increasing number of poor and homeless, mainly due to a temperate climate.
Figure 3 Santa Monica, California - Foreshore
Climate Change Impacts - Sea Level Rise
Sea level rise impacts on the west coast of California are mitigated by the existence of the California
Shelf which extends into the Pacific Ocean. The Santa Monica foreshore rises over 18 feet to the built
up area. The majority of stormwater outfalls to Santa Monica Bay are at the beach level, inundation of
outfalls would cause stormwater to back up the system and in the situation of a storm surge event
potentially lead to flooding in some lower lying areas.
Planning for Climate Change - Sea Level Rise
Any areas susceptible to inundation due to sea level rise are likely to be the beach front and beach side
cliffs and thus the majority of impact would be on natural structures rather than man made
infrastructure. On observation a number of older buildings and associated access roads are located
along the lower foreshore level. They would be susceptible to inundation in an event. It is noted that
the majority of impacts would be to the Tourism industry due to reduced available beach area for
recreation purposes.
Page 13
Construction Methods
The Santa Monica pier was recently redeveloped and strengthened to combat potential storm surge
events. The facilities on the pier are powered via solar cells; this includes the lighting, carnival rides
and recharging facilities for the electric cars operated by the City’s Environment Unit. Many of the
outfalls to the bay have decreased flows due to the introduction of Low Impact Development Strategies
in Santa Monica’s Urban Watershed Management Program. Sites are being redeveloped to include
retention and treatment of stormwater runoff for use on site thus reducing the amount of discharge to
the stormwater network and thus to the bay. Santa Monica voters approved the Clean Beaches and
Ocean parcel tax which will fund a comprehensive 20-year plan to improve water quality in Santa
Monica Bay, increasing recreational options and controlling local flooding by enhancing investment in
stormwater infrastructure and pollution control.
Figure 4 Santa Monica, California – Santa Monica Pier
The Pier prepares to turn 100 on September 9th, 2009, in 1983 severe storms damaged over one third
of the piers length.
Information and Research
Thirteen years ago Santa Monica launched the Sustainable City Plan (SCP), a visionary plan for the
community’s future. Santa Monica is now an internationally recognized and award winning
sustainability leader. The plan sets goals in the areas of; Resource Conservation, Environmental &
Public Health, Transportation, Economic Development, Open Space & Land Use, Housing, Community
Education & Civic Participation, Human Dignity. Santa Monica prepares an annual Sustainable City
Report Card which represents a snapshot of Santa Monica’s progress toward meeting its aggressive
sustainable city plan goals.
Guidelines and Standards
The City of Santa Monica provides guidelines for stormwater management on new and development
sites. The City of Santa Monica website contains links to agencies and resources applicable to all areas
of their sustainable City Plan. Visit to view the SCP and links to resources.
Page 14
The California Coastal Commission has prepared a Local Coastal Program (LCP) for Santa Monica.
The policies applicable to the LCP are organized as follows:
Protection and expansion of public access to the shoreline and recreational opportunities and
resources, including commercial visitor-serving facilities;
Protection, enhancement and restoration of environmentally sensitive habitats, including
intertidal and nearshore waters, wetlands, bays and estuaries, riparian habitat, certain wood
and grasslands, streams, lakes, and habitat for rare or endangered plants or animals;
Protection of productive agricultural lands, commercial fisheries and archaeological resources;
Protection of the scenic beauty of coastal landscapes and seascapes;
The establishment, to the extent possible, of urban-rural boundaries and directing new housing
and other development into areas with adequate services to avoid wasteful urban sprawl and
leapfrog development; and
Protection against loss of life and property from coastal hazards.
Potential impacts on the foreshore cliff areas may be applicable in the area of Clifton springs where we
have quite unstable cliff soil materials. The Best Management Practices guidelines for onsite treatment
of stormwater for potential reuse can be applied to Australian situations with many of the examples
particularly relevant.
Page 15
In New Orleans, Louisiana, we attended the APWA Congress from Sunday 17th August to Thursday
21st August. The following are some summary comments from relevant congress presentations,
workshop sessions and a City tour. The main topic of conversation of course was Hurricane Katrina
and the Renewal / Rebuilding efforts that have gone on since that day on the 29 August 2005.
Figure 5 - The group on the Mississippi River Levee Bank – Mike Ellis, Justin Hinch, Robert
Ward, Vicki Shelton and Nick Mazarella
Climate Change Impacts - Sea Level Rise
Living With Risk in New Orleans
The French established New Orleans around 1718 and it flooded that year. In 1722 / 23 hurricanes
caused flooding and again in 1735 major flooding occurred. It was a poor site which was known to be
flood prone. However it was an excellent situation to make it a compelling site for settlement. It was the
gateway to the Mississippi Basin and hinterland. French colonial settlement was able to hold back the
British and prevent them expanding their colonial holdings. The French were able to export the riches of
the country.
Therefore the economic potential benefits of the site outweighed the risk of settlement.
The initial settlement was located on high ground, 15 feet above sea level (ASL); the physical site was
surrounded by marshes and swamps.
The initial risk from flooding was assumed by the property owner not the government. Gradually over
time the risk was transferred to the government with the building of levees to ensure the Mississippi
was navigable. Initial levees were 4 feet high compared to the current height of 22 feet today. Many
were poorly maintained and inconsistent construction allowed floods to break through. However New
Orleans had no river breaches post construction of the levees in 1860.
Page 16
New Orleans fronts onto Lake Ponchartrain, the Lake front was subject to storm surges and thus berms
were built to protect the land. This location was the first part of a levee system to be constructed that
would allow drainage of wetlands near the lake and thus provide land for new real estate. In 1915 the
first storm occurred around the lake, 25000 homes were damaged. City Engineers rethought how to
assess risk and rebuilt the sea wall 9.5 feet high along the lake front. Residents moved to take up the
lake front lots in new subdivisions created in the 1920’s thus creating a situation of risk by encouraging
people to move into harms way.
In 1927 the Mississippi river flooded and 700,000 people were displaced however no flooding occurred
at New Orleans, the levees held. The newly built structures kept out the floods but built a false sense of
security. Man builds levees to a certain standard but they can be exceeded by an event as per 1927.
After 1927 the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) built levees and outlets, spillways and
canals that mimicked nature thus trying to tame the river and wetlands.
No major hurricanes hit the area until 1947, in which only minor flooding of new residential areas
occurred due to protection from the sea wall but major flooding was experienced in Jefferson parish to
the west. Subsequently, the USACE built a major earthen berm along the lake front to protect Jefferson
parish. Again in 1975 hurricane Betsy caused a lot of flooding with over 27,000 homes destroyed and
300,000 people were evacuated and 81 fatalities recorded. Evacuation became a new component
added to flood risk and adaptation.
The USACE then presented an ambitious program with congress to begin encircling larger areas of
New Orleans with levees to keep hurricane storms out. They defined a standard hurricane reasonably
likely to occur in this region, i.e. 100 mph and a 1/200 years return (0.5%). This criteria was prior to the
current categories of 1-5 which consider a 1/100 year return event (1%). In fact the current categories
consider it a decrease in risk.
The outcomes of all this resulted in:
USACE building higher levees which took more time to build but at the same cost;
People felt levees negated the risk;
Creating a levee system which created a false sense of security, and didn’t really deal with
Levees reduced risk from river flooding but increased risk due to false sense of security by
building behind the levee;
Public were not aware of the potential consequences.
Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Katrina made landfall as a category 4 storm in Plaquemines Parish, LA on the morning of
August 29, 2005. The storm overtopped levees and floodwalls throughout southeast Louisiana and also
caused levees and floodwalls in the New Orleans area to fail or breach in more than 50 locations.
Water rushed into New Orleans and flooded over 80 percent of the city – more than 10 feet deep in
some neighborhoods.
One thousand one hundred eighteen (1,118) people lost their lives in the New Orleans area and over
130 are missing and presumed dead (2007). Economic losses totaled more than US$100billion.
Roughly 300,000 homes and over 1,000 historical and cultural sites were destroyed along the
Louisiana and Mississippi coasts.
Page 17
Figure 6 New Orleans - Flooded
Overtopping and breaching at approximately 50 locations in the hurricane protection system led to
destructive flooding that covered more than 80 percent of New Orleans (ASCE 2007)
More than 400,000 people fled the city. The estimated population in 2004 (US 2004 census) was
1,034,126 and in 2006 was estimated at 581,417 a 44 percent decrease. Many of the population had
not returned to New Orleans since Katrina. Some areas have chosen not to rebuild because they
cannot get adequate insurance to cover rebuilding costs.
Figure 7 New Orleans - Mass Migration
The evacuation of New Orleanians before and after Hurricane Katrina represents the largest mass
migration in United States history since the Civil War. Above, immediately following the hurricane, the
Page 18
Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport became a processing center for rescued people
leaving the city. Below, thousands of evacuees left the area by bus. (ASCE 2007)
I had the opportunity to visit the devastated 9th Ward and view first hand the damage still in evidence
from this disaster. Some areas are starting to rebuilt but it will be a long time before full development
occurs if ever.
Figure 8 Lower Ninth Ward after Floodwaters Were Removed
The force of the torrential waters raging through Industrial Canal East Bank North Breach (upper right)
knocked some houses in the Lower Ninth Ward many feet off their foundations and completely
obliterated others. (This photo was taken after floodwaters had been removed.) (ASCE 2007)
The main question asked in relation to New Orleans is why would you build in such a low lying area
knowing that it is subject to flooding? As noted previously the economic potential benefits of the site
outweighed the risk of settlement. From New Orleans, products reach Americans either via a 14,500
mile inland waterways network including the Mississippi, Missouri and Ohio Rivers, or via other
transportation modes, including six railroad lines, 50 ocean carriers, 16 barge lines, and 75 truck lines
with access to the port. In addition to cargo, cruise ships and riverboats transport more than 700,000
passengers through the port annually.
The situation in the rest of the USA is that over 150,000 square miles or 7% of the country is prone to
floods. Almost 10 million households and US$390 billion in property are at risk today. The rate of urban
growth in flood plains is twice that of the rest of the country. Noting that the average annual loss of life
from floods is stable, however the average annual flood losses are rising. The loss of natural flood
storage continues. But damages have increased in real dollars and disaster relief averages US$3billion
per year and uninsured losses are growing.
Planning for Climate Change - Sea Level Rise
Aerial video, still photography, and laser altimetry surveys of post-storm beach conditions along the
foreshore of New Orleans were collected on August 31 and September 1, 2005 for comparison with
Page 19
earlier data. The comparisons show the nature, magnitude, and spatial variability of coastal changes
such as beach erosion, overwash deposition, and island breaching. The data will be used to further
refine predictive models of coastal impacts from severe storms. The data is being made available to
local, state, and federal agencies for purposes of disaster recovery and erosion mitigation. (USGS).
The research project is similar to the Future Coasts Project underway in Victoria, Australia. Tasks
Database and GIS Development – develop and populate relevant databases, websites
Subsidence and Sea Level Rise investigations – collect geologic data
Impacts of Subsidence and Sea Level Rise – use high resolution seismic data, lidar to
demonstrate impacts
Technology Transfer – promote information transfer to future users
New Orleans has learnt to adapt to the impacts of storm surge and Sea level rise via protection from
levees, pump systems and now an effective evacuation system.
Construction Methods
Evidence from the recent hurricane events showed how the earthen berms and levees held. There
were two direct causes of the levee breaches: collapse of several levees with concrete flood walls
(called I-walls) because of the way they were designed, and overtopping, where water poured over the
tops of the levees and floodwalls and eroded the structures away. Furthermore, the many existing
pump stations that could have helped remove floodwaters were inoperable during and after the storm.
Figure 9 Major Breaches in the New Orleans Hurricane Protection System
Failures of several I-walls and levees along the canals that finger into New Orleans allowed massive
amounts of water to flood New Orleans. (ASCE 2007)
The I-walls failed because the margin of safety used in the design process was too low – especially
considering that the hurricane protection system was a critical life-safety structure. The engineering
Page 20
design did not account for the variability in the strength of soft soils beneath and adjacent to he levees.
The designers failed to take into account a water-filled gap that developed behind the I-walls as they
bowed outward from the forces exerted by the floodwaters.
Some overtopping of levees is to be expected in a major storm. However, the levees were not armored
or protected against erosion – an engineering choice of catastrophic consequences because this
allowed the levees, some constructed of highly erodible soil, to be scoured away, allowing water to pour
into New Orleans.
Figure 10 Failed I-Wall and Levee Sections
The levees and I-walls were constructed piecemeal with different top elevations and of different
materials: earth, steel, and concrete. The floodwaters preferentially attacked the lower-elevation
erodible earth first, causing major breaches. (ASCE 2007)
The following figures show examples of typical USACE flood protection structures and subsequent
failure modes.
Figure 11 Overtopped I-wall Failure Mechanism
Page 21
1: Floodwaters overtop the I-wall.
2: The water scours soil from the land-side of the I-wall and washes it away.
3: I-wall fails due to lack of foundation support.
Water flowing over the floodwalls scoured and eroded the land-side of the levee at the base of the
walls. The sheet piles that support the I-walls were undermined. In some locations, the sheet pile walls
may have lost all of their foundation support, resulting in failure of the wall. (ASCE 2007)
Figure 12 Overtopped Levee Erosion Failure Mechanism
1: Floodwaters overtop the levee.
2: The water scours soil from the crest and land-side of the levee and washes it away.
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3: Some levees constructed of sand and silt washed away completely.
Water overtopping the levees caused serious scour and erosion. Some levees were completely
washed away. (ASCE 2007)
The USACE’s overall strategy to protect against flooding caused by hurricanes and storm surge is to
built levees or floodwalls around segments of New Orleans. The three main project areas are:
Lake Ponchartrain, Louisiana and Vicinity, Hurricane Protection Project
West Bank and Vicinity, New Orleans, Louisiana, Hurricane Protection Project
New Orleans to Venice, Louisiana, Hurricane Protection Project
The USACE had just completed works on the 17th Street Canal pumping station in the Lake
Ponchartrain project and during the conference I was able to visit the site and see first hand the pump
system in action.
Figure 13 17th Street Canal Breach
The 17th Street Canal breach began at approximately 6:30am. By 9:00am, torrents of water from Lake
Ponchartrain were rushing in to flood the Lakeview neighborhood (top of photo) and, ultimately, much
of midtown New Orleans and surrounding areas. (ASCE 2007)
Page 23
New Orleans’s pumping system is one of the largest in the world. There are nearly 100 pumping station
sin the greater New Orleans area. Some recently complete, i.e. the 17th Street Canal and others over
100 years old, i.e. the Metairie Pump station which we also visited.
Figure 14 New Orleans – 17th Street Canal Pump Station
Information and Research
The USACE Interagency Performance Evaluation Taskforce (IPET) was tasked with identifying lessons
learned and ways to potentially improve the performance of the existing hurricane protection system at
the authorized level of protection. The IPET’s work is documented in a comprehensive final report that
is available at
The Chief of Engineers from the USACE requested that The American Society of Civil Engineers
(ASCE) form an external review panel to review and comment on IPET’s work. The Hurricane Katrina
External Review Panel has prepared a report; The New Orleans Protection System – “What Went
Wrong and Why” and a statement; Hurricane Katrina: One Year Later “What Must We Do Next?”
Extracts from both documents are referred to in the preparation of this report.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), NASA, USACE, and the University of New Orleans are
cooperating in a research project investigating coastal change that occurred as a result of Hurricane
Katrina. The USGS project is one step to understanding the impacts of storm surge and provide
potential options for adaptation in the future.
Guidelines and Standards
Specific recommendations from the ASCE report include:
Understand risk and embrace safety
Keep safety at the forefront of public priorities - All responsible agencies in New Orleans and
throughout the nation should re-evaluate their policies and practices to ensure that protection of public
safety, health, and welfare is the top priority for the infrequent but potentially devastating impacts from
Page 24
hurricanes and flooding. The United States Congress should establish and fund a program for
nationwide levee safety and rehabilitation, much as we do for major dams.
Quantify the risks - The USACE should complete the work necessary to quantify and effectively
communicate the risk as soon as possible, and, because risk assessment and communication is not
static, should periodically update the assessment of risk. This risk assessment approach should be
extended to all areas of the nation that are vulnerable to major losses from hurricanes and flooding.
Communicate the risks to the public and decide how much risk is acceptable - Local, state, and federal
agencies should create and maintain quality programs of public risk communication in New Orleans
and other areas threatened by hurricanes and flooding.
Re-evaluate and Fix the Hurricane Protection System
Rethink the whole system, including land use in New Orleans - Local, state, and federal leaders should
review the overall strategy and systems approach, integrating hurricane protection tactics, land-use
considerations, and emergency response strategies into a coherent and well-thought-out system.
Correct the deficiencies - Local, state, and federal leaders should continue the work necessary to
correct the deficiencies in the hurricane protection systems, and bring this work to completion with
urgency. Establish mechanisms to incorporate changing information. Make the levees functional even if
overtopped. Strengthen or upgrade the floodwalls and levees. Upgrade the pumping stations.
Revamp the Management of the Hurricane Protection System
Put someone in charge - Local, state, and federal leaders should agree to assign to a single individual
the responsibility for managing critical hurricane and flood protection systems such as the one in the
New Orleans area.
Improve inter-agency coordination - All agencies involved in the hurricane protection system should
implement far better and more effective mechanisms for coordination and cooperation.
Demand engineering Quality
Upgrade engineering design procedures - The engineering community should review and update
engineering design procedures for hurricane and flood protection systems to ensure that these updated
procedures take all reasonable steps to protect the public safety, health, and welfare.
Bring in independent experts - Agencies responsible for design of hurricane and flood protection
systems and other critical life-safety structures should engage independent experts in high-level review
of every project.
Place safety first - ASCE, working in partnership with the USACE and other engineering organizations,
should reinforce the need to place the safety, health, and welfare of the public first, and should
communicate that public safety must always be the highest priority.
ASCE also recommended that the USACE take a proactive leadership role in three areas:
Clearly communicate to the public the serious risk of catastrophic flooding in the New Orleans
area with the existing hurricane protection system.
Argue vigorously for the best possible evacuation and emergency response plan.
Proceed with urgency to improve upon the hurricane protection system and non structure
Page 25
The findings in the ASCE reports extend far beyond the New Orleans hurricane protection system. The
lessons learned from the engineering and engineering-related policy failures triggered by Hurricane
Katrina have profound implications for other American communities and a sobering message to people
nationwide: we must place the protection of safety, health and welfare at the forefront of our nations;
priorities. To do anything less could lead to a far greater tragedy than the one witnessed in New
Orleans. (ASCE-1)
Page 26
Malmo has a population of 270,000 the third largest city in Sweden. Gothenburg at 500,000 is the
second largest and Stockholm at 800,000 the largest. Many people live in Malmo and commute to
Copenhagen to work, approximately 40,000 per day.
Western Harbour was the site of the Lickums Mechanical Works established in the 1870’s. Gradually
over the years, land was reclaimed for expansion of industry in the area. In 1987 the shipyard at
Western Harbour was closed down and 30,000 jobs were lost. Saab-Scania moved in to build cars. In
1990 Saab –Scania merged with General Motors and the factory subsequently closed completely and
the land and buildings were bought by the City of Malmo in 1996.
The area was transformed into a trade fair and conference facilities and in 2001 Bo01 European
Housing exhibition opened. Bo01 = to live the earth 01. This area of the Western Harbour set the
standard for the whole of the Western Harbour with its quality programmed, high standards for public
areas and large variety of developers. All sites will be developed over the next few years. Once fully
developed the entire area will hold roughly 1,300 homes and over 2,000 inhabitants.
In 2003 the City of Malmo formulated a program for the Western Harbour as a supplement to the
Comprehensive Plan for Malmo. Containing a strong combination of housing, businesses and
educational premises, the development is set on waterways and emphasizes access to the sea via
walkways and connections between the buildings.
Figure 15 Western Harbour, Malmo – Central Core
Multiple developers have built at varying times but each site integrates together with walkway
connections encouraging outdoor movement and allows many opportunities to look out from homes
onto passages and walkways with glimpses to the sea. A high proportion of each development contains
rental flats and the lower level units along the waterfront have a commercial component.
Adjacent to the residential areas is allowance for industry and it has attracted a number of new
businesses to the area. Approximately 6,000 people already work in the area. Malmo University is also
based in the Western Harbour, with student accommodation provided in the residential sites.
Page 27
The area encompasses over 140 ha of reclaimed land. The material on site was removed and treated
for contaminants and then replaced insitu.
Climate Change Impacts - Sea Level Rise
There is no storm surge along the waterfront area due to minimal tide differential. The predominant
wind however blows in off the sea. The canals are interlinked which assists with absorbing any rise in
levels. The foreshore area required beaching to prevent erosion from wave movement and due to
popularity of the area newly constructed swimming pontoons provide increased access to the
The impacts of Climate Change in relation to Sea Level Rise including rain and groundwater factors are
yet to be quantified for the development area. Research is yet to commence by the City of Malmo.
Planning for Climate Change - Sea Level Rise
New building works are specified at 3.0m above sea level. Mapping indicates that there will be impacts
on the City due to sea level rise. Refer to Google Map base.
Construction Methods
Construction down 12m to bedrock and current levels floor levels are a minimum 2.5m above sea level.
Figure 16 Western Harbour, Malmo – Foreshore Revetment Works
Information and Research
In Malmo the City is adapting to climate changes like extreme precipitation and drought through two
EU-financed projects – GreenClimeAdapt and GRaBS.
Page 28
The aim of GreenClimeAdapt is to demonstrate how cities can address and adapt to impacts of climate
change (including increased rainfall and urban heat island) via green tools including open stormwater
management, the use of green facades and green roofs.
Green and Blue Space Adaptation in Urban Areas and Eco Towns (GRaBS) consists of 14 project
partners representing eight countries and its aim is to raise awareness and increase the expertise of
how green and blue infrastructure can help new and existing mixed use development adapt to
projected climate change scenarios such as considerable sea level rise. Both the City of Malmo,
Sweden and Borough of Sutton, UK whom we visited on this tour are partners.
GRaBS recognizes that the implications of sea level rise will have significant implication for the City of
Malmo. They will be working closely with the Klapeda University Coastal Research and Planning
Institute in Lithuania to assess the risk and vulnerabilities of se level rise across Europe and develop
adaptation action plans. (GRaBS 2009)
Guidelines and Standards
The City of Malmo’s City Planning Office is responsible for the planning, building notifications,
demolition and land permissions. The future plan for the City is described in the comprehensive plan.
The detailed plan states what the land may be used for and the property plan shows land parceling.
Today all planning operations are focusing on issues of sustainability, where the overriding concepts
are: economic, social and ecologic sustainability.
Potentially applicable to the City of Greater Geelong for proposed redevelopment along foreshore
zones. E.g. current development of the Rippleside shipyards and proposed new residential
development of the Stocklands site in Point Lonsdale. Malmo is in transition from being an industrial city
to a City of Knowledge, very similar to Geelong whose economy was founded on manufacturing –
Ford, Shell, Alcoa and is expanding into technology and education – Deakin University.
Page 29
We visited the new development at Hammerby, managed via a three way partnership between the City
of Stockholm and two other separate companies. Hammarbysjostad = lake city = city by the lake.
The City of Stockholm has a population of 800,000 in the central municipality with the greater
Stockholm area 1.4M. The City of Stockholm is located on a number of islands and increased
development pressure around the old harbour areas for residential purposes has led to the
redevelopment of areas that were originally used for heavy industry but are now no longer used for that
Approximately 12-13 years ago the Hammerby site was used for industry and then reverted to a vacant
Brownfield site taken over by squatters. The site was chosen for redevelopment based on its central
location to the central city area of Stockholm. All of the existing hazardous materials located on the site
were treated and retained onsite, including 120M cubic metres of oil/grease and heavy metals. The
treated material was used for filling low areas and building of the ski slope. The island itself is on
bedrock and much of it was excavated for underground parking.
The proposed development will have a total population of 26,000 with 11,000 jobs to be created,
therefore a mix of commercial and residential dwellings with active frontages to the street. The
objective is to live and work in the same location. The split of properties is 50:50 owned versus rental.
The City of Stockholm built the roads and infrastructure and Developers the buildings. There are 25
Developers on the site and each is required to sign contracts for environmental programs and comply
with requirements. Overall 4b SEK (Swedish kroner 1SEK = $4AUS) invested, including relocating
some industries. The return on investment from sale of land and also when connected to services, i.e.
water and sewer, will be approximately 3b SEK return therefore incurred costs of over 1b SEK over 20
years. This is likely to be offset by taxes received.
75% of the environmental targets set were met by infrastructure works and incorporated into the
buildings rather than having to change behaviour of residents and users, thus making it easy for people
to live here.
The site has made world wide interest therefore the GlasshusEtt Environmental information centre was
built for Hammerby to accommodate 56-57,000 visitors per year over the last 3 years from all over the
Figure 17 Hammerby, Stockholm – sustainable transport
Page 30
Climate Change Impacts - Sea Level Rise
In Stockholm the land is actually rising following the release of pressure on the land during the ice age
and is calculated at 10mm per year. Sea level rise still has an impact but is slightly compensated by the
rise in land levels.
Figure 18 Hammerby, Stockholm – Foreshore development
Planning for Climate Change - Sea Level Rise
Current Specified Floor Level’s for the Hammerby site are 0.5m above Sea Level. Note one area
initially developed at the Hammerby site will be impacted by Sea Level Rise having not taken these
criteria into account. The remaining areas have taken potential Sea Level Rise into account in the
design. Mapping indicates that there will be impacts on the City due to sea level rise. Refer to Google
Map base.
The City of Stockholm is working with the climate issue and intends to be fossil fuel free in 2050.
Stockholm has been designated Europe’s first environmental capital in 2010 in competition with 35 of
Europe’s cities thanks to a decade’s long work on climate and the environment and setting the scene
for the future. The City of Stockholm has reduced emissions of 5.3 tonnes per capita in 1990 to 4.0
tonnes in 2005, a decrease of 25 percent. They aim to reduce greenhouse emissions to 3 tonnes per
capita in 2015.
Construction Methods
As noted the island is on bedrock and the buildings piled down to solid base. Materials used on the
buildings include products manufactured with a high percentage of recycled content or obtained from
renewal resources.
Page 31
Figure 19 Hammerby, Stockholm – Residential development
Information and Research
The City of Stockholm climate adaptation program is divided into four themes:
Strategy, monitoring and development
Measures to reduce emissions; coordinate, inspire and implement measures
Locating and coordinating funding to implement measures
Community City of Stockholm’s climate and climate change actions
Guidelines and Standards
The City of Stockholm’s environmental goals and guidelines for Hammarby cover the areas of:
Land usage
Building materials
Water & Sewage
Potentially applicable to reuse and transformation of Brownfield sites within the City of Greater Geelong
into attractive residential areas with beautiful parks and green public spaces.
Page 32
We met with Samantha Moreira from Greenwich City Council, planner responsible for strategic work on
the Greenwich Millennium Village.
The population of Greenwich is currently 200,000 and is planned to grow to over 300,000. Greenwich
as a council has the longest frontage to the Thames. Flood risk assessments are undertaken for all
new areas to be developed. These are reviewed by The Environment Agency who is responsible for
stormwater and river management, including the Thames Barrier and surface water quality measures.
The original site of Greenwich Millennium Village (GMV) was mostly industry and gas works. The total
area of land rehabilitated between the Millennium Dome and GMV will contain over 10,000 dwellings
and 300 square km of commercial development when completed. East of Woolwich is land managed
by the Royal Arsenal artillery range for over 300 years. This use ceased after WWII and the land has
been decontaminated and earmarked for future development.
A competition was run in 1997 to develop the GMV site and was won by Ralph Erskin (Swedish), who
prepared the original master plan. Country side properties and English Partnerships then took over
GMV. The original plan had 1777 units; there will actually be 3000 units by the time phase 5 is
completed. Phases 1 and 2 are completed with the city square near completion bringing the population
to 1095. Facilities include a nursery, community centre, energy centre, car parking, offices, light
commercial and retail. The phase two commercial facilities provide a face to the village.
Figure 20 Greenwich Millennium Village – Residential development
Climate Change Impacts - Sea Level Rise
Risk assessment of the site indicates that flooding is not an issue. This is based on the current
protection offered to the site via the Thames Barrier and the levels at which the site has been built.
Page 33
Planning for Climate Change - Sea Level Rise
The site is dependent on the protection provided by the Thames Barrier. Refer to the following section
on the Barrier. The property contains its own cogeneration site where water heated for circulation
throughout the buildings includes provision of bicycle storage; cars are little used given the excellent
public transport opportunities available. The roads are constructed to provide dedicated bus lanes and
the transport authority is extending the rail line to provide access to the site via the London
Underground network.
Construction Methods
Almost one-sixth of the Greenwich Peninsula is given over to parkland and public open space. This
includes three main areas of award-winning parkland - the Central, Southern and Ecology Parks - and
2.2km of river walkways along the route of the Thames Path. The scenic walk offers views of the salt
marsh terracing introduced on the riverside. Nearly 900 homes have already been built at Greenwich
Millennium Village.
Figure 21 Greenwich Millennium Village – Residential development on wetlands
Information and Research
The Environment Agency (EA) is the leading public body for protecting and improving the environment
in England and Wales. It's their job to make sure that air, land and water are looked after by everyone in
today's society, so that tomorrow's generations inherit a cleaner, healthier world.
The Environment Agency has a clear role, as well as expertise on the ground, in helping local
authorities address the climate risks from increased flooding (fluvial, coastal and from urban drainage),
increased water scarcity and drought, waster management and conserving freshwater biodiversity.
It sees itself taking a leading role in limiting and preparing for the impacts of climate change.
Page 34
EA staff are working with Local authorities to promote climate change adaptation in local Area
Agreements, a new government initiative which set out how a local area will improve over the next
three years (EA Aug 2008). To help local government assess these risks the Local Government
Association LGA, Environment Agency and United Kingdom Climate impacts Program (UKCIP) have
jointly produced the guidance “be aware be prepared take action’.
Table 1 page 9 extracted from the guide highlights key areas in relation to flooding, impacts, local
authority policy response and guidance.
Inland flooding (fluvial)
The risk of inland
flooding in the 2080s is
expected to increase by
between approximately
four and six times over
present levels as a
result of increased
Rigorously apply
‘Planning policy
statement 25 (PPS25):
development and flood
PPS25 and practice
There are 1.6m people
living currently at risk of
flood (greater than 1:75
year occurrence). This
could rise to 2.4m by
Urban drainage
(overwhelming of urban
drainage systems by
intense rainfall)
81,700 properties at
risk from 1:10 year
event from urban
Could be in the order of
300,000 properties plus
by the 2080s.
Ensure that LDF’s are
aligned to catchment
flood management
plans (CFMP).
£130bn worth of
property currently at
risk from coastal
flooding and 100,000
properties in areas that,
without protection,
could be eroded.
By the 2080’s, 3.4m
people at risk.
Flood maps
Raise awareness with
Develop a surface
water management
plan. (Swamps)
Sustainable urban
drainage systems
Flooding to towns and
cities from surface
water and urban
drainage currently
costs the national
economy £270m
Coastal flooding
CFMP guidance
Improving surface
water drainage
PPS25 and practice
Designing for
exceedance in urban
Environment Agency
Ensure that shoreline
management plans
(SMP) are aligned to
local development
frameworks (LDF)
PPS25 and practice
Flood maps
Raise awareness with
Integrated coastal zone
Shoreline management
Page 35
plan guidance
Guidelines and Standards
Local planning conditions are covered by Unitary Development Plan (UDP) under the Town and
Country Planning Act. Above the UDP for the Municipality is the Greater London Authority (GLA) which
has strategic directives. E.g.; development on the river greater than 150 lots; exceeding a certain height
or greater than 1000sqm commercial space; is to be referred to GLA for approval.
The GLA designates sites for employment areas, residential areas, vitality and viability of commercial
areas as well as preservation of open space. GMV was one of these identified sites.
Planning Policy Statement 25: Development and Flood Risk Practice Guide – (Communities and Local
Government 2006) is about positive planning at all levels to deliver appropriate sustainable
development in the right places, taking full account of flood risk. PPS25 sets out the policy approach.
The practice guide explains further how to implement this approach.
English Partnerships published the Urban Design Compendium in 2000 in partnership with The
Housing Corporation. This set out the key principles of urban design along with guidance and case
studies explaining how these could be applied in practice.
Potential waterfront sites in Geelong can take advantage of the way development has been undertaken
in the form of public private partnerships method to deliver a sustainable neighbourhood.
Figure 22 Greenwich Millennium Village – Residential development
Page 36
Whilst at Greenwich we viewed the Thames Barrier, completed in 1983 to protect London upstream of
the barrier from storm surges and inundation, it has been used 107 times. It is anticipated by 2030 it will
need to be closed 30 times a year to maintain the current standard of tidal defense.
Figure 23 The Thames Barrier, London
Climate Change Impacts - Sea Level Rise
London has been flooded many times. Reports of floods in the capital go back as far as an AngloSaxon chronicle of 1099. In London, records show that the high tide level at London Bridge has risen by
about 75cm each century. The increase in sea levels is accelerated by global warming. Locally, the
British Isles is tilting towards Europe, causing the south of England to sink at an estimated rate of 30cm
per century. This is a natural geologic process, also contributing to the rising river levels in the Thames.
The River Thames itself is much narrower than it used to be. As the population of London increases
and the city expands, more and more of the floodplain is built upon. The major flood threat to central
London is from ‘surge tides’. These are humps of water created by zones of low pressure, originating
off the Canadian coast, which cross the Atlantic at 80-100 km per hour. Usually these surges pass
north of Britain, but northerly winds can drive them across the North Sea where, funneling towards the
Strait of Dover, they cause flooding on the surrounding coasts and along the banks of the tidal Thames.
Planning for Climate Change - Sea Level Rise
The Barrier protects four hundred thousand properties in London that would be at risk from flooding if it
were not in place; 45 square miles including 26 tube stations and 1.25 million people in the city who
work below the average high tide.
The Barrier was designed to protect London from flooding until at least the year 2030, according to
current estimates of rising sea levels. The Environment Agency is however planning for the time
beyond this date, around 2070, as sea levels are not rising as predicted. (Thames Barrier Project Pack,
Environment Agency UK).
Construction Methods
The river at the Barrier is 520m wide. There are two abutments and nine piers across the river
supporting 10 gates; Rising Sectors gates - four gates 61m wide and two smaller gates 30m wide that
are raised to allow shipping to pass. When raised the gates are 15m high. Falling radial gates – four
Page 37
gates 31m wide that rest at water level. Total weight 51,000 tonnes. Each gate is operated from one
end by electrically driven oil-hydraulic machinery. The electric power is backed up by three diesel
generators. Normally the barrier can be in full closure position in approximately 15 minutes.
The Thames Barrier is not the only protection; it is an integral part of an overall flood defense system
along the Thames. There is a drop down barrier at Barking. The river has over 200 miles of protective
wall and embankments, some of which date back hundreds of years.
Figure 24 the Thames Barrier, London
Information and Research
The Environment Agency acknowledge that rises in sea level, increased rainfall and storm frequency
mean that London and the Thames Estuary will be at greater risk from flooding in the future once the
current barrier expires. They are developing a tidal flood risk management plan for London and the
Thames estuary for the next 100 years – Thames Estuary 2100.
Guidelines and Standards
Planning Policy Statement 25: Development and Flood Risk Practice Guide – (Communities and Local
Government 2006) is about positive planning at all levels to deliver appropriate sustainable
development in the right places, taking full account of flood risk. PPS25 sets out the policy approach.
The practice guide explains further how to implement this approach.
Potentially applicable to river flooding of the Barwon and Moorabool Rivers within the City of Greater
Geelong. These areas currently have telemetry flood warning systems attached to existing pump
systems. The Barwon River in Geelong and Barwon Heads is bound by a series of levees and flood
walls to protect existing residential and industrial properties. The area of Barwon Heads is the most
likely area susceptible to sea level rise impacts being located at the river mouth to Bass Straight. A
barrier constructed on the river is unlikely to be approved given the environmental impacts particularly
where part of the river flows through a Ramsar protected site. However, application of planning policies
to provide for flood overlays and specified building overlays in the planning scheme will protect future
Page 38
It is apparent that major cities have to come to terms with less available land to develop or land that is
located in areas less desirable due to a number of constraints.
Renewal of older areas built to past standards and rebuilding to current standards allows for increased
protection from climate changes as well as the ability to incorporate innovation and sustainability
To succeed under a changing climate, individuals, organizations and governments will all have to make
significant changes in both policy and practice.
Climate Change Impacts
Sea level rise and storm surge are major impacts on all Cities with foreshore frontage. The Sea
Change phenomenon is not new; populations all migrate to the coast whether for amenity, food,
employment or the environment. As noted 23% of the world population lives within 100km of the coast.
Global sea level rise is projected by the IPCC (2007) to be 18-59 cm by 2100. Recent predictions for
Victoria have recommended 80cm and research in areas of Europe have recommended 1m as the
likely figure. One thing is certain, sea level rise will continue beyond 2100. Increased temperatures,
reduced resources, increased population, deteriorating infrastructure are all predicted and therefore we
must plan to adapt to a changing world environment.
Planning for Climate Change
I refer back the IPCC table with the three actions for adaptability – protect, accommodate or retreat.
Each of the Cities visited were focused on some form of climate change adaptation. This ranged from
policy change at the higher level to individual change by residents. Many countries are now working
together to plan for climate change. New developments must be designed to cope with future rather
than historical climates. Adaptation to climate change means learning to live with more extreme
weather events and changing weather patterns, and preparing for other changes that are unavoidable.
Construction Methods
Efficient use of available resources and sourcing material from renewable sources or reusing materials
has become a higher priority for many locations. Consideration of risk in the decision making process
where major construction of infrastructure is proposed versus non structural measures to manage the
Information and Research
On line data was difficult to locate with specific reference to sea level rise given this is only one impact
of climate change. Where increased carbon emissions are of greater concern given that this is
understood as the main cause of climate change. The Cities are positive about the impact they can
have and a number of them are collaborating on joint projects to undertake research, education and
actions to adapt to climate change. For example GRaBS, the Cities of Malmo and Sutton.
Page 39
Guidelines and Standards
Each city has developed a number of guidelines and standards to inform and direct new development
to ensure sustainable development.
Recent amendments to the Planning and Environment Act 1987 Section 12 (2) (a) Direction 13
December 2008, sets out the general requirements for consideration of the impacts of climate change
within coastal Victoria as part of an amendment which would have the effect of allowing non-urban land
to be used for an urban use and development.
The City of Geelong can use much of what is being applied around the world in our developing inner
urban areas. The impact of climate change given our coastal location, increases our susceptibility to
sea level rise. Planning therefore for the future is imperative to protect the future residents of our
The City of Greater Geelong is also a partner in the Future Coasts program led by the Victorian
Government to assess the physical vulnerability of Victoria’s coast to climate change, and develop
strategies to help communities and industry adapt.
Page 40
American Society of Civil Engineers, 2007. The New Orleans hurricane protection system: what went
wrong and why: report / by the American Society of Civil Engineers Hurricane Katrina External Review
Panel. Published by American Society of Civil Engineers.
Australian Academy of Technological sciences and engineering. Assessment of Impacts of Climate
Change on Australia’s Physical Infrastructure. Report of a study by the Australian Academy of
Technological sciences and engineering (ATSE) July 2008.
Australian Government. Climate Change Adaptation Actions for Local Government. Report by SMEC
Australia to the Australian Greenhouse Office Department of the Environment and Water Resources.
Commonwealth of Australia 2007.
Australian Government. Climate Change Potential Impacts and Costs – Fact Sheet. Australian
Government Department of Climate change 2008.
Communities and Local Government. Planning Policy Statement 25: Development and Flood Risk
Practice Guide June 2008. Department of Communities and Local Government UK
Cooperative Research Centre Australia. Hunter, John. Planning for Sea Level Rise. Antarctic Climate
and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Hobart, Australia.
CSIRO. Holper, Paul. Identifying the impacts of climate change on infrastructure.2008 Local
Government Asset Management and Public Works Engineering Conference, Telstra Dome, 9 April
CSIRO. Technical Report 2007 Climate change in Australia. CSIRO, 2007.
Engineers Australia. Guidelines for Responding to the Effects of Climate Change in Coastal and Ocean
Engineering. 2004 Update. The National Committee on Coastal and Ocean Engineering
Green and Blue Space Adaptation, 2009. Henderson, Kate. GRaBS Expert Paper 1: The Case for
Climate Change Adaptation. June 2009. Town and Country Planning Association.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007. Nicholls, R.J., P.P. Wong, V.R. Burkett, J.O.
Codignotto, J.E. Hay, R.F. McLean, S. Ragoonaden and C.D. Woodroffe, 2007: Coastal systems and
low-lying areas. Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working
Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, M.L.
Parry, O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, P.J. van der Linden and C.E. Hanson, Eds., Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, UK, 315-356.
Thames Barrier Information and Learning Centre. The Thames Barrier Project Pack 2008.
Victorian Government, Melbourne. Climate Change and Infrastructure: planning ahead. State of
Victoria, Department of Sustainability and Environment 2006.
Victorian Government, Melbourne. Managing coastal hazards and the coastal impacts of climate
change, General Practice Note December 2008. The State of Victoria Department of Planning and
Community Development 2008.
Page 41