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Chapter 9
 Heredity: the transmission of traits from one generation
to the next
 Genetics: the scientific study of heredity
 Character: a heritable feature that varies among
individuals (such as flower color)
 Trait: Each variant for a character (ex: purple or white)
 True-Breeding: varieties result when self-fertilization
produces offspring identical to parent
Vocabulary (Continued)
 Hybrids: the offspring of 2 different varieties
 The cross-fertilization is a hybridization, or genetic cross
 P-Generation: true-breeding parental plants
 F1 Generation: hybrid offspring
 F2 Generation: a cross of F1 plants produces an F2 Generation
9.3 Mendel's Law of Segregation
Describes the inheritance of a single
 a cross btwn 2 individuals differing in a single character is a
monohybrid cross
 Mendel performed a monohybrid cross btwn a plant with purple
flowers and a plant with white flowers
 the F1 generation produced all plants with purple flowers
 a cross of F1 plants with each other produced an F2 generation with
¾ purple an ¼ white flowers
 The all purple F1 generation did not produce light purple
flowers, as predicted by the blending hypothesis
 Mendel needed to explain why
 white color seemed to disappear in F1 generation
 white color reappeared in one quarter of the F2 offspring
 Mendel observed the same patterns of inheritance for six
other pea plant characters
 Mendel developed 4 hypotheses, described using
modern terminology
 1. Alleles are alternative versions of genes that account for variations in
inherited characters
 2. For each characteristic, an organism inherits 2 alleles, one from each parent.
The alleles can be the same or different.
 A Homozygous genotype has identical alleles
 A Heterozygous genotype has 2 different alleles
 3. If the alleles of an inherited pair differ, then one determines the organism's
appearance and is called the dominant allele. The other has no noticeable effect
on the organism's appearance and is called the Recessive allele
 the Phenotype is the appearance or expression of a trait
 The Genotype is the genetic make-up of a trait
 The same phenotype may be determined by more than one genotype
 4. A sperm or egg carries only one allele for each inherited character because
allele pairs separate (segregate) from each other during the production of
gametes. This statement is called the Law of Segregation
 Mendel's hypothesis can also explain the 3:1 ratio in the
F2 generation
The F1 hybrids all have a Pp genotype
 A Punnet Square shows the 4 possible combinations of
alleles that could occur when these gametes combine
9.4 Homologous Chromosomes bear
the Alleles for each character
 A locus is the specific location of a gene along a
 For a pair of homologous chromosomes, alleles of a gene
reside at the same locus
 Homozygous individuals have the same alleles on both
 Heterozygous individuals have a different allele on each
9.5 The law of independent
assortment is revealed by tracking 2
characters at once
 Dihybrid Cross – a mating of parental varieties that
differ in 2 characters
 Example:
 P Generation: round yellow seeds x wrinkled green seeds
 F1 Generation: all plants with round yellow seeds
 F2 Generation:
 9/16 = round yellow seeds
 3/16 = wrinkled yellow seeds
 3/16 = round green seeds
 1/16 = wrinkled green seeds
 Mendel needed to explain why the F2 offspring
 Had new nonparental combinations of traits and
 A 9:3:3:1
 Mendel
 Suggested that the inheritance of one character has no effect
on the inheritance of another
 Suggested that the Dihybrid Cross is the equivalent to 2
monohybrid crosses
 Called this the Law of Independent Assortment
9.6 Geneticists can use testcross
to determine unknown genotypes
 Testcross – mating btwn an individual of unknown
genotype and a homozygous recessive individual
 A testcross can show whether the unknown genotype
includes a recessive allele
 Mendel used testcrosses to verify that he had true
breeding genotypes
9.7 Mendel’s laws reflect the rules of
 Determining the probability of 2 independent events
uses the rule of multiplication, in which the
probability is the product of the probabilities for each
 The probability that an event can occur in 2 or more
alternative ways is the sum of the separate probabilities,
called the rule of addition
9.8 Genetic traits in humans can be
tracked through family pedigrees
 Wild-Type traits those prevailing in nature; are not
necessarily specified by dominant alleles
 Pedigree
 Shows the inheritance of a trait in a family through multiple
 Demonstrates dominant or recessive inheritance
 Can also be used to deduce genotypes of family members
9.9 many inherited disorders in
humans are controlled by a single
 Inherited disorders show either:
 1. Recessive inheritance in which
 2 recessive alleles are needed to show a disease
 Heterozygous parents are carriers of the disease-causing allele
 The probability of inheritance increases with inbreeding (mating btwn
close relatives)
 2. Dominant inheritance in which
 One dominant allele is needed to show disease and
 Dominant lethal alleles are usually eliminated from the population
Variations on Mendel’s Laws
Non-Medelian Genetics
9.11 Incomplete dominance results
in intermediate phenotypes
 The Phenotype is the appearance or expression of a trait
 Mendel’s pea crosses always looked like one of the
parental varieties, called complete dominance
 For some characters, the appearance of the F1 hybrids
falls btwn the phenotypes of the 2 parental varieties,
this is called incomplete dominance, in which
 Neither allele is dominant over the other
 Expression of both alleles occurs
9.12 many genes have more than
alleles in the population
 Although an individual can at most carry 2 different alleles
for a particular gene, more than 2 alleles often exist in the
wider population
 Human ABO blood group phenotypes involve 3 alleles for a
single gene
 The 4 human blood groups, A, B, AB, and O, result from
combinations of these 3 alleles
 The A and B alleles are both expressed in heterozygous
individuals, a condition known as Co-dominance
9.12 many genes have more than
alleles in the population
 In co-dominance
 Neither allele is dominant over the other
 Expression of both alleles is observed as a distinct
phenotype in the heterozygous individual
 AB blood type is an example of co-dominance
 The A and B alleles are both expressed in heterozygous
individuals, a condition known as Co-dominance
9.13 A single gene may affect many
phenotypic characters
 Pleiotropy occurs when one gene influences many
 Sickle-Cell disease is a human example of pleiotropy
 This disease:
 Affects the type of hemoglobin produced and the shape of
red-blood cells
 Causes anemia and organ damage
 Sickle-cell and nonsickle alleles are co-dominant
 Carriers of the sickle-cell disease are resistant to malaria
9.14 A single character may be
influenced by many genes
 Many characteristics result from polygenic inheritance, in
which a single phenotypic character results from the additive
effects of 2 or more genes
 Human skin color is an example of polygenic inheritance
9.15 The environment affects many
 Many characters result from a combination of heredity
and the environment
 For example:
 Skin color is affected by exposure to sunlight
 Susceptibility to diseases, such as cancer, has hereditary
and environmental components
 Identical twins show some differences
 Only genetic influences are inherited
The Chromosomal basis of
9.16 Chromosome behavior
accounts for Mendel’s laws
 The chromosome theory of inheritance states that
 Genes occupy specific loci (positions) in chromosomes and
 Chromosomes undergo segregation and independent
assortment during meiosis
 Mendel’s laws correlate with chromosome separation in
 The law of segregation depends on separation of
homologous chromosomes in Anaphase I
 The law if independent assortment depends on alternative
orientations of chromosomes in Metaphase I
9.17 Genes on the same
chromosome tend to be inherited
 Bateson and Punnet studied plants that did not show a
9:3:3:1 ratio in the F2 generation
 What they found was an example of linked genes, which
 Are located close together on the same chromosome
 Tend to be inherited together
9.18 Crossing over produces new
combinations of alleles
 Crossing over btwn homologous chromosomes produces
new combinations of alleles in gametes
 Linked alleles can be separated by crossing over forming
recombinant gametes
 The percentage of recombinants is the Recombination
Sex Chromosomes & Sex-Linked
 XX = female sex chromosomes
 XY = male sex chromosomes
 X makes the receptor for that signal
 Y sends signal to make testes
9.21 Sex-linked genes exhibit a
unique pattern of inheritance
 Sex-Linked Genes are located on either of the sex
 The X chromosome carries many genes unrelated to sex
 The inheritance of a white eye color in the fruit fly
illustrates an X-linked recessive trait
9.22 Human sex-linked disorders
affect mostly males
 Most sex-linked human disorders are
 Due to recessive alleles
 Seen mostly in males
 A male receiving a single x-linked recessive allele from
his mother will have the disorder
 A female must receive the alleles from both parents to
be affected
1. Describe the blending hypothesis. Explain why it was rejected
2. Define/distinguish btwn true-breeding organisms, hybrids, the P
generation, the F1 generation, and the F2 generation
3. Define/distinguish btwn the following terms:
o Homozygous and Heterozygous
o Dominant and Recessive alleles
o Genotype and Phenotype
o Monohybrid cross and Dihybrid cross
o Punnett Square
4. Explain how mendel’s laws of segregation describe the inheritance
of a single character
5. Describe genetic relationship btwn homologous chromosomes
6. Explain how mendel’s law of indep assortment applies to a
dihybrid cross
7. Explain how and when the rules of multiplication and addition can be used
to determine the probability of an event
8. Explain how family pedigrees can help determine the inheritance of many
human traits
9. Explain how recessive and dominant disorders are inherited. Provide
examples of each
10.Describe inheritance patterns of incomplete dominance, multiple alleles,
codominance, pleiotropy, & polygenic inheritance
11.Explain how sickle-cell allele can be adaptive
12.Explain why human skin coloration is not suffiecently explained by
polygenic inheritance
13.Define chromosome theory of inheritance. Explain the chromosomal basis
of the laws of segregation & independent assortment
14. Explain how linked genes are inherited differently from nonlinked genes
15. Describe the studies of crossing over in fruit flies. Explain
how Sturtevant created linkage maps
16. Explain how sex is genetically determined in humans and
the significance of the SRY gene
17.Describe patterns of sex-linked inheritance & example of
sex-linked disorders
18. explain how Y chromosome can be used to trace human