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Name: __________________________________
Date:____________________ Period:_______
Notes: Evolution Ch. 10, 11, 12.3 and 12.4
10.1 Early Ideas About Evolution (NOS.9 Recognize that new scientific discoveries often lead to a reevaluation of previously accepted scientific knowledge and of commonly held ideas.)
1. Evolution is __________ _________ ____________, or the process of biological changed by which
descendants come to differ their ancestors.
2. Who is the father of evolution?
Was he the first scientist to consider evolution?
3. A group of organisms that can ________________ and produce ___________ ______________ is a species.
4. A creationists view would be the species have remained ________________ and the earth is
________________, not millions of years old.
6. Cuvier found that ______________ in rock layers were different depending on ___________________, the
lower layers were ___________ and the upper layers were _____________.
7. Describe the 3 Principles of Geologic change that helped develop Darwin’s theory.
Hutton proposed that the changes in the Earth results from slow changes over a long
period of time.
Lyell proposed that the geological processes that shape the Earth are uniform over
time. (Processes that occurred in the past, occur today to shape the Earth)
10.2 Darwin’s Observations (B.8.5 Describe how due to genetic variations, environmental forces and
reproductive pressures, organisms with beneficial traits are more likely to survive, reproduce, and pass on their
genetic information.) 1. Darwin traveled to the __________________ _______________. He noticed that are
were a lot of ________________ among species. Give an example of a variation he observed.
2. Organisms are _________________ to their environment. These can lead to ________________ changes in
a population over time.
3. Darwin used ______________ evidence to show the species have changed over time.
4. Organisms alive today ________________ from organisms that previously lived on Earth.
10.3 Theory of Natural Selection (B.8.5 Describe how due to genetic variations, environmental forces
and reproductive pressures, organisms with beneficial traits are more likely to survive, reproduce, and pass on
their genetic information.)
1. Artificial selection is also called ______________ ________________. Give an example of an organism
that is artificially selected for.
2. Darwin’s theory of ________________ _________________ , saying that ________________ selects for
3. Describe the following 4 points of Natural Selection in order for how natural selection changes population.
1. Overproduction
2. Genetic Variation
3. Struggle to Survive
4. Differential Reproduction
4. Speciation is the formation of new species as a result of evolution by natural selection. What effect could
separation of populations have on speciation?
5. In a population of clover flowers, there are both white and purple varieties. The cows that graze the field
where the clover grows prefer the purple variety. Over time, the white ones become much more
_________________ and the ________________ ones much more scarce. This is an example of
_____________ _________________. Explain this process.
10.4 Evidence of Evolution (B.8.7 Describe the modern scientific theory of the origins and history of life
on earth and evaluate the evidence that supports it.)
1. What is the evidence for evolution?
4. 3 structures
2. ___________________ structures tell the same story, or have the same structure, but maybe not function.
Give an example.
3. __________________ structures are “against the story”, or do not have the same structure, but may have the
same function. Give an example.
4. Structural patterns are clues to the history of species, such as _______________ structures. These are
remnants of organs or structures that had a function in early ________________________. Give an example.
5. Darwin knew that traits were _____________________ inherited, but could not explain it using evidence. It
wasn’t until __________________ did his study with genetics did Darwin understand this. This only
____________ Darwin’s theory.
10.5 Evolutionary Biology Today (B.8.7 Describe the modern scientific theory of the origins and history
of life on earth and evaluate the evidence that supports it.)
1. What molecular and genetic evidence support fossil and anatomical evidence. Describe each.
12.3 Origin of Life (B.8.7 Describe the modern scientific theory of the origins and history of life on earth
and evaluate the evidence that supports it.) (8.1 Explain how anatomical and molecular similarities among
organisms suggest that life on earth began as simple-one celled org. about 4 bya and multicellular org. later
1. ___________ sets of hypotheses propose how life began on Earth. Scientists think that the path to the
development of living things began with molecules of ________________ matter reacted chemically during the
1st __________________ years of Earth’s history. These chemical reactions, energized by the ______ and
_____________ _____________, produced simple organic ___________________ that later formed more
___________ molecules that eventually became the __________________ blocks of the first
2. In the late 1920’s, Oparin and Haldane both suggested that the Earth’s early _____________ contained large
amounts of organic _____________. This is the __________________ soup model. It states that the oceans
formed ________________________ through interactions with early atmosphere and the Earth.
3. In 1953, the primordial soup ___________________ was tested by ___________ and ____________. They
made a device to simulate the conditions of the early ___________. After a few days, they found a collection of
life basic building blocks including __________ _________, ____________ _______________, and other
4. O3 or ______________ was not present 4 _____________ years ago, so _________ rays would have
destroyed any ammonia and ________________ (CH4) present in the atmosphere. This was a ___________
fact Miller and Urey did not have when they conducted their experiment.
5. In 1986, _____________________ suggested that instead of a reaction in the atmosphere, some took place in
the ___________________ beneath the ocean’s surface. This is the ______________ model. It suggests that
___________________ and _______________ were trapped in underwater bubbles, resulting from
_______________ eruptions undersea. The bubbles rose to the ________, and burst releasing simple
_____________ molecules into the air.
6. Both the primordial soup and the bubble model, include chemical reactions that take place when there is
7. What important roles did the “bubbles” play in the bubble model?
12.4 Early Single-Celled Organisms (B.8.7 Describe the modern scientific theory of the origins and
history of life on earth and evaluate the evidence that supports it.)
1. Describe the endosymbiosis theory for how eukaryotic cells evolved.
2. Animal cells evolved from single celled _________________________, and plant cells evolved from single
celled _____________________.
11.1 Genetic Variation Within Populations (B.8.6 Explain how genetic variation within a population
(a species) can be attributed to mutations as well as a random assortment of existing genes.
1. _______________ _________________ is a population increases the chance that some individuals will
2. Describe 2 main sources of genetic variation.
11.2 Natural Selection in Populations (B.8.5 Describe how due to genetic variations, environmental
forces and reproductive pressures, organisms with beneficial traits are more likely to survive, reproduce, and
pass on their genetic information.)
1. _______________________ is the observable change in the __________ frequencies of a population over
2. Draw a normal distribution for a polygenic trait. Use colors to show disruptive, directional and stabilizing
selection. Describe each under the graph.
11.3 Other Mechanisms of Evolution
1. _________ ____________ is the movement of ________________ between populations.
2.Genetic Drift is due to ______________. What are 2 examples of genetic drift? Describe each.
2. What are some problems that genetic drift can cause?
3. _____________ selection occurs with certain traits increase mating success. What are 2 types of sexual
selection. Describe each,
11.4 Hardy-Weingburg Equilibrium
1. What are 5 conditions a population must meet to NOT evolve?
2. What are 5 factors that can lead to evolution? (pg. 342)
11.5 Speciation Through Isolation
1. Populations must be isolated __________________ in order for speciation to occur.
2. What are 3 ways populations can be reproductively isolated?
11.6 Patterns of Evolution Patterns of Evolution
1. Evolution through natural selection is not _______________.
2. Show how convergent, divergent and adaptive radiation differ.
3. Give an example of Co-evolution.
4. How many major extinctions have there been?
5. How is punctuated equilibrium different from gradualism?
Adaptive Radiation