Download 2 complementary proteins will complete each other. Grains Nuts

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Name ________________________
Period ____ Table ____ Score: _____/16
1/2 point each)
Describe the function of protein.
Tell sources of complete and incomplete proteins.
Tell how to complete incomplete proteins.
Give tips for selecting proteins.
The function of protein is to build and repair body cells. Every cell in the human body needs protein.
List 5 kinds of cells you will need protein to help build:
Proteins are made of building blocks called amino acids. When you eat a protein, you take apart its
amino acids, and rearrange them to build the new proteins you need. There are some amino acids you
can make, but some you cannot make, and must get from the proteins you eat. The amino acids you
must get from proteins you eat are called __________________ amino acids
Protein comes from animal foods, or from the seeds of plants Proteins that come from animal foods
are complete. They provide al l the essential amino acids. Draw 3 foods that are complete proteins.
Proteins that come from the seed part of the plant are incomplete.
Draw 3 incomplete proteins.
Complete with:
Legumes ( peanuts )
2 complementary
proteins will
complete each
Nuts & Seeds
To be able to use incomplete proteins, you
need to combine them with another
protein that provides the missing amino
acids. You can combine foods from the
grain group with legumes (things that grow in
a pod, like beans or peanuts) or nuts from the
meat group. You can combine nuts with
legumes. Or you can complete any
incomplete protein with a complete
protein. (Pairs would need to be eaten the
same day to be able to work together.)
For each of the incomplete
proteins you drew above, write in
another incomplete protein that
would complete it.
Americans generally get plenty of protein. Our problem is to make sure we are making healthy
choices for our protein foods. Here is advice from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans on how to
select and handle your protein foods. Check off which choices help you follow that advice.
The Dietary Guidelines
Choose lean meats.
Keep it lean
(Prepare it in a way
that is low in fat.).
Vary your protein
Keep it safe to eat.
So Which Would Be a Better Choice? (check off your choice)
80% lean ground beef
Use Nutrition Facts to choose
foods low in saturated fat
Cook meat with all fat on.
95% lean ground beef
Pick meats with plenty of
saturated fat.
Trim away excess fat before
Cook chicken with skin on.
Broil or roast meats
Don’t add breading or batter
Serve without high fat gravy
Stick with red meats.
Eat only animal proteins.
Pull skin off chicken.
Fry meats
Bread or batter fish and meats
Serve with high fat gravy
Choose fish more often
Have beans as main dish
Store raw meats with other
Separate raw meats from
foods that won’t be cooked.
Take your best guess about
Use a meat thermometer
when meats are cooked enough
Defrost meats in refrigerator,
Defrost meats at room
in cold water, or in microwave.
Refrigerate leftovers in 2 hours
Refrigerate leftovers in less
or less.
than 4 hours.
Note: meat and poultry should NOT be rinsed before cooking.
Brian is making dinner for his girlfriend tonight. He stopped on the way home from his classes, and
picked up flowers, fresh fish, and other ingredients for the dinner. Then he went shopping for a new
shirt, got a hair-cut, and picked up his dry cleaning. At home, he put the fish on the cutting board with
his salad ingredients, set the table, and went to take a short nap. He woke up rested and ready to start.
He dipped the fish in batter and deep-fried it. He made salad, baked potatoes, and put a frozen pie in
the oven to bake. He served the fish with sliced lemon, instead of a fatty sauce. After dinner he put
all the leftovers in the refrigerator quickly, before leaving to go dancing.
Write down 2 things Brian did that followed the recommendations of Dietary Guidelines for
Write down 2 things Brian did that did not follow the recommendations of Dietary Guidelines for