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Marketing Mix
Marketing Mix
 “the
process of planning and
executing the development, pricing,
promotion, and distribution of an
organization’s goods/services”
 Necessary elements:
– 1)
– 2)
– 3)
– 4)
2 or more parties with need
desire/ability to satisfy need
ways to communicate
something for exchange
The Marketing Program
“it is a driver of growth and is ultimately
the means by which businesses manage
their long-term profitability”
 “Advertising is the component of a
marketing program with the highest
visibility because it requires the greatest
expenditure of cash. It is however, only a
small part of a comprehensive marketing
program.” (Pierce, AFD Jan. 2004)
Includes: signage, the facility, the
grounds, the interior décor, the
arrangement office, the showroom,
merchandising, pricing, public relations,
personal activities, a uniquely personal
service, community service activities,
charitable activities, after service support,
grief counseling, prearrangement
programs, hospice support programs,
advertising and employee incentive
compensation programs
Planning the Marketing Program
 Define
the funeral home.
 Align the strengths of the funeral
home with marketing efforts.
 Define the “target” and include:
employees, age, gender, existing
clientele, potential clientele,
competitive businesses
Targeting Employees
 Employees
are the most important
recipient of the marketing message.
 Why?
Building the Marketing Plan
 Crystallizing
 Constructing the plan.
 Define available resources.
 Allocate resources.
 Implement.
 Motivate the employee team.
 Monitor the results.
 Reward success.
Market Survey
 “a
study that is used by a business
to determine where the potential
customers are located”
 Information required:
– 1) Community Data
– 2) Published Market Data
Community Data
 Demographics:
“the statistical study
of human populations with respect to
their size, density, distribution,
composition, and income”
 Economic Base: “the wealth
produced in or near a community
that provides employment and
income to the local population”
Community Data (cont’d)
 Population
 Disposable
Income Trends
 Competition
 Social
and Business Climate
Published Market Data
Census of Population: “compiles
population statistics with regard to
distribution of population by religion, area
 Census of Business: “explains where
certain businesses are located”
 Census of Housing: “keeps track of new
home sales by region and/or construction
of new houses by region and specific area”
Published Market Data (cont’d)
 Census
of Manufacturing: “explains
where certain manufacturers are
 Chamber
of Commerce
4 “P”s of Marketing Mix
 Product
 Price
 Place
 Promotion
(Advertising, PR, Cust. R)
 Advertising
 Public
 Customer
 “the
art of making the public aware
of the services or commodities that
the business has for sale”
 “People
are exposed to as many as
3000 advertising messages per day!”
(Condon & Richmond, AFD June
 “Americans
spend 151 hours per
year (2.9 hours per week) reading
the newspapers, 15 hours less than
in 1995….and that number is
projected to drop by another 7 hours
per year by 2005.” (Suhler, July
 “Insanity
is continuing to do the
same thing over and over and
expecting different results.”
(Albert Einstein)
Advertising Success
 Based
– Targeting
– Campaign Concept
– Continuity
– Frequency
“A person must see or hear a message at
least 7 times before it remains in their
subconscious memory.” (Condon &
Richmond, AFD June 2003)
Advertising (cont’d)
What are some of the things that motivate
a consumer to buy?
What are the desired effects of
What are some non-controllable factors in
What are some of the types of advertising
Advertising (cont’d)
 Funeral
Service advertising should be
factual, informational and
 How
can you measure the success of
Advertising Campaign
Establish goals.
 Determine contributions.
 Develop budget.
 Consider alternatives
 Develop a “logo”.
 Professional typesetting.
 Develop “appeal”.
 Support claims.
 Create image.
 Be consistent.
Common Mistakes
 FH
building as significant.
 Old-fashioned
 Person’s
NJ Advertising Law
 Amendments
effective 10/01:
 1) business cards included
 2)
 3)
public media includes internet
must include the license number
of the practitioner preceded by the
phrase “N.J. Lic. No.”
NJ Advertising Law (cont’d)
All advertisements must include:
 1) True firm name, address and telephone
number as registered with the State
 2) Name of the manager or licensee in
All licensees who are principals, partners
and officers are responsible for the
content of the ad.
NJ Advertising Law (cont’d)
 Copy
of each ad must be retained for
3 years and made available to the
State Board upon request.
 Price advertisements must include
the manufacturer and model # and
disclose all services included.
– No additional charges can be made
unless specifically noted.
NJ Advertising Law (cont’d)
 1) unlicensed name without the
appropriate statement
 2) offer of service/merchandise that is not
available or cannot supply
 3) invalid license number
 4) advertising FH that does not exist
 5) testimonial
 6) claim of professional superiority which
cannot be documented
 7) intimidation or undue influence
Novelty Items
13:36-5.12(e):”small novelty items where
the space of advertising is limited shall
disclose the municipality where the facility
is located and the true firm name as it is
registered with the Board.”
 “welcome to town signs, sponsored sports
team jerseys, golf outing hole sponsor
signs, and carnival/founders day banners
also fall into this category”
(The Forum, May 2005)
Public Relations
 Anything
that funeral home
representatives say/do that can be
attributed to the funeral home.
 Why
do people select a certain
funeral home?
Customer Relations
 How
can a funeral home monitor its
 How can a funeral home be available
to the community it serves?
 What can a funeral home do to make
its consumers more comfortable?
 What can a funeral home do to make
invitees more comfortable?