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Rome: Government Structure #1
[ G6.2SS.C2.PO7] I can describe the development of democratic and republican forms of government in Ancient Greece and Rome.
Big Ideas:
 The ancient Romans developed a republic form of government.
 Patrician- Wealthy landowners that were the ruling class
 The Roman Republic evolved into an empire.
 Plebeians- Artisans, shopkeepers, small farm owners
 A republic is a form of government in which elected officials make
 Tripartite- Three part government
decisions for the citizens.
 Veto – Rejection of a decision
 An empire gives all power to an emperor.
Read the following passage and use complete sentences to answer the questions below about the text:
Under the Republic, two elected consuls shared the head of government. Consuls were members of the Senate, who had been elected to
serve for a one year term in the position of Consul, the highest position in government under the Republic. The consul’s most important
power was that they controlled the army.
The Senate was composed of leaders from the patricians, the noble and wealthy families of ancient Rome. They were the law makers.
They controlled spending. Members of the Senate were not elected. They were chosen by the Consuls. Once chosen, they served for life.
There were 300 seats in the Senate. When a seat opened, a new Senator was selected by the current Consuls.
The Assembly was composed of all the plebeian citizens of Rome, the common man. The Assembly did not have a building. It was the
right of the common man to assemble in the Forum and vote.
1. What was the highest position in the government? (complete sentences)
2. How did someone become a senator? (complete sentences)
3. What was the purpose of the Forum? (complete sentences)
Read the following passage and use complete sentences to answer the questions below about the text:
As you might expect, plebeians complained about having so little power in the Roman Republic. After all, they fought alongside
patricians in the army, and their tax payments helped the republic thrive.
Eventually, the plebeians took action to bring about change. In 494 B.C. many plebeians went on strike. They refused to serve in the
army. They also left the city to set up a republic of their own. These moves frightened the patricians into agreeing to share power. In 471
B.C. the plebeians were allowed to set up their own body of representatives, called the Council of Plebs. The assembly elected tribunes
who brought plebeian concerns to the government’s attention. The tribunes also won the right to veto government decisions. In 455 B.C.
plebeians and patricians were allowed to marry and in 300 B.C., the plebeians were allowed to become councils.
- Journey Across Time, Glencoe
1. Why did the plebeians go on strike? (complete sentences)
2. What was the result of the strike? (complete sentences)
Read the following passage and use complete sentences to answer the questions below about the text:
America was in a similar situation with Britain as the plebeians were with the patricians. The American people were strongly independent. They
wanted to do things for themselves. Great Britain was a long way away. The American people didn't want people an ocean away telling them how to
live their lives. The British government decided to make the American colonies pay a large share of the war debt from the French and Indian War.
A treaty came in 1783 and was called the Treaty of Paris. America had won its war of independence. Under the terms of the treaty, Britain
recognized the independent nation of the United States of America. Britain agreed to remove all of its troops from the new nation. The treaty also set
new borders for the United States. The United States agreed to allow British troops still in America to leave and also agreed to pay all existing debts
owed to Great Britain.
1. Using the last two articles, explain how the plebeians and Americans are similar. (complete sentences)
2. How is the outcome of Revolutionary War similar to the outcome of the Plebeian Strike? (complete sentences)
Would you rather be a plebeian or patrician? Why? (complete sentences)