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Mitosis-Cell Division I. Mitosis- Consists of 4 “phases” a. Prophase- The ______ phase of mitosis. It is the “_________” phase of mitosis. 1. The ___________ coils to become ____________ 2. The ___________ ____________ disappears to expose the ____________ 3. The _____________ appear and start to move toward the _________ of the cells. 4. The _________ __________ appear and connect to the __________ of the chromosome. b. Metaphase- Chromsomes are aligned in the __________ of the cell. c. Anaphase- Chromosomes are __________. _____________ move towards the “poles” of the cell d. Telophase- “____________” occurs. The cell is split into two identical cells. II. Animal v. Plant cell division a. Due to their lack of a cell wall, animal cells “____________” together. i. This is called the _______________ _____________ b. Plant cells build a new cell wall. As the wall develops, a __________ ___________ forms. III. Interphase a. Length b. Consists of 3 main steps i. G1- “_______ 1”. The cell begins to replicate ___________ ii. S- “___________.” The cell replicates _______________ iii. G2 – The cell starts to produce ________________ for reproduction.