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Download Microevolution is a change in a population*s gene pool
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Microevolution is a change in a population’s gene pool Ch. 14.4 Populations and Their Gene Pools Population is a local group of individuals belonging to the same species Natural selection becomes clear when an ENTIRE population is tracked over time GENE POOL consists of all the alleles in all the individuals that make up a population – Think of it as the reservoir for the next generation to gather it’s genes Where genetic variation is stored Changes in Gene Pools Causes of genetic variation mutuations and sexual recombination (random occurrences) Natural selection is NOT random – Environment favors genetic combinations that CONTRIBUTE to survival/reproductive success Mendel’s and Darwin’s work combined lead us to MICROEVOLUTION a generation to generation change in the frequencies of alleles within a population Genetic Drift A change in the gene pool of a population due to chance GENETIC DRIFT ALL populations are subject to genetic drift – Smaller pop; more impact genetic drift has on that pop. The smaller the sample, the greater the chance that the results will differ from an expected result – Ex: coin tossed 10 times vs. 1,000 times Gene Flow and Mutation Exchange of genes with another pop. GENE FLOW – Fertile individuals or their gametes migrate btwn pops. Change in organism’s DNA MUTATION Mutations are esp. important as a source of variation in asexually reproducing organisms that clone themselves rapidly Natural Selection and Fitness Natural selection is a BLEND of CHANCE and SORTING FITNESS contribution that an individual makes to the gene pool of the next generation compared to other individuals